Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 327 Self-Cultivation of Licking Dogs, A House Full of Hungry Wolves (please subscribe for a

Chapter 327 Self-Cultivation of Licking Dogs, A House Full of Hungry Wolves (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

In Qin Huairu's eyes, Shazhu is the most faithful licking dog.

No matter what he did, he didn't need to estimate Sha Zhu's feelings and thoughts at all.

No matter how angry Shazhu is, as long as he pretends to be pitiful to him afterwards and sheds a few tears, he will soften his heart.

It was the time when Qin Huairu went to the cafeteria to find Quan Guangguang to get food, and it was also the time when Sha Zhu saw her talking with Zou He.

It is easy for Qin Huairu to handle the silly pillar.

Seeing Qin Huairu's displeasure, there was a crack in the toughness that Sha Zhu had put on just now.

Can't help but say: "Why do I do this, you still don't know?!"

Qin Huairu simply took a step back, looked at Sha Zhu, and said, "If you have anything to say, just speak up! Don't beat around the bush here!"

Seeing Qin Huairu's indifferent attitude, Sha Zhu couldn't pretend anymore.

I couldn't help taking a step closer to Qin Huairu, and said dissatisfiedly: "Sister Qin, I'm going straight!"

"Just now, I saw you and the great master Yi Zhonghai with my own eyes... You guys... Hmph!"

When Qin Huairu heard what Shazhu said, she immediately understood.

Just now?

Wasn't that when he 'borrowed money' from the great master Yi Zhonghai and the two of them came out of the vegetable cellar?

It seems that he and the uncle came out of the vegetable cellar, just happened to be seen by this silly pillar.

Qin Huairu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he saw himself and the uncle. If Sha Zhu saw how he talked to Zou He just now, wouldn't Sha Zhu die of anger?
Fortunately, he is a grandpa, so this matter is much easier to explain.

Qin Huairu sighed leisurely, stroking the broken hair by her ears.

This gesture was full of flair, and this sigh made Sha Zhu's heart tremble immediately.

He tried his best to calm down, and asked, "Why are you sighing, Qin Huairu? I should be the one who should be angry, right?!"

Qin Huairu looked at Silly Zhu with resentful eyes, and said, "You are heartless, how do I treat you, you can ask yourself! But you still miss me so much now!"

When Shazhu heard Qin Huairu's words, his heart felt sore and his legs trembled.

Qin Huairu actually called him 'heartless'?
Silly Zhu likes this title so much!
This sounds like an intimate nickname!

Silly Zhu was a little intoxicated immediately, and wished that Qin Huairu would call himself 'heartless' a few more times, and if he could hit him twice more easily, he would be even more intoxicated.

Silly Zhu's tone immediately softened, and said: "Sister Qin, it's not that I have to miss you so much. I brought you food with good intentions, but I was reluctant to eat it myself, so I wanted to bring it back to you, but I saw you with me. Can I feel better when the uncle comes out of the vegetable cellar!"

As soon as Qin Huairu heard that Shazhu's name changed from Qin Huairu to Sister Qin, she knew that Shazhu had been led into the ditch by herself, and she was very proud of herself.

She knew that this idiot was the most brainless and the easiest to handle.

With just a few words, I have already stabilized him.There was an imperceptible smile on Qin Huairu's lips, but there was still an aggrieved look on his face.

"Silly Zhu, why do you miss me? How could I be with my uncle..."

"We just happened to go to the vegetable cellar to pick up vegetables, so you arrange me like this!~"

As Qin Huairu spoke, she touched the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, as if she was crying.

Seeing this, Silly Zhu quickly reached out to wipe Qin Huairu's tears, saying repeatedly: "Sister Qin, I didn't mean that, don't cry!"

Qin Huairu dodged back for a while, dodging the hand of Sha Zhu who came over to wipe her tears, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, but Sha Zhu hardly noticed it.

Qin Huairu pursed her lips and said, "My uncle and I did stay in the vegetable cellar for a while, but it was because of you."

When Silly Zhu heard this, he was immediately at a loss.

"because I?"

"What do you mean by that? How could it be because of me that you and the uncle are in the vegetable cellar?" Silly Zhu asked suspiciously.

He really couldn't figure it out, even if Qin Huairu was really like what she said, but just happened to meet the uncle when he was picking up vegetables from the vegetable cellar, what does it have to do with his stupidity?
Why do you say it is because of yourself?

Qin Huairu had already thought up her speech in her heart, sobbed twice and said, "You know, what happened during the day today?"

