Chapter 81 Tianhe Battle ([-])

Seeing the strong light from the muzzle of the big cross emerge and aim at him, the Blue Silver Emperor was startled.

But looking behind him, thousands of meters away, the assembled army, if they dodge, there is no doubt that this so-called god-killing energy cannon will wipe out the part behind them, and those thousands of soldiers will be vaporized in an instant .

"I'm just here to play tickets, why are you so formal?" Blue Silver Emperor felt helpless.

"I don't know if I can stop it." The Blue Silver Emperor looked at the increasingly dazzling orange-yellow energy light from the muzzle of the cannon, "The seventh soul skill, Blue Silver Avatar, the ninth soul skill, Blue Silver Dragon Fury."

Blue Silver Dragon Fury, one of the soul skills bestowed by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, is also the most powerful attack skill of the Blue Silver Emperor at the moment, and its power will be greatly increased under the Blue Silver Avatar.

A giant blue dragon appeared on the body of the Blue Silver Emperor. Huge energy gathered on the mouth of the dragon. With the sound of the dragon's chant, that huge energy met the orange energy beam emitted by the Taotie flagship.


Then came the tug of war between the two sides.

The Blue Silver Emperor took a step back, and then stood firm, "The impact is really not small, but it doesn't seem to be as strong as imagined. It's better than the energy reserve, so let's see who has more energy."

Blue Silver Dragon's Nuna is a continuous move, similar to Kamehae Qigong, the greater the energy, the greater the power.

At this time, the Taotie flagship couldn't sit still anymore, a super-sized mecha flew out of it, and flew towards the Blue Silver Emperor.

The Blue Silver Emperor looked at the super-sized mech, he was a Muggle... His avatars were all wiped out, and they couldn't be withdrawn at this time, what should we do?
At the moment of crisis, a huge stick fell from the sky and directly knocked that huge mecha flying.

It is Sun Wukong.

The Blue Silver Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, then took a deep breath, and roared angrily: "Blue Silver Dragon Fury, maximum power!"

The Blue Silver Grass all around gathers the energy of the sunlight and transmits it to the body of the Blue Silver Emperor. After being infused with the energy of the Blue Silver Grass, the illusory body of the blue giant dragon looks like a real body, and the power of the Blue Silver Dragon Fury increases again, but Breaking the stalemate between the two, he directly pushed back the energy beam of the Taotie flagship.

At this time, Lena landed beside the Blue Silver Emperor, "This move is very powerful, so I'll do it too."

Raising his hand, several energy balls hit the Taotie flagship.

In the end, the gluttonous flagship was bombarded by the blue silver dragon, and with the flare bombardment from Leina, it exploded directly.

The Blue Silver Emperor heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down directly on the ground, "I'm so tired, this thing is really not something people can resist."

Lena laughed, "You won't hide."

Blue Silver Emperor rolled his eyes, "I'm going to hide, what about those people?"

Lena looked at the direction that the Blue Silver Emperor was looking at, feeling a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, "You are doing well, you actually competed with a gluttonous flagship for energy reserves, and you even won."

Blue Silver Emperor thought this might be photosynthesis?No, it should be because the deity developed the sun flames before, which led to the ability to use the energy of the sun after becoming a god.

And the blue silver grass in this world is all from him, so they are all born with the innate ability to gather the energy of the sun.

The Blue Silver Emperor said in his heart that the blue silver grass all over the earth can gather the energy of the sun to provide him with energy support, and he is still afraid of a gluttonous flagship.

Don't think about these messy things, Lan Yinhuang raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, Brother Hou had already dealt with the super-large mech, and the rest was ordinary battleships, and these powerful companies were enough to deal with it.

The overall situation has been set,

Lena looked at the Blue Silver Emperor, and moved closer to the Blue Silver Emperor, "Your breath is very good, and this goddess likes you very much."

The Blue Silver Emperor was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"He looks handsome and is very strong. I am very satisfied with this goddess." Lena said with a smile.

The Blue Silver Emperor was speechless, "Go and deal with those gluttons if you have nothing to do."

"You've taken care of the big heads, and the goddess doesn't bother to take action on these little soldiers." Lena said.

"You are amazing!" Blue Silver Emperor sighed.

Looking at those scattered gluttonous battleships, although it will be a matter of time before they are resolved, but according to the current monkey paddling and Leina watching a show, the Xiongbing Company does not know when they will completely eliminate these gluttonous warships.

He wanted to go big, but was stopped by Reina.

Lena sat beside the Blue Silver Emperor, "Anyway, the crisis is resolved, and the city will almost need to be rebuilt, so let the soldiers practice their skills and gain experience."

"You are right." Blue Silver Emperor pondered for a while.
After a big battle, ushered in... still a big battle.

This wave is a battle between Reina and Brother Monkey.

This time, the Blue Silver Emperor really watched the show. It seems that we can't say that if we don't fight, we don't know each other. Anyway, if we fight, everyone will feel comfortable.

Sure enough, after the fight, the expressions of both of them were very relaxed, but the matter was not over, because a super god version of Erlang God appeared and directly severely injured Monkey King, this person was Xuan Tianji.

Leina became impatient, "Xuan Tianji, I order you..."

Xuan Tianji stomped Sun Wukong under his feet and interrupted Lena directly, "I'm sorry, Goddess, the young general cannot follow your orders."

Sun Wukong took a few breaths, coughed twice, and said, "Do you think that this will kill my old grandson? As I said, my old grandson still has stronger abilities, which are just right for you."

As Sun Wukong's momentum increased sharply, the Xuan Tianji was directly sent flying, while Monkey King was shrouded in a golden pillar of fire.

The flame exuded a frightening aura, and the Blue Silver Emperor watched solemnly, "Three heads and six arms!"

In myths and legends, this is a top-level supernatural power. The most famous one is the third prince Nezha, the incarnation of a lotus flower, with three heads and six arms.

Xuan Tianji looked at Sun Wukong and was very shocked, this monkey actually had such a method, but Xuan Tianji was not afraid, the monkey was hit by his Shenshen Wukong and was seriously injured, it couldn't last long.

Holding the halberd in his hand, he swung it suddenly, and a silver-white dancing silver dragon rushed towards Monkey King.

Sun Wukong was very disdainful, and just relied on his own momentum to shake it away. The dark alloy stick in his hand suddenly became longer and fell down suddenly. Seeing Monkey King, he stabbed in the past.

But Sun Wukong now has three heads and six arms, each pair of arms is holding a dark metal rod, and he swept again. The dark metal rod hit Xuan Tianji's waist directly, knocked Xuan Tianji out, and was hit by Xuan Tianji on the building. Then fall to the ground.

Xuan Tianji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Sun Wukong with some horror, how could this be possible, it is unscientific to still have such a strong combat power after being hit by the God Killing Martial Arts.

Monkey King doesn't care what Xuan Tianji thinks, "Eat my grandson!"

Raising the dark metal stick in his hand, he smashed it at Xuan Tianji.

For a moment, Xuan Tianji could only barely resist, but he retreated steadily, and he no longer had the prestige he had before.

Xuan Tianji was hit with a stick again, and one arm drooped, "You were obviously injured by me, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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