Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 286 Legilimency (2 more)

Chapter 286 Legilimency (Part [-])

With an Imperius Curse, the face of the female hopeless soldier immediately changed from fierce to happy.

However, just when Jerry was about to ask, the female desperate soldier gritted her teeth and immediately returned to normal.

"Hey, you actually resisted the Imperius Curse, it seems that you have a strong will."

The retired disabled soldiers have endured the transformation of the Extremis virus. The will of these Extremis soldiers is no worse than the mercenary leader who assassinated him before.

Moreover, many of them have experience in special torture training, and they are more resistant to controlling their minds.

Therefore, since the mercenary leader is immune to the Imperius Curse, it makes sense for this female Extremis soldier to be immune.

Of course, even if the Imperius Curse doesn't work, Jerry still has other ways to get the information he wants from the mind of this female desperate soldier. .

Under normal circumstances, if the Imperius Curse doesn't work, you can actually use the Cruciatus Curse to torture the opponent until the opponent's mind collapses, and it can basically be solved with the Imperius Curse.

Jerry used this method to engage in the mercenary captain before.

But now, with Tony on the side, using the Cruciatus Curse, it was a bit too much for the character he created before.

Therefore, he abandoned this plan and adopted the second set instead.


When Jerry's eyes met those of the female Extremis, he immediately activated the Legilimency technique he had learned from Voldemort.

Legilimency, as long as the eyes meet, you can read the mental activities of the other party. A powerful master of Legilimency can not only read the activities of the mind, but also read the memory deep in the brain.

After learning Legilimency, this was the first time he used it in the main world.

The main reason is that he doesn't use it in daily situations, and he doesn't like to read other people's mental activities for nothing.

If you like to read minds when you have nothing to do, especially those who are close to you, it will be a little bit sick.

"Tell me, why is Killian planning a terrorist attack? Where is he now?"

The female desperate soldier closed her eyes silently when she heard the words, apparently not intending to answer his question at all.

"She doesn't know why Killian is planning a terrorist attack, but she knows where Killian is now, and we have to hurry up, because your friend War Machine Colonel Rhodes seems to have been captured by them!"

Jerry withdrew Legilimency, turned to Tony and said.

"Impossible, how do you know, I didn't say anything!"

When the female Extremis soldier heard Jerry's words, her eyes widened immediately, showing an expression of disbelief.

Jerry looked down at the female Extremis:
"You may have forgotten that I am a magician, and I just used a little mind-reading magic just now!"

"Rhod was captured by them?"

When Tony heard this, he immediately became anxious.

Jerry suggested:
"Tony, you're flying fast, go save Colonel Rhodes first, I'll stay and deal with this place, and I'll rush over to help you right away."

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Tony knew that Jerry's flying speed was not fast. Even the dragon he was riding was not as fast as his steel suit at three times the speed of sound.

So he nodded, left the villa, and flew towards Killian's pier at full speed.

After Iron Man left, the female Desperate suddenly thought of something, looked at Jerry and said:

"No, you just said that I don't know the plan to Lord Killian. If you really know how to read minds, it's impossible not to know, or you just didn't tell the truth to that Mr. Tony!"

Just now she was intimidated by Jerry's words of mind-reading magic, but now that she thinks about it carefully, no, she clearly knows Lord Killian's plan, why did the other party not say anything just now, only the location of Lord Killian , and the fact that the war machine was captured by them.

Jerry looked at the female Extremis and smiled:

"Sorry, you know too much!"

Waving a magic front and shadowless spell, the head of the desperate female soldier flew out immediately.

And this scene also made Mandarin and the three beauties behind screamed again in fright.

"Forget it all!"

With four forgetting spells in a row, Jerry cleared the four people's memories of the conversation between him and the female Extremis just now.

Regarding Killian's plan, he had indeed just learned about it from the female Extremis soldier, but he didn't tell Tony because he also had his own plan.

That Dr. Killian has great ambitions, and the series of terrorist activities he carried out through the Extremis Warrior is to create the most powerful terrorist organization.

At the same time, his purpose of capturing Colonel Rhodes was also to snatch Colonel Rhodes' war machine suit, and use the suit to get close to the heavily protected president and hijack him.

And they also passed, using the Extremis virus to help the vice president's daughter recover her disabled body as a bargaining chip, and let the vice president stand on their side.

After the plan is successful, Dr. Killian will simultaneously control the largest government in the West and the most famous terrorist organization in the world, and then he can continue to use this as a foundation to capture other countries and rule the earth.

However, Jerry felt that the other party was simply trying to eat ass.

Even if Dr. Killian completes his plan and wants to rely on these desperate fighters who may explode at any time, there is still a vice president to control a country.

When did S.H.I.E.L.D. not exist?

Not counting himself, even the United States, Thor, Hulk and other members of the Avengers teamed up to wipe out the so-called hopeless fighters.

Moreover, there are definitely many hidden supernatural beings and messy forces in this world.

It's just that these are not important to Jerry. The life and death of the president has nothing to do with him, and he is not his person anyway, even if he helps save the president.

In the future, as long as he does something that violates the interests of the country's capital, the president will order to deal with him without hesitation.

What he really cares about is that in this intelligence, the vice president is willing to listen to a terrorist organization to betray the country for the sake of his daughter's recovery.

In other words, in the eyes of the vice president, the role of the father is far more important than the role of the vice president.

That's why he took the risk for his daughter and helped a group of terrorists who wanted to kill the president and rule the country.

Coincidentally, in his interspatial box, there happened to be a bottle of limb rebirth potion, which was a gift from Professor Snape for Christmas at that time.

And this broken limb rebirth potion can be safe without any side effects, and help the vice president's daughter get rid of her disability and become a normal girl.

That's why he didn't tell Tony about Dr. Killian's plans.

He can't let others know that the vice president is serving Killian. He needs the vice president to stay in that position in the future, even after the president leaves office.

That would be more in line with his interests.

(End of this chapter)

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