Chapter 275

By the time Mu Wanqing and his sisters arrived in Liaodong with their energetic female guards, the Great Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom were negotiating and had already begun.

At this time, Murong Fu had already led his tens of thousands of troops back to the south bank of the Yellow River, preparing to rely on the Yellow River's natural moat for defense. In any case, with this tiny place, he could be considered to have fulfilled his dream.

What Wang Yue did made the Liao Kingdom vomit blood even more. He ordered his subordinates to almost evacuate the counties of Anding Prefecture, as well as Laizhou and Jinzhou, and returned to the east of the Liaohe River with pressure on the population and supplies.

When Wang Yue's cousin brought Wang Yue's mother to Liaodong, Wang Yue had already built a defense line along the Liaohe River and Huanglong Mansion according to the nineteenth suggestion.He even asked Duo to take thousands of veterans of guards and tens of thousands of attached soldiers and horses to deter the ready-to-movement Goryeo.

However, at the same time, another news also came. The peace agreement between Song and Liao had been reached. The land on the south side of the Great Wall occupied by the East Road of the Great Song Dynasty was owned by the Great Song Dynasty, and the land of the Hejian Mansion occupied by the Liao Army It was also returned to Da Song.

The entire Song Dynasty was immersed in the joy of expanding the territory, and the bigwigs in the imperial court had already forgotten about Wang Yue and the soldiers and horses of the Murong family.

In the eyes of these Da Song bureaucrats, Wang Yue and Murong Fu should feel honored to be used by Da Song.

Wang Yue saw the end of the peace talks between Song and Liao, and knew that he and his group had been completely abandoned.He also quickly started to prepare for the army, and the time to test him has come.

Yelu Hongji saw that Wang Yue was fighting hard, obviously he was not planning to withdraw from the Liao Kingdom, and wanted to fight Liaodong to the end, so he transferred the 20 soldiers who had just been withdrawn from the southern front to Taizhou, and approached Huanglong Mansion and Tongzhou.

After the 20 exhausted troops rushed to the battlefield, under the long-range attack of Wang Yue's longbow and powerful crossbow, and the defense of gunpowder, it took more than three months until the heavy snow fell. The soldiers who jumped were seriously injured.

This battle almost wiped out half of Wang Yue's family fortune in the past few years.You know, this is the era when a small piece of glass can be sold for a lot of money.Wang Yue's caravan sold all kinds of rare things, and the huge amount of money he earned was added to the treasures of the Murong family, which was exchanged for massive war resources.

The main reason is that Wang Yue was fooled by the TV, so the money wasted so quickly. In order to achieve the effect of overwhelming dense coverage of arrows, he made a lot of arrows and gunpowder.

Under this kind of war of fighting for money, Daliao's way of fighting for heads cost the Liao Kingdom tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but it still couldn't move forward, and it even scared many leaders of Daliao.

Especially after winter, Wang Yue's troops not only have special antifreeze oil, but also do a good job of keeping warm. Almost every person wears a down jacket, which is very light, and they can also wear armor on the outside, without reducing their combat effectiveness, and can still maintain a large area. Coverage operations.

The gentry of the Daliao Dynasty were not so lucky. In the cold wind, with bows and crossbows that cost no money, their combat effectiveness was severely reduced, but their losses were very serious.

When Yelu Hongji ordered the Liao army to retreat from Tongzhou, Huanglongfu, he instructed the cavalry of more than [-] troops in the direction of Dadingfu to forcefully cross the frozen Liaohe River and make a surprise attack in the direction of Shenyang. Capture the king.

As a result, the [-] cavalry were even more miserable, and the entire army was wiped out by the black-hearted Wang Yue.

Yelu Hongji waited for a long time, but there was no news of the [-] cavalry. He probably knew that the elite cavalry had probably been wiped out.

It was really unclear about Wang Yue's details, so the soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom really shrank and began to rest for the winter.

However, Wang Yue's army stationed near Koryo suddenly launched an attack on Koryo at this time.

The main reason is that Goryeo is too disgusting. Wang Yue involved a large number of soldiers and horses who couldn't move, and would test it a few times from time to time. It was too exhausting to keep it.

In order to quickly solve Goryeo, Wang Yue directly activated various uses of gunpowder, which could not stop Wang Yue's various soil bomb attacks at all, so he could only retreat again and again.

In the eyes of the Koryo defenders, this was Thor's anger, and their combat effectiveness plummeted, and soon Koryo was wiped out by Wang Yue's army.

After occupying the entire Goryeo, Wang Yue suddenly announced the establishment of the present country, with Shenyang as its capital.Wang Yue is the king, Zhao Jin is the princess, and Mu Wanqing is the concubine.

Nineteen is relatively safe. He strongly objected, "Shenyang is too close to the front line of Liaohe River. A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall."

Wang Yue shook his head with a smile, and said firmly, "The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country. Only in this way can we use our lives to resist the Liao Kingdom."

When Wang Yue's subordinates heard what he said, all of them were full of fighting spirit, and they wished to fight Liao immediately.

After the founding of the country, Wang Yue sent envoys to submit the letter of credence to the Song Dynasty. At the same time, a large number of people migrated from the Song Dynasty to his Dajin country by sea.

But at this time, Yelu Hongji was furious. He never expected that when he was ambitiously preparing to expand his borders, he would be caught by two little thieves, Murong Fu and Wang Yue.Two large pieces of land were cut off from him.

And Qiao Feng, who is Wang Yue's elder brother, is no longer trusted by Yelu Hongji. After all, it all started when Qiao Feng's men suddenly attacked Da Song.

