Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 251 The Resurrected Coulson (3 more)

Chapter 251 The Resurrected Coulson ([-]rd)

On the uninhabited cliffs, in a very secret guest house of SHIELD.

Nick Fury stood on a high platform, looked at the operating table below, and Coulson, who was being treated by various high-tech instruments, sighed:
"Kolson, you are one of the few guys I can trust completely, you can't just die like this!"

"Director, are you sure you want to inject GH325?"

A female doctor in a white coat below asked with a serious face.


Fury nodded without hesitation.

Hearing this, the female doctor carefully pulled out a glass bottle containing a sky-blue mysterious liquid from a metal box covered in air-conditioning, and placed it on the card slot of the instrument.

Pressing the red button on the instrument, the instrument immediately pointed at Coulson, who was lying on the operating table with a few big holes in his chest and was completely out of breath.


With the injection of the blue potion, Coulson, who was already dead, suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, the female doctor who seemed to have been used to it for a long time stepped forward and operated the instrument for a while, and the instrument began to stimulate the screaming Coulson's brain with various electric shocks.

"Kill me, it's too painful, let me be free, please, let me be free!"

Coulson's painful wails continued to be heard from the operating table, but the female doctor did not have any limit to stop, and was still operating the instruments in an orderly manner.

And with the passage of time, the large holes on Coulson's body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared again.

"What's going on with Coulson, please report to me at any time. After he fully recovers, transplant a good memory to him so that he can forget the pain!"

Nick Fury looked at Coulson's painful expression, showing a trace of unbearable, but in the end he didn't stop him, left an order, and resolutely turned and left.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been a model of old people leading newcomers, which is equivalent to a master leading an apprentice. When Nick Fury was not the director, he led Coulson.

So he and Coulson can be regarded as the relationship between master and apprentice.

And when the Skrulls entered the earth and changed into a high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. order to arrest him, only Coulson was willing to believe him.

So in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson is one of the few people he can completely trust.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to revive Coulson no matter in terms of emotion or profit.

However, this special base that was originally planned to be used to treat the Avengers still has great hidden dangers in technology. It is hard to say whether the resurrected Coulson is still the same Coulson as before.

After Nick Fury left, Coulson was still lying on the operating bed and wailing constantly. Perhaps because of the pain, some memories that had been sealed deep in the brain by Jerry's forgetting curse began to gradually recover.

2012 6 Month 31 Day.

More than half a month has passed since the holiday, and fifteen days have passed since the aliens invaded the earth.

In the living room, Jerry was drinking coffee while reading a high school biology textbook called "Cell Biology".

Although he had studied high school biology in his previous life, it took too long after all, and the textbooks must be different in different countries. If he wants to jump to university after staying in high school for a year, he still needs to spend more time studying it.

Now that he has enough Little Red Stars, he doesn't plan to expand the number of new magics he can learn for the time being, but instead focuses on improving the power of the magics he has learned.

The extra time is to learn high school knowledge in advance, so that you can skip a grade and go to a good university, and then work hard to study biology, and find a way to purify your wizard blood, so as to quickly improve your magician level.

Across from Jerry, Elsa was also reading a primary school math book, but seeing how her chick was pecking at the rice, she probably would fall asleep lying on the table in a while.

"Ahem, Jerry, Aisha, come here, Belle and I have something to tell you!"

At this moment, teachers Haas and Bailey who were in the room suddenly came out and waved to Jerry and Aisha.

Aisha seemed to be liberated immediately, quickly threw away the math book in her hand, and then ran over to the sofa.

Seeing this, Jerry shook his head helplessly, put down the book in his hand and followed.

"What's the matter, I feel like you guys are a little tangled!"

Seeing Haas and Bailey's faltering looks, Jerry couldn't help asking strangely.

Haas seemed to have made up his mind at once, and then quickly announced:

"That's right, Belle and I have decided to get married, I hope you and Aisha can agree!"

"It's a good thing to get married, I have no objection!"

The two have been living together for a while. Although there are some small conflicts sometimes, the overall relationship is still very good, and it is time to get married.

"Is there any cake to eat then? If there is cake, I agree!"

Aisha lay on the sofa and raised her right hand.

"Yes, of course, we will order a seven-layer cake then!"

Hearing that the two children, Jerry and Elsa, were very supportive of their decision to get married, Haas and Belle immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure about the date?"

Jerry asked.

"The time is set for next Sunday, which is July [-]th!"

For Americans, seven is the most auspicious number, just like eight in China. Seven is a mysterious number in religion. God used seven days to create the world, seven days to create Adam, and took out Adam's seventh rib to create Eve. .

So every July [-]th is the day with the largest number of marriages in the United States.

"It seems that the things prepared in the past half a month can just be used as wedding gifts!"

Jerry has always felt that living in such a densely populated building is actually not very safe and inconvenient, just like the last time he came back from Apparation, he bumped into Grandpa George.

Moreover, there are surveillance cameras in the building. Whenever I am not careful, I may be photographed.

Therefore, during the past half month, he specially went to buy a small villa nearby, which is not very far from the community where he lives now.

The point is, the entire small villa has been transformed by him with magic. It looks ordinary, but it actually hides murderous intentions.

It can be regarded as a very safe base.

Originally, he was still thinking that when the time was right, he would give this villa to Haas, and then the family would move there, so that even if he was not around in the future, the safety of Haas and others could be better guaranteed.

Now that Mr. Haas and Bailey are getting married, let's give away the villa in these two days, and treat it as a wedding gift.

However, how to send it so that Haas will not be suspicious?

After all, he is only a 12-year-old kid on the surface now, and he suddenly took out a villa to send Haas, Haas must not be scared to death.

So after thinking about it, he felt that he still needed to use some special means.

(End of this chapter)

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