Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 228 Be a person who dares to think and do things (please subscribe monthly pass)

Chapter 228 Be a person who dares to think and do things (please subscribe monthly pass)
The moon is high.

On the way from Siheyuan to Qinhuang Village, there is Zhuzhuang.

In the wilderness near Zhuzhuang, there is a dry ditch.

Qin Huairu was there, sitting on the bedding, looking forward to it.

Waiting for her upcoming happiness.


[It is detected that the host has not checked in today, do you want to check in? 】

When I woke up, a familiar voice rang in my mind.

Zou He smiled lightly.

That's right, the system has come to pay tribute again.

Zou He said silently: "Sign in."

【Ding!Sign in successfully!Get 0.5 yuan in cash, three catties of pork, three catties of beef, three catties of mutton, three catties of donkey meat, body strength +1]

I'll go, just give me fifty cents this time?

Good fellow, dismiss the beggar.

The money given this time is a bit small, but it's normal. Not every time you sign in, you can get a cash reward.

Giving fifty cents is better than nothing.

In addition, three catties of pork, beef, mutton, and donkey are given each. These four kinds of meat are rich enough.

Zou He took a look and found that the meat was stored in the system space.

It seems that we can have another meal tonight.

Physical strength also increased once.

Zou He's current physical fitness is already very strong.Adding physical strength, is this to train yourself to be a master?

No, in terms of combat effectiveness, Zou He could already be called a master.

I can't help but feel a little itchy, it seems that I need to find an opportunity to give someone a fight.


I have eaten the nourishing breakfast made by Qin Jingru.

Zou He pushed the [-] bar and went to work again.

When I walked to the gate of the courtyard, I ran into Qin Huairu who came back with the quilt under her eyes.

After seeing Zou He, Qin Huairu had a look of resentment.

"Hezi, why didn't you come yesterday?"

"What didn't come, what came? I don't understand what you're saying?"

"You pretend to be ignorant, right? Yesterday we agreed to meet there. I walked seven or eight kilometers to get there, but I didn't wait for you at all..."

"Oh, oh, hiss, this matter." Zou He made a face of sudden understanding, and said: "Oh, I overslept yesterday, I forgot, look, I have a big sleep addiction , I didn't mean it either."

Hearing this, Qin Huairu's eyes lit up immediately.

It turned out that Kazuko overslept.It's not intentional not to come.

That means there is still hope.still have a chance.Can still suck.

"In that case, let's go again tonight?" Qin Huairu suggested.

"Okay, same time, same place tonight, see you soon." Zou He said with a smile.

"Don't forget what you said." Qin Huairu reminded.

"Don't worry, that little thing is nothing to me." Zou He waved his hand with pride.

"Okay, see you tonight then."

As Qin Huairu said, she twisted her waist and walked towards the house.

Zou He went to work in the rolling mill with a big stick.

As for whether he will see Qin Huairu or not, he will not say.

The most important thing right now, of course, is to cure her.

For these years, Qin Huairu came to disturb her every day.

Open your mouth and shut up if you have nothing to do, "Hezi is good" "Hezi is going to work?" ''Where is Kazuko off work? '.

Zou He has spoken harsh words countless times, and even couldn't help it a few times, and started scolding directly.

In the end, the vampire still didn't have a long memory, so he went here every day.

This Qin Huairu, if she doesn't punish her once, I really don't know how long she will disturb her.

So, just tease her.

After being disturbed for several years, teasing her once is considered very polite.

As for what really happened with Qin Huairu, Zou He didn't even think about it.

Doesn't this vampire always use his beauty to suck money?
Zou Hecai didn't believe that Qin Huairu would give her away for nothing.

And even if you take a hundred steps back, Qin Huairu is really a woman who dares to think and do.

The price she asked for was too high.

One hundred yuan, fifty catties of noodles, twenty catties of meat, just to have fun with Qin Huairu?
Obviously not worth it?

How is this business a loss?


Riding the [-]th pole, he surpassed many workers along the way.

Zou He soon came to the rolling mill.

Last time, because of the increase in the charm value, the lesbians in the factory looked at Zou He with a little more appreciation.

Wherever Zou He went, he always attracted some attention.

"See, this is Zou He, the youngest eighth grade worker in our factory, with a monthly salary of 99."

