Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 205 The Child Is Not His Own (please subscribe for a monthly pass)

Chapter 205 The Child Is Not His Own (please subscribe for a monthly pass)

After it was detected that Huang Mafang was pregnant with suspected twin boys.

Xu Damao felt elated. When he walked, his back was straight, and when he spoke, his voice was loud. He looked supercilious.

It's easy to show off that you are about to have three sons.

What kind of cow?Zai Niu has three sons added together?
In this day and age, the idea of ​​boys carrying on the family line is deeply rooted, and everyone still likes to have boys.

So when the twins were born one after the other, the first thing Xu Damao did was to rush over and stare at the gender characteristics of the two children... Seeing that they were indeed two twins, Xu Damao was so happy that he forgot himself, as if As happy as picking up 1000 yuan, I hugged the child and kissed it twice at a key location.

Then, while laughing madly, he carried the two children out.

Did everyone in the hospital see it?
I, Xu Damao, have two sons again!

Did you see the silly column?Did you see Yan Jiecheng?Did you see Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu?

Did you see all the young people of the same age in the hospital.

Did you see that, Zou He!

All the people of the same age in the hospital count as one, and you are not as good as me, Xu Damao.

Hahahahaha!Aren't Zou and you rich?Aren't you handsome?Are you not capable of work?

Unfortunately, you only have one son.

And I, Xu Damao, have three dignified men in my family.

In terms of head count, I am three times your number.

quack quack quack!
Xu Damao was just happy, and everyone in the courtyard widened their eyes and looked into his arms.

The eyes of the people in the yard seemed to see two monsters.

What's the situation... Xu Damao couldn't help being startled, and saw the faces of the two children in his arms.

Two sons, one with a half blue face and the other with a full blue face!

In an instant!
Xu Damao seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt from the head to the soles of his feet.

The whole body shuddered, and every hair stood on end.

Xu Damao's face was pale, and he stayed on the spot, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.


The people in the courtyard were also shocked when they saw this scene.

Everyone swallowed unconsciously, and stayed at the scene in shock.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became abnormally quiet, and a needle could be heard.

I do not know how long it has been.


Someone gasped sharply.



Countless people gasped in unison, and the scene immediately exploded.

"Oh my god, there are two blue faces again, I didn't see the trouble, did I?"

"God, the three sons of Da Mao all have blue faces, which is really strange."

"What kind of gene is this? Isn't it too powerful? I don't think Da Mao has a blue birthmark on his face."

"I really didn't expect it. I was shocked when I saw these two blue faces. I thought they were from foreign countries, and I thought they were ghosts and ghosts."

"Let's not talk about the one with the half blue face, it's similar to Xu Guai, and the other one with the whole blue face is really scary."

"Yeah, looking at me makes my scalp numb!"


There were endless discussions, and everyone was stunned by Xu Damao's two blue-faced sons.

Silly Zhu, who was watching from the side, smiled and said, "Still showing off, Da Mao? Are you still showing off now? Are you not proud?"

"That is to say, don't show off indiscriminately. I guess I offended some god like Jia Zhang?" Yan Jiecheng also said.

"Anyway, it's too scary, Xu Damao, please take these two children home, I'm panicking at the sight." Silly Zhu said.

"Indeed, the one with the blue face really doesn't look like a human being, just like a monster." Someone said again.

While everyone was talking, the two blue-faced children looked over with wide-eyed eyes, twisted their bodies, and turned towards the whole courtyard.

Seeing this, everyone in the courtyard took half a step back in fright.

As if seeing a monster, they subconsciously stretched out their hands and made a blocking gesture.


Seeing this, Xu Damao, who just came back to his senses, the proud and flamboyant look on his face disappeared instantly.

What he got back was a solemn expression.

Three blue faces? !
This was a huge blow to Xu Damao.

Think about the way Xu Damao showed off to the whole courtyard just now, think about the way Xu Damao looked proudly at Zou He just now...

At this moment, Xu Damao's desire to die is complete.

The appearance of these two children, what else is there to show off?

Isn't the appearance of these two children embarrassing enough?

Xu Damao immediately carried the two children in his arms, and got into the house again in despair.

Back in the house, Xu Damao put the two children away.

Looking at the two twin boys who were married, worrying about not having enough room at home, he asked a carpenter to build a small bed separated in the middle in advance...Xu Damao was in a heavy heart, feeling like he had been paid by mistake.

Just now because of having two sons, she was extremely happy, but instantly fell to the bottom because of the two blue faces.

The huge gap made Xu Damao's heart feel as if a big hole had been dug all of a sudden, and he couldn't fill it no matter what.

"Ah, ah, ah..."


"Tsk tsk tsk~~~~~~"

"Mom, Dad, what can I do..."

"What's wrong with me, Xu Damao, that you want to punish me so much?"

"What crime did I, Xu Damao, do that God wants to treat me like this?"

"woo woo woo woo……"

Xu Damao sighed and sat down on the ground, patting the ground with his hands while crying bitterly.

