Siheyuan: Twenty-eight bars chasing Qin Jingru

Chapter 127 Qin Jingru's heart, amazing betrothal gift, came to Yu Haitang

Chapter 127 Qin Jingru's heart, amazing betrothal gift, came to Yu Haitang
Although Aunt Wang is not an experienced professional matchmaker, she is someone who has experienced marriage. In addition, she has introduced people to Zou and Zhang Luo in the past few years, and she has also inquired about some details and rules, so she knows more.

Of course, for things like marriage, as long as the big rules are not broken, the small rules are all up to the two families to discuss.

It depends on the self-requirements of both men and women at home.

After all, getting engaged and getting married, such a major life event, still requires the satisfaction of both parties.

Therefore, it is still necessary to meet Qin Jingru's family and talk about it in detail after arriving, so that all the details can be finalized.

Zou He is simple, he didn't understand these customs and rules very well, so he simply handed over his own affairs to Aunt Wang.

Not only let Aunt Wang represent the matchmaker, but also let her represent the man to make some arrangements, just tell Zou He what she thinks.

In addition, Zou He also gave Aunt Wang ten yuan to count the money for running back and forth.

"If you have too much, you should buy food for your children, and you have to run away next time. Aunt Wang, don't be too open-minded. I give it to you, and I think we are kissing. ." Seeing that Aunt Wang refused to accept the money, Zou He said.

Zou He is telling the truth.

Not to mention in this era, in any era, it is a great kindness for a stranger to introduce himself to a person all day long.

Zou He is the one who repays gratitude.

A person who truly cares about himself, this kindness is priceless.

Zou He is not short of money now.

Let alone ten yuan, Zou He would not bat an eye even if he gave dozens of yuan and 100 yuan.

Of course, if you really give dozens or hundreds of estimates, it is absolutely impossible for Aunt Wang to want it.

"Okay! I'll accept the ten dollars." Aunt Wang wanted to refuse, but seeing Zou He's firm attitude, Aunt Wang accepted it.

"Even if you take it, next time as long as I give it to you, you will accept it directly, don't show it outside." Zou He waved his big hand.

Aunt Wang also didn't want to be too outspoken. In her heart, she originally thought of Zou He as a family member. She smiled and nodded, thinking that she really did not see the wrong person, this Zou He is really a perfect person.

After Zou He left, Aunt Wang felt warm all night.

After her husband died, Aunt Wang was alone here, feeling helpless all the time.

When I saw Zou He for the first time, Aunt Wang felt that this young man was very energetic, like the sun, giving people a feeling of sunshine.

The more I got in touch with Zou He, the more Aunt Wang realized that this Zou He is really a perfect person!
The person is upright, the character is good, the appearance, the figure, all aspects are almost perfect.

Most importantly, Aunt Wang felt that although Zou He was ten years younger than him, in some respects, his values ​​should be the same.

For his own sake, he knows his own goodness and lives up to his goodness.

I treat Zou as a family member myself, and this Zou He also treats myself as a family member.

This sincerity, the two are in common!

This made Aunt Wang, who was already helpless, have a kind of warmth of home.

The next morning, Aunt Wang delivered the children to school and started to take the morning bus to Qin Jingru's house.

When they arrived at the destination, Aunt Wang walked while inquiring, and soon came to the village where Qin Jingru was.

This is an out-and-out rural village.

In the fields, the people who got up and worked have already started.

In this era, the work of rural people is all down to the ground.

Regardless of gender, after school, they have to go to the fields and earn work points.

A strong laborer can earn twelve work points a day, which is about twenty cents in money.

Women work a little slower, and they can work anywhere from about [-] to [-] cents.

As far as eating is concerned, the era of big pot rice has just ended in rural areas. Although every family can cook their own stoves, the money they use is still entirely saved by work points.

The whole family relies on that little work points to live. In this era of poor materials, every household is very poor. This is the case for urban households who have jobs and food supplies, and even more so in rural areas.

People in this era have many children at home, seven or eight children at any time, and many people are there.

