chapter 70
Elegant and melodious piano music echoed throughout the banquet scene.

Tang Shu walked through the last rose bush and came to the cobbled path, and raised her hand to put away the parasol.

The delicate black parasol is held in the hand, and the lace gauze borders against the snow-white complexion, like a scepter with a unique shape.

Tang Shu saw an artificial high platform not far away.

Rose branches are entwined around the high platform, forming a natural landscape.

On the high platform, there is a pure white grand piano.

The piano cover was lifted, and a young man in a white suit was ecstatically immersed in the performance.

Tang Shu stopped and looked at it for a moment.

The sound of the music suddenly stopped, and the young man on the high platform opened a pair of blue eyes, stood up and bowed to the audience below.

Tang Shu heard a woman not far away commenting: "As expected of the young master of the Felman family, he is very accomplished in art at a young age."

"Hey, if I remember correctly, this young master has reached the age of marriage. I don't know if there is anyone he likes."

"I've never heard of it, but I've seen that there are quite a few beautiful girls today, and maybe one of the lucky ones will be caught by this young master."

"That's like flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix." Another woman said with a smile, "I think there are more commoner girls at the scene, and that one has a very high family background, so there is a high probability that he will choose the right one."

As the woman spoke, the woman who was talking with her suddenly fell silent.

"Why didn't you speak?"

The woman whispered: "Look behind you, hey, don't be too serious. Did you see it? There is a beautiful oriental girl. I don't know which noble lady it is from the clothes."

The woman turned and looked.

Not far from them, a girl in a black knee-length dress holds a black parasol, slightly lifts her chin, and basks in the sun with an eye-catching extravagance.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight ahead, indifferent and lazy.

It's just that the side face is as beautiful as the face.

"Could that be the newly adopted illegitimate daughter of the Stanley family?" the woman guessed.

Mr. Stanley did not describe what the illegitimate daughter looked like.

Therefore, the possibility that the other party is a mixed race cannot be ruled out.

From this appearance, it seems that Eastern Gene has a higher advantage.

"Don't tell me, she has a really good temperament, and she looks much better than the other two young ladies from the Stanley family."

"Hey, the young master of the Ferman family walked towards that young lady." The woman exclaimed.


"Are you alone?"

Tang Shu had just taken a drink from the side when she heard someone strike up a conversation.

She raised her eyes, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party was the young man who had just played the piano on the high platform.

Looks good.

Although not as handsome as the male protagonist, nor as stunning as the little princess, she is already good enough to stand out among ordinary people.

Tang Shu hummed, and took a sip of her drink as if no one else was around.

She found that the people who strike up a conversation like to engage in nonsense literature.

She is not alone, can it be two people?
Unless this person can see Ah Piao.

Young Master Fairman introduced himself gentlemanly: "Donald Fairman."

"Tang Shu."

Li Shanghui replied with a self-introduction, and Tang Shu looked at the other party seriously.

She does not reject chatting with strangers, and often even takes the initiative to chat.

The young master of the Fellman family doesn't look very old.

The appearance is good, and the personality seems to pass the test so far.

Tang Shu pondered, maybe she could find a partner for Cyril in advance.

It is also equivalent to finding a son-in-law for herself in advance.

 Cyril: Thanks, have a wife [stare]

(End of this chapter)

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