A hundredfold increase in the opening

Chapter 256 Qingqiu was robbed

Chapter 256 Qingqiu was robbed
"Although I don't know what state the master is currently in, but with the strength of the master, no one can count on him. This should be him himself, who has fallen into a special state of enlightenment." He also made his own remarks.

Space Willow: "Old, I don't know if you also feel that I have forgotten some memories, and we can't remember many things." At this time, Space Willow suddenly asked the spirit of the small courtyard.

"Like you, my memory seems to have some deviations." Hearing the words of Space Willow, Gu Gu was silent for a moment, then gave a direct answer.

"Okay, don't think too much, as long as the master is here, we can all survive any disaster under the protection of the master." Before the spirit plants and ancestor beasts wanted to say something, Gu Gu directly He patted Su Chen's flattery.

Although Su Chen, who was in a special state at this time, could not hear the communication between them.

At the same time, Su Chen also brought a lot of bottles and cans, as well as a jar of wine from the wine cellar.

"Huh." At this moment, Su Chen, who walked into the small courtyard with his things, couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise when he saw the thing behind Wang Quan.

"See my lord." At this moment, Xuanli Gundam, who was following Wang Quan, stepped forward and gave a big gift to Su Chen.

Seeing the Gundam kneeling on the ground, N thoughts suddenly flashed in Su Chen's mind. This made Su Chen doubt whether he had a terrible past.

"Get up!" However, although the thoughts in his mind changed sharply, Su Chen's face did not show any strange color, maybe this is a must-have skill for a boss!

The origin of this Mechanical Gundam is not simple. It is the highest creation of a mechanical universe, which contains all the crystallization of wisdom in that mechanical universe. In terms of strength, it can also be compared to the fourteenth-order existence.

Although there are not any rare items in Su Chen's collection, it is also an unimaginably terrifying giant in the world of longevity.

"You follow him to learn how to grill." At this moment, Su Chen glanced at Wang Quan and the others at the side, and said directly to them.

Hearing that there are Wang Quan and Wang Yuan, they immediately surrounded Gundam excitedly.

As for Su Chen's orders, Gundam naturally obeyed. He directly reached out to take the skewered meat skewers, then lit the charcoal proficiently, and started grilling.

As for Su Chen's meeting, because someone replaced his barbecue job, he naturally lay down lazily on the recliner, and then took a sip from time to time with his special teapot. There is no one else in these days.

Soon under the roasting of Gundam, a special fragrance permeated the air.

As the highest crystallization of a mechanical universe, the high level of various skills has naturally reached the full level, and the skill of cooking food is drizzled.

And this time, with Bai Fengyi and the others who were studying together, they could only feel the saliva in their mouths starting to secrete continuously.

There is no way, this scent is so tempting, even the four guys who have already been able to live without food, feel the stomach in their bodies is constantly protesting.

With Gundam's special skills, he soon handed the first batch of fresh barbecue to Su Chen.

Looking at the tray placed on the stone table, Su Chen directly took one, and then put it in his mouth to lick it. Suddenly, Su Chen seemed to have regained his memory of how he licked it back then.

Although the meat this time tastes a little bit worse, it's okay to make do with it!

"Okay, let's try it all. Although the taste is a little bit bad, it's still quite special." Looking at the few people who were trying to swallow their saliva, Su Chen directly called out to them.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Wang Quan immediately surrounded him, and then carefully reached out to take a bunch of them.

As for what the senior said just now was a bit bad, they ignored it directly. After all, the senior is a supreme giant, and he is not at the same level as himself and others.

Even if the senior said it was rubbish, it was still a rare treasure for Wang Quan and others!

Smelling the special aroma of the grilled skewers in their hands, Bai Fengyi and the others couldn't bear it any longer, and took a bite directly.

After taking this bite, a burst of extreme deliciousness burst out of the mouths of several people.

Sure enough, the few people with extremely excited brains will know that they only need to listen to the senior's words by countless levels. This kind of taste is also called ordinary, so what are they eating before? Is it rubbish?
With this mouthful of meat swallowed, Bai Fengyi and the others discovered that something even more exaggerated had happened. They actually discovered that the wheel of life in their bodies was constantly growing.

