Chapter 81 I finally want to meet
"Dr. Nuoli wants to see me?" Fan Yan couldn't believe it when he heard this.

The last time he appeared in the laboratory like that, and he didn't explain to the doctor, he thought he would be regarded as a bad person, but if he was regarded as a bad person, it would not be so polite to invite him today.

Karl's polite attitude made Fan Yan believe that they really wanted to invite him to meet, rather than arrest him.

"Yes, the doctor really wants to see you. I wonder if it's convenient for you to come with me?"


Fan Yan readily accepted to go together, and looked back before leaving.

Locke made an OK gesture from the small glass, reassuring Fan Yan that he will take care of the house when he goes out.

Carl happily ran to open the door, and Fan Yan got into the car with mixed feelings.

After driving out of Honghe City, the car headed towards Zonglang Mountain.

Fan Yan was obviously in a good mood when he thought of meeting the doctor. He was still thinking about how to get close to the doctor so that he would not be suspected, but he didn't expect the doctor to take the initiative to find him.

Karl was also surprised that Fan Yan would be so straightforward, and chatted with Fan Yan for a long time on the way.

Fan Yan took a serious look at Carl's face on the way in the car, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. He always felt that he had seen this face before when he sneaked into the laboratory.

Carl is talkative, one topic after another, and he forgets to ask questions about his appearance after being diverted from the topic.

The two chatted all the way to Zonglang Mountain, and Fan Yan learned a lot about the various places in Dongxing District.

Soon the car drove into a villa near Zonglang Mountain.

The villa is quaint and ancient, maintaining the original landscape, and making some rectifications on this basis, you can feel the feeling of being environmentally friendly as soon as you enter.

Birds were singing and flowers were fragrant everywhere, there were very few people walking around, and the silence made people feel an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

"this way please."

Carl led the way and brought Fan Yan to a quiet attic.

Fan Yan was watching the scenery all the way, and he was fascinated by it. The environment in Dongxing District became extremely harsh at the time he was born, and with the influence of madness, even the air could not be inhaled casually, and people had to wear masks when going out. Purifier, he has never seen such a landscape.

Comparing the environment of this era and the future world, he is more interested in the environmental restoration technology developed by Dr. Hu Duo.

Walking through the promenade, bypassing the rockery, I soon came to an attic. The attic is surrounded by mountains and rivers. On the second floor, you can see the scenery of the pool.

Karl knocked on the door first to let him in, and then came out to invite Fan Yan in.

After Fan Yan entered, Karl closed the door tactfully and went downstairs to wait.

"You're here, sit down."

The doctor warmly greeted Fan Yan to sit down. Although a half mask was pinned to his face, it did not affect his benevolence and temperament.

Fan Yan saw Dr. Nuoli again, feeling a little complicated, so he walked over quickly and sat down.

The doctor is different from his grandfather, who was also kind to him, but he was not easy to mess with when he was young, while the doctor was as kind when he was young as when he was old.

"You're hungry, let's order something to eat first."

The doctor gave Fan Yan the menu to order, but did not start any topic related to business.

Fan Yan glanced politely. He hadn't tried many dishes before, and only saw one familiar dish. "I'll just order snow mountain iced vegetables, and you can order the rest."

The doctor was obviously stunned for a few seconds when he heard the snow mountain iced vegetables, looked at Fan Yan indistinctly, and then ordered a few dishes himself.

While waiting for the food to be served, the doctor kept exchanging pleasantries, always talking about irrelevant topics.

Fan Yan has also been cooperating with the response, and no one has taken the first step to enter the theme.

After a while, people came in one after another to serve food.

The iced vegetables from the snow mountain were placed in front of Fan Yan, and he habitually changed the position of the vegetables to be in front of the doctor.

Seeing this action, the doctor immediately sensed that Fan Yan knew that he liked snow mountain ice vegetables, and his expression became more subtle.

After the person who served the food went out, he finally spoke first, "Do you know me?"

When Fan Yan heard such a direct question, he didn't know whether he should answer it truthfully. After all, such things as traveling through time and space are unbelievable in the future world, and it may be even more difficult to believe in this age.

Seeing that Fan Yan was hesitating, the doctor continued, "It feels like you've known me for a long time, and you know me quite well. You must know me, right?"

Fan Yan nodded after being silent for a while, and admitted frankly, "Yes."

"But why do I have no impression of you at all?" The doctor heard the affirmative answer, and his thoughts began to become confused again.

He was already racking his brains to recall all the people he had met before, but he couldn't remember anything related to Fan Yan, "Where did we meet?"

Fan Yan took a sip while holding the water glass, and after a few seconds of silence, he told the truth, "The future."

"The future?" Hearing such an unexpected answer, the doctor dropped the spoon in his hand to the plate with a thud, "You said it was in the future? The future of the past future? Or is the future a place name?"

"In the future of the past and the future, you saved me and raised me in the future Caves. In 2180, the East Star District was facing the crisis of destruction. You sent me back to 2160 with a teleportation pod to eliminate the villains, but because of the teleportation Mistake, I came to 2140."

Fan Yan told the doctor all the real situation, even if it was difficult to accept for a while, but he believed that the doctor would believe his words.

"Wait, wait, let me digest it first, 2140, 2160, 2180..."

When the doctor heard such important news, his mind was confused for a while. He drank a glass of water and took care of the time relationship. "So you came back from 2180, which is 40 years later. At that time, I was about 60 years old. , you are about 20 years old now, that is, I met you when I was about 40 years old, no wonder I have no impression at all."

Fan Yan didn't expect the doctor to accept it so quickly, "I came back from the future, do you believe it?"

"Believe it! Why don't you believe it?" The doctor asked seriously, "Which researcher would never think of making a time machine to travel through time and space, and you are so familiar with Guangli Lab, knowing that I am being watched by the East Star Center?" They also helped me divert firepower, except for people who came back from the future, I really can’t think of anyone who would help me like this.”

The doctor doesn't think that space-time travel is a fantasy. After all, he often has the idea of ​​making a time-space machine when he does something he regrets. It is not incredible that he will make a time-space transmission device in the future.

When Fan Yan heard this, he felt much relieved, and the doctor also asked about the future, and he also looked melancholy when he learned that the future was miserable.

"I didn't expect the future to be so miserable, but those people in the East Star Center can't be replaced and changed, and such a future seems to be foreseeable."

"How to say?"

"Don't look at the East Star District that looks pretty good now, but the main resources are controlled by the East Star Center, and it is said that they are still doing a very advanced experiment, and no one can say what the consequences of that experiment will be. To be sure, it will become like that in just 40 years, most of it has something to do with the things developed by those people in Dongxing Center."

(End of this chapter)

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