Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 362 The Secret War

Chapter 362 The Secret War

The Malaya Archipelago, the largest archipelago in the world, is dotted with more than 2 islands. It belongs to the tropical rainforest climate and tropical monsoon climate, and is hot and rainy all year round.

"Boss Smith, long time no see!" The guy in beach shorts waved excitedly at the man who just got off the private jet.

Smith responded to the young man's welcome with a smile.

As soon as he stepped out of the plane, he faced the refreshing wind, the blue sky and sea, the leisurely clouds, and the shadows of trees fluctuating in the wind in the distance.

After an absence of more than ten years, he returned to this small island as a safe house alone.

Everyone in the Presbyterian Church has no less than dozens of safe houses across the country, and they don't know each other. Even Fu Jin may not know where these "safe houses" are.

Smith hasn't been back for more than ten years. If it weren't for the unexpected situation, he should still be staying in France now, dealing with the mess left over from last month.

He walked along the handrail to the top floor, leaning on the railing, even the air was filled with the long-lost Southeast Asian island atmosphere, as if it had the sweetness of coconut fragrance and the mellowness of coffee.

The sky is as clear as a mirror, and after the fog gradually dissipates in the distance, the golden sunlight slantly falls into the buildings on the island. The sun slowly advances, and the shadow of the city is stretched obliquely. The tree stood tall and straight, and the people on the island walked out of the house with a smile in the morning light...

Smith sighed slightly.

He hasn't been back for more than ten years, and the island seems to be the same as before. It's nothing more than young people getting old and young children growing up. State-of-the-art buildings make no difference.

Everything on this island is "captive" by Smith.

Everything on the island belongs to Smith personally, including these ordinary people who are employed by Smith's industries in various ways.

Some guy resigned to the other's arms, but flipped from Smith's left hand to his right.

He raised these human beings, watched them grow from babbling to getting married, from prime of life to old age, from birth to death, and he was still not old, but interspersed in their lives with different identities one after another. , playing different roles.

The more he plays, the more he feels that he understands human beings.

As for why there was such a boring move, Smith thought about it for a long time, but the final answer was still the word "boring".

They have no interest in conquering the world, and wealth and wealth are at their fingertips. Sometimes it is really boring to think about living. If Edjo's plan is not still supporting them, maybe Smith will choose to die.

Smith bent down slowly, holding the fence with both hands, looking at the people hurrying down the mountain like an ant colony, and the blue undulating coastline farther away, and the blue sky and white clouds between the wings of seabirds.

I heard that the birth point chosen by His Majesty for himself is in a small town in the south of China, where you can't see the sea, nor can you see such a blue sky.

He has been to China. China’s buildings are always row upon row, connected to each other. In the bustling city, you can’t see the sky, because the mirror-like bright buildings will reflect the sunlight, dazzling white, but you can see it in the sparsely populated villages. In the vast, blue and white sky, there are also large golden flower fields, and fireflies dance in the fields under the night sky.

After hearing about this incident at that time, Smith thought in his heart how much His Majesty couldn't bear to think about it, so he chose to be born in that small town.

Is it to avoid them all?Or is there anyone in that city worth nostalgic for?

But they cleaned up the past of His Majesty's life before his awakening, as well as the ugly faces of those ridiculous human beings who didn't know what to do and who made progress, and they couldn't find anything worthy of His Majesty's nostalgia.

Smith looked at the sky where the seabirds passed by, feeling a little lost.

What exactly is His Majesty looking for?

Is it the old-fashioned green leather mailbox downstairs in the community with newspapers inserted and occasionally a postcard from the so-called "parents"?

Or is it the paulownia path leading to the Internet cafe that is always shady and shady?
Or the campus couple who quietly walked in and out under the incandescent lights in the classroom?
Or is it the rooftop where you can always see the endless traffic flow of the viaduct in the distance, and you can enjoy the wind, the sky and the different smells of the city from spring to autumn?

