Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 310 The best candidate

Chapter 310 The best candidate

Bradley, vice president of the freshman fraternity, Chilan's good brother.

When Lu Mingfei was taking the 3E exam, Bradley was the first to talk to him, and also the first to invite him to join the Freshman Club.

In addition, in the doomsday scene of the last life, Qilan formed an organization called "Salvation Society" with the help of Word Spirit Prophet.

The original intention of this organization was to save the world, and according to Qilan's prophecy, Lu Mingfei is the key to saving the world.

Bradley is the second-in-command of this organization. After Qilan died due to excessive use of speech, he insisted on carrying out Qilan's last words and led a group of people to unconditionally support all Lu Mingfei's actions.


The only sound left in the helicopter was the roar of the propellers.

Lu Mingfei rummaged through the cardboard box and found all the letters from Bradley. Unfortunately, including the previous one, there were only four in total.

The later the letter, the simpler the content, and the more scribbled the handwriting. You can almost feel the panic of the person concerned from the handwriting.

The second letter is from the end of May.

"... Lu, I'm very disturbed. I feel that someone has been following me along the way. You know, my anti-reconnaissance class is [-]%, but I can't find the location of that person. I even think it's me. The illusion of..."

"Lu, I went to Qilan's hometown and met his parents, but they all said that Qilan hadn't been home since last year..."

"...The warning left in that corner makes me very uneasy. I can't just give up on Qilan. If even I give up on him, no one in this world will really go looking for him."

"Lu, I hope that if even I disappear, you can try to find us..."


The third letter is from mid-June.

The handwriting became more and more illegible, and the content was only two simple sentences.

"Lu, I thought of a place, the mental hospital where Qilan and I once stayed!"

"I'll have a look there next time."


The fourth letter is from early July.

This time it was just three sentences.

"Lu, I'm not sure whether this letter can be delivered to you, but at least the way I chose to write the letter before is correct."

"Don't trust 'Kiran,' and don't trust anything 'I' says."

"Lu, nice to meet you."


Lu Mingfei gently closed the letter paper, turned to look at the man who handed him the cardboard box: "Have you read these letters?"

The hunky man from the school engineering department scratched his head and said, "Student Lu, we are absolutely professional and will not pry into any privacy of students."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a while, and said softly: "But this time, I wish you were not professional at all."

Under the man's blank gaze, Lu Mingfei took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Erika noticed the sinking mood of the boy beside her, she turned her head and gently held his hand, trying to express that she would always be by his side in this way.

Lu Mingfei squeezed Eliyi's hand and forced a smile.

"Hey, boss, what are your orders tonight?" The little devil's cheerful voice rang from the phone.

Lu Mingfei asked directly: "Do you know about Qilan and Bradley?"

Lu Mingze on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a relaxed tone: "This matter, fishing, you have to throw some bait. I declare in advance that this has nothing to do with me. I paid attention to it a while ago. The whole episode is in Tokyo, and your friend Qilan is also a strange person, after all, he has a strange name, he seems to have seen some kind of future, and he took the initiative to attack, and when I found out, it was already too late, so I had no choice but to follow suit."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I don't have many friends, just a few, promise me, don't use my friends to make arrangements, even if you want to make arrangements, you must be cautious."

Lu Mingze's voice was a bit serious: "I promise you."

"Qilan's speech spirit is [Prophet], what exactly did he see?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's hard for you to stop me. I'm the roundworm in your stomach, not his." Lu Mingze wondered.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched: "Since you are fishing, who is it? The Council of Elders? Or Odin?"

"Brother, haven't you ever caught fish?" Lu Mingze asked in a strange tone, "When you throw your hook into the water, it doesn't matter what you want to catch, because no one knows which fish will be hooked. Unless there is only one fish in this fish pond, but unfortunately, the water is very deep and there are many fish."

"Where are Chilan and Bradley now?"

"Qilan should be in Egypt. As for Bradley, I'm not very clear."

"Even you don't know?"

