Dragon Clan: Reboot Life

Chapter 300 It was obviously me who came first

Chapter 300 It was obviously me who came first

Little three?

Jiu De Mai was speechless, slandering in his heart, could the three generations still have such an "elegant name"?

But in a flash, she looked at the man kneeling on the ground whose defense line had almost collapsed, and she was shocked beyond words.

Just one imprint broke the spiritual defense of a third-generation species in the air. Is it because the latter was seriously injured, or is this the inherent bloodline suppression in the dragon world?
She knows that pure-blooded dragons, such as the Dragon King, have an innate suppression of hybrids.

Under their tide-like majesty, mixed races with inferior bloodlines are not even qualified to stand.

But what about pure blood?
Both are pure blood, what is the difference between the second-generation species and the third-generation species?
Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is difficult for pure-bloods to reproduce the scene of mixed-bloods facing the Dragon King. After all, mixed-bloods with good enough blood can already face the Dragon King, let alone pure-blooded dragons.

At least before, Yermungandr did not show overwhelming dominance over the three generations.

Hmm... It refers to bloodlines, for example, a stare can make the latter silent like a cicada, obediently knowing everything, or forcing the other party to kneel down and kowtow loudly...

Thinking of this, Mai Tokuku not only did not feel relieved, but his mind became more and more heavy.

What level of monster is Lu Mingfei raised by the boss?

Black King Ned Hogg?But the boss clearly said that it was their enemy...

What worries her even more is that Lu Mingfei has long since escaped from the control of the boss. He was still a bad boy the year before last, but he has become unfamiliar since last summer vacation, and he has gradually become more customer-oriented in contact with them. Mingfei used to be a monster raised by them, so now at least the word "offer" should be added.

Feeding monster?

Maybe... maybe it's the god of enshrinement.

Jiu De Mai forced himself to be calm, but in fact it was not just Lu Mingfei. They still don't even know the real identity of the boss, and they would even take the initiative to avoid it in many cases, because they clearly know that guy is definitely not a mixed race...

But so what?
They have already bet everything on that man,
The gambler who puts everything on the table doesn't care who is sitting at the table.

As long as he can win.

Of course... some people don't even care about winning, just because it's him sitting there, they can suppress everything without any burden.

Chu Zihang didn't notice the unexpected visitor's distraction, but Xia Mi looked at the woman curiously.

"What's wrong with him?" Chu Zihang looked serious.

"Hmm... defense broken." Xia Mi nodded affirmatively.

"The reason?" Chu Zihang asked puzzled, "What did he see in my eyes?"

"Brother, do you know that many ferocious beasts in the natural world will use urine to mark their territories?" Xia Mi whispered.


Chu Zihang had no expression on his face. He understood, but he was not ready to continue thinking deeply.

"For example, tigers, lions..." Xia Mi wrung his fingers, as if he was not going to let him go.

"Can't you change the metaphor?" Chu Zihang interrupted him helplessly.

"You despise me? I haven't despised you yet!" Xia Mi widened his eyes and clenched his fists, "Damn it! I came first!"

For a moment Chu Zihang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, or to keep his face sullen and expressionless.

"But luckily I was on guard..." Xia Mi hummed softly.

"What were you talking about just now?" Chu Zihang asked in confusion.

"I said, senior brother, you have such a good vision that you can find such a high-quality girlfriend like me." Xia Mi grinned, showing two small canine teeth.

Chu Zihang stared at her fixedly, saying that he also discovered some strange things recently.

Last year, he obtained the so-called legacy of the Third Sun from Norns, and this alchemy tool whose real name was [Distant Utopia] also saved him more than once.

To drive [Utopia], what he needs to pay is spiritual power. In Odin's Nibelungen, he once experienced spiritual power that was close to concrete, but after leaving, he lost the part of tampering with the rules and Derived strength.

He originally thought that spiritual power was the source of energy for [Utopia] to activate.

But then he gradually discovered that this was wrong. Spiritual power was not the source of motivation for [Utopia], but the channel that maintained his connection with [Utopia].

After that, he began to meditate daily with [Utopia] in his arms, which was the advice Norns gave him.

In the latter words, the level of spiritual power depends on the height of the soul, and the essence of the soul is determined innately, just like a glass of water, the volume of the glass determines how much water it can hold, it is impossible for human beings to pass similar "cultivation "The way to improve one's upper limit, just like human beings can never rely on exercise to make themselves fly, unless with the help of external tools, such as paragliders, airplanes...

And [Utopia], the last secret key of the Third Sun Era, is his exoskeleton wings.

He embraced [Utopia] and meditated not to improve his spiritual power, but to deepen his bond with this secret key.

