Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 145 Stick Finger Amputated, Angry Yi Zhonghai (5 characters for subscription)

Chapter 145: Sticking to Cut Fingers, Angry at Yi Zhonghai
After calling for the meal, under Qin Jingru's reluctant eyes, Zou He said that he pushed the bar and started to go to work.

Zou He could clearly feel that the life of the wife and children was beckoning desperately to him.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from my mind.

[Sign in The host has not signed in yet, do you want to sign in? 】

Yo, again to remind myself.

This system is really good.

Zou He laughed, and immediately said to himself: "Sign in."


[Normal check-in rewards 150 yuan in cash, ten pounds of meat tickets, and one ordinary mouse trap]


I'm going, there is actually a ten-hit combo body-body strength increase?
This time can be fierce.

Body-Physical Strength was triggered occasionally before, and it was only rewarded once.

This - ten times in a row at once, is unprecedented.

I could feel a slight change in my body after one upgrade before, and this is a tenfold increase.

Zou He obviously felt that there was a powerful force all over his body, up and down.

Every cell in the whole body seems to be refreshed!
Everything in front of me is clear, and all parts of the body have been improved!

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately opened the combat power panel.

Host: Zou He.

Strength: 87 (normal 5-10)

Speed: 87 (normal 5-10)

Agility: 87 (normal 5-10)

Explosive power: 87 (normal people 5-10)

Lasting/Long: 87 (5-10 for normal people)

Comprehensive combat power: 87 (ordinary people 5-10)


I don’t know, I’m scared.

The strength in all aspects is seven or eight times higher than that of ordinary people.

This also means that, in terms of strength, Zou He's current punch with all his strength is estimated to be able to knock down one person...

If a punch hits a vital part, it is estimated that the opponent can be killed.

And the speed has also improved, Zou He simply tried it out, and his skills are much more agile than before.

And lasting/long, which also refers to endurance, is obviously much stronger than before. To give a simple example, for example, if someone else does something, it will not work if they persist for a few minutes, but Zou and the current lasting/long degree, it is estimated that it can last for an hour or two, which is not a problem.

Comprehensive combat power is better understood, this is the sum of all.

Before the average person was 5 to 10, Zou He is now 87.

This strength, it is estimated that Xu Damao will be even more handy.

If you really want to kill him, it is estimated that killing Xu Damao is as simple as squeezing an ant. Although it is exaggerated, it is almost the same.


In addition, there is 150 yuan in cash, which is almost enough for several months' wages.

There are ten pounds of meat tickets, and an ordinary mousetrap.

Zou He immediately opened the system space and looked at the mouse trap.

Discovery is a very ordinary clip, not much use.

Immediately throw it to the ground.

After leaving the courtyard, I started to go to work.

Soon, Sha Zhu came out, saw a mousetrap on the ground, picked it up immediately, and put it in his kitchen, thinking that it would just be able to trap a mouse.

After putting it away, the silly column went to work and didn't think much about it.

When everyone left, Qin Huairu returned to the courtyard with the three children.

Although I brought some things from my parents' home, the countryside is even poorer these days, and there is no food at all.

As soon as he entered the room, Jia Dongxu cried out for hunger, Qin Huairu also confirmed that Jia Dongxu would not starve to death overnight, and sighed, not knowing whether it was a pity or a blessing...

Jia Dongxu had to eat before he died, and Qin Huairu had no choice.

"Bang Terrier, go to the silly Zhu's house to get some salt, oil and vinegar?" Qin Huairu said, and began to prepare for cooking.

"Okay, I'll come as soon as I see you go!" The stick skill was put to good use, and he immediately responded happily, rushing to Shazhu's kitchen in a hurry, and began to rummage...

After a while, I just heard the sound of 'Ah! ! ! ' a scream.

Qin Huairu rushed over, saw the scene in front of him, and immediately shouted: "Oh, ya! Stick! Your hand..."

Obviously, the stick's hand was caught by the mouse trap.

In just an instant, Bang Teong's face turned pale, sweat dripped down his forehead, and tears flowed down his face.

Qin Huairu immediately found Dr. Liang with a stick, broke the clip, and took it out.

"This injury is very serious, and we must go to a large hospital to deal with it, otherwise it is very likely to be infected." After looking at the injury, Dr. Liang reminded.

