Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 163 You two want to worship me as a father?Ran Qiuye's teaching, the strategy of the 2

Chapter 163 You two want to worship me as father?Ran Qiuye's teaching, the strategy of the third master (seeking subscription)
When Zou He came back, he also saw Quan Guangguang talking and laughing with Qin Huairu.

At the same time, I also saw the resentful expression on the face of Sha Zhu who was peeking.

It is not difficult to see that the happier Quan Guangguang smiled, the uglier Sha Zhu's expression was, and it was not a problem to beat his chest and stamp his feet in anger.

This situation made Zou He suddenly think of a popular saying in the world - lick the dog, lick the dog, until the end, there is nothing left!
It is his own fault that Shazhu is able to have what he is today.

Qin Huairu's body was the only thing in his mind that would be manipulated into a marionette by the other party.

Poor people must have something to hate, and silly Zhu deserves it.


In contrast, Qin Huairu is completely different. She has no time to pay attention to Sha Zhu. Ever since the new bald cook took over Sha Zhu's position, Qin Huairu has been going into the cafeteria every day when she sees the sky, and her legs are about to break. Yes, the relationship between the two is also rising rapidly at the speed of a rocket, and finally achieved great results today, successfully letting the other party take the first step - to bring a lunch box to Qin Huairu's home.

Carrying the lunch box and walking briskly, Qin Huairu happily returned to the house, put the lunch box on the table, and said with a smile: "Come, let's eat while it's hot."

"I don't eat, I don't eat this kind of unclean food," Jia Zhang said viciously with her eyes wide open and her mouth crooked: "Aiding is helping, selling is selling, I hope some women should pay attention to their identities, women don't Keeping women's morals is to be cut into pieces and soaked in pig cages."

This is very straightforward, it is no different from pointing at Qin Huairu's name.

Qin Huairu felt wronged for a while, although she was indeed the lunch box that she hooked up with by virtue of her looks, but as far as the matter is concerned, Qin Huairu really didn't have anything to do with that bald head. Once lost, there is the last line of defense.

It's impossible for her to have something happen with a man she's only known for a few days.

Not to mention whether Qin Huairu wanted to, even if she wanted to, she wouldn't dare.

There is no other reason, Jia Dongxu is still alive, as long as Jia Dongxu is still breathing, Qin Huairu will not dare to go one step further, after all, she is also a person living in this era, the traditional thinking is deeply rooted, and she can't open up even if she wants to open up in her bones .

However, there are accidents in everything. If the opponent is really charming, Qin Huairu probably won't be able to defend a few bases. After all, she has been a widow for several years, and all aspects of her body and psychology reveal a wave of longing. Every cell is extremely sensitive, human beings are not plants, and sometimes they can't control their emotions when they want to control them, just like people who have been hungry for a long time, they can't help drooling when they see delicious food, it's like getting together A dam that has been built for decades, once its embankment breaks, it will surely leak for thousands of miles, just like a thirsty dying person in the desert will scream with joy when he sees an oasis.

Of course, having said that, nothing happened between Qin Huairu and the bald head. Qin Huairu was immediately annoyed when Jia Zhang said that, but she didn't dare to argue with Jia Zhang, and woke up Jia Dongxu in a while. It's time to go to war again.
Although Jia Dongxu is dying, his ability to swear has not weakened at all. Apart from eating and sleeping, Jia Dongxu, who is paralyzed on the hospital bed every day, enjoys scolding Qin Huairu the most. Tricky angles and innovative words have invented a whole bunch of baskets. If there are medals for swearing, Jia Dongxu will definitely win the Nobel Prize for swearing, so in order to prevent the "prospective Nobel laureate of swearing" Jia Dongxu's full firepower after being woken up all night , Qin Huairu could only swallow his anger and said: "Since you think this food is unclean, you don't want to eat it if you don't like it. Come on, let's eat it."

With that said, Qin Huairu picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat.

"Huh!" Mrs. Jia Zhang immediately picked up the dish, and brought over an empty bowl, 'bia' poured half of the dishes into it, and said, "Leave these for Dongxu to eat when he wakes up."

"Crack!" The rest of the half dish was put down, and he said he would not eat it, but could Mrs. Jia really not eat it?Obviously not.