In the words of Norns, it is to reduce the rejection reaction, and eventually the human and sheath become one, reaching the point where you are in me and I am in you, and you don’t have to worry about the link channel anymore...

However, during this process, he noticed that his "perception" of the world became clearer and more real.

This feeling was also felt after he exploded with blood, as if God was floating in the air to observe the world, and the world became extraordinarily clear.

The essence of bursting blood is to instantly increase bloodline concentration through spiritual means.

After asking Xia Mi, he learned that his spiritual power had indeed grown a lot, which made him a little puzzled at first, and he raised this question after meeting Norns again.

Knowns looked at him strangely, and circled around him a few times with a serious look on his face, as if the situation was very serious and dangerous.

One minute later, the woman clapped her hands violently, expressing triumphantly with Kogoro Mori's deduction-like demeanor that she had found the reason, pointing to the truth——

You are not human!

No matter what happened before, this sentence still made Chu Zihang feel relieved.

Hybrids and humans are indeed two species, or creatures mixed with dragon blood have already begun to break the biological upper limit of the original race, and have begun to evolve towards the form of dragons.

Compared with human beings, the dragon race is really no different from the god race in a certain sense, and the road to ascension pointed to by Cui Yulu is indeed a road to conferring gods on the evolution of more perfect creatures.

As he gradually deepened his connection with [Utopia] and improved his spiritual power, he noticed something interesting.

The name of the secret key of the Third Sun Period is [Wall of Heart], and its essence is spiritual power. After touching this power, he accidentally entered his own spiritual world, and using this as a pedal, he entered a A more secretive world.

Maybe... it could be called the spirit world?

Chu Zihang didn't know how to name it, and he didn't tell anyone about it.

But deep in that world, he found a sleeping girl.

The girl was lying on her side on the soft lawn, her naked body covered with slender rays of light, she seemed to be having a good dream, her brows were stretched, her nose was long, and she was smiling.

Chu Zihang sat quietly beside the girl, looking up at the sun in the sky.

On that day, he guessed the truth why no one has ever found the Dragon King's eggs since ancient times.

Because the dragon king's egg can not only be an entity, but also be hidden in the soul of a certain creature.

It was also after that that he gradually began to cherish his life.



"Cough cough."

Mai Tokuku coughed beside him, interrupting the couple's daily routine of selling dog food.

"Both of you, if it's not convenient for you to deal with him, just leave him to me, and the nearby signal shielding will end after a while, there is no time to delay."

Chu Zihang pondered: "Which side are you on?"

"I mentioned it to you before, you just treat us as Lu Mingfei's side." Jiu De Mai shrugged.

"Okay, take me away." Chu Zihang said bluntly, "After more information comes out of the interrogation, I hope you can share it with us."

"Student is refreshing!" Jiude Mai gestured a thumbs up, untied a slender bronze chain from his slender waist, and quickly tied Ah Liu, who had lost the ability to resist, with his hands and feet.

Seeing this guy's horrific injuries, Jiude Mai pondered for a while, took out another injection, and injected a portion of dragon serum into his body to prevent this guy from dying on the way.

"These are for you." She threw out a few glass test tubes, and when Chu Zihang received them firmly in her hands, she added, "This is the goal of your mission this time. I took advantage of the chaos and searched for it. You can take it back so you can do business. .”

"Senior sister seems to understand our mission requirements very well." Chu Zihang's eyes moved slightly.

Mai Tokuro smiled brightly and said: "There is no way, after all, any important tasks in your executive department need to be approved by the school board."

Chu Zihang was stunned and lost his voice for a moment.

Originally, he just wanted to test the other party's roots, but the answer given by the other party was too shocking.

This group of people...

Are you a member of the school board? !

In other words, they have quietly reached into the school board?
Chu Zihang suddenly felt a chill.

As of now, the secret party may have already been invaded by the enemy.

How much has this huge and secretive organization that used to slay dragons and protect mankind been infiltrated after a long time has passed?

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon. There may be another translation for this sentence.

"Let's go!" Jiu De Mai quickly carried Ah Liu on his shoulders, and his figure quickly scattered into the water like a splash of ink, and disappeared at the door of the room.

Chu Zihang looked at the place where she disappeared, frowning in thought.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Xia Mi leaned forward and asked, "Ah San or the beautiful senior sister just now?"

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, and said, "I told you the story about my father earlier, do you still remember?"

"En." Xia Mi said softly, "Don't think too much about it. If uncle becomes Odin's puppet, there is still hope of being rescued. The puppet I killed just now is still alive."