"Doctor Liang, can't you just deal with it here?" Qin Huairu hesitated when he heard the money.

"Of course not. I can prescribe you a little medicine here at most, but the effect is not guaranteed. It's best to go to the hospital for treatment. It's too serious." Dr. Liang reminded again.

"Just prescribe some medicine," Qin Huairu was still distressed about money, "It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"Whether there will be anything wrong, it depends entirely on luck. If you are really infected, it will be troublesome. I still recommend you to go to the hospital." Dr. Liang said again.

"Bang Terri..." Qin Huairu hesitated, "Bang Terri, do you want to go to the hospital or let Doctor Liang handle it?"

"I'm not going to the hospital, I'm not going to the hospital..." Bang Terri cried, "I don't want an injection, I don't want an injection..."

"Look at Dr. Liang, don't even go to the hospital... You should handle it," Qin Huairu said.

"What do you say, what does the child know? You ask the child, of course the child doesn't want to go to the hospital, you just listen to me and take it directly, it will be troublesome if it is infected." Dr. Liang said.

"No," Qin Huairu said in her heart, "You're right, you still need to pay for going to the hospital, will you pay me?" ' Immediately he said firmly, "I beg you, Dr. Liang, just give me some medicine, and don't go to the hospital."

"Ah..." Dr. Liang shook his head, but he didn't try to dissuade him, he just said, "Then what I have to say, I said it before, it's best if nothing happens, if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

So at Qin Huairu's insistence, Bang Stem's injury was simply dealt with and returned home.

The stick is so painful that he can't go to school, so he has to stay here.

Qin Huairu went to work.


The work of Zou and the other day went very smoothly.

Yu Haitang also changed her nature and didn't bother herself.

Although He Yuyu kept looking at Zou He in the courtyard, he did not take the initiative to speak.

This made Zou He rare and quiet.

From the moment he came here, Zou He wanted to live a quiet life for a few days.

But the beasts in the courtyard, either one came to make trouble, or the other came to tease, one after another, it was annoying.

After this marriage, everything suddenly returned to tranquility.

This made Zou He feel very refreshed.

It seems that Jingru is really a prosperous woman!
Not only watery, but also quiet and quiet.

Come to this era, eat and drink well, and live a leisurely and contented life.

Marry Jingru, have another child next year, and live a comfortable life with a wife and children on the hot kang head.

What more do you want?
After a few days of affectionate weddings, the two became more harmonious and harmonious.

Qin Jingru and Zou He's acquaintance fell in love and got married, which is a free love in the first place.

The two were already familiar with each other before they got married.

Under this kind of emotional basis, it is definitely easier to integrate than those couples who have only met a few times and have met and got married without a day.

Since Qin Jingru entered the door, the housework has nothing to do with Zou He.

Whether it's washing and cooking, washing pots and dishes, or cleaning... Zou He doesn't need to do anything.

In short, Zou He only needs to work with peace of mind and not have to worry about anything.

This is really the life Zou He wants.

The male lead works hard outside to make money, while the female lead takes care of housework...

How comfortable is this life.

A few days of peaceful life passed quickly.

There was a sudden news from the courtyard that a general meeting of the hospital was to be held.

Although Zou He wanted to live behind closed doors and was unwilling to participate in the affairs of the courtyard, it was nothing to watch the fun.

"Jingru, go, go to the general meeting of the hospital, and watch the fun." Zou He said.

"Yeah." Qin Jingru agreed, walking was obviously much more natural than it was a few days ago.

This meeting was led by Yi Zhonghai, the uncle.

One-Uncle sits on a bench, and he sits on the left and right sides of the Second-Uncle and the Third-Uncle.

Facing the three uncles, sat Qin Huairu and Bang Tei.

"What are you doing at the meeting?"

"What's the matter? This is?"

"Yeah, what happened again..."

The people in the courtyard were talking.

"Ahem!" The second uncle immediately stood up, puffed out his stomach, raised his hands, imitated the leadership, stretched out his hands, and said, "Quiet! Quiet! Give me everything, quietly !"

The people in the courtyard were quiet.

"Let's have a meeting today. I want to talk about something..." the third uncle said.

"Yes, yes, it's a matter of fact!" The second uncle was angry because the third uncle stole the talk. He wanted to say something and then snatch it back, but he didn't have any ideas in his mind for a while, so he had to repeat it again. San-Uncle's words, copied and pasted with one hand, "It's just to say something - love!"

