Fast-passing sick and tender male god Shura field

Chapter 56 The Murderous Yuyulou Heavenly Killer (32)

Chapter 56 The Murderous Yuyulou Heavenly Killer (32)

Nan Xian scratched his head irritably, pulled Can Ye aside to separate the two of them: "I'll do it."

Ignoring Can Yegang's knife-like eyes, Nan Xian walked straight into the kitchen.

His eyes followed the girl into the kitchen, the smirk on the corners of Guangyin's lips disappeared, his lips were tightly pressed together, as if he was enduring severe pain, his delicate and fair face convulsed slightly, and a look of pain flashed in his beautiful peach eyes.

When Nan Xian made the brown sugar glutinous rice cakes and came out, there was no one in the small courtyard.

She frowned, looked at Can Ye: "What about others?"

Can Ye's eyes were dark, remembering Cai Guangyin's painful expression just now, he frowned slightly: "Let's go."

"Where have you been?"

"What do you care about him so much? Go down the mountain quickly while he is away, and find a place to hide where he won't find it."

"how about you?"

Can Ye frowned, and said coldly: "Don't worry about me!"

He had already avenged him, he had nothing to worry about in this world, and life and death had long been considered insignificant.

"I won't leave. The grace of saving my life should be promised with my body. Since you don't want to promise with your body, then I can only pay you back with my life. I will get the key for you. If you still want me to leave, I will naturally give you my life." will go.

I went out to see what was going on outside. "

I don't know what happened to Sansheng fighting with those people?

After stepping out of Fushengyuan, there was silence along the road. At this time, the Xingyu Tower was like an empty building, and all the people gathered in front of the Mushi Palace.

In front of the majestic and quaint palace, the huge flat ground was full of corpses. The blood flowing from the corpses had turned a sticky reddish brown, and there was a stench of carrion in the air.

The sword in Guangyin's hand pierced Sansheng's heart.

The bloody flesh bubble suddenly deflated like a balloon that had been poked out of air, and the wet liquid flowed to the ground, quickly converging into a puddle of blood.

There were no living people around, and Nan Qiao and Wan Lingyu were also missing.

Nan Xian's eyes widened in shock, this is different from the plot!

How could it be Guangyin who killed Sansheng?
He is not lucky, how did he kill this big boss of the plane?

"Qixi, what a fat thing! I don't understand!"

Qixi: "Because the host entered this world, the original plot of the world will be deviated. The reason why Guangyin can kill Sansheng is because he ate the Blood Bodhisattva."

Blood Bodhisattva?

Nan Xian thought the name sounded familiar.

She thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered - the treasure of the Chan School, the thing contained in the glazed box in Sansheng's hand when she first went to the Palace of Mushi.

"Isn't the Blood Bodhisattva in Sansheng's place? How could it be eaten by Guangyin?"

Nan Xian had a bad premonition in his heart.

"This is a deal between Sansheng and Guangyin. Sansheng rescued Guangyin from the water, and Guangyin wanted to kill him, who had lost his mind, after he finished his revenge.

Relying on Guangyin's own strength, naturally he can't kill Sansheng who has turned into a monster, but after eating the Blood Bodhisattva Pill, his skill will skyrocket in a short time—"

"Sister Xian, are you here to call me home for dinner?"

Guangyin saw her, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

The young Xuebai Mingjun's face was splattered with filthy blood, which made him look even more coquettish, and also more... scary.

He walked on the pile of corpses as if walking on the ground, the toes of his shoes and the hem of his clothes were wet with blood.

When he walked in front of Nan Xian and saw the panic in her eyes, he froze and stopped a few steps away, the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "It's all over, let's go home."

After speaking, he quietly took a few steps away.

Far away from the Hall of Twilight Death, the foul smell gradually disappeared.

"Guangyin, have you ever thought about what you will do after leaving Xunyu Tower?"

Nan Xian glanced to the right, the young man's eyes were floating around, his thick eyelashes trembling slightly, he didn't know what he was thinking.


It seemed that he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to speak, and a flash of joy flashed when his eyes swung back.

"Why do you have to eat brown sugar glutinous rice cakes?"

Just to compare with Can Ye?

" looks very sweet."

He retracted his bloodstained hands behind his back, still a foot away from her, his peach blossom eyes lingered on her face, and suddenly said: "Sister Xian, have you ever eaten candied haws? Hawthorns are covered with a layer of crystal sugar, which is very special." sweet."

Nan Xian suddenly remembered the picture of a thin and small man being used as a horse, but being crushed on his mouth with hawthorn mud from the sole of his shoe.

She did not speak.

After a pause, he said, "Come here."

Guangyin looked at her vaguely, hesitated: " body...dirty..."

"come over."

The boy hesitated for a while, and walked over obediently, his peach blossom eyes focused on hers, as if if there was any displeasure in her eyes, he would immediately run away in surprise.

Nan Xian tugged at his sleeve: "Lower your head."

The young man's eyes glowed, he bent down to look at her at the same level, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up and up, he really wanted to reach out and silently envy his sister's soft head, but he held back and said with a smile: "Sister Xian will grow taller."

Nan Xian raised his arm and gently wiped off the blood spots on the boy's face with his sleeve.

Guangyin froze, the heart in his chest was beating suddenly, accompanied by intense joy, and an unspeakable sourness filled his heart and eye sockets.

A heart burst into the clouds, beating rapidly.

He was so scared that he couldn't help but hug her in the next moment.

But in that way, sister Xian will also be dirty.

Back at Fushengyuan, the brown sugar glutinous rice cakes were already cold.

The young man didn't care. After taking a bath and changing his clothes, he sat under the peach tree, ate the whole dish one bite at a time, and then smiled at her contentedly: "It's so sweet, just like sister Xian."

Nan Xian carried a small basket and was picking peaches from the tree. Hearing this, he turned around and said, "Do you want to eat more?"

Guangyin shook his head, his expression seemed a little sleepy, he forced his eyelids to look at her, and suddenly asked: "Sister Xian, where is the hairpin I gave you?"

"Lost it", Nan Xian paused, threw the peach into the basket, and said against his will.

"I don't believe it, sister Xian likes me", he murmured to himself, looking at the girl who jumped on the branch with peach blossom eyes, his expression was nostalgic and gentle.

"Sister Xian, have you ever eaten candied haws? it sweet?
I like you so much, Sister Xian, I really want to drag you into my hell, but there is too much blood there, and I can hear a lot of screams every night, they are too noisy, they will scare you——

Sister Xian, one hair pin is not enough, I want to buy you a lot of beautiful dresses, exquisite hair pins and pearl flowers, I want to wait until you grow up, I want to see what you look like when you grow up, I want to be with you every year..."

After an unknown amount of time, Nan Xian suddenly noticed that the voice of chattering in his ears had disappeared.

"Nan Xian", Can Ye's voice trembled slightly.


The fresh peaches just picked rolled to the ground.

Under the peach tree, the young man's face was serene, his eyes were closed, his long eyelashes covered obediently, as if he had fallen asleep, but his body turned into blood little by little.

Tick ​​tock fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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