Hearing this, Sha Zhu shook his head in bewilderment.

He worked in the rolling mill for a day, and just came back to the courtyard. As for Banggen and Jiazhang’s running around in the street during the day, Zou He said that something was lost at home. Silly Zhu naturally knew nothing about Qin Huairu's family.

Besides, as far as Shazhu's character is concerned, no one in the courtyard wants to talk to him, so naturally no one told him.

Seeing the confusion on Silly Zhu's face, Qin Huairu recounted what happened during the day in detail.

When Qin Huairu talked about this matter, he must have deliberately discredited Zou He and downplayed his own fault.

Zou He was said to be vicious, it was obvious that the stick stole Zou He first, and Zou He reasonably wanted compensation, but Qin Huairu said that Zou He was bullying the weak.

When Silly Zhu heard the last word, he slammed down the wall angrily, and said angrily: "This Zou He is not a man!"

"Bang Geng is still a child. Can a child be called stealing? That's called taking! It's just going to his house to get some millet. Why is he making such a big fuss? It's really hateful to force you to pay compensation! "

"Sister Qin, you listen to me and don't give him money! Let's see what he can do with you!"

Sha Zhu finished speaking angrily, his clothes were filled with righteous indignation.

Qin Huairu sighed, and said: "No way, you know Zou He, you know what he said, if I don't give him the 20 yuan, he will definitely send the stick to the police station, how can I let him We are stuck in jail, there is no other way but to give it to him."

After hearing this, Sha Zhu sighed heavily in annoyance.

Said: "But your family's life is so difficult, where can I give him money? That's 20 yuan!"

After hearing this, Qin Huairu glanced at Shazhu faintly, sighed, and said: "Yes, I am a woman, so where can I give him money, there is really no other way, I can only ask the old man to borrow it. "

"No, I just asked my uncle to borrow some money, and you saw that you have a nose and a face, and you talk to me badly..."

Having said that, Qin Huairu covered his face and let out a sob.

Seeing Shazhu, he scratched his heart and liver in distress.

Only then did he realize that the old man and Qin Huairu he saw just now going into the vegetable cellar were not the dirty things he thought, but that Qin Huairu was asking the old man to borrow money.

Silly Zhu immediately felt elated again.

He just knew how Qin Huairu could have taken a fancy to the Eldest Man, who could be at the age of Qin Huairu's father.

Silly Zhu stepped forward, grinning: "Sister Qin, it turned out to be like this, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I misunderstood you!"

Speaking of this, Shazhu thought of something again, scratched his head and asked: "But, since this is the case, why did you just say it was all because of me?"

Qin Huairu still looked aggrieved, squinted at Silly Zhu, and said, "Hmph, you are heartless, if you are capable and rich, do I still need to ask others to borrow money?"

"Isn't it because you have nothing in your pocket that I asked the uncle to borrow it?"

After hearing Qin Huairu's words, Shazhu finally understood.

It turned out that he misunderstood Sister Qin.

Sister Qin's words were in and out of the way, clearly treating him as one of his own, but it was really unreasonable for him to still doubt Sister Qin.

It's all because of my incompetence, my arm is broken, and the money is gone. I want to lend it to Qin Huairu, but I have no choice but to do so.

Thinking of this, Shazhu approached Qin Huairu, and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have misunderstood you!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly put the lunch box in his hand into Qin Huairu's hand, and said, "This dish is brought for you, Sister Qin, take it back and eat it!"

Qin Huairu stood still, and Sha Zhu had already stuffed the lunch box into her hand.

Qin Huairu showed a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth.

snort!This silly Zhu was indeed the best at coaxing him, he made up a few random sentences and asked him to obediently deliver the lunch box to him.

Not only did he give himself a lunch box, but it also made him feel guilty and uneasy, feeling that it was all his fault.

Qin Huairu was very proud.

However, on second thought, Qin Huairu thought of Zou He again, and felt a little unwilling.

It would be great if Zou He was as easy to manipulate as Sha Zhu.

It's a pity that Zou He is thoughtful and smart, and Qin Huairu has never taken advantage of Zou He.

Even her repeated postings did not catch Zou He's eyes at all.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu sighed inwardly, if Zou He could really fool around like Sha Zhu, then Zou He's big fish and meat, good food, good food, good food, even good clothes and good shoes would be within easy reach. ?

Unfortunately, her idea will never be realized.

Zou He is not a fool, and will never be her Qin Huairu's licking dog.