After all, the slogan that more people is more powerful has won the hearts of people all over the country. Everyone responded to the policy and gave birth to many children.

Qin Jingru's family is relatively small, but they also have four daughters and one son, a total of five children, plus the old couple, a family of seven, all rely on Qin Shigui, Zhang Ailan, Qin Jingru's three people's work points to support, and live a tight life.

As the eldest daughter of the family, Qin Jingru woke up early in the morning just after dawn...

The first thing she did when she got up was to work and earn work points.

She was young, and she was a girl who didn't work, so she was naturally slow to work. In order to earn more work points, Qin Jingru could only get up earlier and work longer so that she could earn more work points.

She earns work points for two purposes, one is to subsidize her family.

The other is to save money and go to the city to see her child.

Even if you ask your parents for money, they will definitely give it.

But Qin Jingru was embarrassed to open her mouth. It was so difficult at home. She was really embarrassed to eat plain rice, so even though she was not used to the work in the field, she worked very hard. She felt that it would be better if she worked a little more.

On this day, Qin Jingru woke up earlier than usual. Qin Jingru finished washing up, walked to an intersection, and started to look into the distance.

The place where Qin Jingru was standing was a high place in the field.

The place Qin Jingru looked at was the road leading to the city.

"Kazuko...are you awake now?"

Qin Jingru stared at the field for a long time, and then slowly left and started to work in the field.

"Jingru, what are you looking at on that stalk every day?" The aunt next door asked Qin Jingru's recent habit.

"Oh, nothing." Qin Jingru said this, suddenly a little sad.

Although she didn't tell Kazuko when she would get engaged.

Although she didn't make an agreement with Kazuko, when to meet.

However, she still looked forward to it.

Looking forward to one day suddenly.

I got up early in the morning, dressed up beautifully, and just happened to be seen by my Kazuko.

But even though the two had pulled the hook, he believed that Kazuko would not lie to her, but she was still a little worried, after all Kazuko was so good!
Therefore, in the heart of a girl, she is worried about gain and loss. This point, in love, or after falling in love with a person, should have been experienced.

Lovers are not full of lovesickness, probably so...

"Jingru, why do you dress up so neatly when you go to the ground every day?" The aunt next door reminded: "Don't be idle and talk to me, it's better to wear old clothes when you go to work on the ground, so that even if you get dirty, you won't have to worry about it. What……"

The aunt next door said this with kindness.

After all, Qin Jingru these days, after returning to the city that day, every morning when she goes to the field, she dresses up as if she is in the city. This is really not suitable for a rural person who goes to work in the field. Can be troublesome.

Naturally, the aunt next door would not know that Qin Jingru was dressed like this.

Of course for her and her son.

Although Qin Jingru is a hard-working, simple and capable rural girl, she also does not want Zou He to look disheartened when she sees her again.

What if Kazuko sees that she is so dirty, and dislikes herself again and doesn't like herself anymore...

Qin Jingru's heart is because he cares and cherishes it extraordinarily, and then there are some burdens that he can't let go, for fear that Zou He will not want him anymore because of his own bad.

Others don't understand all this. Her mother, Zhang Ailan, also saw through her daughter's mind at a glance.

"It's alright, Jingru is so pretty, let her dress up, and if it gets dirty, I'll wash her." Zhang Ailan said.

"Thank you mom, I can wash it myself." Qin Jingru smiled warmly.

"You love cleanliness so much, Jingru, I think you are suitable for marrying into the city." The aunt next door said, "If you are always in the countryside, you will not do it like this."

Hearing this, Qin Jingru blushed immediately, and said in her heart: You really said that, my family and son are from the city, and I will be married to the city soon.

"Haha, I was born in the countryside, but I love cleanliness like the city people. This habit is not good." At this time, a girl named Huang Mafang from the same village spoke up. After saying this, Huang Mafang revealed a The sneer on his face: "Hahahahaha! I'm afraid we don't have that fate~"

What Huang Mafang said was completely different from that of the aunt next door.