So far, Smith still hasn't been able to figure it out, just like he never understands why these human beings in his captivity have only a short few decades of spring, autumn, cold and heat, but they can always soak in the laughter in their lives, and they can also live in their lives before they die. He closed his eyes contentedly.

Human beings are too complicated.

His Majesty is more complicated.

Smith accepted without surprise that they never really knew the truth about His Majesty.

They don't know what the man who sat on the throne in those years longed for, because he never told them his desires.

He thought he could understand His Majesty by understanding humans, but in fact he still hasn't been able to fully understand humans.

Smith suddenly raised his head, his eyes were sharper than a falcon, enough to penetrate more than ten miles away, the familiar and unfriendly atmosphere was invading the island that belonged to him.

He has plenty of time to choose to escape, or prepare to fight to the death.

But he did nothing in the end. After a long silence, he turned and walked into the bustling crowd of the town below.

He hasn't been here for a long time, and it's rare to come here. He always wants to meet those "friends" who are growing up or are already old.

"Mr. Smith, good morning!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Smith!"

"Mr. Smith, my son is married, and it's a pity I couldn't invite you to attend!"

"Hi, Mr. Smith, do you remember me?"


All kinds of warm greetings came one after another.

Smith greeted these acquaintances very patiently. He said goodbye to each warm acquaintance, and finally walked into a local specialty store.

"Hi, Mr. Smith!" The boss came out in disbelief and exclaimed, "Long time no see!"

"Yes, long time no see." Smith sighed softly and hugged the boss, "What specialties do we have here?"

"Do you want to give it to a friend?" The boss introduced enthusiastically, "Our white coffee, mango durian and so on are very famous here. If you want to send a girl, you may also consider our special batik cloth. I have friends who have said a lot. Foreign girls like our special style of batik, and it is said that tin products are also very popular.”

Smith rubbed his chin and pondered: "Then pack two copies of each for me, I want the best, you know that."

"Of course!" the boss laughed loudly. "On this island, who doesn't know Mr. Smith's name! Shall I arrange it for you and deliver it to your home?"

"No, no, no." Smith shook his fingers, "Directly help me arrange an international express delivery, the address is here, and bring me a greeting letter."

"No problem, did you also specify the content of the letter?" The boss took a note from Smith.

Smith thought for a while and said, "Do you have a pen and paper here?"

"A postcard and a ballpoint pen are all right?"

"Pick the one with the best view."

"As you wish, my Master Smith." The boss humorously selected the best postcard, handed it to him, leaned over his head and asked curiously, "What are you going to write?"

"That's exactly what I'm hesitating about." Smith raised his eyebrows.

"Is that friend on good terms with you?" the boss asked.

"Well, it's not very good, he may not remember me anymore." Smith smiled regretfully.

"Ah... Is that so?" The boss scratched his head, "How about writing something about your past, maybe it can bring back the memory of the other party."

"The past..." Smith murmured, "It's not good to remember, let's change to something else, ah, I thought of it."

He seemed to think of something and suddenly smiled. The boss was taken aback, and said sincerely: "Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I still want to say that I haven't seen you smile like this for a long time."

Smith didn't care, he bowed his head and wrote a short sentence, and then handed the postcard to the boss.

"Please put this postcard in for me and send it to my friend together."

When Smith uttered the last two words, he paused for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and instead smiled narrowly.

"Of course no problem." The boss took the postcard, but just lowered his head, and when he looked up again, Smith had disappeared.

He chased out the door of the store and looked left and right. There were laughing children holding balloons running on both sides of the street, and a girl on a bicycle wearing a white skirt that reached her knees, but he couldn't find Mr. Smith.

It was as if he came quietly and left quietly, the small town on this island has long been used to his absence.


On the sea more than ten miles away from the island.

Smith walked on the condensed ice, looked up at the old man who didn't know whether to call him "the old man" in mid-air.

"Why don't you try to escape?" asked the man from afar.

