Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 248 Thanos' Temptation (3 more)

Chapter 248 The Temptation of Thanos (Third)

"Oh, I forgot to buy the ice cream Elsa asked for!"

When he got to the door of the house, Jerry remembered that Aisha said he wanted to eat ice cream when he left the house.

"Let's eat bananas. Eating too much ice cream will damage the stomach and make you fat easily. Bananas are rich in nutrients. They can benefit the stomach, promote body fluids, unblock blood vessels, and laxative. It just so happens that Aisha has been constipated recently!"

Jerry takes a banana out of the bag and transfigures it into ice cream.

"Ding dong!"

Ring the doorbell, and the door opens instantly.

Teacher Belle saw Jerry standing at the door, and immediately hugged him excitedly.

"Oh, Jerry, honey, you're scaring me to death, Haas said that it's a mess outside now, there are aliens everywhere, and I've called a few times to ask if you're back!"

"Um, Mrs. Belle, I'm fine, but I stayed a little longer when I was shopping with the boss to bargain. Aliens, what aliens? Is it that big hole in the sky?"

Jerry slightly pushed Mr. Belle away in embarrassment.

His body is in puberty, and it is inevitable that Mr. Belle hugs him so tightly, which makes him a little embarrassed.

"Yes, not long after you went out to buy groceries, Hass was called back by the police urgently, and just now he kept calling to ask if you came back, he was very worried about you!"

Teacher Bailey let go of Jerry, took the dish in his hand and explained.

"Look, there are reports of aliens on TV!"

Elsa also ran over at this time, and then pointed to the TV in the living room and said excitedly.

Sure enough, the TV station that was still broadcasting The Big Bang Theory just now switched to a real-time news follow-up report, and the screen was full of some battle scenes that some reporters risked their lives to secretly capture.

There's the Chitaareri flying around destroying cities, there's the giant sky behemoth, there's Asgardian soldiers in gold armor, there's Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Iron Man.

Of course, the most eye-catching ones are of course riding a huge fire dragon, followed by robot soldiers flapping their wings, and the wizard Jerry, a huge giant of light.

In the end, eight robot soldiers landed in front of the police, opened their chests and released images of the rescued citizens.

"Oh God, it's angels, they're angels, they came down from the sky with wings and got our family out of the collapsed building.

They say wizards made them, and now I just want to say thank you"

The citizens who came out of the robot soldier's chest responded excitedly when they were interviewed by reporters.

"It's so scary, I'm going to call Haas and tell him you're back safe and sound!"

Teacher Bei Li watched the picture on TV, and quickly turned around to call Haas.

"Aisha, come, your ice cream!"

Jerry also handed the ice cream in his hand to Aisha who was already looking forward to it.

"Brother, the best!"

At the same time, on the SHIELD aerospace aircraft carrier.

"According to the regulations, the scepter is temporarily taken over by us. Agent Natasha, Agent Patton, Dr. Banner and the captain, you go to the combat conference room and wait. Director Fury will arrive in a while!"

When the US team brought the spiritual scepter and just landed on the deck of the aerospace aircraft carrier, a bald agent led a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with guns and live ammunition, and immediately greeted them.

"Then I will trouble you, Agent Sitwell!"

The black widow didn't hesitate when she saw the person coming, and immediately handed the box containing the spiritual scepter to the bald agent.

After the black widow and others disappeared completely, the bald agent handed the box to an unusually strong agent behind him, and then made a call:
"The evidence has been obtained. Next, we will meet with Dr. Lister. Don't worry, it will go smoothly without any obstacles, Mr. Secretary-General..."

Aerospace carrier captain's office.

On a large screen, several members of the World Security Council asked Nick Fury who was standing below angrily:

"How could you privately decide to hand over the Rubik's Cube to the Asgardians?"

"You think I have the qualifications to bargain. Now we are facing the threat of unknown alien forces, and the mighty Asgard is our only ally. If we push them away, you think the earth can go to war with two alien forces at the same time. ?"

Nick Fury asked angrily.

"Just let him take it away?"

Several members of the Security Council are obviously still a little dissatisfied with Nick Fury's answer.

Nick Fury sighed, secretly cursing in his heart that they were all a group of corpses, unrealistic guys, and they were useless except to check and balance him.

"Forgot to tell you, the wizard once told me that Odin of Asgard is very powerful, even powerful enough to destroy the earth by himself!"

Several members of the Security Council were obviously not very convinced, and continued to question:

"And that wizard, he took away those two aliens named Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, they are all war criminals, we should judge them..."

"Then we have to find him first..."

The strength and prestige displayed by the wizards today is not something that SHIELD can handle as they wish.

In the depths of the universe, on a nearly broken planet.

Four or five meters tall, the purple-skinned alien covered in golden armor sat on a huge throne, overlooking the sky with only half of the moon left, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth:

"So, neither Odin nor Gu Yi took action in person?"

"Yes, Lord Thanos, but apart from Odin and Ancient One, the power displayed by the people on Earth this time is not as weak as we imagined, especially one of them who is very good at magic, Lord Ebony Maw. defeated.

Therefore, we guess that although Gu Yi did not make a move, he sent his disciples. "

Elder Chitauri bowed his head respectfully and reported.

"Ebony Throat? It's a pity, it seems that Gu Yi didn't follow the rules as rumored!"

Sitting on the throne at this time is the real mastermind behind this attack on the earth - Thanos.

The purpose of sending Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf to Earth this time is mainly to test the attitudes of Odin and Ancient One.

And this trial was obviously successful. The only thing he didn't expect was that the general of Ebony Throat was actually planted on the earth.

Although he had prepared for the worst when Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf went to Earth.

But that meant that Odin and Gu Yi took action in person, otherwise, in his opinion, it would be very simple to retreat from the whole body with the ability of Ebony Maw, paired with a black dwarf, with a psychic scepter and a cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In his heart, apart from Odin and Ancient One, the humans on Earth are just a group of low-level monkeys.

If Odin and Gu Yi take action in person, at least let him understand that Odin is definitely not as weak as he deduced, and Gu Yi does not follow the rules as everyone thinks.

That's true, his plan to collect six rough stones is about to be greatly revised.

(End of this chapter)

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