My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 351 Organization Starts Action

Chapter 351 Organization Starts Action

Until the branch touched Bao Xuerong's forehead, Bao Xuerong still stood still, but his clothes were already wet with cold sweat.

Lao Shi withdrew and drifted back, softly said: "Young students, don't be too conceited."

Bao Xuerong didn't know until now that there is a god beyond the sky.

Seeing that Lao Shi didn't seem to intend to kill him, he was also surprised.

In Lao Shi's view, he is a complete villain, and he is the target of Lao Shi's hunting.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, if you turn your head and keep going, you can do it yourself." After Lao Shi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Bao Xuerong looked at Lao Shi's back with killing intent in his eyes.

He thought he was very powerful and no one in the world could be his opponent, but suddenly there was Lao Shi who used a tree branch as a sword and made him powerless to fight back with just one move.

As long as Lao Shi is alive, I believe his future life will never be easy.

At this moment, Lao Shi is very merciful to him. After preaching, he will definitely relax his vigilance.

Bao Xuerong clenched the knife in his hand, exerted force with his feet, and swiftly rushed towards Lao Shi like a light bird.

"I will never repent." Lao Shi shook his head lightly, and continued to walk forward.

But at the moment when Bao Xuerong was approaching, he turned around abruptly, and the branches passed quickly, bringing out a sword light as dazzling as the scorching sun.

It seemed that there was only one sword light, but there were actually countless ones, which fell on Bao Xuerong's body like a violent storm.

When Bao Xuerong fell to the ground, his consciousness was still clear, but his body could not move.

Lao Shi sighed softly: "You will die, but it won't be too easy. Be a good person in the next life."

Bao Xuerong wanted to speak, wanted to yell, but no sound could come out of his throat. He could only watch Lao Shi's back gradually move away until he disappeared.

Bao Xuerong didn't know how long he had been lying there, or even when he died.

Until someone passed by here and found Bao Xuerong's body, he showed kindness and buried him.

A few decades later, a sudden earthquake turned Bao Xuerong's body out.

There was an old man who had seen Bao Xuerong when he was young and recognized him immediately.

Judging by Bao Xuerong's appearance, he was still in his early thirties, so he probably died decades ago.

After so many years of death, the body is not rotten, which is very strange.

The old man wanted to bury Bao Xuerong's body again, but thought that the damaged body would have to be stitched up before it could be buried.

Bao Xuerong's body has not decomposed for many years, which is probably related to the lack of stitches.

The old man sent Bao Xuerong's body to the government, and the government immediately arranged for a body sewer.

During his lifetime, Bao Xuerong was a murderous monster, but after his death, he was very honest and never caused any trouble.

At this time, it has become popular to obtain exercises from corpses, and the "Tathagata Divine Art" practiced by Bao Xuerong is now lost, so some people secretly hid Bao Xuerong's corpse and studied it day and night.

After the ancient corpse became a valuable property, Bao Xuerong's corpse also changed owners several times, and finally fell into the hands of Wei Zhongxian.

After Wei Zhongxian rose to power, he tried every means to collect strange corpses from all over the world.

And those who want to curry favor with Wei Zhongxian will naturally find all kinds of ancient corpses to offer.

Bao Xuerong is well-known in the Jianghu. Even after more than a hundred years, many people still know him.

This includes Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian cherishes Bao Xuerong's corpse very much, and will study it whenever he has time.

Seeing that Wei Zhongxian would even take off Bao Xuerong's clothes, and then lay on Bao Xuerong's body, Yang Jiu felt his scalp tingle.

After a person dies, the body is still humiliated in this way. It is estimated that the soul sees it, and wishes to burn his body with a fire.

Wei Zhongxian's persistence has brought him great rewards.

When sleeping on Bao Xuerong's corpse, Wei Zhongxian had a very long dream.

After waking up from the dream, Wei Zhongxian found a pen and paper like crazy, and started to wave.

Not long after, he wrote a book of martial arts secrets, which was exactly the "Tathagata Magical Art" practiced by Bao Xuerong.

Wei Zhongxian, who had obtained the magic power, raised his head and smiled.

However, Wei Zhongxian is practicing "Sunflower Treasure" at this time, and does not plan to touch "Tathagata Magic" for the time being.

Wei Zhongxian wanted to kill Bao Xuerong's swordsmanship more than such evil skills as "Tathagata Divine Art".

