Chapter 240 Mu Wanqing

Time flies, and more than three years have passed.In the past three years, Wang Yue's martial arts has improved rapidly, thanks to Bi Shisan. The medical skills he learned from him made Wang Yue very familiar with meridians and acupoints.

And the fortune-telling method learned from Bi Shisan made Wang Yue understand Fuxi's gossip, so it was easy to learn Lingbo Weibu.

While learning martial arts, Wang Yue also took the time to take part in the imperial examination. During these three years, he passed two tests in a row, and he seemed to be selected as a Jinshi. In the palace examination in the fourth year of Yuanyou, he was selected as Tanhualang by the young emperor. , Entered the Imperial Academy.

When those conservative officials were distressed by Wang Anshi's amazingly talented grandson, Wang Yue asked the emperor for a long vacation, saying that he wanted to visit the country's great mountains and rivers while he was young, and then come back to listen to him.

For some reason, the little emperor generously approved Wang Yue's request, and Wang Yue disappeared from the sight of these officials.

It's just that those conservatives still don't feel at ease. Recently, they often get together to discuss safe countermeasures.

Wang Yue, who has faded out of court, did not intend to do more to make the Song Dynasty exist longer, but the two brothers Wang Anshi, one presided over the reform and the other opposed the reform. If it goes on, Wang Yue doesn't think he has the ability to save this dynasty from corruption.

In fact, if it wasn't for the convenience of walking in the Song Dynasty, Wang Yue didn't even want to take the imperial examination. Don't think that the royal family of this dynasty has the same surname as Mai Mai, so he can make him work hard.

Wang Yue left the capital, did not return to his hometown in Fuzhou at all, and ran towards Dali, he wanted to see if Duan Yu, the protagonist, could survive in such a tricky manner without the Dongfu inheritance.

Wang Yuejue won't admit it, he just wants to see how beautiful Duan Yu's girls are.

It was actually a bit late for Wang Yue to set off. When he set off, he got the news that Duan Yu had already left the Zhennan Palace and started to go out for fun.

When Wang Yue and two of his subordinates rushed to Dali territory, they happened to meet Duan Yu, the little prince who was killed, riding a black horse, galloping along the official road.

Looking at Duan Yu's disappearing figure, Wang Yue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had seen Duan Yu's portrait, otherwise, he would not have recognized him. What is Duan Yu planning to do now?

Wang Yue looked around. In the ancient times without navigation, it was really difficult to know the way. However, seeing the direction Duan Yu was heading, he was ready to ask his bodyguards Duan Yu and Er Hu.

At this time, Duan Yu, who was riding a black horse, came back again, and when he passed by Wang Yue and the other three, he even said hello.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yue didn't need to ask any more, he greeted his two subordinates, and hurriedly chased after him.

Now is a good time to please this idiot Duan Yu, after all before Duan Yu didn't know his own life experience, no matter the pretty girl in Tianlong, Duan Yu was an uncle!
Duan Yu's black horse ran extremely fast, and when Wang Yue and the others chased him to a rose manor, Duan Yu happened to be pushed down to the ground by several people.

Wang Yue hurriedly signaled the two tigers to save people, but he walked into Rose Manor leisurely.When he walked in, a group of slave servants with knives, guns and sticks surrounded a masked woman in black, and there was a man dressed as a servant lying on the ground, with a long sword stuck in his body, bleeding profusely, probably dead.

Everyone in the manor was very surprised when they saw Wang Yue walking in.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman dressed as a nanny turned around and pointed at Wang Yue and said, "Who are you, dare to disturb our work at Mantuo Villa?"

Wang Yue was very speechless after hearing what the old mother said. Is this trying to trick his master?Moreover, he already had a grudge against Mantuo Villa, so he would definitely not expose it.However, he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Mantuo Villa? The one in Gusu?"

The nanny who led the team didn't expect that the other party had heard of it, so she said very proudly, "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, get out of here!"

Wang Yue shook his head and said disdainfully, "It's just the dove occupying the magpie's nest. I remember that the surname of the manor should be Wang Cai. Since you servants who helped Zou Weimao are so vicious, you should have many lives in your hands. Then I can’t spare you, big tiger and two tigers, take them down.”

The two brothers who had just rescued Duan Yu listened to Wang Yue's order and didn't say much. They quickly took care of a group of servants, leaving only two old mothers for questioning.

At this moment, Duan Yu walked over, just in time to see the big tiger and the two tigers, throwing a bloody long sword casually, just hitting a fleeing servant.

