Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 242 The two sons testify to Lao Tzu, who is the chicken thief? (seeking subscription and mon

Chapter 242 The two sons testify to Lao Tzu, who is the chicken thief? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

The second uncle Liu Haizhong looked at the people in the yard pointing at him, feeling a little guilty.

However, now is no time for him to feel guilty.

He had to give an explanation.

Of course, Liu Haizhong couldn't admit that the chicken was stolen, and immediately said: "It's true that I eat chicken, but this chicken is not from Huang Mafang's family! I didn't steal her chicken!"

When everyone heard this, they hesitated.

Indeed, it is true that Liu Haizhong is eating chicken, but it is also possible that he bought the chicken himself.This chicken is cooked and the hair is all plucked. Who can recognize whose chicken it is?

Huang Mafang cursed angrily: "You old dog! Stop talking nonsense!"

"Your family is usually reluctant to fry an egg, so why would you be willing to buy a chicken!"

"This chicken must belong to my family!"

"Everyone, come and listen! This second uncle is shameless! You don't even want your old face, and you stole my chicken at such an age! Why don't you eat you to death!"

The second uncle Liu Haizhong didn't care about his face at this time, so he could only hold on to the end: "You say this chicken belongs to your family? What evidence is there?"

"Call this chicken and see if it will agree?"

"I bought this chicken myself!"

When Huang Mafang heard this, she completely exploded.

"The old stuff of the grass mud horse! Dare to eat it but dare not recognize it!"

"Why don't you eat you to death! You are bullying our orphans and widows because Da Mao is not at home!"

When the people in the yard heard this, they all pointed and pointed.

Zou He watched the excitement among the crowd.

The second uncle and Zou He have always been at loggerheads, so now that the second uncle's family has something to do, as a good person, Zou He must of course 'help' him.

So Zou He thought about it, smiled and said:

"I see, what the second uncle said is also possible."

"I'm hungry, what's the matter with a stewed chicken?"

"This chicken is not easy to cook during the day. It is only in the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep, that it is easy to cook."

"Second uncle, you wake up in the middle of the night, and eat chicken stew when everyone is not paying attention, what's wrong?"

"Is this wrong? There's nothing wrong with it! Is it against the law? It's not against the law."

"In short, I don't think the second uncle is wrong, what do you think?"

The second uncle Liu Haizhong couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Zou He's words. He and Zou He had a feud, and he never expected Zou He to speak for him.

But now, Zou He actually helped him to speak, and the second uncle Liu Haizhong immediately echoed: "That's right, we're just hungry at night, let's have a stewed chicken!"

Hearing the second uncle follow Zou He's words, the people in the courtyard laughed unconsciously.

Damn, this second uncle, can't even hear the words?

Do you really think that Zou He is speaking for him?

Many people smiled geigeily, some covered their mouths, some bent over while laughing, and some looked at each other with contempt.

After the second aunt heard the second uncle's reaction, her face turned green, and she sighed helplessly, not knowing what to do for a while.


Although the people in the courtyard didn't like Huang Mafang, it was obviously the second uncle's fault for today's incident. In this day and age, it's not every year or festival, how can anyone buy chicken for themselves?

Undoubtedly, Zou He's words made them even more suspicious!

If you really bought chicken yourself, why don't you eat it during the day?They have to fall asleep in the middle of the night, and they hide in the house to eat?
Isn't this a guilty conscience?
"Aren't you afraid that people will find out when you get up to stew chicken in the middle of the night? Second uncle, just admit it."

"Yeah, stop pretending! Admit it quickly, anyone with a discerning eye can see it."

Yi Zhonghai saw Huang Ma Fang go crazy, and the people in the courtyard were all talking about how dissatisfied Liu Haizhong was, and he felt complacent all of a sudden.

Now, it's my turn to play the uncle.

Yi Zhonghai coughed, stood up, and said, "Liu Haizhong, since you said that you bought this chicken yourself, tell me, when did you buy it? Where did you buy it?"

