Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 787 The duck is about to fly (please order the full version)

784 The duck that has reached its beak is about to fly (please order in full)

Silly Zhu is pretending to be benevolent and righteous here.

He Yuyu heard it immediately.

Zou He understood everything when he heard the first word Sha Zhu said.

So it's clear to him now.

Didn't feel any surprise.

Everything was very peaceful.

After a while, Zou He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Silly Zhu, didn't you hear what He Yuyu said? He Yuyu has already emphasized that it is impossible for us to be together."

"So your wishful thinking has come to nothing. Stop thinking about entering the steel rolling mill. You have no way of entering the steel rolling mill with your ability."

"Even if you enter, you can't do anything. You are just a foil. There is no need to do it for this purpose. Do you understand?"

It's just a foil, so what right does it have to enter?

There is no right to enter at all, so don't waste your time here.

What's the use of wasting time here?It's just a waste of energy and mood, it's not necessary.

Zou He's eyes became much firmer.

Qin Huairu didn't expect the topic to change so quickly.

I was still pursuing her just now.

Do you want to reverse it?
Qin Huairu then glanced at Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang understood it immediately, cleared her throat, and spoke directly.

"What's going on with you? Why do you say things that are getting more and more outrageous? You shouldn't say things that are so outrageous."

"Anyway, it's impossible for you to be together now. Since it's impossible to be together, then don't bring the topic together again. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Besides, Zou He was pursuing Qin Huairu just now. We also need to see him and show some sincerity. He just said he was pursuing her."

Jia Zhang was no longer hinting, but making it clear.

It was said clearly.

If Zou He wants to chase Qin Huairu, he must come up with something.

If you don’t bring something out, then there’s no need to talk.

Isn't it just to exchange his wife for food?
But Jia Zhang didn't give them a chance to speak at all, and kept talking here.

"But he didn't show his sincerity. If he didn't show his sincerity, I wouldn't agree to it. After all, he wants to chase me to pretend to be a club."

"You don't have any sincerity at all, you just want to chase my wife away? How can there be such a good thing? There is no free lunch in this world."

"You still have to work hard to gain something, Zou He, do you think what I said is right?"

At the end of the conversation, Jia Zhang even called out Zou He's name, just to get him to give an answer quickly.

Zou He had long thought that this was expected.

So I didn't feel anything strange.

But Qin Huairu didn't feel any discomfort either.

This is to be expected anyway.

Otherwise, Mrs. Jia Zhang would not let Zou He pursue her. Mrs. Jia Zhang generally values ​​​​interests, and there is indeed no free lunch.

Silly Zhu just rolled his eyes.

"Jia Zhang, what are you thinking about here? Zou He is not pursuing Qin Huairu. He has no such idea at all. What he wants to pursue is He Yuyu."

"She is my sister. It is very likely that they will be together. You should stop thinking about this. Besides, Qin Huairu is your wife."

"How can you use your own wife in exchange for food? Do you feel ashamed? Once you change, you will feel ashamed to see others!"

You want to rob Zou He, right?How is this possible? Zou He must stay with He Yuyu no matter what.

It is impossible for them to be separated now.

The most important thing is that Zou He is very capable.

They are all supervisors of the steel rolling mill, so if Yu Yuyue wants anything, he can give it to him.

Maybe all the stars in the sky can be picked off, so now we have to keep Zou He by He Yueyue's side.

Why didn't you think of this just now?It's really confusing.

You shouldn't break them up, you shouldn't have this idea.

Now that they have been broken up, they still need to get them together quickly, otherwise they will really be doomed.

Silly Zhu already felt a little regretful, and his eyes became colder little by little.

But He Yuyu's brows were tightly knitted together.

But feeling unhappiness like never before, he stared at Silly Zhu for a moment, and finally started to speak at the top of his lungs.

"Silly Zhu, what on earth do you want to do? Can you please stop doing such useless things here? There is no way he and I can be together."

"We have made it very clear that we are just brother and sister. Can't we just be boyfriend and girlfriend if we are brothers and sisters?"

"And it's impossible for us. Don't keep stressing here. Don't embarrass us. You embarrass us like this."

When he said this, He Yuyu suddenly stopped moving, but his eyes changed little by little.

He had become very unhappy and secretly visited Zou He.

I want to see what his expression looks like now. Is he angry?Just act like nothing happened.

But I still wanted to observe it, but I found that the expression on his face was very calm, just like a mirror.

He Yuyu felt very uncomfortable, feeling like his heart was being stabbed, and then he said again.

"How are we going to get along in the future? Can't we call the relationship between brother and sister a couple? And isn't he pursuing Qin Huairu here now?"

"Since you are pursuing Qin Huairu here, you should not let him be with me. Anyway, it is his own freedom to like whoever he likes. He wants to refuse."

"This is all his responsibility, please don't force him, okay? I'm here to beg you, if you force him again."

When he said this, He Yuyu felt that he couldn't calm down.

Maybe he spoke too hastily, and tears fell involuntarily.

He looked very flustered. He really didn't want their relationship to get to this point even if they couldn't be together.

It shouldn't have come to this, and they shouldn't have ended up like this.

We should get along with each other as well as before. Anyway, that’s all I have in mind.

I really don’t want to have other thoughts, otherwise I will really feel very painful and unhappy.