"It doesn't mean this." Chu Zihang took a deep breath, "I've been wondering about one thing. When Dad met Odin, he expressed an unexpected familiarity. He didn't seem surprised by Odin's appearance, as if I have already made preparations for Odin to appear in front of me. I was thinking that if he had contacted Odin before that night, all these doubts would be solved, but through what channel did he contact Odin?"

He looked back into Xia Mi's eyes, and said in a low voice, "It wasn't until later that I learned that Odin was most likely behind the Hunter website!"

Xia Mi looked slightly startled: "So you've been looking for clues on Hunter Online all this time?"

"Yes. I've been browsing the hunter website for a while." Chu Zihang nodded, "I didn't find any relevant clues, but I found an interesting thing. Many tasks on the hunter forum are tit-for-tat .”


"For example, A recruits people to escort an item to a certain place, and B recruits people to intercept the goods."

"Uh, the website still allows this kind of vicious competition?"

"The release of the task will not be so obvious. It directly indicates that I want to recruit people to intercept the reward task on the first floor, but it can be roughly judged by the time and place." Chu Zihang said in a deep voice, "What surprised me the most is that there are This happened to several missions issued by the moderator."

"what do you mean?"

"The moderator can completely delete this kind of bounty, he is the only administrator, no one can compete with him on the website, unless he can't delete it!"

"Did the words of the third son just now give you inspiration?" Xia Mi asked.

"Yes, maybe we were wrong at the beginning. There are more than one group of people behind the Hunter website, and Odin is just one of them! The water involved in this website is deeper than we thought, and those opposing tasks are the games between these behind-the-scenes shareholders. , The disputes among the Dragon Clan have never stopped!"

"Brother, where are you going to start?" Xia Mi wrinkled his nose.

"When I return to school this time, I will meet Professor Schneider and Principal Angers."

Chu Zihang stretched out his hand to press the wireless earphones in his ears. The signal that was shielded nearby had begun to recover, and there was a rustling sound from the earphones. He finally said, "We still have to rely on Norma for things on the Internet."

"Hello? Chu Zihang, Xia Mi, can you hear me? Please reply!"

Professor Schneider's steady voice came.

"we are at."

"Just now there was a turbulent flow of elements around you, the signal was blocked, and we lost control of your side. How is the current situation?"

Chu Zihang glanced at Xia Mi, Xia Mi shook the dragon serum in his hand.

"There were some twists and turns on the way, the mission goal was achieved, and we are ready to return."

"Okay, return is allowed." Schneider paused, "Remember to write a mission report when you come back, and the board of directors needs to review it."


After cutting off contact, Chu Zihang nodded to Xia Mi and said, "The mission is over, let's go back to Chicago."

"Let's go! The next stop is Chicago Amusement Park." Xia Mi cheered.

"...Didn't you say that the amusement park is a place for children to go, and it can't satisfy you anymore?" Chu Zihang was stunned.

"You believe everything the girl says. Besides, I'm only 17 years old and a few dozen months old, and I'm not yet an adult." Xia Mi sighed, with his hands behind his back, and he hopped ahead, his ponytail rising and falling.



Schneider sat alone in the main control room.

"Norma, report the situation."

"Two unknown explosions occurred on the 'Monroe' cruise ship. The damage to the hull does not constitute a condition for sinking. One of the explosions occurred in the position of the high-level captain's cabin."

"The location of the captain's room?" Schneider frowned, "Is it possible that it is Chu Zihang's 【Jun Yan】?"

"It's possible. It needs to be confirmed with Chu Zihang himself."

Schneider nodded, "What about the other place?"

"On the floor where the auction was held, the cause is unknown, and the casualties are unknown." Norma's voice came from above.

"The enemy's goal is an item in the auction?" Schneider muttered to himself.

"Professor Schneider, there is an emergency that you need to deal with." Norma interrupted his meditation.

"Sudden accident?" Schneider frowned, but did not show surprise.

This is Kassel College, and there are emergencies every day. He is the teacher on duty who is responsible for handling these emergencies today. Originally, it was Guderian's turn today...

"Are you connected to the communication channel?" Norma asked.

"Go." Schneider said concisely, but his thoughts were still on the cruise ship and the auction.

"Report report report! I'm Enforcement Commissioner C657! We intercepted a smuggled plane over Peru and we found a dragon mummy in the cabin! Unidentified people are attacking us, they have hit us We are making an emergency landing, requesting support from the headquarters, requesting support from the headquarters!"

A hoarse voice broke the silence in the main control room.

Schneider raised his head abruptly, his gaze uncertain, a mummy of a dragon? !

"Fuck! This mummy is alive! Quick! Throw it out! Throw it to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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