Liu Haizhong blurted out without thinking: "I went to the street to buy it after work!"

As soon as Liu Haizhong said this, the people in the courtyard did not refute. Liu Guangtian was the first to stand up and shouted:

"He lied!"

"My dad didn't go out at all after work, he was at home all the time! The two of us can testify!"

Liu Guangfu also stood up: "Yes, I can also testify that this chicken cannot be bought from the street!"

"This chicken has been hiding at home! When everyone is asleep, they will get up and eat it!"

Brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu spoke clearly and plainly when you said something and I said something.

When Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu said so, they made the Second Uncle Liu Hai's certificate to death.

This chicken was stolen by the second uncle Liu Haizhong, so there is no dispute.

The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, never expected that he wiped his face and evaded it for a long time, and was finally certified dead by his two sons.

Immediately, he almost exploded.

Turned into anger from embarrassment, I couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled:
"Little bastard! What's the use of me giving birth to you two!"

"My own parents have betrayed me!"

"You two shouldn't have been born in the first place!"

"When I was born, I should have drowned you in the urinal!"

"I'll kill you!"

The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, shouted, picked up the broom beside him and was about to chase and beat the two rebellious sons.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu had already dodged far away, how could it be possible for him to hit him.

Yi Zhonghai stretched out his hand to stop the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

Said: "His second uncle, the truth of this matter has come to light, isn't it wrong for you not to make it clear?"

The second uncle was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became dumb.

People in the surrounding courtyard also started talking.

"Second uncle, dare you steal this chicken?"

"You are the uncle in charge of our hospital, isn't this a prisoner stealing yourself!"

"That's right, it's really shocking to steal a chicken while still acting like a master!"

"Isn't it embarrassing for you to refuse to admit it just now?"

People in the yard started talking.

The uncle was secretly delighted, the emperor paid off, but let him grasp the handle in the bangs!

This is an excellent opportunity to pull Liu Haizhong off the horse, he must not let go easily!

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai stood up and said:
"The truth of the matter has been revealed, this chicken was stolen by the second uncle,"

"Guys, tell me, with such a character, can you still be the steward of our hospital?"

"So, I propose that from now on, the second uncle should be dismissed from his position as the supervisor!"

"What do you think?"

Everyone in the courtyard nodded after hearing this.

The third master also said: "That's right, isn't this a nonsense? How can the steward steal things!"

"Look at me, big guy. I have been in charge of the third master for so many years, I have always been conscientious, and I have never had any moral problems!"

Everyone nodded again.

At this time, the deaf old lady who had been watching the fun suddenly said, "This Liu Haizhong really can't continue to be the steward of our courtyard."

"I think, this old man in charge is still old Yi Lai, what do you guys think?"

When the uncle heard this, he held back the excitement in his heart and took a step forward.

The identity of the uncle in charge will finally return to his hands again!
When the second uncle on the side heard it, he became anxious.

Other things are easy to talk about, but he managed to get the identity of the uncle in charge.

He has been waiting for many years.

Now that he is finally elected, how could he be willing to be taken away by Yi Zhonghai again?
The second uncle immediately said loudly: "No!"

"I disagree!"

"Okay, I'm telling the truth!"

"It's true that I didn't buy this chicken, but I didn't steal it either!"

"It's Qin Huairu, she gave it to our family!"

The second aunt immediately echoed: "That's right! This chicken was given to us by Qin Huairu!"

"It was the chicken stolen by her family, and she gave me one! We didn't steal the chicken!"

As soon as the second uncle and the second aunt said this, everyone in the courtyard looked at where Qin Huairu was standing just now.

But he didn't know when Qin Huairu, who was standing in the corner watching the excitement, disappeared.

All the chatter in the yard was talking:

"There is only one person in our courtyard who has a criminal record of stealing. Isn't he just released?"

"As soon as he came out, Huang Mafang's chicken was lost. He must have stolen it!"

"That's right, this stick is a thief in our courtyard! How could you forget this!"

