Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 275 Big Fish Sends Coworkers, Yu Li Has Deep Roots of Love (please subscribe and ask for a m

Chapter 275 Big Fish Sends Coworkers, Yu Li Has Deep Roots of Love (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
When Zou He came out from Ran Qiuye's house, it was almost dark.

Ran Qiuye sent him to the gate, watched him get on the bike and left without seeing his back, so she came back reluctantly.

Ran's mother, who had been hiding at the neighbor's house to sew clothes, came back quickly when she saw the sound of Zou He leaving on a bicycle.

Following Ran Qiuye back to the house, he asked eagerly, "How is it, Qiuye?"

"Can I get pregnant this time? Your mother and I can't wait to hold my grandson!"

Ran Qiuye blushed with shame, and said angrily, "Mom! Look at what you said."

"Whether I can get pregnant or not, how can I know now. At least I have to wait until three months later..."

Ran's mother came to her senses at this moment, she patted her leg with a smile, and said, "Look at my stupidity, why haven't I turned my head around!"

"This time, it will definitely work. You'd better give birth to a big fat boy, so that's safe."

Ran Qiuye didn't speak, she was also looking forward to it in her heart.

Of course she really wanted to have a child of herself and Zou He. Zou He had good genes, high IQ, and was handsome. He was really a perfect man.

The child born to Zou He will definitely be a dragon and phoenix among the people, outstanding.

If she had her own and Zou He's children, then she would never have any regrets in her life.

But an idea came out of nowhere.

What if she has been unable to conceive?
Ran Qiuye was stunned for a moment, then immediately relieved.

If she really does not have this blessing and can give birth to her own and Zou He's child, then she will definitely love her.

Jinlong Baofeng is Zou He's child, and she is also Ran Qiuye's proudest and favorite student. She will treat Jinlong Baofeng sincerely, the child of the person she loves, and she will love him in every possible way, treating her as her own.


the next day.

After Zou He finished his meal, he rode his bicycle to work early.

I delivered a day's worth of fish yesterday, but only half of it was delivered, leaving dozens of catties.

Zou and his family really couldn't finish eating these fish, and he was too lazy to sell them for money. Instead of selling them for money, he might as well spend more time with his wife and children.

So when Zou He went to work, he took out another six or seven fish from the system space, and prepared to give them to his good buddies.

Diao Aimin, the workshop director, usually takes good care of Zou He, like an elder, so Zou He brought him two fish.The other fish were for Zhang Weidong, Hou Lishan, Zhao Zhen and Guo Xiangdong.

These people are Zou He's buddies who have a relationship with Tieci in the factory, brothers who have fought and drank together.

Zou He will naturally not forget them.

Zou He rode his bike into the rolling mill, and the several big fish hanging from the handlebars immediately attracted the attention of many workers.

"Wow! What a big fish!"

"Who is this? He brought so many fish? How rich!"

"How many bikers are there in our factory? Judging by his stature and age, it must be Zou He!"

"It's been half a year since I ate fish last time, and my saliva is about to flow out when I smell the fishy smell!"

"There are only seven or eight in the Zouhe area, but they are really rich!"

"Of course, my monthly salary plus subsidies is a full 110 yuan. Of course I can eat whatever I want!"

Zhao Caixiu, who was walking aside, listened to everyone's discussion and watched Zou He passing by on a bicycle, feeling full of reconciliation in his heart.

Yu Haitang, whom she adores, usually ignores her, but she is full of enthusiasm towards Zou He. She delivers water and invites Zou He to watch movies, and follows Zou He around every day.

This Zou He still loves to show off so much, it's obviously intentional to piss people off.

Thinking of this, Zhao Caixiu snorted and said, "It's just a few fish, as if no one has ever eaten it! What are you talking about!"

The worker next to him sighed: "I haven't eaten fish for a long time, I almost forgot the taste of fish..."

"I seem to eat fish too! Brothers, let's go fishing after work, shall we?"

"Come on! Do you think fish are so easy to catch? I heard that old Zhangtou has been there for two days and hasn't caught a single one."

"Then how can Zou He catch so much?"

Zhao Caixiu saw that the people were still discussing around Zou He, and felt depressed. She didn't want to hear more, so she walked forward quickly.

Suddenly, a figure caught Zhao Caixiu's eyes.

That fit and plump figure, slightly dark and smooth skin, and a long floral dress are exactly what he misses about Yu Haitang.

When Zhao Caixiu saw Yu Haitang, he felt excited.

Hastily shouted: "Begonia!"