The moment the dish fell on the table, Mrs. Jia picked up the chopsticks, picked up a big lump of vegetables, and immediately stuffed them into her mouth and started chewing them. I started to pick it up, and the two chopsticks touched the two ends of the dish, jamming the whole dish, as if I was using two chopsticks to measure the vertical width of the dish. With a sharp clamp, a pick, I made another big chopstick... ...I have to say that Jia Zhang's clamping skills are really amazing. When the two chopsticks go down, there is only a little dregs left on the plate.

Qin Huai, Ru stick, Sophora japonica, Xiaodang, and the four of them didn't realize that the core part of the dish had been taken away by Jia Zhang.

If eating this dish is compared to a battlefield, it can be described like this: as soon as the war starts, the enemy will be brought together by Jia and Zhang.

"Hiss!" The stick came back to his senses with a strange cry, and not to be outdone, he picked up the plate and hit it on his lips, and held the chopsticks in the other hand to pull it up, and the rest of the dishes came out at a speed visible to the naked eye. Quickly enter the stick's mouth.

Under the manipulation of the grandmother and grandson, when it was Qinhuairu Huaihua's turn to be the three of them, they could only dip some vegetable soup with the cornbread to feel the smell of gunpowder smoke after the war.

When receiving the lunch box, Qin Huairu thought that she would be able to taste some delicious rice no matter what, but in the end, she didn't eat anything.

I didn't even taste a sip, and it was dried up.

Is this the meal I got?

Qin Huairu was infinitely wronged, while drinking the thin noodle porridge, tears fell into the bowl like water from a bank breaking, adding a bit of the salty taste of tears to the originally bland thin porridge.

Seeing Qin Huairu wipe away her tears, Jia Zhang scolded again immediately: "Crying, crying, you know how to cry, why do you cry when someone dies at home? A woman can't know how to cry all day long, it's very unlucky, you know? I suspect that Dongxu was the one who cried because of you, and that the three fingers of the stick were broken because of you, do you see if there is still a whole person in the family? Do you still want to make me cry?"

"I..." Qin Huairu wanted to reply a few words, but when she opened her mouth, infinite grievances poured out, and the tears of grievances rushed out ahead of what she wanted to say: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Qin Huairu sobbed aggrievedly.

This cry woke up Jia Dongxu, as if the CD had just turned and saw the enemy attacking hero, Jia Dongxu immediately raised his neck and opened his mouth to show his skills: "Mom beep, you saobeep old lady, cry your mother Beep and cry, you know how to squeeze cat urine every day, is your old Qin family all dead and crying there? Believe it or not, I slap you to death, throw you into the ditch with your legs, and crush your tailbone, Pick out your eyeballs..."

Jia Dongxu's mouth turned into Gatling, spitting foul language, which immediately heated up the atmosphere in the whole room, it was simply 'extremely cute'.

For this, Qin Huairu could only bear it. She couldn't scold Jia Dongxu at all, and with Jia Zhang's presence, she dared to talk back. She wouldn't want to sleep overnight. The next day, Jia Dongxu's mother and son could sleep for a whole day, and Qin Huairu had to go to work. , can't afford it at all.

Qin Huairu ran away wiping away tears, and ran into Silly Zhu who came out angrily at the door.

"Yo? What's the matter, why are you crying?" Silly Zhu was still angry because of what happened just now, and originally wanted to come over to talk to Qin Huairu, but when he saw Qin Huairu's red eyes and tears streaming out, his heart softened immediately: "What's the matter?" Qin Huairu? Who bullied you again?"

Normally, at this time, Qin Huairu would definitely sell her badly, sympathize with him, borrow some money by the way, and use her tears to make some money.

But now, Qin Huairu felt that it was unnecessary.

Because Shazhu has long been unable to uncover the pot.

It's pointless to contact a fool who can't get rid of the pot.

"I want you to take care of it." So Qin Huairu said a word, turned around and walked forward.

"Heh? Am I wrong to care about people?" Silly Zhu complained with staring eyes.

"You really care about me, just stay away from me." Qin Huairu didn't look back, left a sentence, and hurried forward.

Only Silly Zhu stayed on the spot, his face darkened for a long time without recovering.