The crying sound passed through the house, spread outside, and penetrated into the ears of people in the courtyard who hadn't dispersed yet.

Everyone sighed involuntarily and shook their heads.

Three sons and three blue faces?

This is simply, terrifying!

The whole courtyard is still in shock.


Huang Mafang, who had just given birth to two children, also fell asleep because she was too tired.

As soon as he fell asleep, he heard Xu Damao crying.

Huang Mafang opened her eyes, looking at Xu Damao who was sitting on the ground crying like a weeping man, she was suddenly startled.

what's the situation?
Could it be, child, what happened?
This...isn't possible?
After giving birth to two babies just now, Huang Mafang clearly heard two high-pitched and loud cries of newborn babies, so Huang Mafang closed her eyes and rested in peace.

But looking at Xu Damao, he was still sobbing and crying like a dead mother.

Huang Mafang couldn't help but burst into tears:
"What's the matter, Damao? You're crying so hard, don't scare me, is something wrong with the child?"

Xu Damao cried out, "If something happens, it will be fine!"

"?????" Huang Mafang didn't react: "What did you say?"

"I said!" Xu Damao sobbed, and blurted out: "Whoa, I said, it's better not to have these two children, it's better to throw them away, it's better to die after birth!"

As soon as this remark came out, Huang Mafang's mind buzzed, and she sat up in shock.

"What Xu Damao are you talking about? Our child was just born, and you cursed him to death? I'll fight you!"

As he said that, Huang Mafang dragged his weak body, got off the ground, picked up a stick, swung it round and smashed it at Xu Damao.

"Crack!" With a sound, the stick hit Xu Damao's forehead, Xu Damao immediately hissed in pain, covered his forehead with his hands, and stood up angrily.

Xu Damao faced three blue faces in his family, and Huang Mafang, who was as ugly as a toad with acne and pockmarks on his face. He was originally a fire of ignorance that had nowhere to vent, but now that he was beaten by Huang Mafang, it was completely ignited.

"Damn! You ominous rotten woman!"

"You gave me three monsters and ghosts. It's enough if I don't take the initiative to beat you. How dare you beat me?"

"I'm not used to you now!"

As he said that, Xu Damao immediately struck out with both fists.

"Bang bang bang bang!" The fist hit Huang Mafang's face, and countless acnes were broken, and the blood and yellow water flowed out together, instantly staining the whole face.

"I'll fight with you!" Huang Mafang yelled and was about to resist.

If it were pregnant, Xu Damao would tolerate Huang Mafang because of the two sons who were about to be born to bring him glory.

Now that two blue-faced monsters are born, Xu Damao will naturally not tolerate Huang Mafang anymore.

"Fuck you!" Xu Damao threw his leg over and hit Huang Mafang's belly. Huang Mafang let out an 'ah' and was kicked to the ground.

"Bang bang bang bang piapiaipia!" Xu Damao punched and kicked, without letting up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Huang Mafang screamed in pain, crying for his father and mother.


Huang Mafang, who had just given birth to two children, was extremely weak, and it would be nice if she could stand up with restraint.

How could it be Xu Damao's opponent?
Soon, Huang Mafang was covered with scars.

But Huang Mafang was beaten for some reason.

Anyway, Huang Mafang believed that she had just given birth to two children with Xu Damao.

Even if they were both daughters, they wouldn't be so hard, right?

Huang Mafang stood up and walked over to the two children wriggling on the crib.

He looked at the faces of the two children.

Huang Mafang was stunned.

Another... two blue faces?
Suddenly, Huang Mafang could understand why Xu Damao beat herself.


This... why is this happening?

The big blue-faced Huang Xiaohuang who followed, obviously only, a few seconds at most!
And in order to give birth to a boy and a half girl, so as to consolidate her status as a daughter-in-law in the city, she and Xu Damao had sex every night.

But why are all the children born with blue faces?

Even if one of them isn't blue-faced, that's okay, right?
Huang Mafang couldn't figure it out.


Looking at the family of four other than myself, three have blue faces and one is full of acne and pockmarks.

Xu Damao really wanted to bump his head to death.

I, Xu Damao, what kind of fate is this?
Can't help but regret for a while.

Why did you go blind and get involved with Huang Mafang?
Is this God's punishment for me, Xu Damao, for messing with men and women?

The heartbroken Xu Damao didn't want to go to work, so he asked for three days off.

The whole person is like a walking corpse whose soul has been pumped out, like an eggplant beaten by frost, suddenly wilting.

After sleeping at home for three days in a row, I still haven't recovered.

Thinking about these three blue-faced monsters growing up, they might all be bachelors. Xu Damao looked bitter as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis.

Xu Damao's parents, who heard about this, were worried that Damao would be overwhelmed, so they also came over and kept persuading Xu Damao.

Finally, three days later, Xu Damao went to the hospital again with two blue faces and had another consultation.

"Hiss! All three children have blue faces?" The doctor was stunned: "Are you sure your ancestors didn't have this gene?"

"No!" Xu Damao shook his head.

