Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 284 In the office, Zhu Qingyun in uniform...and Gu Ye revealed...connected

Chapter 284 In the office, the uniform Zhu Qingyun and Gu Ye revealed. Lianxin
Ye Lingling was practicing, and Zhu Zhuqing was also practicing, but the one who helped Gu Ye became my aunt Ye Zhixing.

But Zhu Zhuqing's mother, Zhu Qingyun, had a better and better relationship with Liu Erlong in the past few days.

Liu Erlong personally took Zhu Qingyun to familiarize himself with the environment and everything about the Lanba Academy.

"Thank you, Doctor Gu."

In the medical hall, a commoner who was cured by Gu Ye looked at Gu Ye gratefully.

Gu Ye chuckled lightly, "You're welcome."

"The ancient doctor is really a bodhisattva."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Dr. Gu, I don't even know how much it would cost to cure my disease."

"Only a woman like Dr. Ye is worthy of an ancient doctor."

"It must be. Doctor Ye is not only beautiful in person, but also beautiful in heart. The two of them are a perfect match!"

"I really don't know when they will have a baby."

"I will definitely pray for them at that time."

In the medical hall, the common people who had been treated for free looked at Gu Ye and Ye Zhixing and said that they were a couple, and even helped them figure out the names of their daughter and son.

Such enthusiastic people, Gu Ye took a look and really wanted to give them a round of applause.

Then Gu Ye looked at Ye Zhixing, who was helping him by his side, and didn't know what she was thinking now.

Now these common people regard her as his wife, and even help them figure out the name of the child. Is it really good not to express any opinions?
Ye Zhixing just took a look at Gu Ye and then continued to do her work.

It seems that she doesn't care much about Gu Ye, and she doesn't care that these people misunderstand her relationship with Gu Ye.

Ye Zhixing looked down at Gu Ye, inexplicably thinking of those things last time, and finally turned into a sigh.

Lanba Academy welcomed a guest today, Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Knowing that Lanba Academy will start soon, he specially came to discuss with Liu Erlong about the admission of sect disciples.

The one who came with him was naturally Ning Rongrong, the eldest lady who had been clamoring to come to Lanba Academy.

"Dean!" When Ning Rongrong saw Liu Erlong, he trotted over immediately.

"Rongrong, long time no see." Liu Erlong smiled and looked at Ning Rongrong in front of him.

"It's only been two months, it feels like it's gone so fast." Ning Rongrong thought that he had only been away for two months, and felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Principal Liu Erlong." Ning Fengzhi also walked to Liu Erlong's side at this moment, and asked with a smile.

Then she looked at the woman beside Liu Erlong, and when she saw it, she was stunned for a moment.

Not only Ning Fengzhi, but even Ning Rongrong was stunned for a while.

"Dean, is she Zhuqing?" Ning Rongrong asked blankly.

Liu Erlong smiled after hearing this.

Zhu Qingyun was a little embarrassed.

This...Ning Rong actually recognized her as his daughter, seems that he is quite happy.

"President Liu Erlong, who is this?" Ning Fengzhi was the first to react and asked.

"Oh Rongrong, Sect Master Ning, let me introduce you, this is the newly hired teacher of my Lanba Academy, Zhu Qingyun, a soul sage, and also Zhu Zhuqing's mother."


"Soul Saint!"

Ning Rongrong is different.

Ning Fengzhi was also different.

This person turned out to be Zhu Zhuqing's mother, why is she so similar to Zhu Zhuqing?Ning Rongrong couldn't help looking at Zhu Qingyun.

And Ning Fengzhi thought of the news he received about Gu Ye's Xingluo City before, and instantly understood.

After getting to know each other, Liu Erlong brought Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong to
Discuss in the office about the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect students coming to class.

After Zhu Qingyun returned to the office, she knew that Liu Erlong could handle these matters, and she returned to her office.

Soon it will be the start time of Lanba Academy. Now, as a teacher, she needs to prepare well for her work.

In the medical hall, Gu Ye closed the door to rest after completing some treatments.

"Aunt Zhixing, I'm going back to Lanba Academy, do you want to come with me?"

Earlier, Liu Erlong and Gu Ye had said that Ning Fengzhi was going to visit Lan Ba ​​today, so they closed the door early.

"No, Gu Ye, go by yourself."


Gu Ye didn't force it, and left after saying a few words.

After a while, they came to Lanba Academy.

When Gu Ye came to the Academic Affairs Office, he happened to pass by Zhu Qingyun's office.

These days, Gu Ye already knew about Zhu Qingyun's work at Lanba Academy. Now that he came to her office, Gu Ye was a little curious about what she was like when she was working.

Then, Gu Ye walked in without knocking on the door.

In the office, Zhu Qingyun was sitting on an office chair and working seriously.

Her office is fairly big, with an office room and a rest room.

Now that the door slammed, Zhu Qingyun in the office looked over.

Seeing that it was Gu Ye who came in, Zhu Qingyun was taken aback.

I don't understand why he came here, shouldn't he be in the medical hall?

What made Zhu Qingyun even more stunned was that Gu Ye actually closed the door with his backhand at this moment.

