Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 57 Is it pretending? (Ask for a collection recommendation ticket)

Chapter 57 Is it pretending? (Ask for a collection recommendation ticket)
Let's talk about Xu Damao.

When Zou He was found with Qin Jingru that day, Xu Damao was thinking about how to deal with Zou He.

Xu Damao, who was full of bad water, pondered for a long time and remembered that Zou and his family were abnormal these days.

Every day, regardless of day or night, the windows are always closed, and a curtain that was not there before was used to block the room.

The most important thing is that Xu Damao has also heard the voice of the woman in that room several times.

No, there must be a woman hiding in Zou He's house!

Xu Damao immediately found the security section chief in the factory and told the story.

"It's not a small matter, messing with the relationship between men and women is a big crime, how sure are you?" The security section chief asked solemnly after listening.

"Let me tell you, I'm 100% sure that this is true." Xu Damao said firmly, "I heard that woman's voice at that time. Once she was screaming and stomping her feet happily, and the other time it was also a very cheerful voice. At that time, I was just intimidated by Zou He, I really thought it was the sound of the radio, but now that I think about it, how naive I was, to be fooled by Zou He's superficial aura."

"Then if you say that, is this thing true?" the security section chief asked again.

"Of course!" Xu Damao stomped his feet anxiously: "I'm not sure if I can talk nonsense? Let's take someone to catch it, and we can guarantee that we will catch it."

"Okay." The security section chief responded and called a few security section members to come here in a mighty way.

On the way, I happened to meet the second uncle Liu Haizhong. After all, Liu Haizhong is also one of the uncles in the hospital, and Xu Damao also told Liu Haizhong about it.

As soon as Liu Haizhong heard it, it was a good thing to catch people, and he immediately rushed to the front.

"Open the door!" Liu Haizhong was the first to knock on the door.

Although Xu Damao was 100% sure, when he walked in front of Zou He's door, he remembered that Zou Hebao would lose his temper when things really started to happen, so he subconsciously shrank behind Liu Haizhong, thinking about the change, so he directly put Throw the pot to Liu Haizhong.

Zou He was in the house, and he probably guessed something. What else can such a group of people do?

"What's the matter?" Zou He didn't rush to open the door, but asked first.

"You open the door, Hezi, the people from the security section of the factory, come and check the room." Liu Haizhong said.

"What room to check? Why?" Zou He responded, not in a hurry.

Don't you want to check?
Then give you hope.

Seeing Zou He's reaction, Xu Damao immediately laughed and said in a low voice, "Look, section chief, I'm not wrong, right? Not opening the door for so long proves that there must be someone in this room, and it is estimated that there are Tibetans at the moment."

"Open the door, Zou He." After hearing what Xu Damao said, the security guard took a step forward confidently and said: "We received a real-name report that you were messing with men and women, and now we come to the room, and I hope you can give up resistance, otherwise , there will be coercive measures here.”

"Yes, Kazuko, you can't hide someone in the room. Open the door and accept the punishment." The second uncle Liu Haizhong said.

"Yes!" Xu Damao's voice also came.

When the people in the courtyard heard the movement, many people gathered around.

"What's the situation?" said the third master, Yan Bugui, "Why did this Hezi provoke you? They have just been wronged, and this is another wave of people. Good guy, what happened?"

"Hey~ you don't understand this, you'll know in a while." Liu Haizhong was afraid that the third master would steal his credit, and immediately continued to knock on the door: "Open the door, Kazuko."

Zou He simply put the advanced things in the room into the system space, and slowly came over to open the door: "What's the matter, just round the room? Are you sick?"

"Whether you are sick, you will find out after checking it. It took you so long to open the door, didn't you just hide people?" the security section chief shouted.

"Yo~ Isn't this the chief of security? You are such a powerful official, did you start this matter?" Zou He said coldly.

"It doesn't matter who starts, the important thing is that this matter is under my control." The security section chief has now determined that there must be women in Zou He's house, so he speaks with confidence: "What? Don't you dare let us check at the door?"

"Yeah, Kazuko, that's what." In order to show his usefulness, the second uncle Liu Haizhong interjected again: "Then you can give up resistance, you can't rely on this."

"Yes, the people are in the house!" Seeing Zou He blocking the door, Xu Damao became more confident, and shouted: "Everyone at the scene is watching, let everyone see the big one today, this Zou He. , hiding a woman in the house."

When they heard this, everyone was shocked.

real or fake?

"Hidden women in the house? This is not a trivial matter." The third master Yan Bugui said with a shocked expression: "If you don't have full confidence, you can't talk nonsense."

The onlookers suddenly became lively.

"Yeah, this charge can't be arbitrarily charged."

"Really? Why can't I believe that Zou He is so bold?"

At this time, Zou He smiled lightly and said, "Okay! If someone reports their real name, I can let you check."

"But today, if you can't find anyone!"

"You must give me an explanation, otherwise, I will definitely report this matter to the factory manager."

As soon as they heard that they had reported to the factory, the security section chief and the second uncle, Liu Hai, were shocked.

They all know that this Zou He is a person highly regarded by the factory manager. He became a fourth-level worker at a young age, and he may be promoted to a fifth-level worker directly next time. The factory manager has praised Zou He many times in his public speeches. It is also rumored that the factory manager intends to select Zou He as this year's outstanding employee and to use Zou He as a model representative in the factory.

Check a model representative at random. If you can't find anything, the factory manager will be furious when he hears it.

And it is said that Zou He went to the studio to help, and was once again praised by the factory director and leaders.

The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, originally planned to win over this Zou He. After all, with such a person supporting him, his promotion would definitely go a lot smoother.

Just now in a hurry to make meritorious deeds, I rushed to the front.

Seeing Zou He's unwillingness to give up, Liu Haizhong suddenly regretted why he ran in with this group of people so hastily. If he couldn't find anyone, he would really offend Zou He. ah!

The same is true for the section chief of security. Zou He, who is highly regarded by the factory manager, is not joking.

For a while, the two guys turned their attention to Xu Damao.

"Da Mao, it was you who reported it, so you can search it." The chief of the security department was very rude and handed the errand to Xu Da Mao.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm not very clear about this, I just encountered it on the road." Liu Haizhong also shrank back and made a way: "I just heard what Xu Damao said, so Xu Damao, still Are you going to search?"

Xu Damao was stunned: "..."

Looking at Zou He's cannibal eyes, Xu Damao's determined eyes suddenly panicked.

If there is really no one in the house, it is estimated that this Zou He will kill me, right?
Suddenly Xu Damao felt a little regretful...

But things have come to this stage, and it is impossible to do without inspection. Xu Damao is really in a dilemma, and it is difficult to ride a tiger.

But on second thought, this Zou and the previous few times were also bluffing people. It was obviously a woman's voice in the room, but it was the person on the radio.

This time, with the same expression on his face, [-]% of them are pretending, right?

Involuntarily, Xu Damao narrowed his eyes and said cruelly: "Check it, I still don't believe it!"

Saying that, Xu Damao walked forward with courage.

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(End of this chapter)

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