"It's a shortage of manpower. Some time ago, I had to stare at Tokyo and the Arctic Circle. When I have time, your Bradley has disappeared." Lu Mingze said helplessly, "He is also eliminating himself. He seems to feel that someone is following him."

"Inform me if you have any news about him." Lu Mingfei sighed, "I didn't expect them to be the first to have an accident."

"Got it! Brother, if you're okay, I'll hang up. I'm busy."

"What are you busy with?" Lu Mingfei asked in surprise.

"What do you think, with such a big power, I have to take care of everything." Lu Mingze said seriously, "How about you help me, brother?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned and said, "Aren't you going to shake off the shopkeeper? Aren't the three of them doing all the work?"

"You misunderstood me too much." Lu Mingze said with deep pain in his tone, before he could reply, "Stop talking, I'm going to work."

Vaguely, Lu Mingfei heard a noisy voice from the other end of the phone, like a bar or a nightclub...



"Caesar back to school?" Frost looked back at the waiter.

"Yes, the young master has gone back." The waiter replied respectfully.

Frost stood in front of the window in pajamas, and said after a while, "Did he leave anything?"

"The young master didn't say anything."

"You didn't say anything?" Frost sighed, "Are you angry with the family?"

"Your Excellency Frost, the old people want to see you." The waiter said respectfully.

"See me?" Frost was stunned for a moment, "At this time?"


"I change clothes." He pondered.

Frost put on his formal clothes and strode out the door. He couldn't keep the ancestors waiting for too long. He suddenly remembered something and stopped on the trail.

"By the way, haven't Patriarch and Passy come back yet?"

"There is no news yet, they are still in XZ."

Frost frowned. He could understand that Pompey stayed in XZ. After all, he wanted to join his damned double order, but why did Percy stay in XZ and never come back?
Ten minutes later, in an elegant and ancient monastery, the hall was filled with moonlight, and the old people were dressed in soft, ancient Roman-style white robes, with kind eyebrows and the dignity of the elders.

Frost saluted the ancestors present in turn with respect.

"Frost, you have done a good job these years. When Pompeii quit, you continued the glory of the Gattuso family." The leader said slowly.

"This is what juniors should do." Frost replied with a smile, and then hesitantly said, "As for that Pompeii guy...in fact, he is also contributing to the family."

The old people looked at each other with twinkling eyes.

"You don't need to speak for him. Although we are sleeping most of the time, we know who is the hero of the family." The headed old man smiled, and then said softly,
"Frost, the 'Star of Caesar' is back."

Frost looked stern, and said with fiery eyes: "Yes, it's back! The predictions of the elders were not wrong!"

"It's time to ascend the throne." The old man said quietly, "But our prince still hasn't returned to the family."

Frost's heart jumped, and he quickly said: "Caesar still has some prejudice against the family, but he will eventually return to the embrace of the family."

The old man shook his head and said: "You are worried about the wrong place, Frost, we can't change people, Caesar is the only one, no one can replace him, what we worry about is his perception of the family, as you said, he will eventually Will return to the embrace of the family, but we hope that this time will be as soon as possible."

Frost was silent.

He firmly believes that Caesar will eventually understand that the family loves him, and love can dissolve all hatred, so one day Caesar will eventually return to the embrace of the family.

And the reason why he believed so firmly was because he really loved Caesar.

From childhood to adulthood, he was the one who watched Caesar grow up. Pompey only appeared on Caesar’s birthday. Gullweger also died when Caesar was a teenager. On the one hand, he has to find time to care about Caesar's growth, and his love for Caesar will never be less than anyone else.

But how long will it take for Caesar to accept his love with his family?
Frost himself wasn't sure.

"... Everything about Caesar is bestowed by the family, so he will inevitably return to the embrace of the family, but we hope to minimize this process, because there is a mistake in the prophecy, the prophecy will come earlier, we have not changed More time is left for Caesar."

The old man said slowly, looking at Frost expectantly, "You have been doing it perfectly all these years, and we hope that this time you can also perfectly make Caesar realize that the family loves him."

Frost frowned and said in thought: "Caesar cares about that girl named Chen Motong very much. She is also the wife chosen by the family for him. Of course he doesn't know about it. Maybe we can start from this aspect."