Silly Zhu was also angry, but seeing Qin Huairu twist and turn away, he saw the cliff again, swallowed immediately, and followed up in a hopeless manner.

"Hey, I guess I'm angry, I'd better go and comfort her."

Silly Zhu followed Qin Huairu while talking.

Just at an intersection, I saw Qin Huairu talking to Zou He.

"Hezi, I'm so sorry, you don't know what life I'm living now, it's just..."

"Your matter has nothing to do with me, I have already said that." After speaking, Zou He turned his head and left.

"Don't make peace, you can just listen to me, just say a few words..."

"Warning, if you dare to bother me again, don't blame me for being rude."

After Zou He finished speaking, he turned around and left. Qin Huairu grabbed Zou He's arm and wanted to continue entanglement.

Zou He shook his body, and immediately threw Qin Huairu to the ground.

Then Zou He turned and left without even looking at him.

This vampire wants to suck me again?is it possible?

Zou He would not be fooled by Qin Huairu.

Isn't it because she took a fancy to Zou He's money?
It's meaningless to be entangled with such a woman.

Zou He would not sympathize with a woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich only for her own interests.


However, this scene immediately annoyed Silly Zhu who was watching from the side.

"What do you mean?!" Sha Zhu ran over angrily, raised his fist and shouted: "Damn, dare to push Qin Huairu, I think you are looking for a fight."

While speaking, Sha Zhu's fist smashed towards Zou He's face...

This silly Zhu was full of resentment for not having a job recently, plus he was annoyed when Qin Huairu and Quan Guangguang were in contact...

Zhengchou had nowhere to vent, and Zou He just gave a reason, and Sha Zhu rushed over immediately.

Of course, Sha Zhu is not stupid, he knows that he is not Zou He's opponent under normal circumstances.

In order to prevent Zou He from counterattacking, Sha Zhu suddenly attacked from behind.

So the voice Zou He heard was from the rear...

"Ah!!!" Silly Zhu screamed while running, and his fist was already swung over.

All the strength of the whole body was used on this punch.

It's not hard to see that the God of War in the courtyard is still very powerful...

It is estimated that it would be difficult for a normal person to be hit by this punch.


Fist with wind, hit will come.

If there is no accident in the next second, Zou He will be hit on the head.

However, at this time, Zou He still stood where he was, did not turn around, did not run away, and remained motionless.

When the fist was about to touch Zou He, Sha Zhu smiled, as if seeing Zou He's pain after being beaten...

However, just when Sha Zhu's fist was about to fall.

"Huh!" Zou He's body trembled to the side, and Sha Zhu punched nothing. Due to excessive force, Sha Zhu's body leaned forward and lay on Zou He's body from behind.

Zou He bent down, put Sha Zhu on his back, held Sha Zhu's empty punch with one hand, his waist shook violently, and Sha Zhu's whole body flew up.

This is a pretty standard yoke throw.

"Crack!" Silly Zhu fell to the ground, hissing in pain immediately.

Zou He didn't give up, walked forward, raised his feet, and aimed at Sha Zhu's kidneys.

"Papa, papa, papa!" Counting feet kicked down.


After the beating, Zou He looked down at Silly Zhu lying curled up on the ground and covering his waist with both hands:
"That's it? Sneak attack? Don't play sneak attack if you don't have the strength! It's so embarrassing, I feel embarrassed for you."

After finishing speaking, Zou He turned and left, leaving only a shocked look on Sha Zhu's face: Damn, what kind of monster is this Zou He?I am not his opponent even if I sneak attack from behind?Isn't this guy a monster?

As for Qin Huairu, seeing Zou He easily beat Sha Zhu violently again, he was also shocked.

"Hezi's body is really good. With a flick of his waist, he threw the silly pillar into the sky."

"This physical strength, explosive power, is really strong and tough!"

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu's face turned red, he looked at the void, and fell into deep thought, not knowing what specific things he was thinking about.


After a long time, Sha Zhu's painful groan brought Qin Huairu back to his senses.

"Hiss, Qin Huairu, come and help me up," Sha Zhu sat up with support, "Oh, it hurts me to death."