Zou He, who was at the side, said casually: "This Qin Huairu was just here to watch the excitement, why did he leave suddenly? Could it be that there is something to do when we go back?"

When the second uncle heard it, he immediately reacted.

This Qin Huairu must have gone back to destroy the evidence!

Absolutely, she can't be allowed to destroy the evidence, or the charge of stealing chickens will fall on him alone!
I can't be the second uncle myself!
Thinking of this, the second uncle shouted: "Qin Huairu must go back and destroy the evidence!"

"Hurry up and grab her!"

When the second aunt heard this, she didn't even care about wearing shoes, and immediately ran to Qin Huairu's house!

Other people in the courtyard also followed suit.

Such excitement, of course we have to see the end!
Qin Huairu's home.

Qin Huairu tidied up the chicken bones on the table in a panic, wrapped them in toilet paper, and saw a pile of chicken feathers under the bed that had been plucked when the chicken was slaughtered, so she quickly climbed in and rubbed the chicken feathers out.

The bottom of the bed has not been cleaned all year round, and it is full of spider webs and dust. When Qin Huairu crawled out, her head and face were covered in spider webs.

And Jia Dongxu, who was lying on the bed beside him, saw Qin Huairu dawdling, and cursed again: "You useless bitch, you are so dawdling in packing everything, haven't you eaten?!"

Qin Huairu was very wronged. Today, the two chickens that Banggen stole, the two chicken legs were eaten by Banggeng. Jia Dongxu ate [-]% of the chicken, and the rest of Sophora japonica and Xiaodang. She just gnawed on the bones. , Drinking two sips of soup, isn't it just that you haven't eaten.

Qin Huairu took a look at Jia Dongxu, and begged God secretly in his heart, quickly take away this guy who can only beg for food with blood!
I can also live more comfortably.

Jia Dongxu looked at Qin Huairu, stared at him, and shouted, "You bitch! What are you looking at me for? Are you cursing me again in your heart?"

"I want to die quickly, so you can fool around with other wild men, right?"

"Don't even think about it, you are dreaming!"

"I have to drag you with me even if I die!"

"Hurry up and clean up!"

Qin Huairu stopped talking, her heart was full of despair, when will such a day be the end!
Qin Huairu packed up the chicken bones and feathers, wrapped them up and opened the door and was about to run out when the people in the yard came to the door of her house led by the second aunt.

Qin Huairu saw it, turned around and wanted to run into the house, but it was too late.

The second aunt rushed up and grabbed her, saying, "Qin Huairu! Don't go!"

"Tell everyone, you gave me that chicken!"

Qin Huairu hugged the paper bag in his arms with a guilty conscience, and said stiffly, "Second Aunt, what are you talking about?"

"What chicken? I don't understand."

When the second aunt heard it, she immediately became angry.

He cursed loudly: "Qin Huairu! Are you shameless? Open your eyes and talk nonsense, right?"

"I saw with my own eyes today that your sticks stole Huang Mafang's chicken!"

"It's because I saw the stick stealing a chicken, and you gave me one just to silence me, how dare you deny it!"

The two couldn't stop arguing, and more and more people gathered around the door.

"What the second aunt said is quite similar. It's not just once or twice that Banggen stole things. He also stole from Sha Zhu's house before, and also from Zou He's house!"

"That's right, there is such a thief in our yard!"

"But Qin Huairu refuses to admit it, and the second aunt can't help it. This time, it's the dumb who eats coptis!"

Zou He stood not far away, knocking sunflower seeds and watching the excitement.

Alright, the louder the quarrel, the better, the better the fight!

In this day and age, there is no entertainment, so it's time to relieve boredom.

Yan Jiekuang stood beside Zou He, seeing Zou He eating melon seeds, his mouth was about to drool.

The last time he ate melon seeds was during Chinese New Year last year.

In this day and age, things like melon seeds can only be eaten once during the Chinese New Year, and no one is willing to buy them usually.

"Brother Hezi is so handsome, he looks so handsome even after eating melon seeds!"

