The abandoned house was said to be the male god of the whole network?

Chapter 98 Killing Without Leaving Traces (Subscribe)

Chapter 98 Killing Without Leaving Traces (Subscribe)

Several aunts dug a hole for Ye Chen, and even thought about how to deal with Ye Chen.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen took the initiative to confess and apologize.

They even thought out the lines.

"Young man, don't be angry. Auntie believes that you still have a chance. When you reach my age, I believe you will have a house and a car."

But Ye Chen didn't play the cards according to the routine, and directly confessed.

A few aunts, you look at me, I look at you.

I can't take the prepared lines.

They felt that the punch that was ready to go, turned out to be a lonely one.

But these aunts took the lead, how could they let Ye Chen go so easily.

The aunt said: "Okay, since we admit our mistakes, we are not unreasonable people. Auntie will not care about you like you."

Hearing aunt's words, everyone would think that Ye Chen would just find a step and finish the matter.

But Ye Chen stood up and supported the aunt, and then carefully helped her to his seat.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was stared at by many young people in the car.

Even the fans in the live broadcast room were a little confused.

"What happened to God Ye today?"

"This is not Ye Shen's style."

"God Ye, don't lick like that."

"I think I misunderstood God Ye."

"God Ye really let me down today."

"To be honest, there's no need to do this even if the other party has money. Even if you give up your seat, they won't do you any favors."


The fans in the live broadcast room were very surprised by Ye Chen's behavior, and were even very disappointed.

Of course Ye Chen wouldn't admit to being cowardly, let alone for licking a few aunts.

When the aunt sat in her seat with a happy face, Ye Chen spoke.

"Hey, it's really not easy for aunts. These aunts are really a model for contemporary elderly people."

"I really want my parents and a few aunts to learn."

"But, as a son, I really can't bear to let my parents suffer."

"Actually, I also earned some money. I wanted to buy a car myself, but in the end I gave up. After all, my parents have raised me so much, and it is really not easy to work hard all my life."

"If I bought a car, the old couple would have to squeeze the bus like you do every day."

"When they meet kind-hearted people like me, they can still have a seat. When they meet indifferent people, they have to stand. Thinking about it makes me feel bad."

"As a child, how can I enjoy myself and let my parents suffer."

"So I bought a Mercedes-Benz for my parents, at least they don't have to squeeze the bus when they go out."

"As for myself, it's okay to stand on the bus, after all, I'm still young."


As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the faces of the aunts turned green.

The person in the car who was still scolding Ye Chen for being a sycophant just now laughed out loud.

The fans in the live broadcast room also laughed.

"Ye Shen's operation is awesome."

"I told you that God Ye would not give up easily."

"Haha, this wave of killing people is awesome."

"I can only say that God Ye did a great job."

"Ye Shen, I will give you full marks for this operation."

The half-day of the aunts who were eccentric just now was to show how good their children are.

What they mean is that you group of wage earners don't have the ability to take the bus.

To put it bluntly, they just look down on these young people who take the bus.

However, Ye Chen's words were indeed praising a few aunts at the beginning.

He even piously admitted his mistake, but in fact, it was a beautiful counterattack in the end.

Doesn't your son's excellence depend on the good car you bought for your children?

Ye Chen was different, he was reluctant to earn money, so he bought a car for his parents.

Comparing the two, who is better will come out without a comparison.

In this world, too many parents buy cars for their children, but they are reluctant to buy them themselves, preferring to take the bus.

But there are really too few children whose children really do things for their parents.

In fact, as old people, they boast that they bought a house and a luxury car for their children, and people will lament that they have money at home.

But which parent would not be envious to hear that their children buy things for the elderly.

So, on the surface, Ye Chen admitted to be cowardly, but in fact, this wave of face slapped several aunts.

If the aunt's words just now were murder, Ye Chen's words were murder without leaving a trace.

If you meet a kind person, there is still a seat, but if you meet an indifferent person, you have to stand all the way.

Isn't this just satirizing some aunts? "

You used money to buy cars and houses for your children, but what about your children?Driving a luxury car, but you can only squeeze the bus.

Ye Chen would rather squeeze the bus by himself, but let his parents drive the car.

This is the gap.

In this wave, Ye Chen completely defeated the children of several aunts.

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the people in the car couldn't help laughing.

The old ladies blushed. They didn't expect this young man to be so talkative.

A few words broke their tricks, and they fought back beautifully, leaving them speechless.

This makes the aunts feel annoyed.

But they couldn't say anything.

Before, the aunt who was given up by Ye Chen even stood up.

Then she pointed at Ye Chen and cursed meanly.

"Young man, what do you mean, your tone is serious, you are wearing rags, and you are still buying a car for your parents?"

"What kind of car do you buy? A bicycle?"

Looking at Ye Chen's clothes, the aunts didn't believe that Ye Chen would be able to afford a car.

If Ye Chen really had the money to buy a car, how could he squeeze the bus.

Auntie's first reaction was that Ye Chen must be bragging deliberately for the sake of face.

The rest of the aunts also sneered.

"Young man, you are quite good at bragging. The story is really well written."

"You can't afford to support yourself, so you still buy a car for your parents?"

"Hey, anyway, bragging doesn't pay taxes, so you can brag whatever you want."

"Haha, I just graduated from university, and my salary is only five or six thousand at most, and I can't afford the rent. What do you use to buy a car for your parents?"


The aunts began to mock Ye Chen with each other.

They didn't believe Ye Chen was rich at all.

A young man who has just graduated from university, after paying the rent and daily living expenses, what else does he have to buy a car for his parents.

Under the ridicule of several aunts, the fans in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

"These aunts thought their children were excellent. He didn't expect Ye Shen to donate more than 500 million yesterday."

"There are still people mocking God Ye for having no money, God Ye can only tip 10,000+ a day."

"These aunts are so cute. If they knew Ye Shen's income, they would be stupid."

"Hehe, aunts, you'd better not know God Ye's income, lest you become autistic."


For the fans in the live broadcast room, seeing a few aunts mocking Ye Shen is like watching a fool.

Ye Shen is a well-known anchor of, and the annual signing fee is tens of millions.

It is too funny for a person whose children earn only 10,000+ a year to laugh at Ye Shen, whose annual salary is tens of millions, as a poor ghost.

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(End of this chapter)

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