Yelu Hongji selectively forgot that he was the one who ordered the attack on Da Song, and it was the henchmen he sent to do it without telling Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng was also imprisoned because of the failure of the Liao Kingdom's Eastern Expedition.

Fortunately, A'Zhu was more vigilant, when she heard that Daliao's troops had failed to attack Wang Yue, she immediately asked Qiao Feng to leave Liao Kingdom with the two elders of the Qiao family and Xiao Yuanshan.

It's just that Qiao Feng didn't believe that Yelu Hongji would treat him like this, but he still let A'Zhu take the three old people away first.

A'Zhu didn't dare to go directly in the direction of Da Song, but went all the way north and made a big circle before arriving at Wang Yue's Da Jin Kingdom.

When A'Zhu and the others arrived in Shenyang, Wang Yue had already received the news that Qiao Feng was under house arrest in Nanjing.

Wang Yue felt that if he went to save them with great fanfare, the loss would be great.However, he had to save others, after all, he was his sworn brother.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Yue came up with an idea. He ordered Duhu to collect the corpses of the Daliao soldiers who crossed the river and raided Shenyang, and then sent an envoy to Daliao. The dead body was replaced by Qiao Feng.

Yelu Hongji was furious when he heard Wang Yue's condition, but he was quickly persuaded by his subordinates. After all, if Daliao ignored this condition, there would never be any soldiers willing to sacrifice their lives for Daliao. Hot blooded.

Finally, Yelu Hongji, who calmed down, still held his breath, and agreed to Wang Yue's request, and Qiao Feng came to Shenyang quickly and smoothly.

Qiao Feng didn't want to stay in Shenyang, after all, this would be the front line of the war with the Liao Kingdom in the future.After getting drunk with Wang Yue in Shenyang, he took Ah Zhu and his parents to Kaijing, the original Koryo, now renamed Seoul by Wang Yue, to help Wang Yue stabilize the rear.

As for the civil and military men of the Song Dynasty, they did not expect that Wang Yue, the Tanhualang, was an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, and his trained subordinates were so good at fighting. The Song Dynasty missed an opportunity to dominate the world.

However, it doesn't seem too late now. Tanhualang is a long-term lover. He established a country with the name of the princess of Song Dynasty.

If this Dajin Kingdom is inherited by the eldest princess's children in the future, it will be no different from that of Song Dynasty.

Because of this beautiful dream, the entire Great Song Dynasty turned a blind eye to Wang Yue's transport of people. When Daliao's second gold crusade, Wang Yue had already transported several 10 people Yes, half of them came by themselves on merchant ships, because the Dajin government said that as long as they went to Dajin's land, they would arrange the land after reporting to the government.

For a time, the most unlucky ones in the Song Dynasty were not those aristocratic chaebols. After all, the population of the Song Dynasty is too large now, and a little less will have no effect on them.

The most affected ones were the Beggars' Gang, the bottom of the Beggars' Gang, who traveled to Liaodong in groups on Wang Yue's people-carrying boat.The beggar gangs in various places in the Song Dynasty have greatly reduced their staff, and those branch forums have not been able to function normally.

These beggar gang members were first sent to Seoul, and Qiao Feng received them. Now the members of the beggar gang were completely relieved, and honestly went to claim the land according to the government's regulations.

After Wang Yue heard about this situation, he gave up the land with bad intentions, resettled the children of the Beggar Clan, took a merchant ship back to Dasong, and went to Dasong to talk about the situation here, especially emphasizing it, It was Qiao Feng who was in charge of receiving and arranging the refugees.

Then, the above situation appeared. Half of the large immigrants of tens of thousands of people came by themselves, which saved Wang Yue a lot of transportation capacity.

After getting manpower, Wang Yue opened many arsenals and stepped up preparations for war, so that the people who had just arrived had income, and soon became stable.

The spring plowing just ended in the second year, and another 30 troops from the Liao Kingdom came to the Dajin Kingdom. This time, the Liao Kingdom fought very cautiously, and confronted Wang Yue's 10,000+ troops, which lasted until the first battle Snow, it was only then that the troops withdrew again.

After Wang Yue withdrew his army from Daliao, he had a big winter military training, and he brought the Jurchen tribe in the north under his command, more than doubling his territory.Even Wang Yue took the opportunity to capture Changchun Prefecture, and Bingfeng pointed directly at Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing.

After Yelu Hongji received the news, he was terrified. He didn't expect the newly established Dajin Kingdom to be so capable of fighting. The sword of Dajin Kingdom was almost on the neck of the capital of Daliao.

After urgent discussions with a group of civil and military officials, Yelu Hongji decided to move the capital to Nanjing.

Wang Yue also held a big wedding before the Chinese New Year, and formally married Zhao Jin as the queen and Mu Wanqing as the noble concubine.

When Da Song heard about Wang Yue's wedding, he specially sent congratulatory gifts, and discussed with Wang Yue about a joint war to destroy Liao.

However, just after Dajin passed through this war, Wang Yue's family fortune was almost exhausted. If the fight continues, he will fight for the head. On hold for now.

Both Dajin and Daliao were exhausted from fighting, and both needed to recuperate and lick their wounds.

This year, the Empress Dowager Gao of the Song Dynasty also stepped down from the stage of history, and the officials of the Song Dynasty were finally able to govern in person.

Zhao Xu, an official of the Great Song Dynasty, resolutely suppressed the conservatives and presided over the reform after taking charge of the government. He also took advantage of the time when Daliao had no time to look south, launched a war with Xixia, and won a large area of ​​Xixia land in one fell swoop.

Da Song's mysterious operation made Wang Yue a little speechless. He wanted to pick a soft persimmon. If he couldn't beat Liao, he could just beat Xixia.

(End of this chapter)

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