Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 265 Win-Win Cooperation (2 More)

Chapter 265 Win-Win Cooperation (Part [-])
"No, what should I do here?"

Looking at the messy first floor below which was disturbed by water signs, Xiao Sakura suddenly felt dizzy.

If the uncles who guarded the gate saw this, they would not be able to explain it clearly.

"Don't worry, little problem."

Jerry mobilized a lot of magic power in his body, stretched out his hand towards the first floor and whispered a spell:

"Restored as before!"

Suddenly, the entire first floor seemed to be reversed in time, and the water and fish flowing out of the glass all returned to their original positions.Broken glass also becomes whole again.

All the tables, chairs and tableware that were washed away by the current were returned.

In less than five seconds, the first floor was completely restored to its appearance before they came.

The restoration spell, which can restore broken ordinary items to their original appearance, provided that the items do not have magic power.

If the research of this spell goes deeper, not only can the item be repaired, but also the display of the item can be restored as it is now.

However, the longer the recovery time and the wider the scope, the more magic power will be consumed, and it will even increase exponentially.

Fortunately, the magic power in Jerry's body is not comparable to that of ordinary wizards, but it is still possible to restore the first floor of the aquarium to its appearance ten minutes ago.

"Wow, brother Jerry is amazing!"

Seeing that Jerry used magic to restore the first floor to its original state, Sakura and Tomoyo, two little girls who were new to magic, were also surprised.

When Xiao Ke saw the magic Jerry used, he immediately exclaimed:
"Time Magic!"

Among the Clow cards, there is a Clow card "Time" created by Crow Lido's understanding of time magic, so of course he, a sealed beast, knows about time magic.

It's just time magic, which is a very advanced magic. In this world, except for his master Clowrido, no magician has ever heard of such a powerful magic.

Therefore, Xiao Ke was so surprised that Jerry could use time magic.

From Xiao Ke's point of view, the various strengths shown by this young magician who appeared suddenly may be far from that of his deceased master Culolido.

But definitely surpassed most of the other magicians he had seen.

Therefore, he paid more attention to why Jerry appeared here and why he helped Sakura conquer the Clow card.

"Grab my hand, we're getting out of here!"

Hearing footsteps at the door on the first floor, Jerry smiled and extended his hand to Sakura and Tomoyo.

Sakura and Tomoyo didn't hesitate, and the obedient one grabbed Jerry.

And Xiao Ke was not slow, and quickly grabbed a little finger that Jerry specially set aside for him.


After a crackling sound, the three people and one beast disappeared instantly in place.

Less than two seconds after the three people and one beast disappeared, five staff members in uniform rushed into the first floor with flashlights.

"Hey, there's nothing, but who turned on the lights here?"

Turning around in the hall of the aquarium, the five staff members found nothing, so they turned off the lights and returned to their previous positions.

Next to the large RV not far from the Penguin Park,

The figure of three people and one beast appeared out of nowhere.

"Wow, I'm so dizzy!"

Sakura, Tomoyo, and Xiao Ke, when they first appeared, they hugged their heads and looked dizzy.

For someone not used to apparating, being apparated can be quite disorienting.

"Let me re-introduce, I'm Jerry Carmen, a magician from New York, hello, little magician of Culolido!"

Seeing that the two of them had finally recovered from the dizziness, Jerry smiled and held out his hand to Sakura.

Sakura shook hands with Jerry in a daze:

"Hello, Brother Jerry."

"What is your purpose for coming here?"

At this time, Xiao Ke flew between Jerry and Sakura, with a little vigilance in his eyes.

Although Jerry helped them subdue the water card just now, a foreign magician came to this small town specially and appeared near the Clow card, so it was hard not to remind him of it.

"You are the legendary powerful, handsome, handsome, and elegant Clow Card Sealed Beast Kerubelos!"

Jerry turned his attention to Xiao Ke.

"Hahaha, it's me, it's me, it's me, I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still magicians who know of my existence!"

Hearing Jerry's few adjectives, Xiao Ke put her hands on her hips, and immediately looked smug, and even her hostility towards Jerry was instantly reduced by half.

But Sakura and Tomoyo looked at Xiao Ke in disbelief, the adjectives just now, no matter how you look at it, they probably don't match it.

"I came to Yueda Town, but I actually came here for the Kulo card!"

Jerry's words immediately changed Xiao Ke's expression.

"Of course, I'm not a robber. I'm not here to snatch and collect Kulo cards. You can rest assured about this, otherwise I wouldn't have helped out just now!"

Seeing Xiao Ke's reaction, Jerry explained with a smile.

"Actually, I also inadvertently found out from some information that the Clow card made by the strongest magician Clow Lido seems to be in the town of Tomoeda Town in Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City, so I came here to take a look out of curiosity.

Now it seems that they are indeed here, and they have found their new owner. "

"Brother Jerry, since you are a magician and you are so powerful, why don't you become the magician and help Xiao Ke collect Kulo cards!"

When Sakura heard Jerry's explanation, her eyes lit up and she suggested.

She didn't become the Kuro magician voluntarily, but because she accidentally opened the Kuro magic book and let go of the Kuro card, and she felt ashamed.

Thinking that she is only a fourth-grade elementary school student, it is really embarrassing for her to bear such a big responsibility.

"Not everyone can be the owner of the Clow card. Since the Clow card chose you, there must be a reason. However, if you have trouble collecting the Clow card, I will be happy to help you with a little favor. Just like today."

Jerry didn't accept Sakura's proposal.

At this time, Xiao Ke and Tomoyo also voted against it.

Koko decided on Sakura, and Tomoyo still wanted to take a video of the beautiful Sakura, wearing the magic suit she designed, and subduing the Clow card handsomely.

Sakura looked at Xiao Ke and Tomoyo who were anxious, and could only say helplessly:
"OK then!"

Then she bowed deeply to Jerry again:

"Thank you brother Jerry for your help today, and I hope that brother Jerry can continue to help Sakura conquer the Clow cards in the future!"

"It's easy to do, but if it's convenient, I have a small request."

The smile on Jerry's face softened.

"As a magician, I also want to create my own set of magic cards, so when Sakura collects new Clow cards, can you lend them to me, I want to see if I can get some inspiration and experience. "

"No problem at all!"

When Sakura heard that it was such a simple matter, she immediately nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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