Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 260 1 male and 4 females in the Star Dou Great Forest

Chapter 260 One Man and Four Women in the Great Star Forest

"It's here."

"In this bamboo forest, there are several ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts. The bamboo-type spirit beast that attacked me last time was at least 6 years old."

"And I think this should be a group of soul beasts. Since there are soul beasts suitable for Zhixing, it is obviously suitable for Lingling."

Liu Erlong's words made several people look at the bamboo forest ahead.

Then Gu Ye said: "Let's go, go in and take a look."


A group of five people just walked into the bamboo forest, when a gust of wind hit, the surrounding bamboos became swaying and dancing.

Black and thick bamboos suddenly rose from the ground.

Then the dense black bamboo leaves on the bamboo were like flying arrows, and they shot towards Gu Ye and his group of five.

The sudden change did not panic the five of Gu Ye and his party.

That large bamboo leaf attack seemed powerful, but to Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, it was just a show.

When Gu Ye raised his hand, his soul power exploded, and large pieces of arrows from bamboo leaves fell to the ground.

"Gu Ye, let me find the guy who attacked me last time." Liu Erlong said, and the whole person flew towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

With Liu Erlong now comparable to Title Douluo in strength, Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing and the others are not very worried.

After Gu Ye directly blasted away the black bamboos that attacked him, he was about to go deep with Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Ye Zhixing to find Liu Erlong.

boom! !

There were successive explosions.

Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Ye Zhixing looked at the place where the explosion sounded, thought of Liu Erlong, and looked at each other.

They didn't worry if something happened to Liu Erlong.

Now they were thinking that it was that spirit beast that provoked Liu Erlong again.

Boom! !
There was another explosion.

It could be vaguely seen that in the depths of the bamboo forest, thunder bursts were accompanied by the ignited fire.

Only Liu Erlong was able to use such a soul skill.

Sure enough, after a while, Liu Erlong's voice came out.

"Hmph, this guy attacked me before, and he attacked me again when I went in. Now I won't let him get used to it."

Following the sound, Liu Erlong came out dragging two strangely shaped bamboos.

A bamboo is [-] to [-] centimeters long, seven or eight meters long, with nine knots, and the whole body is jade-shaped.

The other end is smaller, but the whole body is also in the shape of jade.

"Gu Ye, the big one of these two soul beasts is the one that attacked me before, and its age is between 7 and [-] years. The smaller one was caught by the way, and it is more than [-] years old."

Liu Erlong said and threw the two soul beasts in the place.

Gu Ye, Ye Lingling, Ye Zhixing, and Zhu Zhuqing each took a look at Liu Erlong. Thinking of the explosion just now, they couldn't imagine what the usually gentle Liu Erlong would look like when he exploded.

"Okay, now there are soul beasts, Lingling, auntie, start absorbing them."

When Gu Ye called Ye Zhixing's aunt, he took a special look at Ye Zhixing's reaction.

After Ye Zhixing glanced at Gu Ye, he quickly walked to the soul beast, killed it, and began to absorb the soul ring.

The same is true for Ye Lingling.

There was no problem in the process of the two absorbing, and they successfully broke through to the next level.

Ye Zhixing at level 81 and Ye Lingling at level 51.

Both of them are possessors of Jiuxin Begonia Wuhun, the most powerful large-scale auxiliary ability users in the Douluo Continent.

After absorbing it successfully, a very lucky thing, my aunt Ye Zhixing harvested a soul bone.

Pieces of sapphire-like spirit bones looked very good.

As a soul master, Ye Zhixing was very excited to see the soul bone.

Moreover, it is a soul bone of more than ten thousand years, and now she is more than excited.

When Gu Ye saw this soul ring, he wondered in his heart whether it was because of his luck that the nominal "auntie" Ye Zhixing was on that night in the carriage.

After all, I am a "pig's foot".

Luck is always very good.

But Ye Lingling, the younger sister, was less tainted with her own "luck", which made her luck not as good as her aunt Ye Zhixing. should be like this! . Gu Ye identified himself.

"Auntie, you are so lucky!" Ye Lingling looked enviously at the soul bone in Ye Zhixing's hand.

Ye Zhixing also felt that she was too lucky.

Some people can never encounter a soul bone in their lifetime, and she directly obtained a soul bone that is more than 6 years old.

"Auntie, you are really lucky." Gu Ye's auntie address made Ye Zhixing look at Gu Ye.

It's just that when she thinks about the night contact with Gu Ye, her eyes will always wander to a special place on Gu Ye's body, and she becomes silent in the end.

Although obtaining a soul bone is something to be excited about, Ye Zhixing did not rush to refine it, after all this is the Star Dou Forest.

And it's getting late now.

The five of them didn't stay, they found a suitable place to rest and set up tents, planning to spend the night and continue looking for Zhu Zhuqing's fifth spirit ring tomorrow.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, there are not so many rules for the five people who are all personal, and the tent is also a big tent, which is simply enough for one night.

When the four daughters Liu Erlong and Ye Zhixing were working late, Gu Ye came around the tent and took out some insect repellent powder, and some medicinal powder to prevent the attack of soul beasts at night.