After trotting for two steps, he caught up with Yu Haitang, and said enthusiastically, "Haitang, good morning, you are quite early today, let's..."

Zhao Caixiu was rambling on, but Yu Haitang didn't listen at all, rolled his eyes, and walked forward quickly.

She really didn't have any interest in this Zhao Caixiu who was clinging to her every day.

Yu Haitang felt a little disappointed. It would be great if Zou He was the person who was courting him every day.

At this moment, a bicycle passed by Yu Haitang quickly. After seeing the rider clearly, Yu Haitang's eyes lit up and he shouted: "Brother Hezi!"

"Wait for me and Brother Zi!"

The rider is Zou He.

After Yu Haitang finished shouting, she ignored the noisy Zhao Caixiu and trotted all the way towards Zou He.

Zhao Caixiu stood where she was, staring blankly at her goddess just leaving him behind, not to mention how uncomfortable she felt.

He gritted his teeth bitterly: Zou He, it's you again, it's you again! !

Zou He also slowed down when he heard the shouts behind him. When he saw that it was Yu Haitang, he asked directly, "Why are you calling me?"

Yu Haitang's cheeks were flushed as she ran all the way, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

He smiled and said, "Brother Hezi, why did you bring so many fish here today? Who did you bring them for? This fish is so big, did you buy it or catch it yourself?"

Zou He heard that she asked two or three questions as soon as she came up, so he said directly: "I brought it to our workshop staff, and I fished it myself. It's okay, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he pushed the cart and was about to leave. When Yu Haitang saw him, he quickly grabbed Zou He's arm.

She said coquettishly, "Brother Hezi, don't worry."

"You're leaving just after I said a few words to you? Let's talk a little longer."

Zou He frowned and said, "Aren't you done asking, I've said everything, what else is there?"

Seeing the fish on the handlebars, Yu Haitang blinked and said, "Brother Hezi, didn't you bring this fish for your co-workers? Let's broadcast together in the same radio room, so you can be considered a co-worker, right? Can you give me a fish too?" ah?"

After Yu Haitang finished speaking, the corners of her mouth curved into a perfect arc, and she looked at Zou He with a smile.

Zou He completely blocked the affectionate eyes from Yu Haitang, and said simply and clearly: "No."

"I brought this fish to someone else, so I can't give it to you."

"If you want it, buy it yourself."

After Zou He finished speaking, he pushed the car and was about to leave. Yu Haitang hurried forward, grabbed Zou He's car seat, and begged with a smile, "No, brother He Zi, I don't want to buy someone else's, I just want to eat yours." catch fish."

"That's fine, I'll share one with you." After Zou He finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and said, "Two yuan a piece."

Seeing this, Yu Haitang was stunned for a moment, then took out two dollars from the bag, handed it to Zou He, and said with a sweet smile, "Brother Hezi, thank you."

Zou He took the money, gave Yu Haitang a fish, and rode to the workshop.

Yu Haitang stood where she was, looking at the back of Zou He leaving, intoxicated.

He really deserves to be the man I love in Haitang.She really has character!How can Brother Hezi give away the fish he worked so hard to catch?Of course you have to pay.

But Brother Hezi is willing to sell the fish to him, which also shows that in Brother Hezi's eyes, he is really different.

Thinking of this, Yu Haitang smiled even more happily.

Carrying the fish happily went to the studio.

And Zhao Caixiu, who had been following behind Yu Haitang all this time, saw this scene, his jealous eyes almost burst into flames.

He gave Yu Haitang something every day, but Yu Haitang didn't want it. Now that Zou He sold her fish, Yu Haitang was so happy.This is too unfair!

When Yu Haitang returned to the broadcasting room, the announcer Xiaohong was sorting out the manuscripts.

Seeing Yu Haitang coming in with a fish, he asked curiously, "Haitang, where did you get the fish?"

Yu Haitang said proudly: "My brother and I gave it to me!"

Zhao Caixiu, who came back with Yu Haitang, heard this, and said unwillingly: "That's not for giving, but for selling? Didn't you give him back the money?"

"So what if you sell it to me? Of course you have to spend money to get the fish that Brother Hezi caught so hard. Besides, Brother Hezi didn't sell it to anyone else, he sold it to me. Others are different." When Yu Haitang said this, he happily circled in the broadcasting room.

Zhao Caixiu was so annoyed by Yu Haitang's words that she was speechless.

The announcer Xiaohong sighed: "This fish is really big, is it really caught by Zou He?"

Yu Haitang said proudly, "Of course!"