Judging from the scars on Bao Xuerong's body, the person who killed Bao Xuerong had unbelievable sword skills, even if he was called "Sword God".

It's just that it's not easy to find that person's body.

Besides, Wei Zhongxian didn't even know who killed Bao Xuerong.

No one in the whole rivers and lakes knew about it.

This may become Wei Zhongxian's biggest regret in his life.

After reading Bao Xuerong's life, Yang Jiu couldn't calm down for a long time.

Lao Shi's martial arts were so high that even Yang Jiu felt terrified.

Obviously, although Yang Jiu is so strong, he is still incomparable to Lao Shi.

There is no end to martial arts, and it needs to be explored.

[Stitch 390 five corpses, and reward the host with "Tathagata Divine Art". 】

Yang Jiu was quite speechless, he was not interested in such evil skills.

If you get "Tathagata God's Palm", it's not bad.

It's a pity that Bao Xuerong only knows this evil skill, and he has practiced to the stage of transformation, and he can't even catch Lao Shi's move. It can be seen that the power of this evil skill is just like that.

If Lao Shi's body can be found and stitched up again, maybe the system will really reward Lao Shi's unique skills in life.

If the soul of an evil person like Bao Xuerong is still in this world, he must be a ghost.

Yang Jiu took out the "Book of Life and Death" and chose to eradicate it.

As a result, there was no response, which showed that Bao Xuerong's soul had long since passed away.

Yang Jiu then looked at another ancient corpse.

This ancient corpse was older, with a very long green beard, and his eyes were stabbed blind, but there were no other injuries on his body.

Judging by the bruises on his face, he probably died of poisoning.

The poison should have been quenched on the blade that blinded his eyes.

Yang Jiu can only get rewards from corpses by sewing them up.

Sleeping with the corpse like Wei Zhongxian, and then getting rewards through dreams, Yang Jiu can't do it.

After cutting off the corpse's neck, Yang Jiu lit incense and sewed it up.

Although I feel that doing this is not very respectful to the corpse, but in order to reward, respect or not is not so important.

The severed throat was not long and could be sewn up with a dozen stitches.

The "Book of Life and Death" then recorded the life of the corpse.

The corpse was named Qu Mingwen. He was lonely since he was a child, but he was diligent and studious, and gained fame through his own efforts.

At that time, the Great Wei Empire was first established, and when the court was employing people, Qu Mingwen naturally also got reused.

In addition to studying literature, Qu Mingwen is also good at martial arts.

But compared to his academic accomplishments, he has no talent in martial arts.

Qu Mingwen is diligent in government and loves the people. He is deeply loved by the people, and his official position is promoted very quickly.

Later, because he offended the founding hero, he was demoted to Nanhuang.

On the way to his post, he encountered bandits, not to mention his money was robbed, and his family members were also robbed by bandits up the mountain, where they were wantonly abused.

Qu Mingwen couldn't do anything, he could only watch from one side.

The wives and daughters in the family couldn't bear the humiliation in the end, and committed suicide one after another.

Qu Mingwen could also seek death, but he didn't because he wanted revenge.

Those bandits were quite conceited, they never planned to kill Qu Mingwen, they just let Qu Mingwen do dirty work in the cottage in handcuffs and shackles.

Qu Mingwen endured the humiliation and secretly watched those bandits practice martial arts, always believing that one day, he would be able to wait for the opportunity.

But God is not open to everyone, even though Qu Mingwen helped many people to make decisions, but no one came to help him this time.

He didn't remember how long he stayed in the cottage, it always felt like a lifetime.

It's been so long that even the bandits in the cottage may have forgotten what they did to Qu Mingwen.

When Qu Mingwen's handcuffs and shackles were removed, Qu Mingwen was grateful and smiled more happily than anyone else.

Qu Mingwen thought that this was an opportunity given to him by God, and prepared to take revenge.

Little did he know that this was a test for him by the owner of the cottage, as long as he could let go of his hatred, he would have a place in this cottage from now on.

That night, the village master entertained everyone, and everyone got drunk.

Qu Mingwen thought that the opportunity had come, and waited for everyone to sleep more deadly before getting up and killing people with a knife.

After he slaughtered two young men, he came to his senses. He had to kill the village master first, after all, his daughter was first defiled by the village master.

Cautiously came to the village master's side, before he raised his knife, he saw the village master suddenly opened his eyes, and said regretfully: "It's a pity."