Even if Qin Huairu was to be Zou He's licking dog, Zou He would not bother to look at her more.

Silly Zhu didn't realize what she was thinking, and she still looked very happy.

Qin Huairu took the food and returned home.

The lunch box was placed on the table, and the aluminum lunch box was placed on the table, making a clicking sound.

This sound immediately touched the radar in Jia Zhang's mind lying on the bed.

Jia Zhang, who was about to fall asleep, opened his eyes suddenly, and blurted out: "Lunch box!!!"

When Shazhu was working in the cafeteria, he would come back with an aluminum lunch box every day. Almost every time, this lunch box couldn't enter Shazhu's house, and was blocked by Qin Huairu, and entered Qin Huairu's house.

However, most of the food in the lunch box ended up in Jia Zhang's stomach.

Therefore, the Jia Zhang family has already had a conditioned reaction to this lunch box.

As soon as he heard the voice, he immediately called out the lunch box.

Jia Dongxu and Bang Geng were awakened by her shout, and they all looked at the dining table.

Sure enough, the three of them saw a lunch box on the table!
A familiar lunch box!

This ordinary, even somewhat worn-out aluminum lunch box, at this moment, in Jia Zhang's and Jia Dongxu's eyes, exudes a silver light.

The three of them were stunned for a second, Jia Zhang and Bang Geng immediately jumped up from the bed, jumped to the ground, like two hungry wolves, and rushed towards the lunch box on the table.

Before Qin Huairu had time to react, the lunch box had already been opened by the two of them. They didn't even have time to hold the chopsticks, so they grabbed the food in the lunch box and stuffed it into their mouths.

After having diarrhea for a long time, my stomach was already empty, and there was no food left.

At this moment, the food in this lunch box is like a life-saving straw for them.

Seeing the wolf-hungry posture of the two, Jia Dongxu, who was lying on the bed, couldn't lie down anymore, and shouted loudly: "Save some for me! Bring it to me! I want to eat too!"

The lunch boxes of this era are all the same square box, about half the size of a brick, even if it is full, it can't hold much food.

Jia Zhang and Bang Geng stuffed like this, and soon there was not much left.

At this moment, Mrs. Jia Zhang's mouth was full of vegetables. Hearing what his son Jia Dongxu said, he reluctantly took the leftover leaves of vegetables, walked to the bed, and poured them into his son Jia Dongxu's mouth.

Jia Dongxu chewed randomly for a couple of times before swallowing.

He is a man, although he is paralyzed on the bed now, his appetite is not small at all.

Normally, two bowls of rice would give him a feeling of fullness, but now the leftovers were like stuffing his teeth.

Jia Dongxu wasn't full, and the greasy leftovers completely aroused his appetite, and he couldn't help shouting: "Just order like this? How can it be enough for me!!"

"Qin Huairu! You did it on purpose, right? You let me taste it on purpose, so I'm so anxious to death?! You are so poisonous!!"

As soon as Jia Dongxu's words fell, Jia Zhang looked at the lunch box and reacted.

He said suspiciously: "Isn't this the lunch box of Sha Zhu?"

"He can bring food from the cafeteria again??"

"Why is it so little? Qin Huairu, have you already eaten all the meat outside? Did you bring us back the leftover greens??? You are fooling yourself!!"

Stick also complained and said: "Mom, what you have done is too much. My grandma and I didn't eat it. Why did you eat it first when you were outside, and didn't say you would give me some meat to eat? I haven't eaten meat for a long time!"

Qin Huairu felt aggrieved after hearing this, and said, "How could I steal food outside! Silly Zhu brought back such a small amount of food in total, and I haven't tasted a bite yet..."

It was eaten by you.

Qin Huairu only dared to slander the last sentence in his heart, but of course he didn't dare to say it.

Mrs. Jia Zhang rolled her eyes, curled her lips, and said, "Huh! Who knows if you ate or not! Anyway, we can't watch you stealing food outside!"

What I said, even if Qin Huairu jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash away.

And Xiaodang and Huaihua didn't even eat a bite of food just now, and now they are hugging Qin Huairu's leg, crying and screaming hungry.

"Mom! I'm hungry too!"

"Mom, I want to eat vegetables too!!"

Qin Huairu looked around at the people in the next room, Jia Zhang, Jia Dongxu, and even his own sticks, Xiao Dang, and Sophora japonica, surrounded him like hungry wolves,

She just felt flustered and full of despair.

At this moment, Qin Huairu's own stomach also started to growl.

She is also hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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