The third-uncle who was plagiarized from the words rolled his eyes and continued: "As for what it is, let the first-uncle tell."

"Yes, yes, let the first-uncle talk about it!" The second master Liu Haizhong said along the way, this guy is an official fan, but his heart is higher than the sky, and he has no brains. When he was talking, he stumbled when he was speaking. In order not to steal his limelight, the second-uncle had no choice but to imitate the words of the third-uncle.

Second, the operation of the uncle also made the meeting that could have entered the theme earlier become dragged.

"Okay! Long story short!" Yi Zhonghai, the uncle, stood up immediately and said, "This time let everyone come! It's one thing!"

"Bang Terrier's hand was caught by a mouse trap and is now infected!"

"The hospital said that three fingers must be amputated!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the courtyard was shocked.


Cut off your finger?

Or cut three?
Everyone was shocked.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes and open my mouth wide, shocked.

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses.

"what happened?"

"What caught it?"

"How can you get caught?"

"That's right, how could it be caught?!"

Everyone, you said each sentence.

"It was caught by the mousetrap placed by Sha Zhu," Qin Huairu cried, "So, Sha Zhu has to take full responsibility for this."

"..." Silly Zhu immediately reasoned, "I just wanted to trap the mouse, how could I possibly catch the stick's hand? I didn't do it on purpose."

"Whether it was intentional or not, you have to be responsible, you put the clip anyway," Qin Huairu said with tears, "Everyone tell me, my stick is so small, three fingers will be amputated, how pitiful How will you find a daughter-in-law in the future?"

"If he doesn't go to my house to steal things, he won't be caught..." Silly Zhu muttered.

"What do you mean?" Qin Huairu frowned, "What is stealing? The stick is just to borrow your family's oil and salt for a while, and you put a clip to cut off his hand? What kind of mind do you have? Ah silly Zhu, aren't you too vicious?!"

"Qin Huairu, you can't talk nonsense," silly Zhuzui said, "I've said it before, I put the traps to trap mice, I didn't expect your sticks to come, what you said. It's as if I deliberately clamped the stick, feel your conscience and tell me, how have I treated your family all these years? Am I stupid like that?"

"If you do it on purpose, then you should go to jail, you should be sentenced, it's not intentional, you should also take the responsibility," Qin Huairu said, touching the head of the stick, "if our stick is disabled, you You have to take care of him for the rest of your life."

"..." Silly Zhu was also angry: "What you said is wrong Qin Huairu! I put the clip in my house, but not in yours..."

The two were quarreling endlessly, and Yi Zhonghai suddenly shouted loudly: "Okay, Pillar! Stop arguing! Qin Huairu! Don't quarrel anymore."

After this scolding, silly Zhu Qin Huairu couldn't hold back any more quarrels.

After a pause, the uncle stood up and said:

"As for this matter, everyone must be aware of it..."

"In short, the three fingers of the stick are to be cut off..."

"It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, and now I invite everyone to come, just to talk about the cost of this operation."

Having said that, everyone in the courtyard probably guessed something.

"This happened in the courtyard. Everyone knows the conditions of Qin Huairu's family. As for the money, it is obviously unrealistic for Sha Zhu to pay by himself."

"If you let Qin Huairu's family take care of it, I think everyone in our hospital will be unbearable, right?"

"So, I suggest that everyone bear the cost together. No matter how much the cost of the operation is, it will be apportioned to each household, and the same amount will be paid."

"In this way, the whole hospital is responsible for helping Qin Huairu's family through the difficulties. I don't think everyone will be so conscienceless and give up the money, right?"

Yi Zhonghai said and looked around.

Look at Yi Zhonghai's careless and awe-inspiring look.

Zou He smiled.

Sure enough, he is a master of moral kidnapping.

One - what the uncle said, there is no room for the people in the courtyard to refute.

The words are dead, how to refute?

It seems that whoever refutes is the one who has no conscience.

For a time, everyone in the courtyard also looked at me, I looked at you, and no one came out to speak.

After all, no one wants to be the first "person without conscience".

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's start donating money."

Yi Zhonghai stood up and said, "The cost of this operation is not low. Let the family donate 30 yuan first, and the extra will be refunded and the less will be compensated."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hospital was stunned.