At that moment, Qu Mingwen felt like he was being shocked by an electric shock, knowing that he was being tricked.

A bandit is a bandit, fiercer than a tiger, and more cunning than a fox.

Qu Mingwen yelled and stabbed the village owner with a knife, but saw a silver light flashing from the side, and he couldn't see anything in an instant.

The village owner continued to get up and drink, and ordered: "Throw him into the mountain and feed him to wild animals."

Qu Mingwen lay in the forest for several days before he died.

The strange thing is that even the beasts in the mountains are not interested in his corpse.

Instead, a flash flood directly took him away from the mountain forest, rushed to the far downstream, and buried him deeply in the mud.

The silt dried up, and the people reclaimed good fields and built houses on it.

When Qu Mingwen was dug out, everyone panicked.

The local officials regarded Qu Mingwen's clothes as someone from more than a hundred years ago.

Since the corpse does not rot, it must be the strange corpse that Wei Zhongxian wanted.

After being sent to Chang'an, Wei Zhongxian was naturally happy, and soon promoted the official.

The best effect is to exchange a corpse for a future.

Qu Mingwen disappeared on the way to his post, and the court spent a lot of manpower to find it, but unfortunately there was no result.

At that time, Emperor Wei regretted it very much. After all, Qu Mingwen was a useful talent, and he was dedicated to serving the people. If he knew that something would happen, why should he be demoted to the Southern Wilderness?
But it was precisely because of this that Emperor Wei made up his mind to eradicate treacherous ministers and make reforms, so that the Great Wei Empire quickly entered the empire.

Wei Zhongxian recognized Qu Mingwen's portrait immediately after seeing it.

Qu Mingwen didn't have what Wei Zhongxian wanted.

Wei Zhongxian sent his body to Yang Jiu this time because he also knew that Yang Jiu would let Qu Mingwen go to the ground soon.

The reward for Yang Jiu should be Bao Xuerong, and Qu Mingwen is just a bonus.

[Sew 390 six corpses, reward the host Kai Huidan. 】

Yang Jiu didn't expect to get the Kaihui Pill from Qu Mingwen's corpse.

Kai Hui Dan is very helpful to animals, as you can see from the orange cat and Die Luan.

Before getting the second Kaihui Dan, Yang Jiu gave it to Jumao, in fact, he wanted Jumao to give it to Baiyun.

In the end, the orange cat is fine, Baiyun is just a tool for it to have children, and the little bitch Die Luan is its true love, otherwise it would not have given Kaihui Dan to Die Luan.

Now he got another one, this one Yang Jiu plans to hand over to Bai Yun himself.

What happened to Qu Mingwen is very sympathetic.

Yang Jiu took out the Book of Life and Death, and chose to save Qu Mingwen's soul.

"Book of Merit" appears immediately:
The host supersedes the undead and rewards 240 points of merit. Currently, the remaining merit points are [-].

Unexpectedly, Qu Mingwen's soul is still suffering somewhere in the past so many years.

Poor people stay poor sometimes.

After sewing the two ancient corpses, Yang Jiu stretched his arms and walked out of the room.

Tomorrow, the two corpses will be taken away for burial, and there will be two less corpses in the family.

Although it was still early, both Gan Sisi and Jueqing had already fallen asleep.

Yang Jiu couldn't sleep, so he sneaked into the palace.

He expected that Wu Sanyue must still be awake at this time. As the king of a country, he would always have endless memorials for review.

Ordinary people think that being an emperor is beautiful, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

Only those foolish kings who are greedy for pleasure can live the beautiful life people imagined.

And those good emperors who were diligent and caring for the people actually had a hard time.

Seeing Yang Jiu's arrival, Wu Sanyue immediately put down what she was doing.

"So you're leaving Chang'an again? No wonder you came here so late." Wu Sanyue snuggled into Yang Jiu's arms, quite reluctant to part.

Yang Jiudao: "If Fengyun Dao is not eradicated, there will always be troubles."

"Jiu'er really worked so hard for this country, it's heartbreaking." Wu Sanyue turned over as she said, everything was written on her face.

Yang Jiu knew that he didn't need to do anything tonight, just lie down.

After a sweet dream, Wu Sanyue got up the next day to go to court, but Yang Jiu didn't know about it.

When he woke up, he opened it and saw Wu Sanyue.

