Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 133 After the secret room, Gu Ye becomes cautious and treats Duguyan alone in the room...

Chapter 133 After the Chamber of Secrets, Gu Ye Became Cautious and Healed Dugu Yan Alone in the Room

The reason why Dugu Bo readily agreed to Gu Ye to help him find those fairy herbs was because he wanted to cure his granddaughter Duguyan.

As long as there is hope, no matter how small it is, for the sake of his granddaughter, Dugu Bo will do it without hesitation.

He is the one who understands the unbearable pain when the venom of the Jade Scaled Snake erupts. In the future, he does not want to see the moment when his granddaughter Dugu Yan dies from the poison.

Now he wants to go back to the medicine garden in Sunset Forest, at his speed, he can get there in half a day from Tiandou City to Sunset Forest.

It doesn't take two days to go back and forth.

But if he wanted to pick those elixir intact, he had to follow the illustrated book Gu Ye gave him and prepare some special things.

It will take more than three days to go back and forth in this way.

Gu Ye Medical Center.

After confirming that Dugu Bo had left, Gu Ye rested in the medical hall for a while before leaving.

When he left, he went to check around and found that there was no one from Qian Renxue, which made Gu Ye a little confused.

"She really didn't send anyone."

"It stands to reason... She should hate me for doing such an exaggerated thing to her. After so many days, how can there be no movement at all?"

"Could it really be subdued by me?"

"Maybe, it's really possible."

Gu Ye thought of Qian Renxue's attitude in the secret room,

"No, no, for the sake of safety, don't be careless, wait and see for a few days, and come back if she hasn't moved."

Gu Ye didn't want to be caught by Qian Renxue because of his carelessness, it would be bad.

I didn't see someone because of carelessness. By now, the grass on the grave has covered his grave?
The cautious Gu Ye kept an eye out, then quietly returned to Lanba Academy and continued to be his teacher.

In addition to being a teacher, she flirts with Liu Erlong every day, cooks, and lives a happy life for the two of them.

Another four days passed in a flash.

During these four days, the relationship between Gu Yezai and Liu Erlong has gradually warmed up.

In the eyes of some students of Lanba Academy, because Gu Ye and Liu Erlong often go back together and live together, they are already a couple.

They would even tease in private that Gu Ye is the real dean of their Lanba Academy, and Liu Erlong has become the dean's wife.

Although Liu Erlong knew what these students were discussing in private, she found that she enjoyed this feeling a little, so much so that she was slowly accepting Gu Ye's kindness towards her these days.

She had begun to convince herself that in order to forget the past, she should have a life of her own.

It is also under this kind of thinking that in these four days, Gu Ye's care for her has reached a very deep attitude.

In order to pick Liu Erlong's peach, Gu Ye also paid a lot of money.

Using all the means of chasing women in his previous life on Liu Erlong, the effect was so good that Gu Ye was surprised.

Just last night, he was almost able to leave Liu Erlong in his room for the night.

Once Liu Erlong stays and sleeps with him in the same bed, until late at night, with Gu Ye's shamelessness, some indescribable things may happen between the two of them afterwards.

It's a pity that Liu Erlong still seemed to hesitate a bit.

But Gu Ye is not in a hurry, there is still time anyway.

At noon, Gu Ye came to Liu Erlong's office and talked to her, then left Lanba Academy and returned to the medical center.

He decided to stay in the medical hall for a long time, wait and see what happened to Qian Renxue, and see if she would come to him to avenge the secret room.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ye did not wait for Qian Renxue, but instead waited for Dugu Bo.

And Dugu Bo still brought Dugu Yan to his clinic.

Gu Ye was a little surprised to see Dugu Bo come back so soon.

But Dugu Bo didn't talk nonsense when he came in, and put the things he took from the medicine garden in front of Gu Ye.

"I have brought back what you asked for, and there is nothing missing. Take a look, and if it is correct, I will start treating my granddaughter."

Duguyan already knew about the deal between her grandfather and Gu Ye, and she was overjoyed when she thought that her poison would be cured soon.

"Don't worry, I can treat your granddaughter later."

Gu Ye looked at the dozen or so jade boxes in front of him, and opened them one by one for verification.

All the celestial products that appeared in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye in the original book are here.

Star Anise Mystic Ice Grass is a kind of strange cold flower product, which can make people's heart chill, numb the center, and the cold air within ten meters will be overwhelming.

The second type: Blazing Fire Xingjiaoshu is a highly poisonous celestial product with top-level fire poison. It only grows in hot places and can survive even in magma.

Most people don't even dare to touch this thing.

