Chapter 44 Return and Test Flight

After searching for a while,

In addition to finding a broomstick that doesn't look too old, Jerry also accidentally found a few magic books that looked very good:
"Common Spells and Solutions", "Outwit Black Magic", "Self-Defense Spell Collection", "Fighting Poison with Poison".

It was an unexpected gain this time.

Of course, he also saw the fabled Ravenclaw diadem, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, on a pockmarked bust of a wizard.

But he didn't care too much.

That thing has no effect on him now. He has no ability to destroy it, and if he takes it, he will be affected by Voldemort's soul inside, so it's better to ignore it.

"It's twelve o'clock so soon!"

I didn't expect that time passed so quickly when I was rummaging through it.

Jerry quickly held the broomstick tightly in his left hand, while holding the magic wand and a box of Bibi's Beans reserved in advance in his right hand, while holding the magic books, waiting for twelve o'clock to come.


Following the prompt on the strange panel, the whole world has once again come to a standstill.

"Jerry, what are you doing with that weird broom and stick? Still holding... what book is this?"

When Jerry opened his eyes again, he was once again at home in Queens, New York.

However, at the same time, he heard the doubtful voice of his younger sister Aisha.

"It seems that next time we enter the small world, we need to find a time when no one is around!"

Holding a broomstick, magic wand, bibi multi-flavored beans, and holding a magic book, Jerry sat on the sofa, looked at his sister who was staring at him, and made a secret decision in his heart.

"This broom, I just bought it during the day to clean the room. This wooden stick is actually a tool I bought for stirring soup. As for these books."

Seeing the suspicious look in Aisha's eyes, he immediately said with a smile in his heart:

"These books are a complete set of mathematics for elementary school students that I bought specially for you, so that you won't be bored during summer vacation!"

"What? Jerry, what did you say? Whoops, you actually sneaked actually cast hypnotic magic on the queen..."

As soon as Aisha heard that it was related to mathematics, she reacted very quickly, and jumped off the sofa without watching TV.

Then, holding his head, he swayed as if performing Lingbo Weibu, rushed into his room, and slammed the door shut.

Seeing this, Jerry twitched his mouth, took the broomstick and magic book, turned off the TV, and returned to his room.

He knew what his sister's biggest weakness was, and that was mathematics. As a subject that she had never passed since she was in school, Aisha hated mathematics.

And whenever Jerry wants to tutor his sister in math, there will be a situation like today, where he is suddenly hit by all kinds of magic.

It's eight o'clock in the evening, and Haas is on the night shift today, so he won't come back to sleep at night, so Jerry went back to his room and fell asleep right away.

When the alarm clock rang at twelve o'clock, he opened his eyes and quietly left the community with his broomstick.

Avoiding the pedestrians and ubiquitous cameras that he might encounter along the way, Jerry cautiously came to an abandoned factory he had discovered during his previous patrol.

It's not that he is overly cautious, it's just that the power of technology cannot be underestimated sometimes.

In a modern city full of cameras, it is easy to find out his true identity if someone finds clues.

After entering the factory, Jerry pulled the hood of the sweater off his head, and took the broomstick out of the large black plastic bag.

"Sweep Samsung!"

Looking at the words marked on the broomstick, he knew that it was a very outdated broomstick.

Because of the consideration of the broomstick, in the library a few days ago, he specially borrowed a book called "The History of the Origin and Development of the Flying Broom" and another "Guide to the Initial Use of the Flying Broom" to watch.

Sweeping Samsung's flying broom belongs to the sweeping series developed by Sweeping Broom Company. It was released in 1937, which means that the broom he took from the Room of Requirement has a history of several decades.

But maybe it hasn't been used much, and it doesn't look too old.

"Two puffs!"

Putting the broomstick on the ground, Jerry slowly stretched out his right hand, recalling the spells he had learned in the "Introduction to Using the Broomstick".

The magic power in the body emanates from the right hand along with the spell, and is closely connected with the broomstick on the ground.

The broomstick rolled happily on the ground, and then... stopped.


Jerry shook his eyebrows a little speechlessly.

It seems that not only is his aptitude for learning magic not good, but he also has no talent for flying broomsticks.

Before, he was confident that if he took the broomstick class, he would definitely crush Harry and become the most beautiful boy in the class, but now it seems that he is a bit sloppy.

Although his body is strong, he must be very flexible to control the broomstick to fly in the air, but the premise is that he can let the broomstick fly first.

Turn on "Boost Brain Boosting"!
In order not to waste time, Jerry directly entered the superman form, relying on his super brain, began to repeatedly practice the spells of controlling the broomstick, and quickly improved his proficiency.

With the help of refreshing his mind, in less than 5 minutes, he fully mastered the spell technique of controlling the broomstick.

Since there are only more than 30 little red stars left, he immediately stopped consuming little red stars after mastering the technique.

"Two puffs!"

Chanting the spell again, this time the broomstick fell into his right hand very smoothly.

Riding on the broomstick, under the control of thoughts, the broomstick carried Jerry to float.

"Go away!"

With an order, the broomstick slowly accelerated and flew towards the other end of the warehouse. When he was about to hit the wall, he pulled it up again, and the broomstick narrowly avoided it and flew back again.

"Haha, Ness! Ness!"

Controlling Sweep Samsung, Jerry flew in the warehouse, which was a joy.

The happiness of a man is so simple. Even though Jerry's soul is close to 40 years old, riding a broom that can fly freely in the air is still a very happy thing.

When people reach middle age, they will become more mature and stable due to various life pressures and responsibilities.

But in fact, when he is alone or with peers with the same interests, you will find that he will actually show a naive and childish side.

Excitedly flying up and down, left and right in the warehouse, he even lost control a few times and almost hit the roof. Jerry finally fully controlled the use of the broomstick.

"Time to go outside and try it out!"

Looking at the time, it was not one o'clock. Jerry changed his sweater, put on the wizard suit he brought out, picked up his wand and broomstick, and walked out of the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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