What does he want to do?

The reason why Gu Ye closed the door was naturally because he didn't want others to misunderstand him.

He looked at Zhu Qingyun who was sitting on the office chair, and inexplicably thought of the things with Zhu Qingyun before.

Especially Zhu Qingyun at this time, wearing a white shirt to show the limit of the arc she is wearing, with a bumpy figure and a beautiful mature face, seeing Zhu Qingyun like this sitting in the office makes Gu Ye feel a kind of See the sense of sight of an urban beauty.

"Gu Ye... why are you here?" Zhu Qingyun suppressed the agitation in her heart and said flatly.

"Of course I came to see you." Gu Ye came to Zhu Qingyun with a smile.

And when Zhu Qingyun saw Gu Ye, she thought of what she wanted to say to Gu Ye before. Now there are only two of her in the room, isn't it just right?

"Gu Ye, I have something to tell you. I didn't have a chance before, but now there is no one, so I want to make it clear to you."

"What's the matter?" Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun curiously.

Zhu Qingyun looked at the door and sat up from the seat, "Come with me, let's go inside and talk."

"Hmm." Gu Ye really wanted to know what Zhu Qingyun needed to be so careful about.

Then, the two walked into the rest room.

Zhu Qingyun sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, looking extremely dignified and elegant.

After Gu Ye sat down, he glanced at her appreciatively.

Zhu Qingyun looked at Gu Ye, and after hesitating for a while, she still told Gu Ye about her mother's relationship with her daughter.

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment: "You mean, you can feel Zhuqing's heart?"

Zhu Qingyun nodded, "Although this matter is a bit unbelievable, it is true."

"Zhuqing and I are indeed heart-to-heart, but it's one-sided. Only I can feel her heart."

"In the past, I could feel every time she was unhappy, every time she was sad, or when her mood was turbulent."

"Recently. I can often feel her special happiness.."

Speaking of the latter, Zhu Qingyun's voice was already like fine lines.

Gu Ye, on the other hand, was stunned.

Zhu Qingyun can feel Zhu Zhuqing's happiness, and be connected with Zhu Zhuqing, isn't it.
Gu Ye thought of something instantly, and when Zhu Qingyun looked at Zhu Qingyun, the look in his eyes was indescribable.

"Gu Ye, the reason I'm telling you is because" Zhu Qingyun was having a hard time opening his mouth.

"Because of what?" After thinking clearly, Gu Ye smiled.

He really didn't expect such a special talent in this world.

But even with Ning Rongrong owning Fuhuan, Zhu Qingyun and Zhu Zhuqing's connection seems not too much.

But now that Zhu Qingyun actually told him, this made Gu Ye have other thoughts.

"I..." Zhu Qingyun wanted to tell Gu Ye, can she not be like Mrs. Zhu Qing, otherwise she would feel really uncomfortable sometimes, but she couldn't say it.

Especially in front of Gu Ye.

Zhu Qingyun thought of the uncomfortable feeling the night before, and finally broke the jar and confessed to Gu Ye.

"I want you not to let Zhuqing's mood get too agitated, so that I... will feel very uncomfortable."

After speaking, Zhu Qingyun's face turned red instantly.

But after she finished speaking, she felt relieved all over.

She told Gu Ye about such a request, Gu Ye should agree to her.

In this way, she will be able to sleep peacefully in the future.

Zhu Qingyun praised her wit.

Gu Ye smiled.

He nodded in agreement: "Sister Qingyun, don't worry, I won't let Zhuqing's mood get too excited. After all, for your sake, I have to control myself. But I didn't expect you and Zhuqing to have such a relationship. His special ability made it difficult for me to accept it for a while."

"I don't want to have this ability either, but it's innate, and I can't change it." Zhu Qingyun sighed.

"Gu Ye, now that I've told you, I hope you can keep it a secret, and I don't want Zhuqing to know, can you promise me?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret, but... Sister Qingyun, besides being able to connect with Zhuqing, does your ability have other effects?" Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun curiously.

Such a powerful innate ability should not only have the effect of Lianxin.

After Zhu Qingyun heard Gu Ye's words, she thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing special except that she could feel her daughter's mood and feelings.

Seeing Zhu Qingyun shaking his head, Gu Ye finally made a decision.

"Sister Qingyun, I don't think this ability is very simple. I think that if you go deep into it and explore it, you may be able to discover a more powerful ability. You know, it is impossible for a soul master to acquire a talent for no reason. And your talent must have other powerful places, but you haven't developed it yet."

After Gu Ye said this, Zhu Qingyun realized that there really was one.

In the past, she had been repressed not to have a deep connection with her daughter, so she didn't explore this ability at a higher level.

If she explores this ability in depth, will there be other discoveries?
As soon as this idea appeared, Zhu Qingyun decided to give it a try at night.

And after Gu Ye knew that Zhu Qingyun could connect with Zhu Zhuqing, he also decided to have a good chat with Zhu Zhuqing tonight.

As for those who agreed to Zhu Qingyun, Gu Ye would naturally agree.

(End of this chapter)

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