Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 228 The Powerful Guardian God (1 more)

Chapter 228 The Powerful Guardian God (Part [-])
The Patronus Charm is known as one of the most famous and powerful defensive spells among the spells known to wizards.

It is an extremely complex and difficult to cast spell that invokes a semi-figurative positive force known as the Patronus.

Most of the wizards in the wizarding world are unable to successfully cast the Patronus Charm, and even those wizards who can cast it cannot summon a fully materialized Patronus.

Most wizards who can cast the Patronus Charm, the Patronus they summon is actually a cloud of silver-white gas and smoke.

The non-physical Patronus can barely resist the Dementors, while the physical Patronus can not only easily exorcise the Dementors, but also fly, send messages from a long distance, and carry out appropriate physical attacks.

However, the physical attack abilities of most physical patron saints are very average, mainly cats, dogs, rabbits, mice, and even some patron saints like ladybugs and dragonflies, which are really powerless.

If it is a patron saint of bears, wolves, tigers, etc., it will be another story.

At the same time, the Patronus Charm is also a symbol of the powerful and profound magic power of a wizard.

In the past, wizards who could summon the physical patron saint were usually elected as high-level officials of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic.

After such a long time of continuous efforts, Jerry finally succeeded in mastering this extremely difficult spell.

In fact, it is not difficult to obtain spells about the Patronus Charm. Jerry bought spells about the Patronus Charm in the book he bought at Lihen Bookstore before.

However, the difficulty of this spell was indeed somewhat beyond his imagination.

Based on his magical foundation at the time, it was difficult to learn a spell as difficult as the Patronus Charm by self-study alone.

So in order to maximize his own strength, he temporarily gave up the study of the Patronus Charm, and instead focused on other aspects.

Until now, his magic foundation has been greatly improved, plus he has obtained Voldemort, a magic version of the Hundred Thousand Whys that can be asked at any time.

After continuous efforts, he managed to release the Patronus before Christmas was over, and it was also the entity's Patronus.

Generally, before the wizard releases the patron saint, he does not know what his patron saint will be.

Just based on experience, in most cases it is the animals that are close to me, or it has a lot to do with the wizard's personality, emotions at the time and other aspects.

And Jerry didn't have any particularly close animals. When Crookshanks bought it, it wasn't because he liked cats, but purely because he felt that it could prevent malice and be more useful.

Right now, most of the time he sent Crookshanks to Hermione's foster care.

The main reason is that Hermione likes Crook very much, and Crookshanks also likes Hermione very much, but he really doesn't have much time to take care of it.

Therefore, before he was successfully released, Jerry didn't know that his patron saint would be a seven or eight meter tall-giant!
Indeed, standing in front of Jerry now, the patron saint who can be controlled by him is a tall giant of light.

The patron saint of giants, Jerry has seen the form of this patron saint in the magic book, but it is extremely rare, and there is only one recorded in the history of wizards.

It was a famous ancient Greek wizard, who was recorded on the chocolate frog, and everyone called him the invincible Andros.

Because in the era when he was alive, he was the most powerful wizard, no wizard could beat him in a duel, and he could even cast the Patronus Charm without a wand.

In fact, this is also understandable.

You must know that there was no killing spell in ancient Greece, and the patron saint spell, as the most powerful defensive spell, could basically defend against most of the spell attacks at that time.

Imagine a giant patron saint who is not afraid of any spells and has the same power as a giant, how terrifying it would be for a wizard.

The moment Andros released the Patronus of Giants, he had already won.

"Perhaps, we should test its power, whether it is really as powerful as the rumors."

Looking at the giant patron saint he summoned in front of him, Jerry decided to conduct a test on all aspects of it to understand its power.

And the best test is actual combat.

Turning his head and looking around the box space, he quickly found an object suitable for testing the power of the patron saint.

"Noble, come here!"

He issued an order in his heart to the first fire dragon he had promised, and soon, the fire dragon Noble, who was close to adulthood, fluttered his wings reluctantly and flew towards Jerry's direction.

At this time, Norber was over one year old, and basically had completely mastered the skills of flying and breathing fire, but his body was still a few months away from being a full-grown adult.

Even so, its lethality is already terrifying.

Dragon claws that can easily tear apart the flesh of ordinary people, dragon teeth that are sharp enough to bite steel bars, powerful magic flames, and dragon scales that are harder than steel plates.

These all show the power of a Norwegian Spinosaurus.

"Okay, don't be wronged, anyway, you are playing with Nuosha there, and you will play well in a while, and I will ask Sun Long to give you extra meals in the evening!"

Feeling the grievance in Norber's heart, Jerry comforted him helplessly.

Because Norbert's magic resistance is relatively high, he often uses Norbert to experiment with his own magic, which causes Norbert to know that nothing is good when he hears his call.

In fact, there is no way this time. Under normal circumstances, this kind of experimental magic work is carried out alternately by Noble and the basilisk, but the basilisk cannot fly. If you want to fully test the power of the giant patron saint, you have to ask Noble to do it. .

There is also a fire dragon in the box, the Peruvian Vipertooth. Jerry named it Nosa. It was snatched from a French black market dealer before, but it has just learned to breathe fire and cannot fly yet.

"Full attack!"

He issued an attack command to Noble, and Noble flew up immediately, facing the giant patron saint standing there was a super dragon flame.

In order to test the magic resistance of the giant patron saint, Jerry did not control the giant patron saint to dodge, but directly raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest.

The powerful dragon flame that can melt steel was sprayed on the giant patron saint, but it was unable to cause any damage to it.

However, Jerry could clearly feel that when the giant patron saint created a magic attack, the speed of the magic power in his body was accelerating.

Seeing that the magic was useless, Norbert swooped and grabbed the guardian giant's head.

But this time Jerry still didn't control his dodge.

The sharp dragon claws grabbed the guardian giant's head, and it didn't take much effort to crack it.

Obviously, the guardian giant's defense is not high in the face of physical attacks.

However, in just a few seconds, the giant patron saint's head was completely restored to its original state.

(End of this chapter)

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