Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 40 Lie Ma Liangju, Let's Forget It

Chapter 40 Lie Ma Liangju, Let's Forget It
Several people in the studio were stunned.

No one would have thought that Zou He would have such a perfect broadcasting tune!

Zou He smiled lightly and said, "I'm stunned? Is it so exaggerated?"

"Yes." Yu Haitang and the recording Xiaohong said in unison.

"Well, I thought I made a mistake." Zou He told the truth, he really thought it was a mistake, after all, it was the first recording.

"No, no, I made a mistake." Yu Haitang said.

"Yes, I made a mistake too, you are right." The recording Xiaohong also said.

It was so unexpected just now that Xiaohong and Yu Haitang were both shocked and forgot about the next work.

When Zhao Caixiu saw Yu Haitang and Xiaohong, they looked at Zou He with admiration, and became even more angry.

Now even Xiaohong has started to worship him?

Why can't I have this voice?
"Let's get started, time is running out." Zhao Caixiu couldn't stand it anymore and said something.

"Oh yes, Zou and brother, let's start over." Yu Haitang also recovered.

"Okay, don't be shocked this time, try to record it right." Zou He said.

"Enenen." Yu Haitang and the recording Xiaohong said at the same time.

The next recording went much better.

After all, I had a draft before.

Yu Haitang has been an announcer for a while, and naturally nothing went wrong.

Zou He's voice is perfect, and his voice is 100% okay. If he makes a mistake, it's a mentality problem.

And Zou He was here to help, and by the way, he tested his voice, just like playing, his mind was naturally relaxed, and there was no error.

One man and one woman, one sentence, long or short...

Soon, an audio recording was finished.

"It's great! I didn't expect, Zou He, your voice is so nice and your mentality is so good. You're not nervous at all. When I was recording the first time, I was a little nervous when I spoke. You are really too Great." Yu Haitang looked over with a bright smile, her admiration beyond words.

"It's really amazing. I've been recording for so long, and I've helped other factories. I've never seen such a nice broadcast tune like yours." The recording Xiaohong couldn't help but praise: "And the mentality is still so good, you Is this really the first recording and broadcasting?"

"Yes, for the first time, I'm not very skilled." Zou He said with a faint smile: "I have tried my best to restrain my nervousness."

"Pfft! You are too modest, Brother Zou He, I don't think you are nervous at all." Yu Haitang smiled brightly: "And your voice made me almost lost my mind several times, you are really a genius as an announcer. "

"Indeed, with this voice condition, you can go directly to the TV station to be an announcer." The recording Xiaohong also praised.

"Alright, alright, don't brag anymore, I'll be proud if you praise me again." Zou He waved his big hand.

"Pfft, Zou Hege, you are quite funny, I like you more and more." Yu Haitang cast a mysterious look: "What should I do?"

"Don't..." Zou He said immediately: "Stop it now, it's not good to make a joke, it's easy to cause misunderstandings."

"Really? Are you shy?" Yu Haitang asked again.

"..." Zou He was speechless: "Let's change the subject?"

"That's right, isn't it quite specific?" Yu Haitang praised her with a hint of aggression in her voice.

"What kind of single-mindedness?" Zou He didn't understand, why did he suddenly say a single-mindedness?
"Isn't it?" Yu Haitang said with a see-through smile: "Isn't it because of my sister that you keep your distance from me? Even if my sister is away, you can keep your distance from a woman as beautiful as me. This is not specificity, it is what?"

"You're over the top! Your sister and I really misunderstood." Zou He explained again.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. You are really a shy man. Seeing how shy you are, I think it's even cuter." Yu Haitang smiled confidently: "By the way, brother-in-law, do you have any younger brothers and sisters? of?"

"I'm not your brother-in-law, so I refuse to answer your question." Zou He lowered his eyes, suddenly felt that Yu Haitang gave off a difficult feeling?Zou He has an intuition, such a woman is not easy to surrender, it is too crazy.

"Okay..." Yu Haitang's voice was softer: "Okay, okay, don't call your brother-in-law anymore, then do you have a younger brother or elder brother?"

"No." Zou He was puzzled: "Why are you suddenly asking this?"

"What else can I do? Of course, I asked you to introduce someone to me. You are so good, your younger brother or elder brother must be good too!" Yu Haitang pouted softly: "Oh, it's a pity you didn't, it's a pity ."

Zou He: "..."

Zhao Caixiu widened his eyes: "???"

"By the way!" Yu Haitang's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, if you want to blow up with my sister, let me know as soon as possible."

"First, your sister and I are mistaken..."

"Okay, okay, I understand. It's a misunderstanding. Now you're not my brother-in-law. Don't repeat it. You just need to remember. If you really blow it, just let me know."

"Why, should I inform you?"

"Why else? Of course, it's to make a partner with you. If you want to blow with my sister, come to me, for sure."

"Sure enough..." Zou He knew that this was unusual for Haitang.

"Sure enough?" Yu Haitang asked, "Aren't you happy?"

"Sure enough, you are still straightforward and hot, but I still like a more docile horse." Zou He said directly: "I can't surrender your fierce horse, let's forget it, we can't."

"..." Yu Haitang blushed and said with a half-smile, "So that's how it is, then I can change it."

"Stop! Stop making such jokes, you are a girl, is this appropriate?" Zou He interrupted directly.

"Pfft!" Yu Haitang covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, I won't tease you anymore, really, I can't help but tease you at all."

Zou He: "..."

Yu Haitang wanted to continue to praise Zou He.

At this time, Zhao Caixiu, who had been watching beside him, couldn't take it anymore: "Okay, don't talk about Haitang, hurry up and check if there are any errors in the recording, and after checking it, let Zou He go back. It’s not good to occupy people’s homes.”

"Oh yes, Zou Hege, where do you go to play in the afternoon?" Yu Haitang.

"I won't tell you." Zou He directly refused, because Yu Haitang's temper was too unrestrained, telling her to pester her again would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

"Hmph, stingy." Yu Haitang pouted.

"Just be stingy." Zou He insisted on the bottom line.

"Yes, yes, let's stop talking about other things." Zhao Caixiu hurriedly said: "Check again, it's all right, let Zou He go to 'rest'."

Zhao Caixiu wanted Zou He to leave quickly.

Zou He in this second, Zhao Caixiu has a feeling of being humiliated in the street.

And the conversation between Yu Haitang and Zou He, in Zhao Caixiu's view, is like flirting and showing affection between lovers.

To tell the truth, Zhao Caixiu has a kind of hatred that wants to go up to fight with Zou He, but seeing that Zou He is much higher than himself, Zhao Caixiu knows that he is not an opponent, so he secretly swears in his heart: This Zou He, I will definitely Compare you.

Checked it again, no problem.

After listening to Zou Hechao's magnetic recording again, Yu Haitang, with a look of enjoyment on her face, showed an expression as if this voice could make her ears pregnant at will, and bragged to Zou He again.

Zou He was a little numb after being praised, so he just said hello and left gracefully.

"Haitang..." Zhao Caixiu knew that it would be a big deal if it went on like this, so he squeezed his voice and said, "Look, I just learned this broadcasting tune, why don't you try recording the male voice for me next time? After all, I always find someone else. It's not appropriate for people from the department to come, don't you think?"

"Cut~" Yu Haitang rolled her eyes when she heard the sound, "You have a duck voice? Let's forget it!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Caixiu broke the defense directly, and his expression management went out of control all of a sudden.

Xiaohong, who was at the side, finally couldn't help 'geigeigei' laughing out loud.

Zhao Caixiu: "..."

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(End of this chapter)

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