Wu Sanyue's pretty face was flushed, and she said with a charming smile: "You didn't say that you need to work harder to have a child. I worked hard enough this time, right?"

"San Yue, your energy is so good?" Yang Jiu couldn't believe it.

Wu Sanyue smiled and said, "I can be considered a master of martial arts now, I still have some energy."

With the blessing of "Ling Ling Mian", it will naturally be more enjoyable.

It was almost noon, and the two just got up to enjoy the delicious food.

"Fengyun Dao has been in operation for many years, and it is really difficult to completely eliminate it, and their main altar is more like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. I am worried..." Wu Sanyue actually does not want Yang Jiu to take risks in her heart.

Yang Jiu always goes out to do dangerous things, if something goes wrong, it's too late to regret it.

Yang Jiu covered Wu Sanyue's mouth, and said with a smile, "I will solve Fengyundao."

Yang Jiu really likes spending time with the three stunning beauties in Chang'an City, and also likes to take risks in the rivers and lakes.

I lived too useless in the previous life, so I must live a more exciting life in this life.

Even if the main altar of Fengyun Dao is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, Yang Jiu is confident that he will be able to escape unscathed.

Not to mention his current martial arts, only those good things rewarded by the system can help him deal with all dangers.

After lunch, Yang Jiu just left the palace.

Back home, everyone had just finished eating.

Before leaving Chang'an, Yang Jiu planned to give the two children the ability to kill them.

Yang Jiu spent all his time talking, but he couldn't explain what Qingsha couldn't die.

In the end, he had to say: "To put it simply, it can enhance their resistance."

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it." He said angrily.

Gan Sisi said: "That's right, anyway, we just don't believe that there is something in this world that can keep people from being killed."

"I have heard a story, that is, a long time ago, there was a person who was born very strange, no matter whether he cut off his head or cut his body into several parts, that person could recover, and he was called immortal." Mei My aunt coaxed Yang Wu to sleep, and couldn't help interrupting.

Gan Sisi was stunned: "Aunt Mei, is there such a story?"

"The most indispensable thing in this world is all kinds of strange stories." Aunt Mei laughed.

Aunt Mei's intention of saying this is to tell Gan Sisi and Jueqing not to get angry, and to listen to what Yang Jiu said as a story.

Aunt Mei told this unkillable story, which made Rueqing and Gan Sisi even more unbelievable.

There is no other way, Yang Jiu can only say that he can strengthen his body and enhance his resistance.

Jueqing and Gan Sisi have always supported what Yang Jiu wanted to do.

As the child's father, Yang Jiu would definitely not harm her child.

Unkillable is just a small bottle of water.

Unscrew the cork, you can smell a floral fragrance.

But the scent was so peculiar that no one could tell what it was.

"It smells good, can I drink it?" Gan Sisi joked with a smile.

Yang Jiu said: "This thing is very expensive and very rare. I will give it to you when I have it later."

"Sure enough, I still love my child the most." Gan Sisi pretended to be dissatisfied.

Yang Jiu urged: "Hurry up and give the child a drink."

The reason why the unkillable became unkillable was because it was soaked in some holy spring. This bottle of unkillable potion must be the holy spring water, right?

Seeing Gan Sisi and Jueqing pouring immortality into Yang Wu and Yang Yun respectively, Yang Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

According to the saying of Unkillable, after transforming into Unkillable, the only way to do it is to chop off his head with a blade soaked in holy spring water.

Where the holy spring is, I am afraid that no one knows.

"Sir, can you tell us now, what is this made of?" He asked with a frown.

The two children are still very young. Normally, they only need to eat milk, and it's not time for them to eat messy things.

Gan Sisi also looked at Yang Jiu curiously.

Aunt Mei shook her head with a smile and went out to work.

Yang Jiu said: "The two of them are the safest in our family now."

"Jiulang, are you okay?" Gan Sisi reached out and touched Yang Jiu's forehead.

Yang Jiu was speechless for a moment, probably because they thought he was crazy.

Yang Jiu shook her head and said with a smile: "I have done this, and I have fulfilled one of my wishes. By the way, I have to leave Chang'an again tomorrow."

The second daughter was silent.

After a while, he asked heartlessly, "How long will you be going this time?"

"I don't know yet." Yang Jiu said.

Gan Sisi said: "Anyway, Aunt Mei will take care of the child, this time I will go with you."

