Chapter 75 Vote for your mother
Zou He smiled and said, "This, don't you need it?"

"It's alright, I'll help you..." The third master said enthusiastically, he directly carried the dozens of catties of fish in Zou He's bag, and with a light 'drink', lifted it to the back seat of the bicycle, and then skillfully pressed the fish with one hand. , holding the rope that Zou He was about to put on the ground in one hand: "Hezi, I'm not as good at fishing as you are, but I have more experience in tying things than you, so I can help you tie it a little tighter, otherwise it will fall off when you go home. It's troublesome enough..."

Seeing the three masters busy with enthusiasm, Zou He naturally saw the third master's thoughts, and smiled lightly: "Then thank the third master."

"Hey~ thank you?" The third master said while tying up: "It's all from the same hospital, it's no big deal for everyone to help each other..."

The third master kept talking, and quickly tied the fish: "Okay, okay, it's definitely tight now."

After saying this, without waiting for Zou He to reply, he began to praise Zou Helai again.

"Kazuko, I really didn't see it. I didn't see you fishing very often. I thought you were the first to come fishing..."

"I see, your bait is one aspect. The most important thing is that you have good fishing skills. It's really great!"

Yan Fugui couldn't help but praise him. On the one hand, he really thought that Zou He was good at fishing. On the other hand, Yan Fugui thought that he would be very happy to praise Zou He, and maybe he could really divide himself.

"Where, it's just luck." Zou He said and pushed the car: "I went back to the third master first."

"Hey, okay, be careful, I'll push it down for you, this place is a bit slippery." The third master said, helping Zou He push the car to the right road, and praised a few more.

Only then did Zou He slowly ride away on his bike. On the way home, Zou He thought that the third master, Mr. Yan Bu, was also good. The third master just likes to calculate, but his family has three sons, a best friend and an old couple. , a total of six people, relying on his salary of more than 30 yuan as a teacher. There is nothing terribly wrong.

Moreover, Zou He has no hatred with these three grand masters, and the other party has also spoken to Zou He several times. These Zou He are all aware of it.

"Yeah! Brother Hezi, you're back, have you caught so many fish?" At the gate of the courtyard, Yan Jiekuang saw the fish tied behind Zou He's car, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"En." Zou He responded and got out of the car to prepare to push the cart.

"Brother Hezi, let me push you out of the car." Yan Jiekuang said, pushing Zou He from behind. There is a step at the entrance of this courtyard, and the snow is slippery. Zou He is really hard to handle alone. Li, this Yan Jiekuang doesn't look like a child, his strength is not small, as soon as he exerts his strength, he helps push the car up. Although Zou He can do it himself, it can save a lot of effort when someone helps.

Yan Jiekuang is the youngest son of the third master. He is one or two years older than Bang Terrier. The little guy estimated that he was using too much force just now. After he finished exerting his force, he gasped for breath: "Ha~ Brother Hezi, these fish are all you. Did you fish alone?"

"En." Zou He responded.

"Oh my God, Brother Hezi, you are so amazing. You became a fourth-level worker at such a young age, and you are so good at fishing. You are my idol."


"Yeah..." Yan Jiekuang said, seeing that half of the fish in Zou He's bag was exposed and was about to fall out, he immediately stepped forward and covered it with his hands: "Brother Hezi, this fish is about to fall, I'll cover it up for you and bring it to your house?"

"Okay." Zou He replied.

Yan Jiekuang held the fish in one hand and pushed the car in the other, and followed him to Zou He's house.

"Then I'll go back to Brother Hezi..." Yan Jiekuang also wanted a fish, but he held back and didn't speak.

Of course Zou He knew what the little guy was thinking, but he didn't say anything about this one. He only helped. This one proves that the child has a good character.

And after reading the original book, Zou He has a good impression of the youngest son of the third master.

When he came back, he helped push the cart and covered the fish, and Zou He was not a stingy person.

Anyway, with so many fish, Zou He couldn't finish it in a while, and it was nothing to give him one.

"Come on, just this fish, I'll give it to you." Zou He said, took out the fish that Yan Jiekuang was clutching just now, and handed it over.

Yan Jiekuang's eyes lit up immediately: "Yeah, how embarrassing is this, He Zige..."

"Yo? You don't want it yet, do you? Then I take it back." Zou He smiled.

"I want it, I want it!" Yan Jiekuang immediately reached out and took the fish, his face blooming with joy: "Thank you Hezi brother, you are so handsome, you will definitely be a big money in the future."

"Haha!" Zou He smiled lightly: "I didn't expect you to have a sweet mouth?"

"Hey, it's not sweet, it's the truth." Yan Jiekuang laughed again.

"Okay, you guy will have something to do, come back." Zou He waved his hand.

"Okay, Brother Hezi, I'm back." Yan Jiekuang hugged the little fish and returned home happily.


Many people saw Zou He pushing dozens of catties of fish into the yard, and it quickly spread in the yard.

When passing by the Intermediate Court, Jia Zhang was in a hurry and almost didn't go to grab it directly.

So Jia Zhang called several aunts in the upper courtyard.

"Let's go to Zou He's house and let him share some fish? I think he has dozens of catties of fish. He can't eat it by himself!" Jia Zhang said.

As soon as these words came out, several aunts came over with smiles on their faces.

Seeing the glowing eyes of this group of people, Zou He smiled lightly, refused, and didn't give a single one.

A few aunts were unhappy, and told the uncle Yi Zhonghai about this.

"Zou He? Dozens of catties of fish?" Yi Zhonghai thought of something when he lowered his head, and a confident smile appeared on his face: "I'm going to find Zou He..."

"Today this fish, he must divide it!"

After all, Yi Zhonghai immediately brought his group to Zou He's house again.

"Tell me if you have something!" Zou He said angrily.

"Hezi, they're all from the same courtyard. You can't see them when you look down. A few aunties asked you to order fish. Is there nothing?" Yi Zhonghai went straight to the topic.

"It's nothing..." Zou He was expressionless: "This fish is mine. If I don't give it, it's nothing, right?"

"Haha..." Yi Zhonghai smiled: "The fish is yours, but how did this fish come from? I don't need to say it clearly, right?"

Yo, it's up again?
Okay, then give him a stage.

"How come?" Zou He asked.

"How did this fish come, you know it yourself, I don't want to say it explicitly, but it's just for the sake of a courtyard, to leave some leeway for you." Yi Zhonghai put on a look of justice and awe: "Listen to my words to persuade Hezi, You can't be like this, you're speculating and you're getting fish, and the people in the yard don't report you, it's not bad, ask you some points, and you should go out in a few pieces, right?"

"Speculation?" Zou He was angry, and the mother came up and charged him with a crime?Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and he started spraying: "I vote for your mother!"

This scolding, the uncle Yi Zhonghai was immediately shocked. He really did not expect that this Zou He would open his mouth and start scolding? !

Grandpa was stunned!
However, Zou He's words are not over yet: "I caught all these fish by myself. If you say that you are speculative, you are speculating? You can arbitrarily accuse people of crimes when you are a master. Who do you think you are?"

"I told you old thing, don't give you face, shameless! You know?"

"Believe it or not, I angered me and slapped you to death?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone on the scene was stunned.

 New book for collection, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, investment, reward!Ask for everything!The seedlings of the new book need the support of all the bosses, and please give them a lot of support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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