"It's more than 99. He still works as a part-time announcer in the factory. The monthly subsidy is more than ten yuan, and the monthly salary is more than 100."

"Hiss, not only is he capable, but he's also so young and handsome."

"What a perfect guy. If I were 20 years younger, I would definitely have sex with him."

"Tch, it's just you, a big washbasin, who still wants to have an affair with Hezi, I think it's better to forget it."

"Who are you talking about? Are you trying to fight?"

"If you fight, you can fight, whoever is afraid of whom!"


Zou He will never know.

Just as he put away his bicycle and walked to the factory.

In the factory, two women in their 40s had an argument because of Zou He, and they fought violently.

Soon the two women were pulling each other's hair and beating each other.

When Zou He saw this scene, he would definitely be dumbfounded.


When I came to the workshop, I still worked step by step.

As an eighth-level worker, Zou He's status was second only to Director Diao in the workshop.

In addition, Zou He is approachable and treats everyone sincerely. As long as others treat Zou He sincerely, Zou He will also treat others sincerely.

So Zou He received the respect of many workers.

Of course, there are also those who are secretly unhappy with Zou He.

For example, Liu Haizhong, the second uncle of the seventh-level worker, and Yi Zhonghai, the first uncle of the eighth-level worker...

Liu Haizhong saw that Zou He was proud of the spring breeze, and he could get along with everyone wherever he went. Compared with him, although he was a seventh-level worker, he had no popularity, this made Liu Haizhong feel frustrated, and he had a feud with Zou He , Liu Hai complained angrily:

"Damn it's not fair. It's unreasonable to be an eighth-grade worker in his twenties, and his salary is 99, which is higher than mine."

"In the factory, wages should be paid according to age. You, Zou He, will feel embarrassed if you look at him like this. You are so rich at such a young age. If you let him waste money, sooner or later you will stumble, sooner or later you will have a big problem, and sooner or later you will suffer a big loss."

Compared to the second uncle Liu Hai listening to curses, Yi Zhonghai is much more restrained, he is just dissatisfied in his heart:
"This He Zi, I have long seen that he is a capable person, with strong working ability, and the relationship between the co-workers is also good. It is good everywhere."

"There is one thing, morality is not so noble, otherwise, letting Zou He give me a pension, it must be more secure than silly Zhu, who was fined another three months' wages, with such a reckless temper, there may not be anything wrong in the future What about Yao Mozi, hey, it would be great if Zou He would not be so assertive and would be willing to be Yi Zhonghai's son to me, such a smart person, why is he so ignorant of education?"

Yi Zhonghai is no longer the uncle in the courtyard.

Sha Zhu was punished by the factory again. I heard that the factory manager also gave instructions that if Sha Zhu caused trouble again, he would be expelled from the factory and never hired.

This made Yi Zhonghai's heart beating again.

If Silly Zhu really loses his job, how can he and Yi Zhonghai take care of him in the future?

So Yi Zhonghai turned his gaze to Zou He again.

From the beginning to the end, Yi Zhonghai had his eyes on two of the young people in the courtyard.

Shazhu's father, He Daqing, ran away, and his mother died. It was a personal choice. Zou and his parents also died long ago, so it was also a personal choice.

In terms of objective conditions, Zou He is undoubtedly the best candidate for his son.

It's just that Zou He was too assertive, he didn't listen to Yi Zhonghai's advice, and didn't follow Yi Zhonghai's way at all, which made Yi Zhonghai feel very uncomfortable.

But in the current situation, relying entirely on Sha Zhu, the risk is obviously a bit high.

So Yi Zhonghai wanted to try again, to see if he could find a way to 'educate' Zou He.

As long as Zou He is willing to listen to the education, is willing to rein in the precipice, and be a person of high morality.Yi Zhonghai planned to ignore the past and continue to choose Zou He as the best son candidate.

"Zou He, Zou He, you have to fight for me. It's better to be my Yi Zhonghai's son than to be Yi Zhonghai's abandoned son, right?"

So that day, Yi Zhonghai followed Zou He furtively.

Thinking about whether he could find an opportunity to preach and teach Zou He, let's see Zou He's reaction.

Maybe the past few years have passed, and Hezi has become more mature, knows how to respect the old and love the young, and knows how to listen to the words of my 'elder'?
Just staring at it, I saw the announcer Yu Haitang walking towards this side with twists and turns.