Zou He saw Yan Jiekuang looking straight at the melon seeds in his hand, and knew that he was hungry.

"That's right, you have a small mouth, you know how to say, I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you some rewards."

As Zou He spoke, he shared some melon seeds with Yan Jiekuang.

Although it is not easy for a normal family to eat melon seeds in this day and age, to Zou He, these melon seeds are nothing.

After all, the salary is high, and there are system rewards, and sometimes some melon seeds will be given when you sign in.I eat it as snacks at home every day, and I almost never break it.

Yan Jiekuang was overjoyed, took it with joyful hands, and began to eat happily.

"Brother Hezi is so grand! Our hospital is Brother Hezi, you are the most magnificent!"

Something as precious as melon seeds was also shared among himself, and Yan Jiekuang looked at Zou He with even more admiration.The little mouth kept talking.

While knocking on the melon seeds, Zou He watched Qin Huairu and the second aunt arguing.

Seeing the paper bag Qin Huairu was clinging to in his arms, Zou He understood.

It seems that this is the 'dirty' she sneaked back to deal with.

Fortunately, the second aunt came in time and blocked her in the room.

It seems that this dirt has not had time to throw away.

Zou He casually said to Yan Jiekuang beside him, "Huh? Then what is Qin Huairu holding in his arms?"

Yan Jiekuang looked at it, thought of something, and said loudly: "What is she holding in her arms? Could it be another stolen penis?!"

As soon as Yan Jiekuang said this, everyone around him reacted.

In the middle of the night, everyone was looking for chicken thieves, and Qin Huairu ran out with a paper bag in his arms. It was self-evident what was in the paper.

The second aunt finally came to her senses, taking advantage of Qin Huairu's unpreparedness, she grabbed the paper bag in her arms,
The paper bag was torn to pieces immediately, and the contents fell to the ground.

Someone took a flashlight and quickly shone it on the ground.

Seeing the things on the ground clearly, everyone gasped.

I saw chicken bones and chicken feathers scattered all over the ground.

The second aunt was overjoyed and shouted: "Look and see! Everyone come and see!"

"what is this?!"

"Chicken bones, chicken feathers!"

"This Qin Huairu also said that she didn't steal chickens! Where did these things come from?!"

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense!"

"That chicken was stolen by Bang Ji, I saw it with my own eyes! I see how you can deny it!"

Everyone in the courtyard looked at the chicken feathers and bones all over the floor, and looked at Qin Huairu with contempt in their eyes.

Sure enough, it was stolen from their house.

Seeing this scene, the second uncle quickly said: "Everyone can see clearly, we didn't steal this chicken, our chicken was given to us by Qin Huairu, and the one who stole the chicken is a stick!"

"As the second uncle in charge of our hospital, how could I steal a chicken!"

The second uncle said it plausibly, and he just went to the matter that he kept saying at home that he bought the chicken, and then he was slapped in the face by his own son.

The second uncle turned his head and saw Huang Mafang standing beside him, and said, "Huang Mafang, you can see clearly, the person who stole the chicken is a stickler from Qin Huairu's family! It has nothing to do with me!"

"If you want to pay, go to them!"

Only then did everyone hear Huang Mafang standing aside, but for some reason, Huang Mafang has been silent ever since she came to Qin Huairu's house, completely losing the aura of a shrew who was yelling at the second uncle's house just now. As if the fire was turned off, I don't know what I was thinking.

Qin Huairu suddenly said, "That's right, this chicken really belongs to Huang Mafang's family!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, what happened to Qin Huairu today?
Is the sun coming out west?

How could he admit that his stick had stolen something?
It was so unlike her.

When everyone was wondering, Qin Huairu went on to say:

"However, this chicken was not stolen, but..."

"It was given to our family by Huang Mafang!"

As soon as this statement came out, the people on the scene were shocked again.

what's the situation?
Huang Mafang, the chicken you gave to Qin Huairu's family?

how can that be?

Everyone looked at Huang Mafang.

Can't help but wonder, is it really her gift?
(End of this chapter)

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