Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 289 Fierce battle at the pier (2 more)

Chapter 289 Fierce Battle at the Dock (Part [-])

"Jarvis, crack the War Machine program and check to see if the driver inside is Colonel Rhodes!"

Seeing War Machine standing on the deck with a few Extremis soldiers next to him, it was obvious that something was wrong, so Tony immediately stopped the diving plan and issued a reconnaissance order to Jarvis.

"Yes, sir!"

A moment later, Tony saw Killian's extremely domineering face in the helmet.

The war machine was originally a gift from Tony to Colonel Rhodes. Although it was modified and protected by scientists in the army later, he could still do it if he wanted to hack into it.

"What is Killian trying to do in Gears of War?"

Seeing that it was Killian instead of Rhodes in War Machine's suit, Tony suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't let him go!"

Seeing that Killian was controlling the war machine to take off and seemed to be leaving, Tony, who was a little hesitant at first, finally chose the exposed position and rushed up, rewarding him with a chest cannon.

Killian manipulated the war machine and pretended to be Colonel Rhodes. He was obviously uneasy and kind. If he wanted to use the identity of Colonel Rhodes to do terrorist attacks, he would be in trouble.

Therefore, at this time, he didn't care about sneaking in to rescue Colonel Rhodes, but chose to stop the more threatening Killian first.

Although Killian barely learned the basic operation of the War Machine suit after some experiments, he was not as proficient as Rhodes, the original pilot, after all.

So when Tony suddenly appeared in front of him and a chest cannon shot at him, he didn't have time to control the war machine to dodge, and was directly hit.



The hopeless fighters standing on the deck of the cruise ship watched Dr. Killian fall at a faster speed than when he just took off, smashed through the deck and fell into the underground cabin, and they all exclaimed to go down for rescue.

Killian has all the technologies of the Extremis virus. If he dies, then these Extremis fighters will be blown into fireworks in a short time.

"Tony, I want you dead!"

However, before they could go down, a roar came from the underground cabin.

Immediately afterwards, Killian, who was covered in flames, jumped from the cabin to the deck after taking off the war machine suit that had been deformed by the bombardment.

At this time, a large piece of flesh was obviously missing from his stomach, but it was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Come on baby!"

Tony flew high in the sky, and when he heard Killian's roar below, he immediately hooked his fingers and said provocatively.

This provocative action, which was comparable to "You, come here!", immediately made the flames on Killian even more intense.

He opened his mouth and sprayed a long pillar of fire towards Tony in the air, but Tony didn't force it at all, and directly raised the height so that the other party's flames could not spray him.

He took a general look, and now there are at least fifty red-blooded Extremis soldiers below, and he will be torn to pieces after he goes down.

So the most important thing to do now is to keep provoking the other party, making the other party lose their minds, thereby delaying time, waiting for the arrival of his steel army and wizard.

"Look straight at me, bastard! (translation)"

Relying on the more advanced functions of his steel suit, Tony kept avoiding the attacks of the group of desperate fighters below and the bazookas, machine guns and other long-range weapons picked up by the mercenaries. Fortunately, these desperate fighters could not fly.

"Okay, it's useless, go and bring our dear Colonel Rhodes here!"

Killian was not stupid, he knew that as long as Tony didn't come down, it would be difficult for them to hurt him, so he immediately asked his men to go down to the cabin and bring Colonel Rhodes out.

When Tony saw Colonel Rhodes who was pushed out by the Extremis Warrior, he immediately yelled that something was wrong.

"Tony, I order you to come down immediately and take off the steel suit, or I will kill him immediately!"

Killian came in front of Colonel Rhodes, proudly shouting to Tony in the air.

"Then kill him, I will go down and take off the steel suit and die two, if I don't go down I will die one, and I can avenge him afterwards, Killian, do you think I, Tony, am a fool?"

Tony looked at Killian below and taunted.

He wanted to save Rhodes, but according to Killian's request, he couldn't save Rhodes at all, and had to catch himself.

"Okay, what you said makes sense. In this way, I will give you a chance. You can wear your iron body and come down. We will fight one-on-one. If you win, I will let you and Colonel Rhodes leave. How about it?"

Killian put away the flames and stretched out his hand to grab Colonel Rhodes' neck and lift him up:

"Otherwise, I'll kill him right now!"

"Oh man, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, I think this proposal is good!"

Seeing that Rhode was about to be suffocated, Tony quickly fell from a high altitude on the deck.

Although he knew that he and Killian were singled out, even if he won, the opponent would not let him and Rhodes go, but his purpose was not this, but to delay time, waiting for his steel army and wizards to come.

Killian put down Colonel Rhodes whose face had turned purple, and then his body turned red, and flames burst out from his hands. With a kick, he rushed towards Tony like lightning.

"The rooftop in Sweden in 11, do you know how desperate I was? Now I want you to experience my despair!"

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have joked with you at that time, and I sincerely apologize to you!"

Tony tried his best to resist the attack and replied.

Back then, he was young and vigorous, and at that time he was dating the beautiful female doctor Hansen, but Killian stalked him to promote his think tank and research institute, hoping to get his funding.

In order not to disturb Yaxing, he tricked Killian to wait for him on the rooftop.

As a result, of course he didn't go to the rooftop. Now that he thinks about it, his behavior at that time was really a jerk, but he didn't expect the other party to be so extreme and start terrorist activities.

"Apologize, if an apology is useful, please"

Killian punched Tony hard on the deck and ripped off one of Tony's mechanical arms.

What he wants now is not an apology, but torture, the pleasure of revenge.

The Extremis virus in Killian's body has obviously been specially optimized. Not only the strength but also the self-healing ability are not comparable to ordinary Extremis fighters.

So even though Tony was wearing a steel suit, he was being pressed and beaten almost the whole time.

Just now, he took advantage of the other party's carelessness and blasted off the other party's arm. As a result, in less than two seconds, the other party grew a new one.

Just when Tony had been violently torn off the steel suit from his upper body by Killian, he had almost no ability to resist, and when he was about to be killed, a voice suddenly made everyone stop pulling down.

"Oh, did I disturb your elegant mood!"

Everyone looked up, and a stranger who spread huge white wings like an angel appeared above them at some unknown time.

(End of this chapter)

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