He Yuyu quickly wiped his tears without making himself too obvious, and then spoke directly. "He might be angry. I still don't want him to be angry. Just let him go. It's like letting me go here."

"And you were determined to separate him and me from the beginning, and now you are saying this here, don't you think you are being ridiculous?"

"Silly Zhu, what are you thinking? I think there is something wrong with your mind."

It was clear just now that they were not allowed to be together, and she was not allowed to stay with Brother Hezi.

Now they have reached the point of breaking up, but Silly Zhu wants them to stay together.

Isn't this just a joke?It’s also here to embarrass them.

How could they still be together? It was simply impossible.

The point is that Brother Hezi already likes Qin Huairu. Does he really like Qin Huai?

I was a little skeptical just now, but after saying so many words, He Zige didn't refute.

Since there is no refutation, doesn’t that prove it to be true?There is nothing more to say.

At least that's what He Yuyu thinks now.

As soon as Shazhu heard these words, he immediately looked at Zou He and found that Zou He was still staring at Qin Huairu.

He was really in a bad mood, but he still chose to find out what happened just now.

"Zou He, what is going on now? You kept saying at the beginning that you would protect He Yuyu."

"But now He Yuyu is crying. You just stood here without doing anything. Do you think this move is really good?"

"Hurry up and comfort He Yuyu. He Yuyu is crying so hard. If you don't comfort him, he will only cry harder and harder."

Silly Zhu actually wanted to bring them together here.

Of course Jia Zhang also saw this scene, but her fists were clenched together tightly and she couldn't see the duck fly away.

Besides, doesn’t Zou He like Qin Huairu now?Since I like Qin Huairu.

Then Shazhu should not be allowed to say these things here, nor should Shazhu be allowed to ruin his important event.

Anyway, he must eat this duck and get some good benefits.

Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to swallow this breath.

But he hadn't waited for Jia Zhang to speak.

Silly Zhu continued talking on his own.

"Then I really don't understand. Why did you choose to like Qin Huairu instead of confessing to He Yuxue? Is there some misunderstanding?"

"You have to tell me. I think there must be some misunderstanding, otherwise you wouldn't do such an irrational thing."

"I don't believe you are such a person either. There must be some misunderstanding. I will choose to listen to your explanation here."

Zou He did not say anything. He looked very calm and didn't even blink.

I just felt a little sleepy, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Qin Huairu, who was standing aside, felt unusually nervous. What was going on?
Isn’t it because I didn’t choose to speak again?There's nothing to be nervous about.

It was already inevitable to win just now, so there was no need to be so nervous. Now we need to be calmer. It won't work if we don't remain calm.

Anyway, he just expressed his state of mind, and even saw He Yuyu crying.

There is no action. Isn't this enough?It was already proven that he didn't like He Yuyu.

It is really great to prove that He Yuyu has unrequited love now.

Qin Huairu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His expression was no longer so exaggerated, and he still looked very calm.

After a while, Silly Zhu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Zou He, what do you mean now? Why are you still closing your eyes? You shouldn't do such a thing. We are all here waiting for your reply."

"You suddenly closed your eyes. Do you think I don't exist? And you should give He Yuyu a response."

"Just now you just thought that I didn't agree with you, so you said you wouldn't be with He Yuyu."

However, He Yuyu felt that he had a severe headache, and it had already reached this point.

If you still want to make any changes in things, you must be crazy about money.

I just want to go in and become a worker.

How is this possible? Anyway, Brother Hezi wouldn't let Silly Zhu enter the steel rolling mill.

This will never be possible, it is not possible now and it will never be possible in the future.

He Yuyu also knew that Shazhu did this to take advantage of himself.

I still felt relieved, but many of them were still angry, and their expressions became dull little by little.

Even the fist hanging by the side of his face could not help but be clenched.

It seemed that he was about to swing his fist on Shazhu's body in the next second.

However, Shazhu noticed this scene and did not make any resistance, but continued talking directly.

"But I think you will definitely be with He Yuyu. I believe you have the strength. If you don't have the strength."

"How can I be standing here? Just choose to believe what I say. Don't have any worries."

"I will never choose to separate you again. Just stay together. Anyway, you will definitely overcome many difficulties."

You were so irrational just now, why did you break them up?
Is the duck that has reached its mouth really going to fly like this?I really can't accept it, the duck has flown like this.

If this continues, it will really be all in vain.

There is no way to accept such a thing happening, so we must save the matter here.

Qin Huairu felt that she could not remain so calm, so she went straight to the point.

"Silly Zhu, why didn't you say so many words when you first came to chase me? Now for He Yuyu's happiness, you actually say such things."

"The most important thing is that you still want to poach me. Didn't you hear what Zou He said here at the beginning? He said he liked me and asked me."

"Can you come to pursue me? Now I agree with him to pursue me. Anyway, we have a harmonious relationship."

Qin Huairu really couldn't calm down anymore.

How could the man remain calm when he was about to be chased away? He must have spoken out directly.

It's already reached this point, there's no need to be so complacent.

Qin Huairu said bluntly again.

"Don't try to break us up here. It's impossible for you to help He Yuyu seize this happiness. After all, He Yuyu is not qualified enough."

"I'm not talking nonsense here. It's true that He Yuyu is not qualified. Besides, if He Yuyu likes it, he will pursue it himself."

"Whose turn is it for you to help here? Besides, He Yuyu won't accept your favor."

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