You must know that the wheel of life represents lifespan. After eating this piece of meat, Bai Fengyi was shocked to find that her lifespan had increased by a full five hundred years.

Similarly, Wang Yuan and others also discovered the changes in their bodies, and the eyes of several people looking at the meat skewers in their hands changed instantly.

What kind of meat is this? This is just a pile of life spans!

Before achieving the existence of immortality, no cultivator would despise his own long life span.

Ever since, looking at the meat skewers in their hands, several people started to make them crazily.

When Su Chen saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Is this meat so delicious? I don't feel like eating it at all.

"Grandma, it seems that I am only suitable for eating food produced in the small courtyard. The things from the outside world may be too low-end for me."

Su Chen, who has automatically assumed his status as a boss, couldn't help but think of this.

On the other side, Gundam is still grilling meat skewers, and although Su Chen thinks that the taste of the skewers is not satisfactory, but this is the first time to eat barbecue in this world, and it has a special flavor .

"Come on, don't just eat meat, you can drink a bar, come on time." Looking at the few people eating meat with puffed cheeks, Su Chen couldn't help but chuckled.

Hearing this, the few guys who were still working hard to eat meat swallowed the roast meat in their mouths with great effort, and then looked at the jar of wine on the table with bright eyes.

Afterwards, one after another nodded like chickens pecking at rice. Even if you can't drink it, you have to drink it!

After all, if the predecessor produced it, it must be a high-quality product!

Immediately, Su Chen took out a few small cups and poured them all a cup. Of course, Xiao Hei didn't pull it down, and Su Chen directly poured a plate into his dog dish.

Smelling the smell of wine in his plate, Xiao Hei felt that his life as a dog was really happy, and the feeling of finding a big boss as his master was really cool.

When they saw Su Chen toasting, Wang Quan and the others immediately raised the cup in trepidation, and then took a mouthful of boredom in a decent manner.

After taking a sip of wine, several people suddenly felt that the dantian was like a nine-day divine fire, constantly burning themselves, and after this feeling of burning the soul, another chill seemed to freeze the whole person, It burst out again.

The feeling of the two heavens of ice and fire for a moment is repeatedly emerging in several people's bodies.

This kind of feeling is simply wanting to die.

Su Chen, who just drank a glass at this moment, looked at the flushed faces of the people in front of him, and suspected that he had taken the wrong wine.

"Damn it, I didn't take some Hehuan bar!"

Fortunately, Wang Quan and the others didn't do anything other than blushing. Otherwise, Su Chen really suspected that he had taken the wrong wine.

Then about half a stick of incense passed, and Bai Fengyi and the others slowly came back to their senses.

When they perceive that the dantian in their body has been expanded dozens of times, everyone has some doubts about life.

I thought that being here with the senior had already raised my horizons, but I never thought that I and others are still frogs in a well!
However, after drinking this glass of wine, Bai Fengyi and the others felt that they could not eat anything anymore. It was because the aura in their bodies was too abundant, and it took a certain amount of time to digest it.

Then Bai Fengyi thought that Qingqiu still had something to do, and he needed to go back to deal with it by himself, so Bai Fengyi asked Su Chen to leave.

"Today, I disturbed the senior's Qingxiu a lot, and the junior has some feelings in his heart. If he wants to go to Qingqiu to retreat and study, I hope the senior will forgive me." Bai Fengyi said a little embarrassedly at this time.

"It's nothing, since you have something to do, go back first, and take some of these barbecues back, it may be helpful to you." Looking at Bai Fengyi, Su Chen still smiled lightly and said something.

"Thank you, senior." Hearing this, Bai Fengyi couldn't help but be overjoyed, with these barbecues, the ancestors will be saved!

It's just that Bai Fengyi didn't dare to ask for it just now, after all, it's a blessing to be able to eat these from the senior, and Bai Fengyi dare not ask again.

But now it seems that everything can't be hidden from the eyes of the seniors!
Bai Fengyi, who quickly brought a small portion of barbecue, left Su Chen's small courtyard first.

This time, when Bai Fengyi walked out of the small courtyard, those terrifying principles gave way to him one after another.

