Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 84 "Basics and Extensions of Alchemy" (3 more)

Chapter 84 "Basics and Extensions of Alchemy" ([-]rd watch)

At midnight,
Jerry quietly left the Slytherin dormitory, skillfully avoided the patrolling Filch, knocked down Mrs. Norris with catnip powder, and came to the eighth floor of the castle.

Today, instead of going to the Room of Requirement, he came to the door of the Gryffindor common room, in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Come on, let's go to the library!"

Seeing Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming out from behind the portrait, Jerry waved to them in a low voice, and took the lead downstairs.

However, when passing by the sixth floor, the three of Harry were also taken aback when they saw Mrs. Norris sitting on the ground leaning on the escalator in sage mode, and almost turned around and wanted to run away.

They knew how powerful Luo Lisi was as a complaint cat.

"It's okay, don't worry, she probably needs to lie here for two or three hours before returning to normal!"

Hearing Jerry's words, the three found that after seeing them, Mrs. Norris just glanced at them, and then fell into a daze again, as if imagining some beautiful things, and Ha Lazi almost stayed.

When the four of them reached the third floor, Jerry suddenly paused before continuing to walk to the second floor.

He turned on the superman mode, just felt the empty place next to him, someone glanced at him, and smelled the same smell in his nose as the last time Harry and the others broke into the fourth floor and came out.

He knew that Dumbledore should have come over with the Disillusionment Charm.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts, like other professors, he will not care about the little wizards going out at night, nor will he let the ubiquitous portraits pay attention to where the little wizards have gone and what they have done, but Harry is certainly an exception.

As soon as Harry left the common room, it was estimated that the Fat Lady would report the matter to Dumbledore soon.

"Araho Cave is open!"

He took out his wand and threw an unlocking spell at the library door, and the door opened very silkily.

The majestic Hogwarts library, where so many dangerous magic books are hidden, can be easily opened with just the most common lock-picking spell.

This is the water of the sea!

Shaking their heads, Jerry and Harry walked into the library together, and came to the restricted section where they had never been before.

"Toxic Magic", "Book of Spells", "Black Magic of Evil", "The Curse Collection", "Powerful Potion".
Looking at the books on the bookshelf, Jerry suddenly had the urge to pack all these magic books into his own small box.

However, after feeling the hidden eyes that glanced at him from time to time, he still spoke very rationally:

"Everyone, look for books related to the biography of the character. If you can't find it, you can look for some potion books, alchemy books, etc. Maybe he is not a conventional wizard!"

After speaking, he began to rummage through the bookshelves.

However, since Dumbledore might be watching from the side, he didn't touch any books related to black magic, and what he was looking for were biographies, alchemy, potion books, etc. Relatively speaking, it would not cause Dumbledore Lido's book of concern.

It's just that when he was flipping through the book "Powerful Potion", he stayed for a little longer, especially on the pages explaining the formula of the compound decoction, he stayed for a few seconds longer.

However, after staying for seven or eight seconds longer, he closed the book and put it back naturally, and picked up another book.

But in these seven or eight seconds, he has already firmly memorized the formula and production steps of the compound decoction by relying on the bonus of "refreshing the mind".

"found it!"

After putting down the book "Powerful Potion", Jerry flipped through it for a while, and finally saw the introduction of Nicole Flamel in a book called "Basics and Extensions of Alchemy".

However, at this moment, Harry just opened a large black book, which suddenly let out a shrill, blood-curdling scream.

"No, let's go!"

Jerry quickly put the "Basics and Extensions of Alchemy" into his arms, pulled Hermione and ran outside.

And Harry and Ron also realized that something was wrong at the same time. Such a loud scream would definitely attract Filch's attention. If they didn't leave now, they might not be able to leave.

Sure enough, as soon as the four rushed out of the library, they heard Filch's footsteps and roar from the first floor:
"Violation of school rules, wait for me to catch you"

"Hurry up, go upstairs!"

Jerry pulled Hermione and rushed upstairs with Harry and Ron.

And Filch seemed to have noticed their footsteps, and there was a hot pursuit behind them.

"Go back to the lounge first!"

After reaching the eighth floor, Ron immediately proposed to go back to the Gryffindor common room and hide for a while. Filch could not enter the common room without a password.

But this proposal was immediately rejected by Hermione:

"It's too late, even if there is a password, wake up the fat lady and let her open the door, Filch has already chased after him!"

Hermione still remembered that the last time they came back at midnight, because she woke up the fat lady's dream, she complained for a long time before opening the door for them.

Now Filch is chasing after him, there is no such time.

"It's okay, come with me, I know a place where I can temporarily hide from Filch!"

Hearing the approaching footsteps from behind, Jerry didn't talk nonsense, and led the three of them directly towards the Room of Requirement.

In fact, he had many ways to get rid of Filch, but now he only chose the Room of Requirement.

Because, now Dumbledore is still with them.

Jerry knew that he could hide from Filch and Mrs. Norris about going to the Room of Requirement every night, but he definitely couldn't hide from Dumbledore.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to avoid all the murals that are everywhere in the entire castle.

However, the Room of Requirement is not a particularly evil place, at least Dumbledore does not know that there is Voldemort's Horcrux in the storage room of the Room of Requirement.

And a little wizard accidentally found a room where he could make his wishes come true, and he came to play every day, so it should still be possible to say.

Especially now that Jerry has brought the three of Harry over, he will be able to show Dumbledore that he has no guilt in his heart.

If a person wants to do bad things in secret, it is impossible to bring other people to his secret base at will.

As for the three of Harry, will knowing the Room of Requirement affect him?

Of course not, they couldn't come to the Room of Requirement after midnight every day, and Jerry didn't use the Room of Requirement at other times.

"what is this?"

Seeing Jerry walk past the white wall three times in a row, and a door appeared on the white wall, the three of Harry's eyes widened.

"This is a very interesting place that I accidentally discovered, come in!"

Jerry waved his hand and led the three of them into the Room of Requirement.

(End of this chapter)

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