The announcer Xiaohong gave a thumbs up and said, "It's amazing, it's really amazing! You can't even buy such a big fish in the vegetable market."

Yu Haitang was even happier when she heard Xiaohong praise her brother Hezi.

Only Zhao Caixiu was sitting in the corner sulking.


Zou He went to the workshop and distributed some fish to several brothers.

Several people were very happy when they received the fish.

"Such a big fish? How did you catch it, Hezi?" Guo Xiangdong said in surprise.

"Bringing such a big fish back, my wife must be very happy! Haha!"

"Brother Hezi, this fish is so big, why do we have the nerve to take it for nothing? How much is it, shall I give you money?"

After hearing this, Zou He straightened his face, pretended to be angry and said, "It's just a fish, we brothers are friends, and you still ask me for money, I'm angry."

Seeing that Zou He wanted to give it sincerely, they had no choice but to accept it.

Zou He was having a lively chat with a few workers, and Diao Aimin also came. Seeing that each of them was holding a fish, he said with a smile, "Yo? Why are there so many fish! This fish is really fat!"

Hou Lishan smiled and said: "Director, come and see! How big is the fish He Zige caught! This one must weigh two or three catties!"

Zou He took the last two fish from the handlebar, handed them to Diao Aimin, and said, "Director Diao, these two fish are for you."

After hearing this, Diao Aimin hesitated, and said, "Give it to me?"

"What an embarrassment, this fish must be worth a lot of money, right?"

Zou He insisted on stuffing the fish into Diao Aimin's hands, and said, "The fish I caught by myself are worth money or not."

"Besides, since I came to the factory, you have taken good care of me, Director. It's really nothing if I give you two fish, so you can take it."

Diao Aimin and Zou He's father are comrades-in-arms. Since Zou He joined the rolling mill, Diao Aimin has taken good care of him. Diao Aimin also stood by Zou He's side without any hesitation when he shot.

Zou He has always had a clear distinction between grievances and resentments, and he has never been stingy with those who treat him well.

Today, he divided the fish, and he specially reserved two big fish for Diao Aimin.

When Diao Aimin heard Zou He's words, he was also very relieved.

I lamented that I did not misjudge the person. Zou He is a stable person with a grateful heart, which is indeed attractive.

A day passed.

After get off work, Yu Haitang hummed a cheerful ditty and walked home with the fish.

Mother Yu and Yu Li were picking vegetables in the yard. When they saw Yu Haitang came back with a big fish in his hand, they asked in surprise, "Where did you get such a big fish? Did you buy it at the vegetable market?"

Yu Haitang was overjoyed, and said mysteriously, "Guess!"

Yu's mother ignored her and muttered: "Such a big fish must not be cheap, right? Haitang, your salary is not much, so don't waste money. Besides, you have to be good at picking fish in the vegetable market. If you don't choose well, it's easy to choose." to stale."

Yu Haitang muttered, "This is the fish that Zou He himself caught in our factory. It's so fresh. It's cheap. Look at how fat it is!"

After hearing this, Yu's mother didn't say anything more, but Yu Li who was on the side listened, but she was concerned.

Is this... the fish that Zou He caught?
Knowing this information in her heart, when Yu Mu made the fish soup and served it on the table at night, Yu Li filled it up more than usual.

After one bowl was finished, another bowl was served.

Yu Haitang also ate with relish.

He praised: "The fish he caught by himself is really fresh. I haven't had such a delicious fish soup for a long time! It's so delicious!"

After the family finished eating, they all went to the yard to chat.

Yu Li was clearing the dining table and preparing to wash the dishes.

She swept the fish bones on the table into the trash can with a rag, and took the bowl to the kitchen to prepare for brushing.

Suddenly, her eyes rested on a fishbone remaining at the bottom of the bowl.

The fishbone is five or six centimeters long, with one blunt end and the other sharp.Yu Li stared blankly, then remembered what Yu Haitang said today.

This fish was caught by Zou He.

This might be the last point of intersection between her and Zou He, right?
I ate the fish that Zou He caught.

Thinking of this, Yu Li's heart was both sour and sweet.

She slowly stretched out her hand, rinsed the fish bone with water, wrapped it in a clean handkerchief, and placed it under her pillow.

This fishbone has taken root in Yu Li's heart, and she will never and does not want to pull it out.

This may be the only thing she has related to Zou He.

At night, Yu Li held the handkerchief wrapped with fishbone in her hand and fell into a deep sleep.

She secretly hoped that in her dream, she could see the person she was thinking of.

(End of this chapter)

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