In the original book, Tang San only took it off with Xuanyu's hand.

And Dugu Bo has the strength of the Titled Douluo, separated by his soul power, and according to the indications in Gu Ye's illustrated book, it is not difficult to pick it.

In the past, Dugu Bo didn't take it because he didn't know what the medicines were for, and these medicines seemed to be quite toxic, so he wouldn't take risks to pick up some medicines that he didn't know what they were used for.

After Gu Ye gave him the illustrated book and the method of removing it, Dugu Bo relied on the protection of his titled Douluo-level soul power, and it was not difficult to remove these two immortal treasures and seal them in the jade box.

In addition to these two celestial products, Wangchuan Qiushuilu, Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum, Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, Qiluo Tulip, Yuxiang Qiluo, and the fairy product Acacia Heartbroken Red among flowers, all the fairy products that appear in the original work are listed here .

In addition, there are several original works that have never appeared before.

In Dugu Bo's eyes, these medicinal materials should be known to be good things, but it's a pity that he doesn't know what effect they have, let alone what they are useful for.

It was precisely because of this that Dugu Bo didn't know how to use a bunch of treasure mountains in his hands.

Seeing that Gu Ye was fascinated by these herbs, Dugu Bo asked curiously:

"Gu Ye, you should know how to use these medicines and what are their uses, right? I'm also a little curious, old man, I don't know."

Obviously, Dugu Bo also wanted to know the use of the medicinal materials that Gu Ye tried to obtain.

"Your Majesty Poison Douluo, why don't you treat your granddaughter first, and we'll talk about the effects of these herbs later."

It is impossible for Gu Ye to tell Dugu Bo the effects of these fairy herbs.

Otherwise, he would be afraid that Dugu Bo would die of depression.

Thinking about it, if Dugu Bo had the courage to pick a celestial plant and eat it at will, he wouldn't be in this inhuman and ghost-like state.

Moreover, maybe it was a blessing in disguise, and the strength broke through level 95 or above.

"Alright, let's treat my granddaughter first."

Although Dugu Bo was curious, he decided to treat his granddaughter Dugu Yan's poison first.

If Gu Ye is not treated well.

Dugu Bo thought of the suffering he had suffered in the past few days for picking these fairy herbs. He stared at Gu Ye and sneered in his heart.

"Come with me." Gu Ye said to Dugu Yan after putting away these fairy herbs.


This is not the first time Dugu Yan has been treated by Gu Ye, and the process is very familiar.

"Your Majesty Poison Douluo, just wait outside, the healing process is not suitable for you to watch."

Dugu Bo thought for a while, and agreed with Gu Ye's words.

With such a close distance, he didn't worry about what Gu Ye would do to his granddaughter.

After a while, Gu Ye brought Dugu Yan to the backyard room.

Duguyan actively lay on the bed, opened her legs slightly, and waited for Gu Ye's treatment.

"Dugu Yan, because the treatment will need to go deep into the deepest part of your body, the process will be painful, you have to be patient."

"I see, come on, I can bear it."

"Okay, then I'll start."

Gu Ye summoned a scalpel, and at the same time the surgical space enveloped Dugu Yan.

Gu Ye is already very proficient in this kind of martial soul surgery, and the treatment process is not difficult.

Dugu Yan's Wuhun was poisoned because the snake venom was so strong that she herself was affected by the snake venom.

What Gu Ye has to do is to control the original snake venom in her martial soul to a certain amount, so that when she releases it, it will not leak out of her body and cause her own poisoning.

That is to treat Wuhun first, and then treat Duguyan himself.

The healing process on Wuhun was not difficult for Gu Ye, and he quickly completed the control.

Next is the poison on Dugu Yan's body.

If he wanted to cure the poison on Dugu Yan's body, he naturally needed to do something to Dugu Yan's body.

"Foots bent and slightly spread."

During the treatment, Gu Ye ordered.

Duguyan knew that this was helping her heal, so she subconsciously obeyed Gu Ye's words and made actions that would facilitate Gu Ye's treatment.

The treatment process was a little longer, more than half an hour, and the result was smooth.

Dugu Yan's first time was handed over to Gu Ye.

Don't get me wrong, it's just the first time in an in-depth treatment.

After a while, Gu Ye and Dugu Yan walked out of the room.

"Yanyan, what's the matter?" Dugu Bo walked up immediately and asked worriedly.

"Grandpa, I'm fine." Dugu Yan said, looking at Gu Ye one more time, and his cheeks were still a little red.

I don't know what Gu Ye did to make her blush like this when he helped her treat just now.