"This," Qin Huairu thought, now that he is going to help Sha Zhu, should he call a doctor for him?I really called a doctor, so who will pay for it?Sha Zhu has no money now, and Sha Zhu is now a vagrant, so there is no money at all, so Qin Huairu said: "Whether a man or a woman can kiss each other, you should get up by yourself."

"???" Silly Zhu said angrily: "Qin Huairu, you can't do this, I was beaten by Zou He just to report your injustice, so you just ignore me?"

"You have the nerve to say that you are not that Zou He's opponent, why did you strike first?" Qin Huairu immediately replied, "Zou He didn't hit me either, he just knocked me down casually, You are being hit back, don’t you deserve it?”

"???" Silly Zhu stared and said, "My good fellow, what are you talking about, who are you with?"

With whom?Qin Huairu smiled, and thought: Who are you with, anyway, it's not with you, an unemployed fool.

If you, silly Zhu, hadn't come to make trouble, maybe I could have a few more words with Hezi.

"Okay, okay, don't say these things are useless." Qin Huairu said, and walked back without turning his head.

Silly Zhu froze on the spot, stayed there for a long time but didn't come back to his senses.

Seeing Qin Huairu's back gradually going away, Shazhu's heart was bleeding. Is this the same Qin Huairu who was always in front of him, who was so gentle and tender?

Of course, Qin Huairu wasn't embarrassed at all, she had already forgotten about Shazhu's helping her all these years.

At this time, Zou He was playing with Jinlong Baofeng in the yard when Qin Huairu came back.

For Qin Huairu's behavior of ignoring silly Zhu, Zou He is not at all unfavorable.

Zou He, who has watched the original play, knows exactly what kind of person Qin Huairu is.

It's no wonder that Qin Huairu, the heroine who is full of love in a courtyard, is scolded by the whole network. Many people want to wear it on TV and foam at the mouth. There are also many people who want to commit serious crimes against Qin Huairu. Yes.

In short, as soon as Qin Huairu appeared in the plot, all the bullet screens were full of fragrance.

From this we can see how 'impressive' Qin Huairu's image is.

Of course, this silly Zhu is not a good bird, he helped Qin Huairu, and it was not without reward.

Every time when he took the lunch box, Sha Zhu would smear a few times with ink, until the two had a simple contact, Sha Zhu would let go and hand over the lunch box with satisfaction.

Although it's just a simple touch through the clothes, but in this era, as long as Jia Dongxu is not dead, it is enough.

Therefore, the purpose of silly Zhu is to be greedy for Qin Huairu's body.

Both of them get what they want, which is not a good thing.

Now that Silly Zhu was useless, it was expected that Qin Huairu would turn around and leave.


Of course, Zou He is not in the mood to care about this messy affair between Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu. Their love has nothing to do with me, Zou He.

Silly Zhu came here to fight without thinking, and just created a chance for Zou He to test his skills.

Zou He fights now, just keep it down, and can't use force.

After all, the strength is too strong, and it will be troublesome if he kills the person with all his strength.

So Zou He has been practicing power control recently, but he has no chance to find anyone to try.

The last time Xu Damao was beaten by the people in the yard because he got into He Yushui's house in the middle of the night, Zou He was too embarrassed to fuck him again.

This silly Zhu rushed up, and Zou He just used him as a sandbag for a trial run.

Now it seems that I have controlled this strength pretty well, and I have a good grasp of the severity, which is quite successful.

That's right, you don't have to worry about killing others anymore.

[Congratulations to the host!The new milestone 'knowing the importance' has been obtained, and a random skill is rewarded, and the skill is being randomly generated according to the current scene]

[Congratulations to the host!Obtain a random skill 'Music Theory Knowledge Proficiency']


Yep, there are rewards for that too.

After looking at the explanation of milestones, it probably means that Zou He has now naturally realized the ability of 'knowing the severity', so there is something like a badge placed in the system space.

I don't know if there is any other use for this, so let's leave it alone.

Looking at this skill again, Zou He laughed.

In fact, Zou He is proficient in musical instruments now, so he can read notation naturally, but he has not yet reached the level of proficiency.

With this mastery of music theory knowledge, Zou He can completely write down the songs he knew in his previous life in score.