30 dollars? !

That's one month's salary for an ordinary second-level worker.

Who is willing to pay for this?

Everyone in the hospital didn't make this mistake, so why should they take this responsibility?
Just because it is in a courtyard, do you have to spend a month's salary to help Qin Huai Ru's family?
Everyone is reluctant, after all, the money is too much.

Yi Zhonghai also saw everyone's expressions, and immediately added: "I know this money is a lot, but I believe that the people in our courtyard are all people with conscience, and no one will really know that. Are you really unwilling to pay this kind of money with no conscience?"

What I said made those who originally wanted to step forward to say a few words suddenly lose their enthusiasm, and made those who originally wanted to take a step forward to speak back their feet.

Everyone looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak first.

In fact, Zou He is too lazy to care about this matter.

They like to take money whenever they want, which has nothing to do with Zou He.

But what Yi Zhonghai advocated this time was not to donate money voluntarily, but to share it equally among each family.

This made Zou He have to stand up - come.

If you don't stand up and come forward, then the whole hospital will donate, and Zou He will not donate. Isn't this making Zou He an enemy of the whole hospital?

Therefore, Zou He's attitude must be presented first.

"Let me say something!"

Zou He's voice sounded.

All the people in the hospital looked over.

"Let's say it first, I will not participate in this matter."

"Of course, I am not involved, nor will I interfere with everyone's 'good intentions'."

"You want to share, you share!"

"that's it!"

Zou He's attitude is very clear.

This is also very clear.

I don't participate. If you want to share it, go to share it. It has nothing to do with me anyway.

In this way, even if everyone shared equally, no one would dare to say anything about Zou He.

After all, what people say comes first.

This is completely different from the fact that the whole hospital donated, but Zou He didn't donate.

The latter is naturally ugly.

After speaking, Zou He turned his head and left.

There is no room for negotiation at all.

Just kidding, you want me to pay this white-eyed wolf family, and it's 30 yuan?

is it possible?
Zou He walked, and his new wife Qin Jingru followed behind.

take a few steps...


Yi Zhonghai's fierce voice sounded, "What do you mean by Zou and you?! You are deliberately making trouble, right? There is no objection in the whole hospital, but you are against it. How can you be like this?!"

Hearing this, Zou He stopped, turned around, and looked directly at Yi Zhonghai with a calm expression.

Then, Zou He walked slowly...

Seeing Zou Hechong coming by himself, Yi Zhonghai subconsciously took a step back and pointed his finger over: "You you you you you! What are you trying to do? Do you still dare to hit me?"

"Ah!" Yi Zhonghai's hand was broken, and he cried out in pain.

"Yi Zhonghai!" Zou He pinched Yi Zhonghai's fingers and exerted a little force: "You old man! Listen..."

Zou He's tone was cold: "Stop pointing your finger at me in the future, if you dare to do it again, I'll break your finger off!"

"Also, don't use your moral kidnapping to point fingers at my affairs!"

"How do I deal with it, I don't need you to point and point!"

"You have a high morality. You pay for it yourself, and don't give me advice, do you hear me?"

As Zou He spoke, he slammed it hard.

Yi Zhonghai squeezed his eyes in pain and shouted, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

After a while, Zou He let go, looked at the people in the courtyard, and said indifferently: "I've said this before, I, Zou He, will not participate. As for whether you can't get out, you can do whatever you want, I'll leave, you can play. ."

After finishing speaking, Zou He turned and left directly, and Qin Jingru also followed behind...

"Then, I won't participate in this matter, you play with you..." Xu Damao also slipped away.

"Then I won't participate..." San-Uncle also stood up. "Everyone knows the situation in my family, let alone [-] yuan, it's hard to get [-] yuan."

"Then I won't participate." Er-Uncle Liu Haizhong also said.

As a result, all the people in the hospital stood up and expressed their non-participation.

Yi Zhonghai saw this - the relationship collapsed, and immediately suggested: "How about everyone donate a little? How much do you want to donate?"

"No, no." Someone responded immediately.

Everyone waved their hands, and no one turned back at all.

Yi Zhonghai is out of breath...

If the money is given out by others, the stupid Zhu will get it. If the 'prospective son' of the stupid Zhu is given out, isn't it equivalent to Yi Zhonghai?
Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai's heart was racing.

(End of this chapter)

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