Gan Sisi felt that her body had almost recovered, but she still couldn't have sex with Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu refused with a smile, and said, "I'll go alone, it's very troublesome to bring one more person."

"In that case, let's sleep together tonight." Gan Sisi smiled.

Rueqing didn't object, anyway, she and Gan Sisi were hugging Yang Jiu on both sides, so they couldn't do anything special, that's all.

Yang Jiu wants to have the days of hugging left and right.

Similarly, it is also very interesting to deal with a sect of Fengyun Dao's level.

The next day Gan Sisi packed the bag for Yang Jiu, which contained some change of clothes and some dry food.

As soon as Yang Jiu left the house, he saw Cao Dao standing across the street.

Cao Dao carried the Xing Tian Dao on his shoulder, and looked like a demon god, scaring the passing people to detour.

Cao Dao seldom appeared in public, so waiting there at this moment must have something important to do.

When Yang Jiu approached, Cao Dao whispered, "Bai Yi is back."

Yang Jiu's complexion changed slightly, and he walked towards the courtyard where Cao Dao lived.

The white-clothed scholar came back last night. He didn't sleep after he came back, and kept drinking.

"Master Jiu." Seeing Yang Jiu coming in, the white-clothed scholar put down his wine bowl and stood up quickly.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Look at the situation, it's not going well?"

"The problem with the Xing Tian Dao has been resolved, but the president doesn't want to see Master Jiu." The scholar in white was worried about this.

Yang Jiu said: "If you don't see it, you can see it, anyway, I'm not free right now."

"The organization didn't suspect me for the time being, and asked me to go back to Chang'an to do something big." The scholar in white felt that this matter was very important, and he had to tell Yang Jiu as soon as possible.

Yang Jiu frowned slightly, and asked, "Aren't they going to make trouble in Chang'an City?"

"Exactly, and the plan to organize in Chang'an has already started." The scholar in white said hesitantly.

Yang Jiu also gave him face, and asked: "It started a long time ago?"

"Start with the assassination of King Qin." The white-clothed scholar said.

Yang Jiu was stunned for a moment.

He always thought that Yao Zai, the assassin who assassinated Li Xinghe, was a member of Feng Yun Dao, but he never thought that Yao Zai would be a member of the organization.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that this is wrong. If Yao Zai is a member of the organization, how can Li Furong get his portrait?

Could it be that the organization has also infiltrated Fengyun Dao?

This is very possible.

Yang Jiu pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "Is there any more important news?"

The news brought by the white-clothed scholar completely confused Yang Jiu.

The scholar in white has already said all the important news.

Yang Jiu could only ask, "Do you know who the assassin is?"

"Yao Zai." The white-clothed scholar said.

And the white-clothed scholar also carried a portrait of Yao Zai, which was more realistic than Li Furong's.

Yang Jiudao: "Isn't this guy from Fengyun Dao?"

"What Jiuye said is true. Yao Zai is indeed doing things for Fengyun Dao. The problem is that Fengyun Dao also has to obey the president's orders." The white-clothed scholar said surprisingly.

Is Fengyun Dao actually under the jurisdiction of the organization?

I'm afraid Li Furong doesn't even know this.

From this point of view, this organization really is a real behemoth.

I'm afraid that there are many sects in the Jianghu that have been infiltrated by the organization.

The ruler of the organization calls himself the "President". It seems that this guy really wants to overthrow the feudal dynasty and create a capitalist country.

This traverser is a foreigner?
Even if he can completely eradicate Fengyun Dao, the matter will not end there.

Organizations are the strongest and most terrifying enemy.

Yang Jiu thought about taking a deep breath, and said: "With Yao Zai's martial arts, it is easy to kill Li Xinghe, let alone a slight difference, there must be a story in it?"

"Master Jiu is wise. Someone in the organization communicated with Li Xinghe in advance, but it is unknown what agreement they reached." The white-clothed scholar said.

The organization popped up suddenly, and even sought cooperation with Li Xinghe. The root cause was probably Wu Sanyue's proclaiming emperor, which completely disrupted the organization's previous plan.

The organization changed its plan and wanted to make a fuss about Li Xinghe.

Li Xinghe must have agreed to cooperate.

It's just that Li Xinghe definitely doesn't know what he is facing.

Li Xinghe is just a chess piece, and in the organization's plan, it is likely to be an insignificant existence.