Before, I could only memorize the tunes, but I didn't know how to write scores. Although I could memorize them, it was a bit more troublesome.

So I took the time to go back this day, and wrote down the bro I had compiled before in the form of a score.

Soon, relying on his memory, Zou He wrote down some songs from the previous life meeting.

It seems that I have a chance to release two songs to test the waters.

Of course, in addition to some, there are also piano pieces, which are also memorized.

At that time, some piano songs will also be released for fun.


The past few days suddenly calmed down. When Zou He came back from get off work, he played with Jingru, Jinlong, Baofeng and the other three.

Zou He was surprised by Jinlong Baofeng's cleverness. The memory of these two people was better than ordinary people's.

Basically, after a day of teaching, Jinlong Baofeng can already count from one to one hundred.

"Yes, you two? I only counted to one hundred when I was seven years old, and you can count to one hundred at this age?"

"Suddenly, you want me to think of a possibility."

So Zou He went to the bookstore, bought some teaching books, and gave a simple test education to the couple.

Zou He is more open-minded about educating children.

According to Zou Heshou's shameless words, since this golden dragon and phoenix are born into my Zou He's children, half the battle is achieved, as long as they are happy and healthy.

In terms of learning knowledge, if they have talents, they will catch them. If they don’t have talents, it’s okay. When you grow up, your father will protect you.

Of course, being so open-minded doesn't mean that you don't want Jin Longbao Feng to study hard.

If they really have this ability, they must still support them vigorously.

After all, who doesn't want their children to learn more knowledge and become useful to society?

"Sure, you two, I've only taught these words for a long time, do you know them all?"

Zou He was shocked, Jin Long Baofeng actually learned dozens of characters in half a day.

"Our old Zou's family is going to produce great talents in learning?"

Since the child has this ability, he must have a professional teacher to guide him.

Zou He immediately asked someone to find a tutor without saying a word.

On this day, Aunt Wang brought a woman over.

"Hezi, this is what I told you. A relative and friend of mine is at the door of our elementary school teacher. His surname is Ran, and his name is Ran Qiuye. You can call her Teacher Ran." Aunt Wang introduced respectively: "This is Zou He, I told you, the father of two children."

Seeing the person coming, Zou He was stunned.

It turned out to be Ran Qiuye?

What a coincidence.

"Hello." Teacher Ran stretched out his hand.

"Hello." Zou He responded, and they shook hands briefly.

"These two children are Jinlong Baofeng, right?" Teacher Ran squatted down and smiled at the two children: "I heard that you two are very smart, so you can count to one hundred at such a young age?"

"En." Jin Long Bao Feng responded at the same time.

"Wow, that's great, can you count it for the teacher to listen to?" Teacher Ran asked again.

"Okay," Jin Long said, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

After counting to fifty, Jin Long stopped and said, "Sister, it's fifty, you can count next."

"Enen." Baofeng counted from 51 to one hundred.

After counting, Teacher Ran was shocked.

Although I had heard about it before coming here, and I had prepared myself, it was shocking to see two children over one year old who could speak and count so fluently.

After several seconds, Teacher Ran came back to his senses:

"You two children are so smart!"

As a teacher, I like smart children.

So Mr. Ran expressed his strong desire for tutoring.

Zou He has no objection to this either, after all, anyone who asks to teach is teaching, as long as Jin Longbaofeng doesn't dislike Teacher Ran.

"Okay, come and teach them for an hour every day after school, and the salary is ten yuan a month." Zou He said, "No problem, right?"

Teacher Ran was surprised when she heard ten yuan. Her regular job now only costs 30 yuan a month, which is equivalent to one-third of her salary.

I really didn't expect this young man to be so generous.

In this day and age, there are not many parents who attach so much importance to their children's education.

Can't help looking at Zou He with a little more respect in his eyes.

"Okay, then today I'll get acquainted with the two children first, and I'll start teaching them tomorrow." What Teacher Ran meant was to give away a day for free.

"Okay, Jinlong Baofeng, you guys can play with Teacher Ran, don't be petty." Zou He made arrangements.

Then Teacher Ran started playing games with Jinlong Baofeng in a room.