Although the aunt next door was joking, it was also a kind reminder. After all, dressing up cleanly was indeed a bit of a hassle for people who often went to the fields in the countryside.

When Huang Mafang said this, it was a complete sarcasm.

The reason for her sarcasm is very simple.

Huang Mafang has acne on her face and countless pockmarks on her face. Compared with Qin Jingru's water spirit, Huang Mafang feels very unbalanced in her heart. She also lives in this Qinhuang Village and drinks this Ru The water of the Dihe River grew up, why does Qin Jingru look like a princess, but I, Huang Mafang, look like a ghost?why why why?
Under the jealousy of the girl, Huang Mafang of course wanted to seize the opportunity to make up for it in language.

It's just that Huang Mafang's speech is also cheap, and when he comes up, he will hate people.

Qin Jingru wouldn't be used to her.

This Qin Jingru's personality is not a bad temper, and when she heard this, she was immediately annoyed: "Huang Mafang, if you think you have no life, just say yourself, don't bring me! I'm not the same as you! "

Hearing this, Huang Mafang immediately smiled crookedly: "Yo~ I won't take you with me? It's like you're married to the city, don't you still live in this countryside, in this land, just like me? Doing the same job? You and I are the same, there is no difference."

"Of course I'm not the same as you, so I won't sneer at others!" Qin Jingru replied again: "As for whether I marry or not in the city, I don't need you to take care of me!"

"Haha..." Huang Mafang looked dissatisfied: "Then I wish you, marry into the city as soon as possible, hahahahaha!"

Speaking of this, Huang Mafang raised her voice a few decibels and shouted, "Did you hear it? Qin Jingru said she was going to marry into the city soon!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the field heard it.

Everyone subconsciously, ready to grin...

At this time, a voice came.

"Qin Jingru! There's a matchmaker in the city who says he's here to propose marriage to you, and your dad wants you to go back!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene was shocked, and immediately opened their eyes and mouth, unable to believe what they heard.

City people, for matchmaking?

Qin Jingru, are you really going to marry into the city?

This face hit is called a raw pain.

In addition to being shocked, the people at the scene couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! Huang Mafang, have you opened your mouth? What are you talking about?"

A young man of the same age shouted, and the others followed suit.

"It's true that it has been opened. There are people in the city who are really matching. It seems that Jingru is lucky to be able to marry in the city."

"Let me just say, Jing Ru is so handsome, she is no worse than her cousin Qin Huai Ru, and she must be married to a good family."

"No matter what the conditions are, as long as you can marry in the city and eat commercial grains, you will be better than our countryside."

"Indeed, if you find a job in the future, you won't have to go to the ground again. It's really enviable!"

The pot exploded at once.

In the eyes of these rural people, regardless of the object of the marriage proposal, as long as it is an urban household with a job and can eat food supplies, it is much better than the rural area. Working in the countryside every day, the income is low, and it is not comparable to the urban household registration. Fab's.

In this era, there is not a single person in the countryside who doesn't want to marry the city, so all these words are full of envy for Qin Jingru.

And only one person, after hearing the news, his face suddenly pulled down.

It was Huang Mafang who had made unkind words to Qin Jingru just now. At this moment, Huang Mafang was even more unsightly. She frowned and squeezed the pimples on her face, like a shark covered with barnacles... She slapped her face, but Huang Mafang seemed to be slapped in the face by someone's big mouth, her whole face was burning with pain, and she was even more shy and wanted to find a mouse hole to get in.

And hearing the good news...

Qin Jingru's pretty face, who was still a little angry because of the quarrel with Huang Mafang, stretched out all of a sudden...

Infinite happiness welled up in her heart and quickly spread all over her body, making her whole person shrouded in joy...

At this moment, Qin Jingru forgot the tiredness of working in the fields, the anger he was angry with when arguing with Huang Mafang, and all the unhappy things...

I saw Qin Jingru's fair face, flushed red, like a peach. Her tender and tender appearance made people want to go up and take tens of thousands of bites!