As for Wang Quan and the others, after seeing that Bai Fengyi had left, they also bid farewell to Su Chen not long after, and of course Su Chen also let them take some of the barbecue away.

After all, Su Chen doesn't like to eat these meats, so it's a waste to keep them.

Of course, it can't be considered a waste. Xiaohei's rations are still good, and the remaining meat is enough for Xiaohei's rations for a period of time.

And when Wang Quan left, Su Chen specially threw a book to him, so that if Wang Quan had the strength behind him, he could catch some strange beasts recorded in the book.

Afterwards, the small courtyard where Su Chen was located returned to a state of tranquility again.

On the other side, Wang Quan, who had already left the small courtyard, looked at the book in his hand and scratched his head involuntarily. He couldn't understand what was written in the book thrown by the senior!

"Idiot, you don't know how to recognize the master with blood!" This time [Shan Hai Jing] Qi Ling can't stand it anymore, why did the master lose himself to such a fool, heaven, earth, this kind of When is the day a head!
Hearing a voice suddenly sounded in his own sea of ​​consciousness, Wang Quan suddenly trembled all over, and then his eyes on the book in his hand changed. Wang Yuan, who was on the side, saw his son's performance, and hurriedly asked: "Quan What's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's okay." While saying it's okay, Wang Quan forced out a drop of blood, which dripped on the Shan Hai Jing.

After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, he looked at the introduction to the Classic of Mountains and Seas in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the people of Wang Quan were stunned. Did the senior give him a cookbook?

"Idiot, what are you thinking about in your mind, the great spirit of mountains and seas, is it comparable to those things, won't you carefully comprehend the power of mountains and seas?" After thinking about it, the spirit of mountains and seas immediately exploded.

Wang Quan, who was reminded like this, quickly flipped through the Shan Hai Jing.

【Shan Hai Jing】

Introduction: There are endless mountains and seas inside, which can capture all rare and exotic animals, and seal them in the world of mountains and seas to let them reproduce on their own. The more exotic animals are captured, the stronger the power of mountains and seas will be.

"Hiss." After seeing the introduction of Shan Hai Jing, Wang Quan couldn't help but gasp, what kind of terrifying magic weapon is this!
"Sin!" After perceiving King Quan's inner activities, the spirit of mountains and seas didn't even notice. He really couldn't figure out why the Lord had to give himself to this idiot, and the girl in front was not bad!

And when Wang Yuan, who was beside Wang Quan, saw the ancient book given by the senior in his son's hand, it turned into a ray of light and sank into his body, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

It seems that this stinky brat has been recognized by his seniors and given some things by his seniors. Thinking of this, Wang Yuan's eyes turned purple with envy.

"Why didn't I have such a life? This brat's life is really good. It seems that I have to find a way to break this brat's engagement when I go back. Otherwise, this brat will know that it wasn't arranged by my ancestors later. It must be turned upside down."

Originally, Wang Yuan still had a little bit of confidence in suppressing the royal power, but now, Wang Yuan has no confidence at all.

Not to mention the father and son on Wang Quan's side, and the happy scene of Wang Fugui, after leaving the other courtyard, Bai Fengyi directly found a place, used the teleportation secret treasure to directly locate Qingqiu, and then directly tore the void crossed the past.

In the past, Bai Fengyi was not so relaxed, but now not only has his realm broken into the realm of virtual immortals, but his foundation is also many times stronger than ordinary virtual immortals, so this positioning crosses the void It's that simple.

When Bai Fengyi reappeared after crossing the endless void, he had already reached the outer area of ​​Qingqiu.

But as soon as she arrived here, Bai Fengyi's expression changed slightly, because she sensed a very strong energy fluctuation.

At the same time, a very strong impact energy swept directly towards the area where Bai Fengyi was.

Moreover, a very arrogant discourse resounded in the Qingqiu territory.

"Bai Fengxiao, do you think it's useful if you don't come out if you hide in Qingqiu's secret realm? Today, you Qingqiu will be destroyed." In the sky above Qingqiu's territory, several giants exuding a monstrous and fierce aura all over their bodies The demon is madly attacking the barriers of Qingqiu Secret Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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