Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 277 Intimacy with Zhu Qingyun

Chapter 277 Intimacy with Zhu Qingyun

In the carriage, Zhu Qingyun stood up.

Her face was a little red, and she seemed to be trying to endure something.

"No, I have to go out and solve it."

Now she is in a state of internal urgency, she subconsciously wants to go out and solve it.

But his legs had just recovered, and he fell straight forward as soon as he walked down.

Just when he was about to let out a scream, he found that he had fallen into a broad chest.

It was none other than Gu Ye.

"Why are you up?" Gu Ye whispered.

Zhu Qingyun's face was a little anxious, she wanted to say it but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Her legs have been inconvenient for these years, and the maid has always helped her, so there is not so much inconvenience in life.

Following Gu Ye today, Zhu Zhuqing had been inconvenient since leaving, and now she has reached her limit.

"I want to go out for convenience." Zhu Qingyun said a little embarrassed.

After all, in front of him was Gu Ye, the man of her daughter Zhu Zhuqing.

Gu Ye knew the reason after hearing it.

"Then I'll ask Zhuqing to get up and let her take you out for convenience."

"do not"

Just as Gu Ye was about to call, Zhu Qingyun stopped him.

This made Gu Ye very different.

Now only Zhu Zhuqing is suitable to take her out.

But why did she stop it?

"I can do it myself, just help me out for a while." Zhu Qingyun whispered.

She didn't wake Zhu Zhuqing because she was really worried that Zhu Zhuqing would mess with Gu Ye again after waking up, and she had to endure that pain.

But now her legs have improved a bit, she has consciousness, and she can walk for a short time.

As a soul sage, she can still do it conveniently relying on her soul power and herself.

Although Gu Ye didn't know why Zhu Qingyun was unwilling, he didn't force it either.

"Are you really convenient?" Gu Ye asked with concern.

Zhu Qingyun nodded: "Yes, you just need to help me out for a while."

"Okay." After Gu Ye agreed, he helped Zhu Qingyun get off the carriage.

Next to the carriage was a stream, and within ten meters of the bank of the stream there were some trees and grass.

The night is dark now, but the moon is surprisingly round.

After getting out of the carriage, Gu Ye could clearly see the blush on Zhu Qingyun's face, and she did look a little anxious.

"Help me there. You can only go back to the carriage. Come back when I call you." Zhu Qingyun whispered.

She was really ashamed to make such a request with Gu Ye.

But now only Gu Ye can help her.

Who inconvenienced her?
"it is good."

Gu Ye helped Zhu Qingyun to the side of the grass and let her do it on her own.

Although it is very tempting to come to the grass with a stunning beauty like mother-in-law Zhu Qingyun in the middle of the night, Gu Ye still knows how to suppress himself.

"Then I'll leave first."


After Gu Ye finished speaking, he walked back to the carriage.

The carriage was no more than ten meters away from Zhu Qingyun, and Gu Ye could quickly hear what happened.

After Zhu Qingyun left, Zhu Qingyun relied on her soul power and her barely able to move her feet to walk for a while.

After she was sure it was ok, she started to facilitate it.

A few minutes passed, and Gu Ye waited and waited while sitting in the carriage.

Still didn't hear Zhu Qingyun call him.

A few minutes later, Gu Ye frowned.

Although it is said that women are conveniently slower than men, they are not so slow.

Did something happen?

Gu Ye glanced worriedly at the grass.

Then he walked over.


As soon as he walked over, he heard Zhu Qingyun whisper, and the worried Gu Ye walked in without thinking.

As soon as you come in, you will know why.

Zhu Qingyun fell to the ground and tried to stand up.

Gu Ye couldn't take his eyes off this scene, and was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Qingyun remembered it at first, but when she saw Gu Ye suddenly appear, she was instantly stunned.

His embarrassing state was actually seen by Gu Ye.

She practiced instantly red and weak fire.

"Ahem. Let me help you." Gu Ye coughed lightly, turned his head away from seeing Zhu Qingyun's scenery, and walked in.

Zhu Qingyun let out a "huh" like fine lines.

At this time, only Gu Ye can help her.

She can no longer refuse.

Gu Ye stretched out his hand and helped Zhu Qingyun up, and Zhu Qingyun immediately stood up following Gu Ye's strong arms.

Then she threw herself into Gu Ye's arms.

However, in the next second, something happened that made Zhu Qingyun even more shy.

Her beauty has not been concealed yet, now that she has thrown herself into Gu Ye's arms, wouldn't it be for Gu Ye to see clearly later.

In order to avoid such embarrassment, Zhu Qingyun could only hug Gu Ye tightly, preventing him from watching.

"Just carry me back like this." Zhu Qingyun said softly.

"it is good."

Gu Ye agreed.

He bent down slightly, stretched out his hand and hugged Zhu Qingyun.

It's just that he was hugged by the princess, and Zhu Qingyun was momentarily stunned by this hug.

Gu Ye's comprehension ability is really not ordinary.

In the end, Zhu Qingyun could only bear back the shyness and let Gu Ye carry her back to the carriage.