I saw Qin Jingru's whole body, and following the news, like eating honey, she suddenly became cheerful, and the corner of the girl's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised an arc... That was a smile that was nourished by love.

Qin Jingru knew that the child he was longing for had finally arrived.

Kazuko finally came to marry me.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingru's eyes became hot, and involuntarily, a tear fell - it was an excited, happy, sweet, happy tear!
Qin Jingru was very excited, as was her mother Zhang Ailan.

After all, these days, Zhang Ailan watched her daughter thinking about Zou He.

As a mother, Zhang Ailan was naturally aware of Qin Jingru's thoughts.

These days, Qin Jingru would be distracted all day long. When he was working in the field, he would often look at the road in the city. When eating, the corners of his mouth would often be absent-minded when he thought of something, and even when he was doing needlework, he sometimes lost his mind because of his distraction. Got stuck...

Everything made Zhang Ailan very clear.

Although her daughter Qin Jingru's body is still here, her heart already belongs to that man named Zou He.

That Zou He, who made his daughter dream about, must be very good, right?

Zou He, who can make his daughter so obsessed with food, must be a good person...

Through Qin Shigui's inquiries and Qin Jingru's narration.

After Zhang Ailan basically learned about Zou He's situation, at first she was happy that her daughter could find such a good man.

After calming down, Zhang Ailan began to worry.

After all, although his daughter is very beautiful, marrying such an excellent person as Zou He is also a high marriage.

With Zou He's conditions and strength, the women who want to marry him are probably lined up in a row, right?
Thinking of this, Zhang Ailan inevitably became worried and worried.

Given Qin Jingru's current state, how could Zou He not marry her, or that the marriage is about to change, it is estimated that Qin Jingru will be hit hard.

Zhang Ailan knows her daughter best, Qin Jingru's current state is that she has completely regarded herself as Zou He.

And it has reached a state of being trapped in it and unable to extricate itself...

And in fact, it is.

The meeting between Qin Jingru and Zou He was not a blind date meeting in the traditional sense.

It's a street encounter...

The encounter between the two began when Zou He's [-]th bar rear-ended Qin Jingru.

This adds some legendary color to the relationship between the two, making Qin Jingru feel that she and Zou He are the fate that was ordered by God.

And the love between the two is, to be precise, a free love.

No matter what age or time it is, women's fantasy about love is always beautiful, romantic, and unforgettable.

And whenever Qin Jingru thinks of the encounter with Zou He, acquaintance, acquaintance, and love, there will be a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and ripples will appear in his heart...

In her heart, she has long regarded herself as someone of Zou He.

Treat Zou He as his man.

In addition to the heart and body, the two also slept in the same bed, hugged, and kissed...

Although the last layer of window paper was not pierced, Qin Jingru felt that the two were already inseparable, and the two were already considered a family.

As simple as she is, she is even a little worried about whether she will be pregnant... Of course, the reason why Qin Jingru thinks this way is that Qin Jingru still doesn't know about men and women, thinking that hugging, hugging and kissing momo will lead to pregnancy.

Of course, after I asked Qin Huairu and Zou He later, I realized that this would not be the case.

To be honest, Qin Jingru felt a little disappointed when he heard that it would not work.

In her heart, she actually hoped that she could get pregnant.

Pregnant, give birth to a baby, he will be very happy, right?

That way, we'll never be apart, right?

This is what Qin Jingru has thought about countless times since she confirmed her relationship with Zou He.

She loves Zou He, and she is more afraid of losing Zou He, so she wants to give birth to a child for Zou He, so that she can catch Zou He.

Even these days, she would think about making some clothes for children, but every time she did it, Zhang Ailan stopped her.

Qin Jingru had to secretly, hide and do it.

Of course, in addition to doing it for the children, Qin Jingru also made a lot of things for Zou He...

Besides, no matter where she goes or what she does these days, Zou He is always in her mind...

Qin Jingru even wondered if she was ill. Later, after asking Zhang Ailan, she realized that once a woman falls in love with a person, it will probably be like this...


