Fast-passing sick and tender male god Shura field

Chapter 43 The Murderous Yuyulou Heavenly Killer (19)

Chapter 43 The Murderous Yuyulou Heavenly Killer (19)

The noise from outside the kitchen interrupted Nan Xian's thoughts.

Bing Po brought in honey and a jar of mud-covered wine, and said in a lukewarm tone, "Miss Nan, what you want."

"Thank you," Nan Xian smiled at him.

Bing Po didn't say much, and withdrew.

The small courtyard was quiet again. With the sauce prepared in advance, the spirited fish was quickly completed. The fish was completely deodorized, exuding a rich and delicious taste.

Fry a few more vegetables, and put the prepared spirit fish and garlic honey fried chicken on the tray.

Opening the door of the main room, the arhat bed under the carved window has disappeared.

Even the thin blanket that was put on the boy before he left disappeared.

Nan Xian was taken aback, put down the dishes, turned around and went out, called a few times and saw a boy squatting on the ground at the well in the backyard to wash his clothes seriously.

The sunlight fell on his flawless side face, and the long eyelashes cast a blurred silhouette in the eye sockets.

The bright yellow clothes are like the first winter jasmine bathed in warmth in spring, dazzling and bright.

But Nan Xian knew that under the bright golden color, there were countless shocking scars.

"Guangyin, it's time to eat."

Nan Xian didn't go over, but looked at the young man who was quietly washing his clothes with complicated almond eyes.

Hearing the voice, Guangyin turned his head joyfully, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of vitality: "Okay, I'll be right there."

When he turned sideways, Nan Xian saw the dirty trousers and thin blanket he was cleaning, and was taken aback for a moment, then paused and said: "You don't need to wash the thin blanket, and the dirty trousers are dirty, you can change a new one."

The dignified Xingyulou lore should not be so poor that he can't bear to throw away a pair of obscene pants, right?

"You haven't healed yet, so don't walk around casually."

Hearing this, the young man lowered his eyes, and slowly unscrewed the water droplets from his obscene pants, a charming and dreamy color flashed across his rippling peach blossom eyes.

The end of the eyes that were already slightly pink became more attractive. He raised his head as if nothing had happened, and stared at Nan Xian intently, like a vixen who was very hungry and wanted to immediately send out a charming scent to pounce on the prey to absorb the essence.

The crisp voice was also like sand, low and seductive: "Sister Xian, don't be so kind to me, otherwise I will not be able to bear it, and before I die, I will bite off your neck, swallow your flesh and blood, and you Integrate into one!"

He uttered every word slowly and clearly, and Nan Xian's heart was beating wildly.

When the madman is quiet, he is just a quiet madman, that's all.

Taking a deep glance at the young man, Nan Xian left the backyard silently.

The sight behind her was like a glow, until she walked out of Guangyin's sight range, the sense of danger suddenly disappeared, and Nan Xian's straight back instantly relaxed.

The humming of cicadas in the courtyard made people feel irritable and made Nan Xian even more nervous.

She returned to the main room as if nothing had happened, took a few medicine bottles from the shelf, and went back to the kitchen, pouring the unused chili powder into an empty porcelain bottle.

There is still half a jar of spirits in the kitchen, it is impossible to burn the entire Fushengyuan, but it is enough to attract the attention of the killer outside.

Because he sensed the danger from Guangyin at noon, Nanxian stayed in his room all afternoon, while repeatedly studying the topographical maps recorded by observing the Xingyu Tower a few days ago, while looking for the most likely escape route.

Finally, Nan Xian tapped his finger on the silver fish pond.

Xingyulou wanted to dispose of a dead body so easily, why throw the dead body into the water for the whitebait to bite?

Let the whitebait gnaw on the corpse, and the whole pond is like a corpse pond.

If the river water does not circulate, the water surface will definitely produce peculiar smell and become filthy over time.

The only possibility is that there is an underground river at the bottom of the water that leads directly to the outside of the building. Sansheng understands this, so he raises a group of piranhas on the underground river to prevent this road to the outside world.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Nan Xian quickly stuffed the pen and paper into his sleeve, scanned around to make sure nothing was missed, and went to open the door.

Guangyin stood outside the door against the corner of the setting sun, seeing her, a smile appeared on his lips.

"Sister Xian."

It was still an affectionate name, and he squeezed into the house unceremoniously.

It was as if the crazy person who smiled and said that he would bite off her neck and swallow her flesh at noon did not exist at all, but the dazzling sunlight made her have an illusion.

"What are you doing here?" Nan Xian frowned.

Glancing at the sight cast from outside the door, he closed the door behind his back.

"There are a few bottles of poison missing on the shelf, let me ask sister Xian if she saw it?"

Nanxian's alarm sounded loudly, so she took a few bottles of medicine, how could Guangyin find out?
That was Can Ye's house, how could Guangyin have such a determined expression like a treasure!

Guangyin looked at her and chuckled, "You're so naughty, I knew it was Sister Xian who took it."

The young man walked around Nan Xian, casually touched her stiff shoulder blades with his fingertips, and breathed out an ambiguous breath in her ear: "Does sister Xian want to poison fish or people?"

Nan Xian's eyes widened suddenly: "You..."

Guang Yin's smile widened: "How do I know?

"Sister Xian, let me tell you a secret." He leaned closer, his warm breath pressed against her ear like a tarsal maggot, causing a shiver: "Actually, I walked through that dark river."

Nan Xian was shocked, and turned to look at him in disbelief.

The thin lips brushed against the tip of the girl's ear as she wished, the soft touch is addictive to death.

Nan Xian also noticed the distance between the two, his cheeks felt hot, and he took two steps back: "Under the silver fish pond, is there really a dark river? Where is it?"

"You call it the silver fish pond? Hahaha", the young man sneered, until he saw Nan Xian staring at him without blinking, then the corner of his mouth lowered, "Haha, it's so funny, sister Xian..."

"The river is bare inside and out, and there is no plant growing. Although it has no name, everyone in the Yuyu Tower knows that if you enter the river, you will die, so it is called Xiangsheng Pond."

"You have also seen those silver fishes. Their bite force is extremely strong. A corpse will be eaten away within a few breaths."

"Then how did you get down?" Nan Xian naturally knew how scary those whitebaits were.

"I, I'm scarier than them!"

The young man's eyes were dark, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling.

Nan Xian stopped talking.

There was a moment of silence between the two, Guang Yin sighed softly, reached out and touched Nan Xian's head: "Scared you?"

"Sister Xian, you are so afraid of me and avoiding me, it really makes me very sad.

How about this, you promise me a request, and I will tell you how to leave the dark river? "

Nan Xian looked at him silently.

The young man's peach blossom eyes tried his best to keep calm, but the roots of his ears were quietly flushed, and his white and slender fingertips suddenly drew out a honey-colored pearl hairpin from his light yellow sleeve.

"I caught a glimpse of it when I was passing by. It looks pretty, but I can't wear it. It's a pity."

The crisp citrus-like voice tried to stay calm, and said calmly, "I'll see you off."

Nan Xian's expression was confused: "This is what you want?"

What counts as a gift?
Guangyin's delicate milky white cheeks suddenly flushed red.

"Of course my request is not this! My request is that once you put it on, you are never allowed to take it off. If you dare to take it off, I will never let you go! If you turn into a ghost, I will bite you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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