But before going up, Zhu Qingyun seemed a little worried. She looked at Gu Ye and begged, "You can't tell Zhuqing about this."

"Don't worry, I know."

"Well, then help me in. Also, don't rest outside, go inside."

Zhu Qingyun seemed to have figured it out.

Anyway, I had a shy meeting with Gu Ye.

And since they are all relatives, it's no big deal to take a nap.

Seeing that Zhu Qingyun always invites him to fall in love like this, Gu Ye has a reason not to agree.

After Gu Ye helped Zhu Qingyun into the carriage, Zhu Qingyun lay down.

It's just that this position surprised Gu Ye a little.

Sleeping on the left is Zhu Zhuqing, sleeping on the right is Zhu Qingyun, there is a space in the middle.

He could only make do with sleeping between mother and daughter.


Zhu Qingyun took a long breath and calmed down.

She really didn't expect such a embarrassing thing to happen to Gu Ye tonight.

But she could only hold back her shame.

Time passed quietly, Zhu Qingyun thought she could fall asleep, but for some reason, she couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

She rolled over to make herself more comfortable.

But when she turned around, she was stunned for a moment.

Isn't the one in front of her Gu Ye?

At this time, Gu Ye was fine, he opened his eyes and looked straight at her.

And when she turned over, she also looked straight at Gu Ye.

In the dark night, the eyes of the two were entangled like this.

Zhu Qingyun wanted to look away, but for some reason, she just looked down.

And now that the light is dim, Gu Ye shouldn't be able to see anything.

Gu Ye hadn't fallen asleep, but by such a coincidence, Zhu Qingyun turned over and looked at him.

This made Gu Ye instantly think of Zhu Qingyun's scenery just now.

Although Gu Ye told himself not to think too much about Zhu Qingyun's identity as her prospective mother-in-law, he was also Zhu Zhuqing's teacher.In terms of identity, she should be of the same generation as Zhu Qingyun, at most she should be her sister.

It's not a big deal to have a look.

In this way, Gu Ye continued to read.


At this time, a whisper sounded.

Zhu Zhuqing stretched out his hand to touch, and after touching his teacher, he turned around and hugged his teacher.

This hug made Gu Ye's distance directly approach Zhu Qingyun.

Zhu Qingyun was sleeping against the wall, but now that Gu Ye approached, the two of them were close to each other.

Such an intimate and touching touch.

Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing hugged him from behind.

Gu Ye couldn't help raising his head in respect.

Zhu Qingyun stared at Gu Ye in a daze.


Zhu Zhuqing suddenly let out a murmur, holding Gu Ye's hand and touching Gu Ye's chest.

Looks like he's having a sweet dream.

Gu Ye just wanted to reach out to lift Zhu Zhuqing off his body, but when he stretched out his hand, he bumped into Zhu Qingyun who was close at hand.

Zhu Qingyun stared at Gu Ye with beautiful eyes.

At this moment, her strange ability was activated again, and she could clearly feel what Zhu Zhuqing was thinking.

Her hand stretched out uncontrollably and hugged Gu Ye in front of her.

Gu Ye was stunned.

What a mess!

Really caught in the middle, hit on both sides.

In a dangerous situation, all Gu Ye can do is to protect himself and be alone.

His hand slowly reached out to Zhu Qingyun, holding her in his arms.

At dawn, Zhu Zhuqing woke up from the dream after rubbing his eyes.

She thought of the beautiful dream she had last night, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Then she looked around and found that she was the only one sleeping on the couch, so she walked out suspiciously and looked outside.

I saw his teacher and mother Zhu Qingyun talking happily together.

"Zhuqing, are you awake?" Seeing Zhu Zhuqing walking down, Zhu Qingyun asked gently.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and sat down next to the teacher Gu Ye.

"We will leave the Star Luo Empire after eating breakfast later."

"However, I guess, I killed so many soldiers before, the Star Luo Empire will definitely put us on the wanted list, so we don't follow the official path, and take other paths."

"Teacher, I know the way. I used to escape from there to Barak Kingdom."

"Okay, in order to avoid trouble, let's go this way."

Although Gu Ye is not afraid of the pursuit and assassination of the Star Luo Empire.

But he doesn't like troublesome things.

After the three had some breakfast, Zhu Zhuqing led the way to Barak Kingdom.

A few days later, the three of them left the Star Luo Empire and came to the territory of Barak Kingdom.

At this time, the three of them looked a little dusty, and the carriage had been abandoned two days ago and started to walk.

Although Zhu Qingyun felt her feet at this time, she couldn't walk normally.

Now she is being carried by Gu Ye.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't care about anything, after all, it was just memorizing.

Zhu Qingyun has long been used to it, and it is quite enjoyable to let Gu Ye carry her on his back, why not do it.

"Now that we have reached the territory of Barak Kingdom, there is no need to worry too much."

"Teacher, where are we going now?"

"Go to Barak City."

Gu Ye promised Kadan that he would visit Barak City after returning from the Star Luo Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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