At this time, Zou Hezhen sent someone to propose marriage.

This exciting news made Qin Jingru startled excitedly for a long time before coming back to his senses.

I saw that she was busy cleaning her hair and pulling the corners of her clothes. Her heart was pounding so fast that it almost reached her throat, and her legs trembled a little when she walked. It was exciting and nervous.

Zhang Ailan's excitement was the same.

These days, her heart is also entangled with her daughter's heart, and she is worried about her daughter's marriage.

As soon as she heard that someone was coming from the city, she hurriedly got up and followed.

This thing has finally come to an end!


And the other side.

At this time, Zou He had just finished breakfast.

He was pushing the twenty-eighth bar to the outside of the courtyard.

Qin Huairu was still standing in the middle courtyard. Seeing Zou He passing by, she hurriedly said, "Where's Hezi going to work?"

Zou He still didn't turn his head with a soft 'um', and walked straight away without giving Qin Huairu a single glance.

Letting Qin Huairu feel sad, Zou He wouldn't even look at her.

Zou He's attitude has always been so clear.

Others are jealous of Qin Huairu's body, but Zou He has no interest.

It is enough to have Qin Jingru as a wife, why waste your time on Qin Huairu's broken shoes?
Qin Huairu is about to become an old cow, and still wants to eat grass, is it possible?

Moreover, what will happen to those who are haunted by the vampire Qin Huairu?

If you feel good about her, you will be sucked blood by her, blackmailed by her, and given money to her?
It's really hard to bleed and thank you!

Zou He would not do such a thing.

Not to mention that Zou He doesn't mess around, just mess around, and there's no need to shoot at Qin Huairu, who is full of yellow-flowered girls all over the street. Which one is not fresher and more delicious than Qin Huairu?
Besides, because of Qin Huairu's urination, Zou Hezhen wants to have something to do with her incomprehensible relationship. If she doesn't make Zou He's reputation so bad that Zou He can't marry a wife, she won't be called Qin Huairu.

It's hard to tell when the time comes, a good young man might be manipulated by Qin Huairu, but it would be a great tragedy.

Silly Zhu is a living and bloody example. Silly Zhu is because he and Qin Huairu are not clear. No matter when they go on a blind date, they will be hindered by this matter, so that they almost become extinct in the end. The root of all this is not yet known. It's all because of being entangled by Qin Huairu.

After all, reputation is still very important these days.

Besides, although Zou He is a time traveler, he is really not the kind of male dog who is in heat, and who wants to be scolded when he meets a girl.

In Zou He's values, he thinks that things like love still have to be congenial, and it only makes sense to go both ways. To have sex with a woman who doesn't agree with his three views, or even hates it, is no different from going to prostitute.

Silly Zhu is greedy for Qin Huairu, isn't it because he has been single for a long time and wants to try it when he sees a woman.

After all, it’s not because you’ve been thirsty for too long that you’re hungry.

With the urination of Shazhu, who has been single for so many years, let alone Qin Huairu, if he has been locked up with the deaf old lady for a long time, it is estimated that he will not be able to bear it... After all, once a person's sperm gets on his head, he will be tortured by his legs every day. Between those two or two goods, it is no different from beasts.

I really have a choice, or I really want to throw it to a beautiful daughter-in-law to Shaozhu every day. Do you think he is still so enthusiastic about Qin Huairu?
The root of everything is the dishonesty of those two or two in the crotch.

Zou He is a person with his own values.

Came to this world, not to indulge.

Besides women, there are so many things that can be done.

After all, this is the 60s, and in the long history from 22s to [-], there are many opportunities.

After the reform, this country will go from poverty to fullness to a well-off society, and then to the world's second largest economy. The opportunity during this period, the blueprint for the success of this career, is a man's real battlefield.

Zou He's ambition has always been on this.

Engage in business, engage in major events, and engage in the largest industry in the world!
This is the journey of a man!Now that it's all here and the opportunity is here, of course Zou He wants to test how far he can fly and how high he can stand!
[It is detected that the host has not checked in today, do you want to check in immediately? 】

The familiar voice in my head rang again.