After eating late, the five of them rested.

Although they slept together in the same tent and with four stunning beauties, nothing indescribable happened during the process.

On the second day, the five continued to search for Zhu Zhuqing's fifth spirit ring.

There are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, so there are naturally many suitable soul beasts.

After searching all morning, although he found a few suitable ones, Gu Ye was not very satisfied.

Zhu Zhuqing's fifth spirit ring should report a large-scale attack or special ability according to his expectation.

Feeling inappropriate, Gu Ye continued to search with the four of them.

This search took several days.

Although they encountered many soul beast attacks in the past few days, under the protection of Liu Erlong and Gu Ye, everything was safe and sound.

Up to now, he finally found a suitable soul beast for Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, a soul beast with a black body, three heads, and wide-open fangs stood in front of the five of them.

This soul beast is called Hell Three-Headed Dog, an extremely vicious soul beast.

Gu Ye knew that the three-headed hellhound had a powerful racial ability that combined control, attack, and defense.

Each of the three heads controls one ability. The three abilities are concentrated together, and the power is very powerful.

The hell three-headed dog in front of him is between 4 and 8 years old, but its aura and terrifying deterrent power are not even comparable to a [-]-[-]-year-old soul beast.

This reminded Gu Ye of some special soul beasts.

For example, the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Only relying on 6 years of soul power can fight a 10-year battle regardless of the outcome.

Now the strength of the three hellhounds is obviously more than that.

"Erlong, let's go together."


Liu Erlong could also see how powerful this spirit beast was.

Being in the Star Dou Great Forest, if you can fight in groups, you will never be singled out.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho~~"

The three heads of the hell three-headed dog roared.

Looking at Gu Ye, Liu Erlong and the other five, their mouths were drooling.

For it, the five people who broke into its territory are today's rations.


Murderous aura struck.

The hell three-headed dog ran wildly, one of the heads in the middle opened its mouth wide, and shot at the five of Gu Ye with a mouthful of dark light waves.


Gu Ye yelled, hugged his aunt Ye Zhixing on the left, and his sister Ye Lingling on the right, and quickly retreated to one side.

The speed of the dark light wave was very fast, and it attacked to the side in an instant. With the speed of Ye Lingling and Ye Zhixing, it was impossible to react in time.

It was really helpless for Gu Ye to back away with the two of them in his arms.

Moreover, this dark light wave looks extremely strange, and it is helpless to avoid it.


As soon as he avoided the attack of the dark light wave, Gu Ye called out to Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing understood instantly.

"Nether...Black Flame Slash!"

This spirit beast is her spirit ring, once it attacks, it will go all out.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing's figure flying towards the hell three-headed dog, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the hell three-headed dog.


The head of the three-headed hell dog on the left roared, and at the moment when Zhu Zhuqing's attack fell, a dark barrier appeared to block the three-headed hell dog behind.

Clang! ! !

All of Zhu Zhuqing's attacks landed on the dark barrier, the sound of knocking sounded, and the hell three-headed dog was not injured at all.

At this moment, Liu Erlong uttered a low shout; "Zhuqing, get out of the way."

A sense of crisis suddenly came, Zhu Zhuqing's body was filled with cold light, she glanced to the right from the corner of her eye, and saw the gloomy light in the eyes of the head of the hellhound on the far right.

Under instinctive reaction, Zhu Zhuqing leaped back.

It was at the moment when Zhu Zhuqing retreated.

There was a crackling sound.

Liu Erlong suddenly appeared in front of the hell three-headed dog, and his fists carried thunderbolts down.

Liu Erlong hit the head on the far right with a heavy punch.

Like a sandbag being hit hard, the head was directly knocked to one side.The other two heads that were connected together were also severely injured, and flew backwards heavily.

"Black flame. Slash!"

Zhu Zhuqing let out a low snort.

At the moment when the hell three-headed dog was not knocked into the air, two slashes of black flames flew over, hitting the hell three-headed dog delicately.

The moment it hit, the dark black flames from Zhu Zhuqing's slash covered it, burning up to the three heads of the three-headed hell dog in an instant.

But at the next moment, what was surprising was that the fangs in the middle of the hell three-headed dog opened wide, and with a suction, a hell black hole appeared in front of him out of thin air, and all of Zhu Zhuqing's black flames were sucked in.

Zhu Zhuqing was horrified by such a weird ability.

But both Liu Erlong and Gu Ye could see the extraordinaryness of the hell three-headed dog.

"Lei Yan. Fist.."

"Electromagnetic.. Knife"

Liu Erlong launched an attack again, an attack fused with thunder and flames blasted out.Gu Ye let go of his aunt Ye Zhixing, and his younger sister Ye Lingling also followed closely.

The two of them had a Soul Douluo and a Soul Sage. Under the full attack, no matter how weird the three-headed hellhound was, it would be powerless to resist.

Boom! !
Boom! ! !

The berserk thunder and flames hit the three-headed dog, roaring and screaming again and again, but before they could resist, Gu Ye's deadliest blow, the electromagnetic knife, hit the three-headed dog to the ground until it was inserted into the heart. .

(End of this chapter)

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