"No need, I'm tired of living." Smith said lightly, "Besides, can you really kill me completely? It's nothing more than hundreds of years of deep sleep."

Frixis said indifferently: "I don't need to really kill you, and I don't have the patience to find where your eggs are."

"What, prepare to clear the field?" Smith sneered, "Kill us, what do you get, a battlefield where no one disturbs you? But even if you don't do this, no one will disturb you to challenge him for the second time." .”

Frixis' eyes fell on the island town more than ten miles away, and he suddenly said, "In the past few hundred years, has your so-called research project on human beings succeeded? Do you understand what you want?" Do you understand humans?"

"What's the matter, does Frissis, who is supreme in blood, also care about the ants who blaspheme the dragon's blood?" Smith chuckled.

"It seems that even if you don't understand it, you have learned at least three points of the tongue." Frixis sighed softly, "Smith, let me ask again, will you stand by my side this time?"

Smith was in no hurry to answer him.

He slowly took off the sunglasses pinned to his chest, put them on, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, I don't serve anyone, this world is up to you, and I'll come back in a few hundred years to see who is the final winner .”



France, airport.

At this moment, the entrance of the private airport has been occupied by the staff of XE Company, and they are preparing to welcome Amir experts from India to visit the company for guidance.

Mr. Amir, as an authoritative expert in related fields, has a total of more than 400 patents in his lifetime, which has a profound impact on the long-term development of the company...


The loud noise of the explosion overturned the long-awaited representatives of XE even though they were separated by hundreds of kilometers. They looked up in disbelief, looking at the fireball exploding in the air. Just died in a ridiculous air crash!
Oh, God!



Crowds of police cars passed by on the street with sirens blaring.

Today, the Brazilian police have just uncovered and thwarted a terrorist attack. A businessman from the state of Pará in northern Brazil was dissatisfied with the then president and drove to the presidential palace with large-caliber weapons and explosive devices.

Fortunately, the Brazilian police cracked the disaster in time.

The chief of the police department is listening to the praise from the presidential palace with a happy face, and keeps declaring loudly that he will interrogate him strictly to find out the real culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible.

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden busy tone from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, sir? Can you hear..."

The explosion outside the window instantly shattered the glass of the police station!
The sound of the explosion spread infinitely, and Mr. Director looked at the direction of the explosion in disbelief, which was the direction of the Presidential Palace...

"Sir...can you still hear me?" Mr. Director murmured.



"I see, I will notify the Patriarch, and you must ensure the safety of the scene."

Sakura put down the phone, walked out of the office quickly, walked up to the top floor, and came to the side of Yuan Zhisheng who was blowing on the roof.

"I don't know how Zhinv and the others are doing well in China." Yuan Zhisheng sighed lightly. As for Eri, he didn't believe that a guy named Lu dared to make Eri unhappy.

"My lord, something has happened!" Sakura didn't answer, but said in a solemn tone.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned, realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Since the Baiwang incident, although the Snake Eight Family has lost some prestige in the underworld because of the Herzog incident, thanks to the return of the fierce ghosts, the family power has generally shown a sharp upward trend. His control has not fallen but risen, once belonged to the territory of the fierce ghosts, and now it is officially belonged to the family.

The family once again reproduced the great situation of dominating the underworld in the past.

In this case, everything should be under the control of the family.

"The young president of the Inagawa Club has just returned to China, and he was found dead in the hotel just now." Sakura said solemnly, "The scene is like a big war, we have sealed off the scene, you can always go."

"Inagawa Club?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

As a veteran underworld organization in Japan, the Inagawa Club has always been an important pillar for the Saki Eight Clans to control the Japanese underworld. Their young president had an accident in Tokyo...

"Aren't there any witnesses?"

"No, it's very weird. The scene was obviously tragic as if it had been through a war, but there were no witnesses, and no one even heard any suspicious noises."

"I see, I will give priority to appeasing the senior management of the Inagawa Association, and I will personally meet their president."

(End of this chapter)

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