Seeing Yu Haitang, Yi Zhonghai's heart skipped a beat, such a good model, with a wide open figure, such a woman, the old tradition says that it is easy to give birth.

If he was ten years younger, if he had the chance, Yi Zhonghai really wanted to go to battle in person to see if he could conceive an illegitimate child or something.

Of course, Yu Haitang couldn't know Yi Zhonghai's thoughts.

If he knew, probably because of Yu Haitang's personality, he would directly slap Yi Zhonghai with a big mouth.

Give you a baby?

You old bastard, you deserve it too?


The purpose of Yu Haitang's visit this time was of course to chat with Zou He.

Ever since seeing the giant dragon that day, Yu Haitang has no reason, and always thinks of Zou He in his mind.

As soon as you close your eyes, it's Zou He, even in your dreams, you can dream of Zou He.

Looking at Zou He at this time, he was working quietly and seriously.

Yu Haitang blushed, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

No wonder others say that men who work hard are the most handsome.

Now, I can finally understand.

Yu Haitang was three meters away from Zou He, staring blankly at Zou He's work for a long time.

"Yu Haitang, why are you in a daze here? Is there something wrong?" a worker said.

"Ah!" Yu Haitang blushed even more: "It's something, it's something."

"Are you looking for Kazuko?" The worker followed Yu Haitang's gaze and said.

"Yes, yes, originally I came to see Brother Hezi, but seeing that he was working, I didn't bother him." Yu Haitang said.

"Hezi is an eighth grade worker. He is busy. If you are afraid of being disturbed, he may not be free until Hezi gets off work." The man said, "Of course, if you have something urgent, go and talk to him now. Because if he waits any longer, he won't have much time, and the salary of an eighth-level worker is 99, so the work will naturally not be easy."

"Okay." Yu Haitang said, and took a few steps forward, wanting to talk to Zou He.

But remembering seeing Zou He's secret two days ago, Yu Haitang suddenly became shy.

Leng stood two meters away from Zou He, paused for a few seconds, then turned around and walked out of the workshop.

But back in the studio, Yu Haitang was absent-minded again, always wanting to see Zou He.

When it was time to get off work, Yu Haitang got stuck and came to the workshop again.

Seeing Zou He put down the wrench and take out the gloves...

Yu Haitang walked over, resisting the violent beating of his heart, and said with a blushing face, "Brother Hezi, are you done?"

"En." Zou He didn't look up, and threw the gloves on the work station: "What's the matter?"

"..." Hearing this, Yu Haitang pouted for no reason, as if she wanted to let Zou He see her dissatisfaction, but pouted for three seconds, Zou He didn't even look at her, Yu Haitang couldn't help it and said: "You are so unwilling, do you want to look at me more?"

"..." Zou He raised his head, looked at Yu Haitang, and couldn't help saying in surprise, "Your face is so red, you must have a fever? I suggest you go to the infirmary instead of my place."

"You also know that I am blushing..." Yu Haitang complained in a voice, "But my blushing is not because of a fever, but because of... but because of you!"

"...Because of me?" Zou You raised his eyebrows: "Because of me?"

"It's because of you, because of you, that I saw what I shouldn't have seen." Yu Haitang blushed and lowered her head, but she still insisted: "Now when I see you, I blush and my heart beats. gone."

"Did I let you see what you said? Obviously you broke in by yourself and watched it hard. It's good that I didn't ask you for mental damage fees. It's good that you are complaining about me? Zou He retorted: "Besides, since you are feeling uncomfortable, don't run to the workshop for nothing. I don't really want to see you."

"...You! Are you sure you don't want to see me?" Yu Haitang looked over, angrily.

"Have I said this countless times?" Zou He asked back.

"...Okay!" Yu Haitang originally wanted to be angry, but when she thought about it, she was really angry. With Zou He's character, she would not care about her, so she had an idea and continued: "If this is the case, then I will See you, hum! You have made me impure, you have to take responsibility, and you can't escape."

"???" Zou He was speechless: "I? Made you impure? What the hell?"

"Anyway, ever since I saw it, my thoughts have gone astray, and I always think of something that is missing. Isn't this impure?" Yu Haitang blushed, but insisted: "It's still No, have you made me impure?"

Hearing this, Zou He was startled.

Good guy, this Yu Haitang really dares to say anything directly?