"Chen Motong?" The old people looked at each other, "Where is she now?"

"She disappeared in the Arctic Circle." Frost smiled wryly. "Part of the purpose of Caesar's return this time is to hope that we can send people to the Arctic Circle to search for Chen Motong."

"You agree?"

"Of course I agree. Not doing this kind of thing will only push Caesar to the opposite of us." Frost said without hesitation.

"Your choice is correct." The old people nodded one by one, "We support you to start with this girl, but you have to understand that we can condone other things, but reproduction is the most important thing in the family, and it is also a family inheritance." The responsibility of the bride. Our bride must not be polluted! She must be fresh, pure, and faithful!"

"Understood!" Frost said decisively.

But he quickly hesitated: "If it is said that the bride is polluted, then do we have to say no to Caesar?"

"Frost, your way of handling things still needs to be improved." The head old man said slowly, "We won't tell Caesar like this, Caesar doesn't need to know anything, as long as Chen Motong disappears from this world , time heals everything, including emotional wounds. It will take a little time to prepare a new fiancée for Caesar, but it is better than risking a polluted woman as his bride."

Frost frowned, lowered his head and said that the junior was educated.

A few minutes later, Frost left.

But the twelve elders present did not return to the cryogenic chamber to lie down.

The marble floor in the monastery is so bright that it reflects their shadows. They are like ancient sages, sitting on the still water, talking in low voices.

"Frost is very obedient, at least more obedient than Pompeii."

"But Pompeii is more useful to us, and Frost is not irreplaceable."

"If Frost is dead, then who will take care of our family's property all over the world? We can't do it ourselves."

"Let Pompeii come!"

"Are you sure Pompey will be obedient?"

"He will, he's always been the smartest one, knowing when to do something and when not to do it, just like he did when he killed his father in front of us."

"...Yes, he has always been the smartest kid, and the most ruthless."

"So, are we sure we want to sacrifice Frost?"

"Everything requires sacrifice, and sacrifice is to make the family great. Frost will understand us."

"Sacrificing Frost, let Caesar understand that the family loves him... This plan is not safe, Frost is not an actor."

"Of course he is not an actor, but he really loves Caesar from the bottom of his heart, so he doesn't need to act at all, everything is natural, so that Caesar can truly understand that the family loves him. He is the most suitable candidate. "


"It's decided."



After hanging up the phone, Lu Mingfei was a little silent. He gently held Erika's hand, staring at the bustling city below the cabin.

This kind of thing didn't happen in the last life, and what he was worried about before inevitably happened.

The development of things is beyond the original track.

What future did Qi Lan see that made him leave the academy at this point in time?
And his trip was obviously too hasty, too hasty to arrange properly, which put Bradley in the game.

The phone vibrates slightly.

There is a new text message.

"Go back to school?" - Chu Zihang.

Seeing the text message from his senior brother, Lu Mingfei immediately replied that they were already on their way.

"Okay, Xia Mi and I will go back tomorrow, we are expected to arrive at noon, let's have lunch together." - Chu Zihang.

Lu Mingfei thought for a while, then carefully replied: "See you in the cafeteria or in your dormitory? I don't want to see pork ribs and carrot soup again."

Originally, he was very happy to go to the senior brother's dormitory, disturb the two-person world of the young couple, and have a meal by the way, but ribs and radish soup at noon, and radish and ribs soup at night, who can stand it, he just fled and fled. Don't enter the door.

This time there was no new message from the other side for a long time, Lu Mingfei scrolled through the text messages boredly, and suddenly an unread text message came into view, and the sender was Xia Mi.

After reading the content of the text message, Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat, and he pondered for a while, his heart was probably cold, since he missed the text message and the provocation just now, it seems that his junior sister will die with him.

The phone vibrated.

"I just received the news that Caesar is coming back too. He treats guests. See you on the second floor of the cafeteria." ——Chu Zihang.

Lu Mingfei lamented senior brother, you are so confused, how could you run to the cafeteria when the boss treats guests!

(End of this chapter)

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