Before leaving Chang'an, do you want to talk to Li Xinghe first?
"The organization decided that I would be responsible for connecting with Li Xinghe and helping Li Xinghe leave Chang'an." The white-clothed scholar finally talked about his current task.

Yang Jiu smiled and said: "Li Xinghe wants to leave Chang'an, he can do it at any time, do you need help?"

"It's to help him transform into a dragon and leave." The white-clothed scholar said.

Yang Jiu laughed and said, "This is Fengyun Dao's usual method."

"After Li Xinghe Hualong leaves, there will be rumors in Chang'an City, saying that the real dragon emperor has left, and then God will send down punishment to punish evildoers, and give the people only three days to escape from Chang'an." The executors of the plan, especially troubled by this, simply do not know what to do.

The organization's so-called evildoers are referring to Wu Sanyue.

Yang Jiu felt that the traverser who founded the organization was obviously not a good person.

When he has the ability, what he thinks about is what to do to make the life of the poor in the world better.

It just so happened that Di Juyi's New Deal wanted to achieve this. After Yang Jiu told Di Juyi his thoughts, Di Juyi also integrated into the New Deal.

It is not realistic at all to say that the royal family will be abolished suddenly and a democratic country will be established.

Social change is often the result of pouring blood.

It is extremely difficult and almost impossible to change a feudal dynasty into a brand new capitalist country at once.

Even if it can be realized, it must be accompanied by blood flowing into rivers.

However, for the sake of their own ambitions, some people are able to be ruthless and become murderous demons.

If it's troubled times now, that's fine.

Now under the influence of the New Deal, the lives of the people are obviously much better.

After the Jin Kingdom and Tubo and other countries are merged into the Great Xia Empire and the situation stabilizes, Yang Jiu may also try to see if he can completely change the social system of this world in a peaceful way.

Yang Jiu thought a lot in an instant, and felt that he was just thinking wildly. All he could do now was to see what was going on, and immediately asked, "When is the day for Li Xinghe to transform into a dragon?"

"Duanyang Festival." The white-clothed scholar said.

Yang Jiu was stunned, "So late?"

There are still more than two months before the Duanyang Festival.

It's just that it takes so long to prepare for Li Xinghe to transform into a dragon?

"The organization may have other plans. I haven't told me yet, and there may be other people who are working on it." The white-clothed scholar is well aware of the president's methods.

The more important the task, the president will never entrust it to only one person to lead it to completion, but will send many people at the same time to advance in multiple lines to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The president's wisdom is admired by all members of the organization.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who would choose to follow to the death.

One thing is certain now, once Yang Jiu uses Fengyun Dao to attack, he will officially declare war on the organization.

However, the organization made Fengyundao have done so many things, this war has actually started long ago.

Yang Jiu stood up and said, "Since it's still early, you should prepare well and settle this matter when I come back."

"Okay, and brother Cao, it's better not to show up in public." The white-clothed scholar said.

Cao Dao naturally understood and nodded slightly.

Cao Dao's sole purpose in staying in Chang'an City was to protect Yang Jiu's family.

As long as the people in the organization won't attack Yang Zhai, then he won't be exposed.

Walking to the door, Yang Jiu suddenly remembered something, turned her head and said, "Scholar, find a way to win over some big shots in the organization."

"Jiuye, it's hard for me..." The white-clothed scholar showed shame.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Get on good terms with them, and wait for me to convince them when I come back."

The scholar in white nodded.

Thinking that he and Cao Dao are now willing to work for Yang Jiu, it is obvious that Yang Jiu has this ability.

Now that we know the existence of such a huge organization, we must try our best to corrode and disintegrate from the inside first.

When it comes to fighting and planning, a war without gunpowder is the most critical.

After leaving Chang'an City, Yang Jiu changed his face.

The main altar of Fengyun Dao that Li Furong found out is in the northern Guizhou area.

There are many mountains in northern Guizhou, which are still desolate and suitable for criminals to hide.

Before that, it was a long journey, and the return date was unknown. For more than two months, Yang Jiu didn't know if it would be enough.

Hurry up and find an inn in a small town before dark.

There is only one inn in this small town, and there are few people living there. They mainly make a living by selling food to the people in the town.

After dinner, Yang Jiu planned to go to bed early and continue on her way early tomorrow morning.

Before he could take off his shoes, he heard a knock on the door.

Yang Jiu frowned slightly and asked, "Who?"

"It's me." Li Furong's voice came from outside the door.