Seeing this bloody scene, Duan Yu exclaimed in shock, "How can you kill people casually? Is there any law of the king? Although Dali is a small country, you can't ignore the law of the country like this."

Wang Yue frowned and looked at Duan Yu, thinking that Mr. Jin knew Tianlong Duan Yu had been changed into this appearance, would he take the screenwriter down to ask?Or is Duan Yu originally like this?
Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, what did Duan Yu just want to say?Sitting in the middle of the arena all the time, looking at Mu Wanqing who was still fighting here, she asked first, "Are you with these people?"

After hearing Mu Wanqing's words, Duan Yu immediately forgot to denounce Wang Yue, and hurriedly said, "On the way back to Dali, I was stopped by several people. I heard that the owner here is in danger, so I hurried to report it. .”

Mu Wanqing took a look at Duan Yu, then said with some disgust, "I've got nothing to do here, don't you rush to save Zhong Ling? The poison of the Lightning Sable won't last long."

After hearing Mu Wanqing's words, Duan Yu was stunned. He only remembered now that Zhong Ling was still on Wuliang Mountain and was taken as a hostage.

Wang Yue looked at his stupid head and couldn't bear to look directly at him. He felt that this nerd should honestly go back to Dali to ask for help. Otherwise, it's really hard to say where he will die.

So, without waiting for Duan Yu to speak, Wang Yue said first, "I don't know what kind of grievances the girl has with Mantuo Villa, why don't we go together, so we can take care of you."

Mu Wanqing glanced at Wang Yue, and asked suspiciously, "What grievances do you have with Mantuo Villa?"

It was hard for Wang Yue to say at this time. They owed him a few lives, so he found an excuse and said, "Mantuo Villa was originally the Wang Family Villa, and I just took back my property for the family."

Mu Wanqing took a serious look at Wang Yue, nodded, and then said, "Okay! I know the location of the villa, so I don't need to keep these two slaves."

Before Wang Yue could do anything, he saw Mu Wanqing get on the black horse in a flash, and at the same time, the two old ladies also fell down.

Wang Yue twitched the corners of his mouth, this girl was demonstrating to him, he didn't say much, just patted Duan Yu who was still stunned, and reminded, "These people have extra horses, you should pick one Hurry up and go home and report the letter to save people, this world is dangerous, learn martial arts hard, you can't just be a king with a strong mouth, in the end, you still have to see the truth from your subordinates, you have learned martial arts, and it is good to be a chivalrous man."

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Duan Yu thought that when he came out to play this time, he would no longer meet those well-educated literati, but some people in the world who would kill people at every turn. He felt that Wang Yue was doing it for his own good, so he hurriedly He bent down to salute, and then said, "Thank you for your advice, young master. I'll go back to Dali right now and practice martial arts well."

Wang Yue was a little confused, what did I say?I just asked Duan Yu to go back to Dali quickly. The protagonist can't practice Beiming, so go back and practice the rhythm of Dali Yiyang Finger.

However, Wang Yue didn't explain too much, and said casually, "Well, it's also good to learn martial arts hard and keep fit, so you should hurry up."

Duan Yu bowed again and was about to say something to Wang Yue when he saw Wang Yue turned and left.

Wang Yue didn't perform lightness kung fu either, and said as he walked, "Hurry up and go home, if you keep talking, your sister Zhong Ling will die!"

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Duan Yu quickly closed his mouth, trotted all the way, quickly found a horse, got on the horse, and headed towards Dali.

Wang Yue shook his head with a smile, and sighed in his heart, people like Duan Yu are called "playing rivers and lakes".

Why!People are more than people, it's maddening.

Wang Yue put these messy thoughts behind him, and rode his horse towards the direction Mu Wanqing was going away, and hurriedly chased after him.

In this short period of time, they could no longer see Mu Wanqing, and they didn't catch up with Mu Wanqing who had been waiting for a long time until a fork in the road.

Mu Wanqing glanced at the three of them, chose a direction, and soon disappeared again.

Wang Yue and the others didn't hesitate, and chased after them quickly. It's just that their horse is also a good horse, but in front of this black horse, they can only follow Mu Wanqing to eat ashes.

Wang Yue looked at the one man and one horse who couldn't catch up anyway, and complained helplessly in his heart. This kind of BMW horse should be pulled out for breeding and used as a mount. It is really a waste.

(End of this chapter)

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