I have to say that this teacher Ran is a professional after all, and she still has some routines in educating children. In less than 10 minutes, she was able to coax Jinlong Baofeng to follow her rhythm and start memorizing some pinyin.

After a while, Teacher Ran got along with the two little guys and became friends.

Zou He saw it and was very satisfied.

"What do you think of my teaching? If you have any ideas or suggestions, just say so and I will improve." Teacher Ran asked before leaving.

"Just do it your way, I'll just say one thing," Zou He said positively: "The two of them are in early childhood education, don't put too much pressure on them, I want them to study happily and cultivate their interest in learning In this regard, you should pay more attention and try not to pressure education."

"Enen, your thoughts are similar to mine." Ran Qiuye didn't expect that Zou He knew so much about education. She said, "I always think that interest is the biggest teacher for children. It just so happens that I also want to cultivate in this area, so I have to Say, we really thought of a piece."

"That's just right, so you don't have to worry about it." Zou He said with a smile.

"Well, then," Ran Qiuye said with a smile, "I'll go back first, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Zou He said.

After saying goodbye to Teacher Ran, Qin Jingru's meal was ready.

"Isn't Teacher Ran eating here?" Qin Jingru asked.

"It's normal for her to be embarrassed to eat. There's no need to push her hard. After all, she's not so familiar with it yet." Zou He said casually.

"Okay, then we won't keep her here for dinner?" Qin Jingru asked.

"You don't need to stay, I told her the time to teach, and the time left is enough for her to come after eating." Zou He said.

Doesn't this mean that Zou He cares about a meal, sometimes there is really no need to be overly enthusiastic.

Zou He invited someone to teach the children, not a guest, so there was no need to stay for a meal.

And suddenly there is an outsider eating at home, the other party is also embarrassed, and it is inconvenient for myself, why bother.

Zou He felt that he was not familiar enough for that, and sometimes it was better to keep a proper distance.


the other side.

Ran Qiuye was so happy that she was about to jump up.

She has taught so many students and has seen talented people, but she has never seen such a smart child as Jin Long Baofeng.

Basically, they know everything. If it weren't for the fact that the two little guys are young, Ran Qiuye would even suspect that the two kids would already know this knowledge.

Teaching children with such qualifications has a sense of accomplishment in itself.

And the most important thing is that you only need to come here once a day and teach for an hour, and you can get a salary of ten yuan a month.

This income is also very considerable, which can be described as double happiness.

"Hey, is Teacher Ran here?" Seeing Ran Qiuye coming out from behind, Qin Huairu thought that Ran Qiuye had come to the wrong door for a home visit, and immediately said, "Did I go to the wrong door, Teacher Ran? We are in the middle courtyard." ?”

"Oh, Mommy Stick, no," Teacher Ran thought for a while, and said, "I have something to do in the backyard, so what, I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do."

After saying this, Teacher Ran left in a hurry. Although there is nothing wrong with being a private teacher as long as you don't delay your work, as a formal teacher, Ran Qiuye still doesn't want to take the initiative to advertise that you are a private teacher because of some face. thing.

It's just that there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and after coming here for a few days, everyone knows about it.

"Hey, did you hear that, Zou He spent money to hire Teacher Ran to be a private tutor for the two children. It's really rich money. Let the children teach when they are young. Do you understand?" the second uncle Liu Haizhong complained.

"Indeed, this reconciliation is too good, and the salary is high, so you can't spend it like this?" The second aunt also said.

"It's not right for you to say that. I think that Hezi cares about the children and is willing to spend money for the children." Liu Guangfu has given up on the two elders since the last time, and replied: "Unlike some parents, not only do they not What kind of money, and I know how to use children as punching buckets every day."

"That's right." Liu Guangtian also stared and said.

"Get out!" The second uncle Liu Haizhong immediately picked up his chopsticks and beat and cursed: "Be my son, if you have complaints, go and be that Zou He's son, don't stay at this house, want to find someone Whoever is the father, find whoever is the father!"

"Hiss," Liu Guangfu covered his hands after being knocked, "You think I don't want to? Zou He agrees, and I'll be his son right away."

"That is, there are big fish and meat to eat every day. I also want to be a son with Zou He's family, as long as I can eat meat." Liu Guangtian also said.

