Technology dominance: starting from raising villains

Chapter 312 The biggest behind-the-scenes

The girl had seen that ring for many years, and only now did she realize that the ring on his neck was the same pair as the one he was wearing.

He never forgot the stake, nor changed his mind because she became a gene human.

On the day the ring was worn, the boy took her to a place full of flowers.

That place has been carefully maintained for many years, and now it is as beautiful as the world in a fairy tale.

Not far away is a retro building with a dome, with a huge plaque hanging at the door, with the word palace written in children's handwriting.

He led her into the hall and performed a simple ceremony, fulfilling the original agreement.

The girl cheered up again that day, and for the sake of their future, she finally found a way to hide the genetic traits in the second year.

She and the original batch of genetic people can finally live like normal people.

But the good times didn't last long. Not long after they returned to real life as normal people, the girl was once again targeted by the genetic human research team.

Her invisible features and self-controllable aggression are the final state of their research on genetic humans.

The girl was arrested, the boy and other genetic people entered the research team, and the girl's body has been integrated into the control drug they developed.

After being rescued, the girl's aggressiveness, which had been controlled for many years, began to get out of control from time to time, but while getting out of control, her characteristics obviously degenerated.

The girl sees the possibility of the antidote in herself, and develops the antidote while her rationality is still there.

During the period, the girl was pregnant, and when the antidote was made in the second year, a little boy was left, who died soon after.

The boy returned to East Star with great grief to find his father-in-law, Ansi Aiya, who insisted on staying in East Star.

Ansi Aiya saw the lack of luster in the boy's eyes who returned, and knew that her daughter must not have survived.

The last message she sent him was one of gratitude, and at that time he had realized that his precious girl had reached her limit.

The boys knelt before Ansia and handed their son to him.

Ansi Aiya saw his next plan from the boy's stagnant eyes, so he took off his Z necklace and put it on for him.

"From now on, you are the new Father Z, go."

Ansi Aiya handed over the entire family Z to the boy, and then beckoned to his left and right hands.

"Lock, Shi Yin, you two should follow along."

Ansi Aiya has also endured unbearable pain over the years. His wife and daughter have passed away one after another, his friends have been charged with crimes and cannot see each other again, his best friend’s family has suffered catastrophe, and people around him have left him one by one. And, how could he not hate.

He hated both the East Star District and the Main Heart City, but the time was not yet ripe. When the time came, he wanted the entire East Star Center to be buried with him.

After sending the boy away, Ansi Aiya concentrated on raising his grandson.

The first year of raising her was safe and sound, but from the second year, her little grandson became very aggressive. Ansi Aiya accidentally discovered that a certain ore from Kafusi could suppress the aggression of her little grandson, so he moved to Kafu Division life.

He lives an ordinary and low-key life, but secretly has dangerous plans.

Lin Tu's bad news dealt a fatal blow to Du Huatong. Since then, Du Hua has been targeting Dongxing Center everywhere like crazy.

Ansi Aiya has worked with Lin Tu for so long and has been exposed to many incidents. Knowing that the victims of many incidents are hostile to Dongxing Center, he asked Du Huatong to call them together.

Ansi Aiya was the first to focus on Fei Ya. His economic strength could exert a control effect on the East Star District, and he also knew from Fei Ya's actions to suppress the five major groups that he was dealing with the East Star Center.

After that, more victims of the incident were summoned to form the Dark Emperor Group, and he made the most complete deployment for Du Huatong to issue and execute.

The East Star Center has been dead for so many years and consumed too many resources. After the Fan family incident, many bigwigs withdrew from the East Star District. The economy of the East Star District suddenly collapsed. The Dark Emperor Group took advantage of the situation to pursue and control the economic lifeline.

In order to make a comeback, Dongxing Center bought the fire meteorite that destroyed Fanjiacheng at a high price from Zhuxincheng, hoping to eliminate the threat.

Unexpectedly, one of the researchers mastered this technology and was poached by Du Huatong.

The Flame Stone that Ke Jue took away has since become a nightmare for the entire East Star District.

The battle between the Dark Emperor Group and the East Star caused the entire East Star District to fall into chaos. As more and more people evacuated, the East Star District became more and more dilapidated.

Eric released the mad patient hidden in the center of the East Star, causing the East Star District to completely become a disaster.

Ansi Aiya silently watched the fall of the East Star District in Kafusi, and at the same time took care of his grandson who grew up and became more aggressive.

He discovered that the Kloza element could alleviate his grandson's condition, but at the time all they had was limited to elemental extraction.

In order to completely suppress the aggressiveness of his grandson, Ansi Aiya used the Kloza element on himself, and then transferred the Kloza in his body to his grandson through a blood exchange.

The long-term exchange of blood also broke Ansi Aiya's body. Since his grandson was sensible, he knew that his grandfather was not in good health. At that time, Kavers' madness was common.

The naive grandson thought that his grandfather was also suffering from madness, so he often went out secretly to find medicine.

But he didn't know that he was the one who was really "sick".

On his way out to find medicine, Ansi Yaya suddenly fell ill, failed to survive, and bid farewell to the world before his grandson returned home.

On the other side, the boy took away members of Family Z and dispatched them to various parts of the world to continue his previously shelved research in secret.

He took the antidote left by the girl before she died, entered the space-time capsule and went back to the past, changing the historical trend of that time-space.

He thought that changing the girl's decision back then would change history, but he didn't expect the girl to stay quietly in the forest after returning to this world after many years.

At that time, he realized that going back to the past time and space cannot change any direction of the future time and space.

Knowing even more that his father's return to the past time and space cannot change what happened to him in this time and space.

In the end, he also faced reality, facing the world that left him scarred.

Back in the real world, the boy found that the East Star District had been completely reduced to a disaster. Only then did he understand the reason why his father-in-law insisted on staying in the East Star District, but he didn't expect to go to East Star to find someone but only found his father-in-law's grave.

He learned from the relic diary that Ansi Aiya's health was getting worse and worse, and his time was running out, and his son's name was still on the tombstone.

The boy thought his child followed him, and after leaving Dongxing, he returned to the forest to continue the girl's unfinished research, and never appeared again.

Years later, when one of his men brought him a photo that looked like his father-in-law when he was young, the boy realized that his child was still alive.

And found that his child has been living in the East Star District, learned that KT330
To start, he stopped immediately.

Memories of the past flashed, and the flight cabin was over the East Star.

Fan Siye slowly opened his eyes, and his thoughts returned to reality.

At the same time, Fan Yan, who was unconscious after fighting Herba, woke up in the room.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt sore all over, and got up groggyly.

I saw myself in the mirror.

There are a pair of snow-white wolf ears on the head, and there is a wolf tail behind it.

Seeing himself like this, Fan Yan was stunned for a long time.


An unacceptable cry pierced the morning, followed by the sound of a mirror shattering.

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