Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 281 The Magical Owl (3 more)

Chapter 281 The Magical Owl (Part [-])
It turned out that a terrorist organization called the "Ten Rings Gang" suddenly appeared recently and planned a series of terrorist bombings. One of the bombings seriously injured Tony's best bodyguard, Happy.

Thinking that he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings back then, Dr. Inson who saved his life was also killed by the Ten Rings, and now his best bodyguard and friend Hapi was seriously injured in the bombing, Tony exploded with anger when he arrived at the scene.

So in front of all the media, he vowed to fight against the Ten Rings Gang, and boldly announced the location of his super mansion in Malibu, Los Angeles.

As a result, as soon as it was announced during the day, at night, the enemy drove several combat helicopters over and blasted the entire mansion into ruins with rockets.

Because he didn't wear the steel suit in time, and also because he wanted to save Pepper, Tony finally sank into the sea together with the collapsed mansion.

Fortunately, Pepper just connected to Jarvis's network through a steel suit helmet in the ruins, and heard Tony's message.

After he sank into the sea and fainted, he was taken away from Los Angeles by Jarvis using the scheduled flight procedure of the steel suit.

Although Tony is not dead, he is still under the threat of the Ten Rings Gang, so Pepper found the magic mirror that Jerry left for Tony from the ruins.

She felt that the magical lady wizard might be able to help Tony with her magical magic.

"So, you don't know where Tony is now, you only know that he is not dead?"

After listening to Pepper's narration, Jerry asked.

Little Pepper nodded quickly.

"Okay, it's not a big problem. Let's find Tony first, and then find the Ten Rings Gang, and we'll solve it by killing them all!"

A terrorist organization that likes to explode everywhere, if they get rid of them, there should be [-] to [-] little red stars in the account.

"Miss Potts, I'm going to find Tony now, do you want to go together, or leave here and find a place to rest?"

Jerry glanced at the surrounding ruins and asked.

"If it's not troublesome, I want to go there together and confirm Tony's safety with my own eyes!"

Little Pepper said quickly.

Although she heard Tony's message, but she didn't see it with her own eyes, she was still uneasy.

"Please take me too, I have something important to tell Tony!"

At this time, a beautiful woman who had been standing behind Xiaojiali suddenly took a step forward.

"Who is this?"

Jerry looked at Pepper.

He always thought that the beauty behind Xiaojiali was Xiaojiali's secretary or an employee in the mansion, but now it seems that she is not.

"Tony said she was a botanist. She came to find Tony just now, and she happened to be attacked with us!"

Little Pepper explained, apparently she didn't know the identity of this botanist either.

"My name is Maya Hansen. To be precise, my identity should be a DNA coder. I am looking for Tony because my boss is working for Mandarin!"

The beauty explained.


Jerry looked puzzled, all his energy recently was spent on researching magic and creating Carmen Mahjong, and he basically didn't pay attention to any news.

"It's the leader of the Ten Rings Gang!"

Little Pepper whispered a reminder.

"Oh, let's go together, anyway, there is no difference between bringing one and two!"

Jerry nodded, took out the box, and released Norbert inside.


As soon as Norber came out, he let out a loud dragon roar excitedly.

Pepper and Dr. Hansen, who saw the fire dragon for the first time, both took two steps back in shock.

Although I saw the New York War on TV at that time and watched the video of a wizard riding a fire dragon, it was quite scary to see a huge fire dragon with a ferocious face in real life.

"Be quiet, don't scare people!"

Jerry patted Noble's dragon head, and with a wave of his hand, a large dragon saddle appeared on his back.

Noble nodded the faucet aggrievedly, then obediently lay down on the ground.

In fact, Norber can't be blamed. The box space is indeed much larger under the expansion of Jerry, but compared with the outside world, it is still far inferior.

Ever since it was released to fly and breathe fire in the New York War, it has been longing for Jerry to release it again. Now that it finally has this opportunity, how can it not be excited.

So after it came out, it couldn't help roaring twice.

Shaking his head, Jerry didn't say much, but flew and sat on the dragon saddle, beckoning to Little Pepper and Dr. Hansen below.

Under the control of more and more powerful mind magic, Pepper and Dr. Hansen let out a scream, and slowly flew up and landed on the dragon saddle.

"This is amazing!"

Pepper is okay, after all, I have seen Jerry cast magic a few times, and Dr. Hansen, as a scientist who has been studying genes in the laboratory all year round, is still very shocking when facing magic.

Seeing something on TV is a completely different experience than experiencing it yourself.

"Okay, now let's see, where did Tony go?"

Once they were all on the saddle, Jerry pulled an owl out of the box.

Yes, the magical delivery owl from the world of Harry Potter.

Now I only know that Tony is still alive, but I don't know where it is, so if you want to find him, the best way is to use the owl.

In today's box space, Jerry has at least dozens of owls, which are used to find people.


Seeing a long-eared owl in Jerry's hand, Pepper and Dr. Hansen looked at each other.

But they didn't ask. Although they didn't know what the owl had to do with finding Tony, since the wizard said they could find it, they would definitely be able to find it.

"From: The Wizard, To: Tony Stark!"

Writing his and Tony's names on the envelope, Jerry slipped it to the owl and said:

"Long Ears, take this letter to Tony Stark!"

The owl nodded, picked up the envelope, kicked its feet, spread its wings and flew away into the distance.

"Noble, follow Long Ears!"

The magical ability of an owl, as long as you tell it the name of the person you want to send the letter to, no matter the ends of the world, as long as it can go, it will definitely deliver the letter to that person accurately.

Unless that person shields his traces with special magic.

Tony Stark obviously doesn't know magic, and he won't block his own traces, so as long as Jerry writes a letter for the owl to deliver, and he follows, he will definitely be able to find Tony's traces.


After being cast with a disillusionment spell by Jerry, Norber let out a dragon roar excitedly, and the huge dragon wings flapped fiercely, and immediately spread his wings and chased after Chang Er.

The flying speed of the dragon is much faster than that of the owl, so Norbert can easily catch up with Long Ears.

(End of this chapter)

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