After Yang Jiu left Chang'an, Li Furong followed suit.

Yang Jiu went to open the door, and Li Furong went straight into the room.

"Jiuye, I just have something to go back to the main altar, we can go together." Li Furong closed the door and said with a smile.

Yang Jiu frowned and said, "Is this too ostentatious?"

"Jiu Ye transformed himself into this appearance, even if Dao Zun knew that I was traveling with a man, he would not say anything." Li Furong laughed.

During the day, Yang Jiu noticed that someone was following him, but there was no malice. It seemed that Li Furong had noticed the process of his disguise.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Alright, let's go early tomorrow."

Li Furong nodded, turned around and left.

Her room is next door.

Originally, Yang Jiu wanted to tell her about Li Xinghe's assassination, but after thinking about it, since he wanted to go south together, there would be plenty of opportunities on the way, now that it's late at night, rest is the priority.

In the early morning of the next day, the two left the inn at the same time and continued to ride south.

At noon, they rested in the shade of the trees.

Going south a little bit, the weather is already very hot.

At night, the temperature dropped rapidly, and because they did not rush to the small town, they had to sleep in the wilderness.

Li Furong bought game, grilled it herself, and served Yang Jiu with all her heart.

They were incompatible enemies before, and Yang Jiu felt it was strange that they became so close just because of a blank sheet of paper.

"Master Jiu captured Yao Zai and avenged my brother. I haven't thanked you yet." Li Furong stood up as she spoke, and was about to bow and thank you.

Yang Jiu waved his hands and said, "Since you mentioned this matter, we should chat now."

Feeling that there was something in Yang Jiu's words, Li Furong sat down again and kept turning the pheasants on the campfire.

Yang Jiudao: "Yao Zai's martial arts are superb, and his sword skills are even more like a god. If he really wants to kill, he will never miss his sword."

"Jiuye wants to say... what?" Li Furong's heart trembled, knowing that what Yang Jiu said was reasonable.

Yao Zai is the top assassin in Fengyun Dao, and he has never missed a mission since he started his mission.

But the knife that stabbed Li Xinghe, even though it pierced through the body, missed by a tiny bit.

It was a slight difference that failed to take Li Xinghe's life.

And as far as Li Furong knew, when Yao Zai assassinated, he liked to slit his target's throat the most.

This is the first time that a knife wants to pierce the target's heart.

Yang Jiu looked at Li Furong and said, "The King of Qin has reached some kind of cooperation with others, and the assassination is their plan."

"This is impossible." Li Furong couldn't believe it.

Yang Jiu smiled, if the white-clothed scholar hadn't brought definite news, he wouldn't have thought about it.

Since Li Furong didn't believe it, Yang Jiu decided to say something else, and said, "I found out that Fengyun Dao is just a subsidiary of a powerful organization."

"How could this happen?" Li Furong was even more disbelieving.

Fengyun Dao is already huge enough, how could there be any organization ruling Fengyun Dao?
Li Furong joined Fengyun Dao for many years, but never heard of it.

For top secrets like this, in addition to the backbone of the organization, those who know are several core figures of Fengyun Dao.

What Yang Jiu said really shocked Li Furong.

Li Furong's heart was ups and downs, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Jiuye, you are really omnipotent." Li Furong knew that Yang Jiu would definitely not just talk about it.

It's just that it's really hard for her to accept this for a while.

What Yang Jiu said was too shocking.

Just when the pheasant was finished roasting, she handed one to Yang Jiu and said with a smile, "Try it."

Li Furong has wandered all over the world all these years, and has not learned anything else. The level of roasted game is self-proclaimed first-class.

Yang Jiu took a sip and praised, "It tastes good."

After eating pheasant, the two fell asleep leaning on the trunk of a big tree.

But Li Furong couldn't fall asleep, thinking about too many things.

After many days, they had arrived in the southern country and entered a small city.

It's not evening yet, but if we continue to go forward, we will have to sleep in the wilderness again before dark.

It's rainy in the south, and I'm most afraid of rain when I sleep in the wild.

After finding the inn, Li Furong said that she had to go out on business.

Naturally, Yang Jiu didn't care about her, but sat in front of the window, looking at this picturesque small town.

The location of this inn is very good, it is built next to the river, and you can see the most beautiful scenery in the small town.

On the stone bridge not far away, people come and go, but there is a feeling of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

It's just that here, it's not as prosperous as depicted in "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

"Let go of me, let me go..." At the stone bridge, a woman's cry suddenly came.

