Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 224 The Heir of Slytherin (3 more)

Chapter 224 The Heir of Slytherin (Part [-])
More than a week after school starts.

Late at night, the Slytherin common room.

Jerry sat on the sofa with the Black Lake as the background, turned on Refresh, adjusted his mood and state, and then slowly opened Voldemort's diary.

"It seems that you have calmed down!"

Before Jerry could write, a line of Voldemort's handwriting appeared on the diary.

"Yes, because I already know where that place is, and who created you?"

Jerry picked up the quill and wrote quickly in his diary.

The diary was silent for a moment before revealing the writing:

"You really already know what that place is? And who created me?"

"For more than a week, I checked a lot of information. Finally, I found relevant records in "Hogwarts: A School History". If my guess is correct, the place where you took me that day is the legend, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets.

And you are the magic item created by the great Slytherin, just like the sorting hat! "

Jerry wrote in the diary quickly, with an excited look on his face.

Now, the diary was silent for a longer time, but it still quickly revealed the writing:
"I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to find out, yes, I was created by Slytherin, I possessed this diary more than 40 years ago, just to pick out the heir who meets the conditions of Slytherin!

Since you have read "Hogwarts: A School History", you should know the legend of the Chamber of Secrets. "

Jerry immediately climbed up the pole and said:

"I know that Slytherin built a secret room in the castle, and only his heirs can open the secret room, and then release horrible things to purify Hogwarts!"

"Although it's wrong, it's about the same. In fact, what Slytherin hides in the secret room is not something scary, but a lot of treasures. As long as you get his treasures, you can become a powerful wizard like him.

And I let you go to the Chamber of Secrets just to inherit the treasure of Slytherin, and you are my chosen one, the heir of Slytherin! "

Voldemort, who is very good at playing tricks on his mind, immediately summed up a set of extremely reasonable lies based on Jerry's reaction, combining the situation before and after, and rounded up all the previous words.

"It turns out that I am the heir of the legendary Slytherin, and also, which Slytherin can be better than me!"

Jerry said something with an intoxicated face on purpose, and then wrote in his diary:
"Let's go to the Chamber of Secrets now and take out the treasure that Slytherin left for me!"

Going to the girls' bathroom on the second floor again, and using magic to hold Myrtle, Jerry skillfully handed the diary to the faucet with the snake engraved on it, then opened the water pipe tunnel, and jumped down.

Sliding into the stone tunnel, I came to the stone wall again in a strange way:
"Open the door of the Chamber of Secrets, and let me see what Slytherin's treasure is!"

Jerry excitedly pasted the diary on the wall. After a burst of snake language, the two snake locks on the stone wall suddenly came alive, and then slowly separated, revealing the door leading to the inside.

Walking into the secret room with the diary, Jerry started his own performance.

"Wow, as expected of the Chamber of Secrets built by Slytherin, it's really big and imposing!"

"Is this a Slytherin statue? Like the ones in the history books!"

After all kinds of exclamation, he picked up the quill and wrote in the diary:
"Okay, we have reached the secret room, where is the treasure?"

"In the Slytherin statue, you go under the statue, I'll open the mechanism, then you can see the treasure!"

The diary replied.

"That's it, no problem!"

Jerry nodded, took the diary to the bottom of the Slytherin statue, and lifted the diary up.


With the sound of the snake language, the face of the statue changed, and the mouth part rapidly became larger, and finally a dark passage appeared in front of Jerry's eyes.


At this time, the snake language on the diary still did not stop, and continued to neigh.

5 minutes later,

Listening to the neighing diary, Jerry folded his arms and complained:

"Why is it still not working? The organs are all turned on. Why didn't the treasure appear? My arms are sore!"

"Maybe it's been too long, there's something wrong with the mechanism, you go into the statue and have a look!"

The diary stopped for a while, and replied on the paper.

In fact, Voldemort's soul was also extremely confused at this time. It didn't make sense. He opened the Chamber of Secrets before and killed people with a basilisk. In the end, he closed the Chamber of Secrets because he was afraid that Hogwarts would be closed.

Therefore, the basilisk should still be sleeping in the statue now, why has he called for so long, and the basilisk has not come out yet, could it be that he slept too deadly!
"What a hassle!"

With a look of impatience on Jerry's face, he cast a floating spell on himself, and slowly floated to the entrance of the statue.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Lighting up his wand, Jerry took the diary and walked into the dark hole.

Two minutes later, Jerry walked to the innermost part of the cave, looked at a pile of rat bones, raised his hand and wrote in his diary:

"This is, the treasure you said?"

Slytherin common room.

Words kept appearing in the diary:
"Jerry, I didn't lie to you, you have to believe me, there may be some accident, which caused the treasure of Slytherin to be stolen in advance, you have to believe me."

At this time, Voldemort himself was also full of doubts, where is his basilisk?What about the big basilisk?How could it disappear!
Could it be that Dumbledore discovered the secret of the Chamber of Secrets, went in and killed the basilisk, but Dumbledore can't speak Parseltongue, how did he open the entrance and door of the Chamber of Secrets?

And how did he discover the Chamber of Secrets?
However, now is not the time to think about this issue, he must find a way to stabilize Jerry, who is already bursting into anger.

"Oh, believe you? I see that you are playing me like a monkey, returning the heir of Slytherin, and returning the treasure. Why did I believe your nonsense and follow you down like a fool? .

I think I should hand you over to Professor Snape, or Headmaster Dumbledore, and let them see what you are! "

Jerry replied with a sneer.

The diary hastily replied:

"I said it was just an accident, and it won't do you any good to hand me over to Snape and Dumbledore, but keep me, and I can still teach you magic.

Don't forget, I taught you Apparation and Shielding Curse, and although I didn't find the treasure this time, I will keep my previous promise and teach you Legilimency.

And to make up for it, I can also teach the magic that restrains Legilimency—Occlumency!

You have to understand that as long as you have me, you can learn a lot of powerful magic in the future, and I am a treasure. "

(End of this chapter)

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