"Among your three generations of blood relatives, are there any people with blue-faced or red-faced birthmarks?" the doctor asked again.

"No." Xu Damao shook his head.

"That's weird. One of them is a gene mutation. Individual uniqueness plus chromosomal mutation. This kind of situation is already very rare." The doctor frowned: "These three in a row are all like this. It’s just a coincidence and a coincidence, three coincidences plus one, the rarity rises exponentially, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed such a coincidence.”

"If it's not a coincidence, what is it?"

"Are you sure these three children are your own? Is it possible that you hugged them wrong?"

What the doctor said is also a possibility. After all, the doctor didn't know that the two children were delivered at home.

If you deliver in a hospital, it is also possible to hold the wrong baby.

These three children in a row are like this. Is it possible that they were switched, and the healthy children were replaced with three defective children.

It's just that when Huang Mafang heard these words, it was a different scene.

Originally, Huang Mafang had just given birth to a child for three days. Although it was a normal delivery, she still rested at home.

But when she heard that she was going to take the child to the hospital for an examination, Huang Mafang endured the pain and insisted on following.

It is to prevent the doctor from saying anything indiscriminately and checking out anything randomly.

So when the doctor said this, Huang Mafang rushed over like a conditioned reflex, and slapped the doctor on the face.

"Mother beep! You wicked doctor, what are you talking about?" Huang Mafang yelled, "What do you mean the child is not his own? Whose child are you saying is not his own? Are you saying that I am stealing men outside? I I will fight you hard!"

As Huang Mafang said, he rushed forward, clawed his hands, and attacked quickly.

Scratch the doctor's face, pinch the doctor's eyes, hammer the doctor's head...

There was a burst of beatings and scolding, and the doctor was also confused.

"What do you mean I said your child is not your own?"

"What do you mean I said you have an affair with someone else?"

"The point I'm talking about is obviously that it's possible to hold the wrong child?"

"You lesbian, why are you unreasonable?"

The doctor clasped his head in both hands to block Huang Mafang's attack, while yelling to explain.

This scene obviously alarmed a lot of people in the hospital, and everyone looked this way.

'Not your own? ''Affair? 'When everyone heard these two keywords, their eyes widened, their ears pricked up, and their curiosity rose a hundredfold.

Feeling the strange eyes of the crowd, Xu Damao immediately shouted: "Yes, Ma Fang, you only listen to the first half of what the doctor said, and not the second half? That's not what the doctor meant."

As he spoke, Xu Damao pulled Huang Mafang away.

Huang Mafang was gasping for breath, only then did he realize that the doctor didn't just say the first half of the sentence.

I just heard the first half of the sentence 'These three children, are you sure they are your own? 'Huang Mafang's brain buzzed, and it immediately fell into pieces.

Instinctively, in order to keep some unknown secret, Huang Mafang rushed over immediately and started fighting.

I didn't notice the second half of Yihe's words at all.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't hear what you said next." Huang Mafang could only apologize.

"Hmph!" The doctor was beaten for nothing, his face was covered with blood, and he was also very angry: "I can't cure your disease, you should try another hospital."

"Doctor, you see that we are all here, can you finish your speech?" Xu Damao said: "The baby was delivered at our house, so there is no possibility of making mistakes."

"Since it's your own birthmark, and all three of them have such birthmarks, it can only mean that you have encountered three rare gene mutations in a row. This can't be cured, please go back." The doctor's voice was cold.

"Is there really no other way?" Xu Damao asked again.

"There is no way to deal with this kind of birthmark. We can only beg for it not to expand." The doctor said again: "Okay, okay, you go back, there are other patients who need to be consulted."

The doctor was beaten for no reason, and his voice became much colder when he spoke.

Xu Damao could only take the three blue-faced children with him, and left here under the strange eyes of everyone.

Because of the commotion just now, a lot of medical staff came, and almost all the people queuing up to see a doctor in the nearby departments surrounded them.

Seeing that these three children are all blue-faced, everyone inevitably talked about it.

"Hiss, this blue face looks scary."

"My God, there are still three, one with blue face on the left, one with blue face on the right, and one with blue face all over his face. This gene is too strong."

"The child's parents must have this birthmark on their bodies, right?"

"There must be, otherwise it would be impossible to inherit it so evenly. This is all three children."

"But I see that the child's parents don't have any faces either?"

"Then I guess there must be... Otherwise, it's impossible to do it three times in a row. This is obviously genetic, right?"

"It should be..."

The voice of everyone's discussion reached Xu Damao's ears.

Back home, Xu Damao checked his body again and confirmed that there was nothing.

I also checked Huang Mafang's body. I checked all the obvious places and invisible places, and it was confirmed that there were no.

Then, Xu Damao sat on the bed blankly, lost in thought.


"We don't have any in our family. Who does this child inherit from?"

"Or is it possible that this child is not his own?"

Xu Damao muttered to himself.

Hearing the last sentence 'not her own', Huang Mafang's heart skipped a beat, and every cell in her body trembled.

I don't know what Huang Mafang is nervous about?

(End of this chapter)

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