Several men in black blouses and red ribbons around their waists forcibly pulled a girl in green to cross the bridge.

Those men are obviously servants of rich families, and most of what they do is to rob civilian women.

But without knowing the specific situation, Yang Jiu can't jump to conclusions.

"Let her go." A sudden cry made the servants tremble in fright.

But it was Li Furong who was passing by the stone bridge, happened to bump into this scene, and couldn't help but want to meddle in her own business.

Even if she wasn't swayed by the white paper, I believe Li Furong would take care of this kind of thing when she was walking in the rivers and lakes.

As women, I can't bear to see women being bullied.

"Hey, here is another little beauty, the young master will definitely like it." Li Furong's appearance, in this small town in the south of the Yangtze River, is not considered beautiful, but it is not too bad.

Li Furong didn't draw her sword out of its sheath, but punched and kicked quickly, kicking those servants into the river in an instant.

The girl in green bowed to thank her, and hurried away.

Li Furong glanced towards the inn, and quickly walked down the stone bridge.

About half an hour later, Li Furong arrived at the inn with a rice basket in her hand.

"This roasted donkey meat is a must in the local area. It's hard to get it. Just now I had to wait in line for a long time." Li Furong opened the rice basket, and a smell of meat wafted out, enough to make people's index fingers twitch.

The important thing Li Furong said was to queue up to buy roasted donkey meat for Yang Jiu.

Because she is not sure whether she can buy it, even if she can buy it, she still needs to queue up, so it is most suitable for her to go by herself.

Li Furong's dedication to Yang Jiu is naturally due to the effect of white paper.

The things rewarded by the system seem to have this effect.

No matter what kind of thing is used on a person, the person will unknowingly have a good impression of Yang Jiu, no matter if the person is a woman or a man.

Even animals will get close to Yang Jiu.

Seeing Li Furong's eyes dodging, her pretty face flushed, she was clearly the little girl who sneaked out of the house to meet her lover privately.

Yang Jiu ate the donkey meat and was full of praise.

Seeing that Yang Jiu ate a lot, Li Furong was even more happy.

After eating up the donkey meat, both of them were full.

Li Furong suggested to go out for a walk, take a look at the scenery, and digest food by the way.

The scenery of this small town is very beautiful, every time when passing by, Li Furong will stay for a few days.

Standing on the stone bridge, you can see the scenery like ink painting.

"Dead, dead..." On the side of the street, there was a sudden commotion.

The two walked quickly, and the common people formed a circle on the street, chattering and discussing non-stop.

The person who died was the girl in green that Li Furong helped earlier.

The girl in green was holding a dagger in her hand, and the dagger pierced straight into her heart.

"It's really unfortunate."

"Master, it's your blessing that the young master has taken a fancy to you. How could you be so ignorant of good and evil?"

Among the crowd of onlookers, there was also the servant who wanted to catch the girl in green just now.

Li Furong was so angry that she wanted to draw her sword and kill all those servants.

But before she could make a move, Yang Jiu stepped forward, grabbed the heads of the two servants, and bumped them lightly.

Bleeding out, both killed.

The crowd broke into commotion again.

The remaining two servants were dumbfounded and didn't react for a long time.

"We are the Yun family, are you tired of living?"

"If you commit a crime in the street, the magistrate will definitely chop off your head."

When they came to their senses, the two shouted and backed away, fearing that their heads would also be caught and smashed by Yang Jiu.

When they turned to run, they almost ran into Yang Jiu's body.

There was no time to fear, and the two of them were already dead.

"Hero, hurry up and go." An old man said kindly.

Yang Jiu asked with a smile: "Old man, what is the background of this Yun family?"

"The richest family in the city, the magistrate of the county also has to act according to the face of the Yun family." The old man also went all out.

After saying this, he urged Yang Jiu to run quickly again.

In this place, no one would dare to oppose the Yun family.

If the young master of the Yun family falls in love with a girl from another family, he can only consider himself unlucky, and it is best to obediently send the girl to his door, and when the young master of the Yun family gets tired of playing, he will naturally send her back.

But if you resist, you will end up like the girl in green, and you will die if you die. There is no place to seek justice.

"Girl..." A middle-aged woman suddenly rushed out of the crowd and threw herself on the body of the girl in green.

 Thanks to yangsong for the monthly ticket support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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