Not bad, the daily check-in reminder is here again.

Zou He immediately recited in his heart, "Sign in."

【Ding!Sign in successfully!It is detected that the host has made a decision to marry a wife, in addition to the daily check-in reward, the host will be rewarded with a betrothal gift package]

[Congratulations to the host, for getting a whole pig, the system has divided the whole pig into two parts for the host, each half of the pig, the system has killed the pig and cleaned it up for the host, the host can arrange the pork freely]

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a set of three-turn and one-ring bills, the host can arrange freely]

[Congratulations to the host, get a dowry gift of 100 yuan, the host can arrange freely]

[Congratulations to the host for getting today's daily check-in items, rice tickets 10 catties, cloth tickets 10 feet, coal tickets 1 ton, gaining physical strength +1]


I go!

Look at the rewards of this system.

The mentality is as good as Zou He, and he is also shocked.

I rely on!It's a crazy reward.

Suddenly, even if you don't do anything, you can just point at the system and lie down, is it a very comfortable thing?
The feeling of getting things easily is really comfortable.

There is no way, if you can pass through and bring a system, Zou He suddenly feels that he is simply the son of the plane.

Zou He's current feeling can only be described in one word - cool cool cool cool cool!

Just imagine, in this era when you can't eat pork several times a year, when pork tickets are all 50 grams, Zou and this good guy just made a whole pig.

If you say this, it is estimated that all the people in the hospital will stare out their eyes with envy!
Looking at the pig's weight, Zou He was surprised again.

A full three hundred pounds of meat.

And it's still very considerate, cut into two pieces, each piece of pork.

This is simply, too damn exaggerated.

In addition, he also gave a three-turn and one-ring ticket, any of which, when taken out, will cause the eyes of others to turn red with the envy of others.

This good guy, once you give it a whole set, it's awesome!

In comparison, 100 yuan was given back, which is a bit fierce.

At this time, the wedding gift is only five yuan and ten yuan, and ten yuan is more than that.

This is a hundred, which is completely enough, and it is estimated that it will not be used up at all.

And not only that, but also the daily check-in rewards, which are a little less in comparison, but only for Zou He, for ordinary people living in this era, you give him every day "Rice tickets 10 catties cloth tickets 10 feet coal tickets 1 ton", he would be happy to kneel down every day to provide you with the god of wealth, it is not too exaggerated at all!
In addition, Zou He's body functions have been improved.

To be honest, this feeling of getting something for nothing is really cool.

With these things, Zou He will be able to handle the wedding dowry.

Zou He planned how to give the dowry at that time, and immediately made plans.

All morning's work, because of the sudden pile of rewards, Zou He felt very refreshed.

Working hard is also doubly hard.


is working.

Suddenly Yu Haitang walked into the workshop.

This Yu Haitang is tall and tall, and is a broadcaster in the factory.

It is also recognized as a plant flower.

Of course, she's good everywhere, but she has a hot temper and loves to do things.

Seeing Yu Haitang approaching excitedly, Zou He's heart was not good. Just after clarifying the matter to Yu Li, Yu Haitang came over.

Eighty percent of them came to reason with Yu Li, right?
"Okay, sister f..." After saying this, Yu Haitang realized that she shouldn't shout like this, and immediately swallowed the word 'hu' that had already reached her mouth, and said, "Okay, Zou He, I really didn't expect that your eyesight is quite high?"

"Just say something." Zou He said lightly, "Don't play dumb."

"Okay, just say it..." Yu Haitang said, looking around: "But, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to say this in front of so many co-workers?"

After saying this, without giving Zou He a chance to react, Yu Haitang said again, "Come on, come to a quiet corner with me, let's have a good chat."

After speaking, Yu Haitang immediately spread her legs and walked towards a warehouse in the workshop.

Diao Aimin saw what was going on, and waved at Zou He, indicating that he could deal with his personal affairs.

Zou He followed and walked over.

To be honest, Yu Haitang came looking for it, no matter what it was, it was impossible to escape...

