Chapter 63

"Passed out!"

Jerry in superman mode was very insidiously looking for all kinds of blind spots in the battle vision of the abomination, and then biu cast a sleeping spell, giving him a two-second sleepiness.

And Hulk took the opportunity to suppress him under his body, and beat his head wildly.

Hate was violently awakened by Hulk, pushed Hulk hard, and pressed Hulk under him.

"Passed out!"

Jerry threw a stun spell again, hating stuns.

Hulk pressed the hatred under his body, and hammered wildly again.

Abomination awakens, suppresses Hulk, Jerry Stunning Curse, Hulk suppresses Abomination, Abomination awakens, suppresses Hulk, Jerry Stunning Curse...

(The style of painting suddenly becomes strange)

After dozens of rounds of endless loops like this, finally, Hate's eyes were blank, his limbs were limp on the ground, and he didn't move at all.

Under the joint siege of Hulk and Jerry, two guys who don't speak martial arts, Hate was beaten unilaterally for more than ten minutes with almost no ability to resist. At this time, his spirit and body were close to collapse.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? Wouldn't it be nice for me to take the military supplies and retire home? Why do I have to forcefully inject this ghost genetic potion and be humiliated and beaten like this?"

At this time, the hatred finally came to his senses, there is still another mountain, if he can survive, he will never fight again.

"Don't underestimate any support, especially the support that is good at control!"

Jerry put away his wand a little out of breath. The magic power he recovered with difficulty in the air just now is almost consumed.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that his God's Shadowless Curse wasn't powerful enough to break through the defense of the abomination, he would have been able to kill the abomination with just the stun spell control and the Shadowless God's Curse.

However, although the abomination has strong power and defensive capabilities, it is still much worse than Hulk after all.

The more Hulk fights, the stronger he gets, the more angry he becomes, as if there is no upper limit.

But hatred is normal. The more you fight, the weaker you become. The more you fight, your strength, stamina and defense will drop like normal people.

After all, the Abomination injects only the imperfect Super Soldier serum and the Hulk serum copied from Dr. Banner's body is just a defective product.

Seeing that the hatred's resistance was getting weaker and weaker, and finally it didn't move at all, General Ross ordered the helicopter to land slowly.

Seeing the surviving soldiers surrounding the Hulk with their guns raised, General Ross waved his hand and told them to put down their guns and retreat first.

At this time, Rose's attitude towards the Hulk has obviously changed a lot.

"Big brother, happy cooperation!"

At this time, Jerry, who had recovered some of his magic power, was lying on the ground on a broomstick, and the dying abomination who was hammered looked at him, and raised his hand to give Hulk a thumbs up.

"It still has to be you!"


Hulk replied to Jerry, as if thanking him for his help just now.

Although Hulk is a little naive, he is not without wisdom. On the contrary, his heart is more sensitive than normal people.

He likes everyone who reaches out to help him and recognizes him.

He could still feel Jerry's tone of sincere praise just now.

At this time, General Ross and Dr. Betty also came over together.


Hulk glanced at Dr. Betty with nostalgia, then looked at more and more armed helicopters in the sky, jumped up, and after a few big jumps, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, the police and the crowd had basically evacuated, but there were still many soldiers who had just fought the abomination because of their injuries, lying in every corner and howling.

"Quick healing!"

After making a deal with Ross and the others, Jerry used his limited magic power to cast the Quick Healing Curse on the wounds of the seriously injured soldiers.

The Quick Healing Curse is Snape's upgraded spell based on the normal healing spell. It can not only heal wounds, but also expel the curse left in the wound.

Jerry's Quick Healing Spell was limited, and he couldn't completely heal these seriously injured soldiers, but he was able to stop their bleeding and send them to the hospital for surgery and rescue.

And this scene was also seen by the S.H.I.E.L.D. logistics agent who had been following General Ross.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

A seriously injured sniper finally stopped bleeding under Jerry's Quick Healing Curse.

"Small matter, by the way, is this a sniper rifle?"

After taking care of the last seriously injured person, Jerry picked up the sniper rifle next to him and asked curiously.

Seeing the savior Jerry, the sniper was interested in his sniper rifle, and immediately explained weakly:

"Yes, but this is not an ordinary sniper rifle, but a narcotic sniper rifle, which was originally used to deal with Hulk!"

Hearing the narcotic sniper rifle, Jerry's eyes lit up immediately, then nodded, and put the sniper rifle on his back.

"This is my reward for saving you!"

Sniper: "???"

Ignoring the stunned sniper, Jerry picked up the sniper rifle, waved his wand, and summoned his broom with a summoning spell.

"Okay, since I have nothing to do, I will withdraw first. There is still a music tuition class tomorrow. Goodbye!"

Riding on the broomstick, he waved to General Ross and the agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Logistics Department who were walking towards him. Before they could answer, he turned his head and flew away.

"General, he took my sniper rifle!"

Seeing General Ross approaching, the sniper reported helplessly.

"Forget it, let's treat it as a gift to him. If it wasn't for him on the helicopter just now, we would be in danger, and his... um, magic is more powerful than a narcotic sniper rifle!"

The tranquilizing sniper rifle is useless against the abomination, but the magic of that little wizard can stun the abomination.

At this time, the agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Logistics Department quietly walked to a place where there was no one else, and reported in a low voice to the microphone hidden under the collar:
"The target has left, the target has left!"

In a building ten kilometers away, Agent Maria Hill heard the report in the headset and issued an order to a staff member wearing the same S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform:

"Send a drone to follow him, remember, although the opponent is young, he is very cautious, don't let the tracking drone get too close!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at another staff member and asked:

"What about the Hulk?"

"Report sir, Hulk has left the city and is currently in the forest, but is still under our drone surveillance."

The staff member who was questioned stared closely at the screen and reported.

"No, our drone was found destroyed!"

At this time, the first staff member who was ordered to start the drone to track Jerry looked at the screen that suddenly went black, and let out an exclamation.

(End of this chapter)

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