"Your Majesty Poison Douluo, I have cured your granddaughter of her poison, and you can rest assured that her poison will not recur in the future."

Gu Ye's words made Dugu Bo quickly inspect his granddaughter's body.

Soon he knew the truth of Gu Ye's words.

Indeed, the poison in her granddaughter's body was gone, and the poison in her martial soul showed no signs of spreading.

After the investigation, Dugu Bo looked at Gu Ye with gratitude in his eyes.

Although he is not a good person, he treats his relatives better than anyone else.

He would do anything for the safety of her granddaughter.

Now that Gu Ye has cured his granddaughter, Dugu Bo always remembers Gu Ye's love in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, I can tell you one more thing."

"Dugu Yan's poison is resolved, but when you have a soul bone, Dugu Yan, you can force the poison on your martial soul into the soul bone, so that you will not only be affected by the poison soon, but also greatly enhance your strength. "

The reason why he told Dugu Yan about Dugu Bo and the two of them was because Gu Ye was in a good mood now.

Also, the fairy herbs that Dugu Bo brought were of great use to Gu Ye.

Take it as a little compensation for Dugu Bo.

After hearing Gu Ye's words, Dugu Bo suddenly thought of something.

"I remember what you said."

"You helped my granddaughter cure the poison in her body. Although it is said that you used those medicinal materials in exchange, to me, no matter how valuable those medicines are compared with my granddaughter, it doesn't matter. So... I, Dugu Bo, owe you a favor , next time if you encounter any trouble, you can come to me."

After saying a few words, Dugu Bo left in a hurry, even putting his granddaughter Dugu Yan in the Guye Medical Center regardless.

He only remembered after hearing what Gu Ye said just now, if he forced his own poison into his soul bone, could he also control the poison.

It was precisely because of this that he was so anxious that he even threw his granddaughter to Gu Ye.

As for his granddaughter Duguyan, Gu Ye has cured her poison now, so there is nothing else to worry about.

"Grandpa is really too." Seeing Dugu Bo leaving just like that, Dugu Yan stomped his feet angrily.

How could she leave here alone.

Is there such a thing as a grandfather?

Gu Ye didn't care too much.

If it weren't for his interest in these fairy herbs, he might not have had much contact with Dugu Bo.

Now that he is gone, Gu Ye doesn't care what he does.

But as soon as Dugu Bo left, there were only Gu Ye and Dugu Yan left in the room.

Gu Ye came to the chair and sat down, took out a fairy plant and observed it.

Seeing that Gu Ye didn't care about what happened just now, Dugu Yan felt a little unhappy.

When Gu Ye helped her get rid of the poison in her body just now, although she knew she had to do that, but Gu Ye did everything, how could she really not take it seriously?
"Gu Ye, I'm leaving."

Dugu Yan reminded Gu Ye.

"Let's go." Gu Ye waved without even raising his head.

Dugu Yan gritted his teeth, "I'm really leaving."

Seeing that Gu Ye didn't even say a word, she snorted angrily, left the medical hall and went back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

After Dugu Yan left, Gu Ye looked up at Dugu Yan's back.

Compliment: "The figure is not bad."

Out of necessity, Dugu Yan had to take off his clothes when he was treating Dugu Yan just now.

This was done by Gu Ye only with Dugu Yan's own consent, so it's nothing serious.

And for Gu Ye, the most important thing now is to deal with these fairy herbs.

He got a lot of fairy herbs, and he only needed a few of them.

"These two kinds of Ice and Fire Immortal Products can make people develop a body immune to ice and fire and enhance their physical strength. The effect should be good."

Gu Ye decided to refine these two celestial products into the essence of medicinal liquid.

This is not difficult for him who has the operating space.

Gu Ye has used the system to investigate, and the body forging effect of the two immortals, Binghuo, and the cell strengthening medicine can complement each other.

As for which is strong and which is weak, it is difficult to compare different characteristics.

"Try to extract the essence of the two medicinal liquids of the Ice Fire Immortal Grade."

Then Gu Ye began to use the operating space to extract the liquid essence of the Binghuo Immortal Herb.

In the original book, Tang San took it directly, relying on the suppressing effect of Binghuo Liangyiquan to refine these two immortal products.

Gu Ye doesn't need it.

What he is doing now is to remove the poison of the ice and fire two kinds of fairy herbs, and keep the purest medicinal properties.

He can make several doses of medicinal liquid essence for his use, or for people around him.

As for the two ice and fire poisons of the ice and fire fairy herb, he can melt them and use them as means.

(End of this chapter)

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