This woman is very fierce, and the nickname of Begonia is not for nothing.

Anyone who has read the original book knows that Yu Haitang's temperament is the most troublesome, and she is basically not afraid of it.

Provoking her is even more troublesome than provoking Xu Damao. After all, she is a woman and an announcer in the factory. It is unbearable for ordinary people to casually speak ill of a person in front of the leader.

Of course, Zou He had nothing to fear.

He is not afraid of the shadow crooked.

What happened to Yu Li was just a misunderstanding after all.

He also explained it clearly to Yu Li.

If you really want to make trouble, Zou He is not at fault.

He has no feet on two boats, of course there is nothing to be afraid of...

Of course, this matter is more or less caused by Zou He, and it cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two.

It's just that Zou He doesn't understand, that Yu Liming seems to be okay?
Could it be...she was holding back at that time?

Forget it, no matter how much.

Everything happened.

At this time, only facing, facing up to the problem, and solving the problem is what needs to be considered at the moment.

The two came to the warehouse of the workshop and began to chat.

The people in the entire workshop are watching everything here.

Zou He has always been valued by the leaders, and he is also a young fourth-level worker. In addition, his recent innovation has been greatly praised, which also makes everyone pay more attention to Zou He's affairs.

Not to mention Yu Haitang, just like a blooming begonia flower, it can attract countless eyes wherever it goes.

For a time, countless lines of sight were directed towards this side.

Everyone was very curious about what happened, and while watching, it was inevitable that they would also discuss it.

"Hey! Judging from the serious expression on Yu Haitang's face, it seems that the visitor is not good?"

"Indeed, I don't know, did you think you were here to fight Zou He?"

"That's right, this expression is too serious!"

"Why do you feel serious, why do I feel nervous and excited?"

"Uh, there is something wrong with your eye designation, this is seriousness!"

"Isn't it going to start a fight? If it does, should we go and help Kazuko?"

"Zhang Weidong, are you kidding? Do you really need help? With Hezi's strength, Yu Haitang can't possibly be his opponent, that is, she's a woman and it's not easy to start."


Everyone, you said one sentence at a time, and I was a little worried.

In fact, it is exactly as everyone said.

Yu Haitang's expression at the moment is quite serious.

Or rather, it's quite unusual.

In the past, when she saw Zou He, she would laugh at her, joking and joking as if she had eaten honey.

This suddenly stern face, the smile on his face dimmed, and it also gave people a solemn feeling...

"You can, Zou He, dump my sister?"

Yu Haitang raised her head slightly, looked straight at him, her eyes were sharp, the corners of her mouth were slightly angry, and she was panting...

"Then what?" Zou He didn't deny it, and looked at the other party: "What did you want to do when you came to me?"

"What do you think? Of course it's for my sister's business!" Yu Haitang approached slowly, "I want to confirm, did you and my sister really blow it?"

"Does this still need to be confirmed? Didn't Yu Li tell you?" Zou He asked rhetorically.

"She said it, she said it, I want to listen to you!" Yu Haitang.

"Yes! It's really ugly that we have a partner." Zou He told the truth: "But to be precise, it's not that I dumped your sister, but we were just a misunderstanding at the beginning."

"Really?" Yu Haitang got closer again, and she could vaguely hear her breathing.

"Yes..." Zou He said: "Don't get too close, we are not that familiar with each other, just say what you want to do."

Zou He looked directly at each other from the beginning to the end, without fear, nor flinched.

There is indeed something wrong with Zou He in this matter, but if you really want to talk about it, you can't really blame Zou He.

He didn't do anything wrong, so naturally he wasn't afraid of this in Haitang.

"That's right, Zou He, you are so magnanimous!" Yu Haitang.

"Thank you for the compliment! I'm really honest about this matter!" Zou He was telling the truth. His mental journey was all out of kindness from the beginning, and he didn't intend to hurt or disturb Na Yuli at all, so he Zou He sternly said: "However you want to make trouble, or how to deal with me, feel free to come here, you are Yu Li's younger sister, it is understandable to speak out for her, of course, no matter what you do, I will also Soldiers will come to block it, and water will come to cover it!"