It's not easy for a husband and wife to talk about this kind of thing directly. She said directly when she came up, she is really an extraordinary woman.

No wonder the whole internet said that Yu Haitang is a fierce horse, now it seems that it is really true.

"You're not pure, it's because your thoughts are not correct, it has nothing to do with me." Zou He reminded.

"Hmph, if it wasn't because of you, how could I be wrong?" Yu Haitang said in a coquettish tone, "I blame you, I blame you, I blame you."

"..." Zou He shook his head: "Forget it, you can think whatever you like, I'm going to get off work."

Saying that, Zou He walked out of the workshop.Yu Haitang followed behind relentlessly, as if a woman who had been abandoned by chaos was trying to reason with a bad man.

Because Zou He is a part-time announcer, he often checks manuscripts with Yu Haitang.

Every time Yu Haitang came, she said that she was looking for Zou He to talk about work matters. After a long time, no one would think too much about it.

The two left the workshop like this, Zou He walked quickly, Yu Haitang trotted after, chattering non-stop.

"These two are probably discussing the manuscript again." Zhang Weidong said.

"It must be. I feel that the work of the announcers in our factory is not easy. The manuscript is correct." Hou Lishan said, and tiptoed as usual.

"Well, let's not disturb Hezi's work." Zhao Zhen said.

A few workers were very sensible and did not call Zou He.

Yu Haitang kept walking and talking behind Zou He, and seemed to have endless things to say.

If this was normal, Zou He would have gone to scold Yu Haitang a long time ago.

It's just that Zou He didn't have it this time, and there was no other reason.

When Shazhu came to make a false accusation that day, Yu Haitang not only told the truth, but even went to the factory director's office to testify for Zou He.

This matter can be regarded as Yu Haitang helped Zou He, and Zou He is a person who knows how to repay his kindness.

In this day and age, a woman who said she went into the men's bathroom would make her a laughing stock.

The story of Yu Haitang spread in the factory because of this.

In the past two days, everyone saw that Yu Haitang's expression changed.

It stands to reason that, as an unmarried girl, Yu Haitang didn't need to tell this matter in order to preserve her reputation.

But she didn't, she chose to speak out.

It is inevitable that everyone will point fingers at her.

"Did you see that Yu Haitang? I heard that she went to the men's restroom."

"Hiss, is it real or fake? So fierce? Don't scare me!"

"God, what are you doing in the men's room? Peeping at the boys?"

"It's really unusual, what a tough tiger girl!"

"I've heard about this. It's true that you know people and face but you don't know your heart. A woman actually ran into the men's toilet, tsk tsk tsk tsk!"


Some discussions are endless.

Yu Haitang's face also became more and more red, and said:

"Have you heard that there is no reconciliation? Everyone has said that about me. It's all for you. Don't you express it?"

Zou He stopped in his tracks: "...Are you afraid that everyone will say that you should keep a distance from me?"

"Why are you afraid that everyone will talk about it? Everyone is not talking about the two of us, but about going to the men's room," Yu Haitang blushed, and explained: "And even if it is talking about the two of us, I am not afraid. You, I originally wanted to pursue you, I originally wanted to get you!"

"Okay then, find a place where no one is around." Zou He said.

"Huh???" Yu Haitang didn't react.

"Didn't you say you want to get me? Find a place where no one is around." Zou He said, "I will help you realize this dream."

"..." Upon hearing these words, Yu Haitang's face turned 'shua', reddened to the base of her ears, she suddenly lost her mind, and her heart beat faster.

Seeing the other party standing there blankly, Zou He smiled and shook his head.

That's it?

The appearance is sturdy, but after all, it is just an illusion?

Strong on the outside but hard on the inside, dare to think and dare not do it, but Yu Haitang is mediocre.

Saying that, Zou He quickened his pace and walked forward.

Only Yu Haitang stayed where he was, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

I don't know, what is she thinking?Or are you thinking... Do you really want to be a person who dares to think and do?

After a while, Yu Haitang seemed to have figured it out, and said, "Okay!"

But he saw that it was empty around him.

In the distance, Zou He's back riding on the [-] poles gradually became smaller.

Yu Haitang stomped her feet angrily, and said in her heart: The bad Hezi, the stinky Hezi and the hated Hezi, actually ran away while I was still thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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