Upon hearing this, the second uncle Liu Hai stood up angrily holding a bench, ready to fight.

Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian rushed out immediately.

"Run away, don't enter this house forever, go find Zou He as your father!"

The second uncle's voice came from Liu Haizhong.

Zou He was in the house, just happened to hear it vaguely, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"What the hell? Who wants me to be my father? Who wants to be my son?"

Zou He opened the door curiously, just in time to meet Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu...

"Both of you," Zou He thought for a while. For such a big matter, it's better to ask politely: "May I ask you two, do you want to worship me as your father?"

This question made Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu stunned...

The two looked at each other, their faces turned red, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Let's talk about Nao Nao, these two people are not too different in age from Zou He.

Although they thought about it, they really wouldn't be so shameless as to recognize Zou He as their godfather.

If this spreads, everyone in the hospital will laugh out loud.

"Aha," Liu Guangtian scratched his head, "Just kidding."

"That's right, that's right, it's just arguing and playing, don't take it as a Kazuki." Liu Guangfu also said.

"Haha," Zou He smiled, "It's okay, come and pay me a visit anytime you think about it, even though it's not my own son, I don't necessarily accept you, but it's always right to try, I can think about it, maybe There is a chance."

"..." Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were stunned. They looked at each other for a while, and they didn't know how to answer.

Thinking about how good Zou He's family ate, they were really moved.

Do you want to go ask for a try?The skin and the belly are fighting...

"Quack quack quack quack quack!" Suddenly, Xu Damao's voice came: "It's so funny, you two really consider worshiping Zou He as your father? Do you have any shame? He Zi is just tricking you to kneel down, you can't see it Come out? Two idiots, hahahahaha!"

Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian suddenly came back to their senses, thinking about their thoughts just now, both of them blushed.

Then he ran out like an escape.

In order to eat something good, both of them want to change their fathers?

It can be seen how greedy they have become these years.

Of course, the main reason was that the second uncle, Liu Haizhong, was too vicious, and beat his son every now and then, and the two of them had long been disappointed.

As the saying goes, parents are unkind and children are unfilial. I believe that in the near future, these two sons will definitely be "filial and filial".


Xu Damao returned home and told Huang Mafang about the Coke.

"You still have the mood to talk about this, and you still have the mood to read other people's jokes?" Huang Mafang was not interested, and said angrily when she came up.

"What do you mean? Why am I not in the mood to say this?" The smile on Xu Damao's face faded.

"Look at Zou He, he has hired private tutors for Jinlong Baofeng, do we blame you for not planning to teach him?" Huang Mafang wanted to compare with Qin Jingru every day, seeing Jinlong Baofeng studying, My own Xu Monster is playing in the mud every day, so he is naturally unhappy.

"I really want to teach, but mobs are not material for learning. I have been teaching for a month and I can't even count to ten, and now I can't speak well. It's a waste of money." Xu Damao sighed: " To be honest, I really doubt that this is not my species, it is too stupid."

"What is not your seed?" Huang Mafang exploded: "What do you mean? Have you heard what others are saying? Who said it, tell me quickly, I will tear his mouth! Mother beep! How dare you frame him Me, I have to fight him hard."

"Ah, ah," Xu Damao said, "I just said it casually, why did you eat gunpowder, and you will catch fire at one o'clock?"

Huang Mafang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words "just say it casually". The acne on her face stretched out, and the pockmarks that were crowded together also pulled away a little.


Everyone has different opinions about Zou He's private tutoring.

Zou He couldn't hear what everyone said, of course, even if he heard it, it didn't matter.

They like to talk and let them talk, and the most important thing is to live their own lives well.

It's just that the third master Yan Bugui exploded immediately when he heard about it.

"Hey! Ten yuan a month, my salary is only 32 yuan, which is almost equal to my ten days' salary."

"It only needs to teach for an hour a day, which is much more cost-effective than fishing for me."

Yan Bugui anxiously walked around the room: "This job is really good, tsk tsk tsk, why did you leave it to Teacher Ran? Why didn't you come to me?"

"Or, after a while, Teacher Ran will leave, so you can talk to Hezi and let you have this job?" said the third mother.

"Okay!" The third master Yan Bugui replied.