In fact, Yu Haitang came to look for trouble, and Zou He was not surprised at all. Based on Zou He's understanding of Yu Haitang, if something happened to Yu Li, she would definitely come over to make trouble.

This is also what Zou He expected. As for how the other party would do things, Zou He couldn't expect it, but there was nothing to be afraid of.

If you want to do something, do it!

Come on Yu Haitang, let the storm come more violently!
As Zou He thought about it, he also made plans for the other party to do things.

However, the next reaction of Yu Haitang surprised Zou He a bit.

After listening to Zou He's words.

Yu Haitang suddenly covered her mouth, "Pfft!" She laughed: "That's right, Brother Hezi, I didn't frighten you, you are indeed a real man who looks the same from the inside to the outside!"

"..." Zou He was stunned, didn't he come to make trouble?Why are you bragging all of a sudden?
"I didn't expect that you really blew my sister, good! That's great! It's really great!" Yu Haitang was happy.

"???" Zou He asked with a question mark on his face: "What the hell? Are you enjoying the misfortune?"

"Of course it's not for schadenfreude, but for joy!" Yu Haitang said with a smile, "Let me tell you the truth, aren't you bragging about my sister? This is indeed a sad event for my sister. But there is no fate between you, the twisted melon is not sweet, there is nothing to tangle..."

Yu Haitang cast a mysterious look: "If it were someone else, I might come over to express my anger, but you and Brother Zi, I won't, this is my chance!"

"Opportunity?" Zou He still didn't understand, why did it become an opportunity?
"Have you forgotten, Brother Hezi, as I said before, I am very satisfied with your brother-in-law." Yu Haitang took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly because she was a little nervous, her face blushed and continued: "I will Let's be honest, I like you! You have blown my sister and I, then consider me? What do you think of the two of us who are dating? My conditions are not bad. Appearance, engage with me, you will not lose!"

As soon as these words came out, Zou and the whole person were stunned...

I go? ? ? ? !

Yu Haitang has been working on this for a long time, not to vent her anger on her sister, but to confess to herself?
This really surprised Zou He.

Who the hell is Yu Haitang? It's too cruel to be jealous of her 'brother-in-law' body, isn't it?

I can't help but think of what Yu Haitang said in the previous recording, which seemed to be a joke: "When you play it with my sister one day, you must tell me, when will we have a partner?" 'It turns out that Yu Haitang wasn't joking, he was telling the truth?

To be honest, this matter is beyond Zou He's understanding.

However, after thinking about Yu Haitang's personality, Zou He quickly relaxed.

This thing... is also like what Yu Haitang can do.

No, this matter... She is Yu Haitang who can do it!

"What? Stunned?" Seeing that Zou He had been silent, Yu Haitang asked again.

Her smiling eyes stared at it, as if it was an electrical discharge... as if she heard 'Caz! ~~~' With a sound, the current struck.

"Stunned indeed! You are really, really fierce! Does your sister know about this?" Zou He adjusted his emotions and responded.

"I told her." Yu Haitang responded.

"What's her reaction?" Zou He suddenly wanted to gossip, and suddenly wanted to find an opportunity to ask Na Yuli, how do you feel when you have such a girl?

Mom's own sister who just blew the object, came to chase the next day?

Urgently asking for the shadow area in Yu Li's heart at this moment.

"She locked herself in the room and didn't answer." Yu Haitang seemed a little angry: "What? Why do you care so much about my sister's affairs? Now I'm confessing to you, why are you asking about my sister's affairs? You Don't forget, you've all blown it."

"..." Zou He was speechless, looking at it like this, is this Yu Haitang really here?

 In order to make it more enjoyable for everyone to read, it is a [-]-character chapter, and a [-]-character chapter is equivalent to five chapters.Happy New Year's Eve everyone!Today is the 'five watch'.Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for all kinds of data!
(End of this chapter)

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