Chapter 155;
After a while, Gu Ye and Qian Renxue came to the depths of the secret room again.

A few days ago, Gu Ye and Qian Renxue rode horses and galloped here, having fun.

Now, the two were able to walk here together.

The hearts of women in Douluo Dalu are really indescribable.

Gu Ye walked to the bed in the secret room. Although many days had passed, the traces on the bed were still there.

Seeing this bed, Gu Ye seemed to have seen the scene of Qian Renxue changing from passive to active and then passive again.

Seeing Gu Ye staring at the bed without speaking, Qian Renxue seemed to know what he was thinking, so she couldn't help but snorted coldly:
"Gu Ye, if you dare to mess around again without my permission, I will make you look good."

Whether it was the secret room last time or the incident of Gu Ye forcefully kissing her at Tiandou Imperial Academy, Qian Renxue's mind was disturbed.

Gu Ye didn't reply to Qian Renxue's words, he slowly stroked the edge of the bed with his hand, and said with a smirk: "I still vaguely remember that you were very active last time, especially in the back, you..."

"shut up."

Qian Renxue blushed and interrupted Gu Ye's words.

That kind of thing was just her instinctive reaction.

At that time, she couldn't control her body at all, so she would obey and then become active.

Now that Gu Ye said it face to face, or said it in this secret room, a feeling of shame arises spontaneously
Gu Ye looked at the blushing Qian Renxue with a smile: "Okay, then I won't talk about it, let's talk about some important things now. But aren't you tired from standing like this, you'd better come and sit down."

"No, just tell me, I listen to it."

"Don't sit, maybe you are afraid, this is your secret room, I am not afraid of you, what are you afraid of?"

"Who's scared, isn't it just sitting? There's nothing to be afraid of." Qian Renxue snorted and went to sit on the bed.

After sitting down, her body trembled inexplicably for some reason.

Then, a few days ago in the secret room, on the bed, all kinds of things between her and Gu Ye appeared in her mind instantly, extremely clear.

Her conditioned reflex generally wanted to get up from this bed, but Gu Ye's hand pressed her shoulder.

"Let's have a good chat." Gu Ye said softly.

Although Qian Renxue's face was a little rosy, when she thought that she was Qian Renxue, she suppressed the discomfort in her body and sat still.

"It was my fault for treating you like that last time, and I apologize to you here."

"But I was obsessed with ghosts at that time, who made you so charming."

As Gu Ye said, he couldn't help holding Qian Renxue's hand when he couldn't help it.

"If you hate me, you can beat me and scold me, but I hope you will give me a chance to protect you."

Gu Ye didn't say that he liked it, because it was insulting to say that he liked it.

He doesn't even like Qian Renxue now, at most he is greedy for her body.

Talking to her so kindly and gently now is just to be able to pamper her better in the future.

It is a common problem of men to use color and meaning, and Gu Ye is no exception as a man.

Of course, Gu Ye also likes Qian Renxue very much.

Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye and didn't speak for a while.

She was not used to Gu Ye's sudden tenderness.

After all, she was preconceived and always thought that Gu Ye was a tough man.

She also likes Gu Ye's toughness.

but now he
However, Gu Ye was still the Gu Ye Qian Renxue thought of, and he was still tough when he should be tough.

In the special place of the secret room, Gu Ye's desire for Qian Renxue was infinitely magnified.

He was holding Qian Renxue's hand, but the next second he couldn't help Qian Renxue agreeing, so he pulled Qian Renxue into his arms, and then kissed her.

Being treated harshly again, still in the same secret room, on the same bed, Qian Renxue seemed a little unbelievable, her eyes widened a little.

She didn't ask Gu Ye to come to the secret room to do these things, she came to Gu Ye to talk about things.

But now.
No, you can't let him go on.

Qian Renxue found that she didn't want to resist Gu Ye, and for some reason, her body just wanted to obey Gu Ye, so she quickly thought about countermeasures in her mind.

Then something flashed in her mind.

She wants to take the initiative.

The last time it was Gu Ye who was tough on her.

This time she wants to get back with revenge, and she wants Gu Ye to pay back double.

Qian Renxue's physical strength increased greatly, and she turned against the guest.

A light flashed in her hand, and the originally bright secret room instantly dimmed.

And she wants to make Gu Ye repay twice as much.

Gu Ye was startled, he didn't expect Qian Renxue to do such a thing.

But Gu Ye didn't resist, but rather enjoyed it.

He regarded it as repaying Qian Renxue's debt for raped her last time.

Anyway, at the back, we still have to rely on him.

Within the density, Qian Renxue fulfilled the vow to make Gu Ye pay back twice as much.

Thus began a secret room battle.

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At Tiandou Imperial Academy, Ning Fengzhi has already come outside.

Followed by Ning Fengzhi's side, there was naturally the powerful Title Douluo, Sword Douluo Chenxin.

"Fengzhi, I haven't seen baby Rongrong for a long time, so don't lie to me."

