Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 216 The Almighty Jerry (5 more)

Chapter 216 The Almighty Jerry (Part [-])

"Actually, I'm very interested in alchemy, but the school doesn't seem to teach this subject specifically. I didn't expect Uncle Arthur to be so good at alchemy. It's really admirable!"

After listening to Arthur's explanation, Jerry let out a sigh of admiration.

"Hahaha, Jerry, you are really good at talking, but my alchemy level is indeed comparable to few wizards!"

Who doesn't like to hear compliments, especially Jerry, who is such an excellent little wizard and a well-known professional Quidditch player, admires his alchemy so much, Arthur's vanity immediately rises.

"I heard from Ron that, Uncle Arthur, you like to use alchemy to transform Muggle items. The magic flying car they drove to save Harry before was transformed by you!"

Jerry continued to admire.

"What, the car can still fly?"

At this time, Mr. Granger also showed a look of surprise.

"That is, I have done a lot of research in this area, but the magic car can fly so well, it is indeed somewhat beyond my expectations, if you are interested, I will take you there this afternoon to have a look!
Also, Jerry, if you are interested in alchemy, you can ask me for advice. I always think that Hogwarts should offer a course related to alchemy. "

Arthur patted his chest with a proud face.

"It's done!"

Seeing Arthur lose himself in his praises, the corners of Jerry's mouth gradually rose.

After Arthur is done, Mrs Weasley is next.

Arthur belongs to the kind with some strict wives, and Mrs. Weasley is more disgusted with Arthur's tampering with Muggle supplies. After all, it violates the laws of the Ministry of Magic. She is afraid that something will happen to Arthur if he is discovered.

Therefore, in order for Arthur to be able to teach himself alchemy smoothly, Jerry has to find a way to gain a wave of favorability with Mrs. Weasley.

As for how to improve Mrs. Weasley's favorability, Jerry already had a plan in mind.

"I'll go to the kitchen to see if there's anything I can help with!"

Under the surprised gazes of Arthur, Mr. Granger and Hermione, Jerry got up and walked towards the kitchen.

And Hermione thought for a moment, and quickly followed.

She thought she already knew Jerry well.Unexpectedly, Jerry had so many abilities that she didn't know about.

In the kitchen on the first floor, Mrs. Granger watched as Mrs. Molly kept waving her wand. Fruits and vegetables flew up and down in the sink, were cleaned, and then cut into even small pieces by a kitchen knife. The is amazing.

Originally, when she heard that Mrs. Molly was going to cook, she planned to come over to help, such as washing and chopping vegetables. After all, there are a lot of dishes to cook when there are fourteen people eating, and Mrs. Molly must be too busy alone .

It turned out that there was no need for her help at all, because the wizard used magic to cook.

"Oh, Hermione, you must learn this magic well, it will be much easier when you get married in the future!"

Seeing Hermione and Jerry coming to the kitchen, Mrs. Granger explained to Hermione jokingly.

"I'm not very interested in culinary magic!"

Hermione curled her lips.

Cooking magic is one of Hermione's weaknesses. As a non-teaching magic, it's not like Hermione hasn't studied it before.

It's a pity that if you want to learn culinary magic, you must not only have a good magical talent, but you must also have good cooking skills in real life.

Cooking magic does not allow you to conjure delicious food directly, but uses magic assistance to make a table of delicious food faster and easier.

And Hermione's magical talent is absolutely fine, but cooking talent, what good culinary talent do you expect from a twelve or thirteen-year-old schoolmaster girl?

"Need help? My cooking magic is not bad!"

Jerry asked Molly, who was performing her magic.

Mrs. Molly looked at Jerry in surprise while casting her magic:

"Jerry, can you still cook magic?"

A boy, and a boy who was still in school, it was hard to imagine that he would be a good cook, at least Molly knew that her sons were all idiots in cooking.

"I personally prefer Huaguo cuisine, so I have some research on Chinese food!"

Jerry explained with a smile.

"Chinese food is notoriously complicated!"

As a culinary expert, Mrs. Mo Li certainly has some research on the cuisines of various countries, but she does not dabble in Chinese food because it is too complicated.

And all the Chinese food recipes she bought are very strange. Unlike the cuisines of other countries, the amount of seasoning in each recipe is very clear and has precise calculations. As long as you follow the steps, you can’t go wrong.

But in Chinese food recipes, the ingredients she sees are basically words such as "a little", "appropriate amount" and "some", which are vague, which makes it difficult for her to grasp.

In fact, Mrs. Mo Li didn’t know that Chinese food is extensive and profound, with a long history. There are eight categories of cuisines alone, and there are twenty or thirty kinds of cooking methods, such as frying, frying, simmering, deep-frying, cooking, frying, pasting, roasting, and braising. .

Sometimes it’s not so vague on purpose, but because the tastes of different regions in Huaguo are too different. In many cases, we can only add seasoning and master the heat according to personal taste.

For the same dish in different regions, the amount of seasoning is different, and even the taste of a province will be different, just like Anhui, which has both north and south.

These are of course difficult for a foreigner to understand, so Molly was so surprised when she heard that Jerry had studied Chinese food.

"If you don't mind, I can make some Chinese dishes for everyone to try!"

Jerry volunteered to play.

It's definitely not enough to rely on words alone, he wants to use his strength to conquer Mrs. Molly.

"Although it's impolite to ask guests to cook, I'm really looking forward to it!"

With a wave of Mrs. Molly's magic wand, the eight finished English and French dishes flew up and down on the long wooden table in the kitchen.

"Actually, I really like cooking!"

Jerry glanced at the remaining ingredients in the kitchen, took out his wand and waved, various ingredients and kitchen utensils flew up, and began to operate quickly.

"Hey, it's so proficient!"

The food hadn't been cooked yet, and the taste was unknown, but at this moment, Jerry's proficiency in culinary magic was no less than his own, and Molly had already recognized it.

Yes, how can I not be proficient, the three meals a day at home in New York are all managed by Jerry with culinary magic.

With the continuous waving of Jerry's wand, delicious food with delicious color, fragrance and taste, which Molly and others had never seen before, took shape one by one, and then landed on the long table in the kitchen.

Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, Kung Pao chicken, steamed buns filled with soup, boiled fish, pot-wrapped pork, Xinjiang big plate chicken
They are all tested by Jerry, the favorite Chinese cuisine of foreigners such as Aisha, Haas, Bailey and others.

(End of this chapter)

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