Soon after seeing Teacher Ran walking away with the cart, the third master Yan Bugui ran to the backyard immediately.

"Third Master, what's the matter?" Zou He asked.

"Hezi, let me tell you something." The third master Yan Bugui immediately said, "I heard that you invited Teacher Ran to be a teacher for Jinlong Baofeng?"

"..." Zou He probably guessed something, and said with a smile, "Yes, does the third master have any ideas?"

"Let me tell you," the third master Yan Pugui lowered his voice and said in a breathless voice: "This teacher Ran, her teaching quality is not very good."

"Oh? Really?" Zou He raised his eyebrows.

"Really, Teacher Na Ran and I are in the same school. I know how much she weighs." Yan Bugui said, "You asked her to teach your two children, and she paid such a high salary. , I don’t think it’s worth it.”

"So?" Zou He didn't expose it, but asked.

"So this money, you have to spend it wisely. In fact, to be honest, if you teach one hour a day and give ten yuan a month, you can hire better teachers with this money." Yan Bugui straightened his face: "You want If you ask me, I am willing, after all, my teaching experience is much richer than that of Teacher Ran, of course, I am just reminding you, and it is also for the good of Jinlong Baofeng, it is up to you to decide whether it is suitable or not."

After saying this, Yan Bugui cast an expectant look.

What he said was straightforward enough, Zou He certainly understood what the third master meant.

It's because he wants to take over the job of personal education, so he can earn ten yuan a month.

The third master didn't have any malicious intentions, and Zou He didn't need to speak harshly, he just said:
"Okay, thank you, Third Master, for your kindness, but please invite them all. If there is no problem, I don't plan to change it."

"It's okay," the third master Yan Bugui said, "If you're too embarrassed to tell her, I'll go and tell Teacher Ran, this is for the sake of the child, so don't lose face."

In fact, Zou He didn't have a bad impression of the third master, Yan Pugui. The third master was calculating and wished he could spend a penny in half. With the 32.7 salary of the third master Yan Bugui, if it is not counted, I am afraid that his family will not be able to get rid of it long ago, and he loves to calculate, so it will not hinder Zou He's affairs. As long as Zou He is not targeted, Zou He will not take the initiative to fight with anyone. make life difficult for.

So before this, Zou He also considered the third master Yan Pugui, but only asked the wishes of the two children, Jin Long Baofeng firmly opposed, both children wanted a young teacher, and through inquiring, he knew that the third master Yan Bu Gui's teaching method is relatively old-fashioned, and some corporal punishment is often used, which is contrary to Zou He's idea, so Zou He directly gave up this idea.

Hearing what the third master said, Zou He immediately said it more clearly:
"It's not because I can't lose face. I am very satisfied with Teacher Ran's teaching, and our two children also like Teacher Ran very much, so there is really no need."

"Alright then." The third master Yan Bugui left angrily.

Back home, the third master Yan Bugui felt more distressed the more he thought about it: "That's ten yuan, oh my god, just thinking about it makes my heart hurt, and thinking about it makes me jealous."

"I knew that I had a good relationship with Hezi. Hezi is now the owner. If we have a good relationship, wouldn't Hezi resign Mr. Ran with a word?" The third mother was also a little regretful.

"It's too late to say these things now, the most urgent thing is, is there any way to get this job?" The third master Yan Pugui slammed his mouth anxiously.

"What can I do? Unless Teacher Ran quits on his own initiative." The third mother said casually.

"Give up on your own initiative?" The third master Yan Bugui immediately had an idea, and excitedly slapped his thigh: "Oh, I have a solution! I have a solution!"

"What way?" asked the third mother.

"Wait for my good news tomorrow." The third master was very excited.

Early the next morning, the third master ran to the school and found Teacher Ran.

"Is there something wrong, Teacher Yan?" Ran Qiuye asked.

"Then what, Hezi asked me to find you." The third master Yan Bugui looked around and said in a low voice: "Hezi said, your teaching quality needs to be improved, it's not suitable, so... so you get off work today After that, there is no need to go.”

As soon as these words came out, Ran Qiuye's expression froze instantly.

The 'Teaching Game specially prepared for Jinlong Baofeng by Lianye' in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, scattered all over.

(End of this chapter)

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