"Uncle Jian, don't worry, this girl Rongrong has indeed joined Tiandou Imperial Academy, Qinghe told me that." Ning Fengzhi explained again helplessly.

He had said it several times on the way here, but Uncle Jian didn't believe it, which made him very helpless.

After Jian Douluo confirmed it, he took a few steps, wishing he could immediately fly into the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and take a good look at his baby Rongrong

In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the ones who love Ning Rongrong the most are Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

It is better to say that it is love, it is better to say that it is pampering.

How could Sword Douluo be unhappy to see Ning Rongrong again after a few months.

But at this time, at the Tiandou Royal Academy Education Committee, Mengshenji and the three suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, it was the aura from an absolute powerhouse, able to instantly destroy their powerful pressure.

As soon as this feeling appeared in their hearts, the three rushed out of the education committee room in an instant.

When they saw the person coming, the three of them were shocked:
"Sect Master Ning, Senior Sword Douluo!"

Although the three of them are Contra-level powerhouses and the strongest three in the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, they are nothing compared to Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi.

"I don't know that Sect Master Ning came here, but I am really disappointed. I hope you will forgive me."

The three hurried forward, and when they came in front of Ning Fengzhi, they looked at Sword Douluo Chen Xin, respectfully saluted as a junior, "Your junior has met Senior Sword Douluo."

Sword Douluo, the well-known titled Douluo powerhouse in the Douluo Continent.

How disrespectful the three of them are.

"The three are the teaching committee of Tiandou Imperial Academy, so you don't have to be polite." Ning Fengzhi said casually.

Jian Dou Luo Chenxin saw the three of them, and he didn't care about those formalities because he was eager for his granddaughter, so he hurriedly asked: "My family Rongrong goes to school here, right?"

The three of Mengshenji immediately understood the purpose of Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo's visit when they heard it.

"Yes, Miss Rongrong is indeed studying at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. When I saw Miss Rongrong come to the Tiandou Imperial Academy, I knew that one day I would definitely see Sect Master Ning. Now it is exactly as I expected." Meng Shenji chuckled lightly.

"Meng Education Committee, this girl Rongrong didn't cause you any trouble at Tiandou Imperial Academy, did she?" Ning Fengzhi asked.

"How could it be? It's really an honor for our academy to have such an outstanding student like Ning Rongrong come to study at Tiandou Royal Academy. There is no such thing as causing trouble."

Zhi Lin's words for Contra were very polite, even meant to flatter Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo.

Thinking about it, it's normal for a Contra to please a titled Douluo, or the well-known Sword Douluo Chenxin in the Douluo Continent.

Jian Douluo came here to see Ning Rongrong, so he didn't want to talk to the three of them, "Rongrong is in class right now, tell me where she is, I'm going to take a look."

"Oh, how about this, let me lead the way for Senior Sword Douluo."


Sword Douluo is also welcome.

Ning Fengzhi looked at his uncle Jian's urgent appearance, which was also a little funny.

Then, under the leadership of Mengshenji and the other three, a group of people went to the mimicry training room.

At this time, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing have been training in the mimicry training room since they came back from the Guye Medical Center. The training venue here is very good, which can best satisfy their daily cultivation.

As for the other people in Shrek Academy, they are also practicing in the mimicry training room.

Only after they came to Tiandou Royal Academy did they realize the difference between having a mimetic training venue and not having one.

He also knew how bad Shrek Academy was back then.

"Zhuqing, let's go find Xiao Wu."


The two of them practiced similarly, and they had made an appointment with Xiao Wu just now to go find her, after tidying up, they left and went to a training room not far away.

It was Xiao Wu in the training room, besides Xiao Wu there was Tang San.

Seeing Ning Rongrong coming in, Xiao Wu stopped and hurried to the two of them, "Zhuqing, Rongrong, you're here, I've been waiting for you for quite a while."

"Hee hee, Xiao Wu, it's because of you that Zhuqing and I didn't come." Ning Rongrong glanced at Tang San with a smirk.

Xiao Wu naturally understood what Ning Rongrong meant, but she was only practicing with Tang San and not doing anything.

Then she thought of what happened to her third brother's defeat just now, she took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and said, "Zhu Qing, just now I had a competition with my third brother, and he defeated me very quickly. How about you help me get back my face?" .”

Tang San scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard his sister Xiao Wu's words, he recognized Zhu Zhuqing's strength very much, and really wanted to compare with Zhu Zhuqing.

But Zhu Zhuqing did shake his head, and refused: "Xiao Wu, forget it."

"That's right, let's forget about Xiao Wu, your third brother is only level 33 soul master, and Zhu Qing is now level 39." Ning Rongrong said.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wu didn't believe it, thinking that Ning Rongrong was just joking, similarly, Tang San didn't believe it either.

After all, it's only been a few days, how could Zhu Zhuqing break through to level 39?

Seeing the determined expressions of the two, Xiao Wu still asked for confirmation: "Zhuqing, Rongrong is joking, right?"

"Xiao Wu, what Rong Rong said is true, my level has indeed reached level 39." Zhu Zhuqing said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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