The abandoned house was said to be the male god of the whole network?

Chapter 67 The PK Battle of Over [-] (for Subscription)

Chapter 67 The PK Battle of Breaking Ten Million (for Subscription)
The fans in Qiuzi's studio became more and more arrogant.

"It's only after PK that I think of shaking people. This is for fun."

"I guess God Ye is looking for sister Zhou and sister Tu Ya for help."

"Damn it, a big man depends on a woman, he's really a softie."

"It's not ashamed to rely on a woman."

Ye Chen raised his head, looked at the arrogant Qiuzi in the live broadcast room, and asked with some puzzlement:
"Well, am I leading the votes now? Why should I be in a hurry?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the live broadcast room fell silent.

Especially Qiuzi, the whole person is not well.

But thinking about it, Ye Chen is right!
After the PK started, Ye Chen now has more than 5 votes, and her fans only rewarded more than [-] votes one after another.

But is the fucking PK a comparison of votes?
Generally, the big brother of PK's own family will charge money first to show their strength.

If you can't, you can admit defeat directly without PK.

But God Ye doesn't understand anything!
On Qiuzi's side, the emperor topped up with a bonus of 400 million.

She originally hoped to see a panicked look on Ye Chen's face.

However, Qiuzi was disappointed.

Ye Shen's expression was too bland, so bland that it made Qiuzi flustered.

Does this guy really have a hole card?
Fans in the major live broadcast rooms feel the same at the moment.

Ye Chen's expression is so flat, with a confident expression, does he really have the confidence?
Everyone's anticipation for this PK came again.

Qiuzi snorted coldly and said, "Since God Ye is dead and stubborn, let's cover his mouth. Which big brother can help out, and the number of votes is higher than God Ye?"

Brother Hao: "I'll go first."

After speaking, a barrage appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Diwanghao rewarded Ye Shen with a super rocket*20!"

Twenty rockets are 40 votes, and Ye Chen's health bar is only half left in an instant.

Qiuzi said proudly, "God Ye deserves you."

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Chen.

You are so confident, you should show some strength now.

At this moment, the number of spectators in the live broadcast room of both sides has exceeded one million.

Under the watchful eyes of millions of people, Ye Chen silently picked up the phone, and the next moment, a bullet screen appeared in the live broadcast room.

"God Ye rewards God Ye with a super rocket*1!"

"God Ye rewards God Ye with a super rocket*2!"

"God Ye rewards God Ye with a super rocket*3!"


"God Ye rewards God Ye with a super rocket*20!"

On the PK article, the number of Ye Shen's votes is 386518VS386517!

No more, no less, God Ye got one more vote than Qiu Zi.

The fans were dumbfounded.

They have also seen the world and seen countless live broadcasts.

But it was the first time I saw the anchor vote for himself.

How shameless is this?
Well, even if you vote for yourself, it doesn't matter, but you have to show some face, open a trumpet!

Don't you think it's embarrassing for you to just drive your own tuba to get tickets?

Ye Chen didn't feel ashamed at all, and looked at Qiu Zi with a smile: "Okay, it's your turn to vote."

There was a dead silence in the studio.

Qiuzi was shocked, what kind of godlike opponent was this.

Sister Zhou, Sister Tuya, Sister Bao, Zhang Daxian, Brother Buqiu, and Brother Xu covered their faces one by one.

They seem to be telling fans with their actions that they don't know this shameful thing.

Ye Shen's amazing operation, if it appeared during other anchor PK, he would feel ashamed.

But when it happened to Ye Shen, everyone didn't feel ashamed at all, instead they thought it was funny.

It can only be said that Ye Chen is too shameless, so the anchors have long been used to Ye Shen's shameless behavior.

Qiuzi was stunned for a long time, but did not react.

" you still do this?"

Ye Chen asked blankly: "There is no rule in the live broadcast room that you can't reward yourself for PK, right?"

Qiuzi: "Okay, which big brother is helping out, I love you!"

Brother Hao: "Fuck, that's it. I thought there was some kind of big brother hiding behind this kid. So I rely on myself. Let's see how I play him to death."

"Brother Diwanghao rewarded Qiuzi with a super rocket*300!"

Three hundred shots were super hot, directly 60, equivalent to 600 million votes, and Ye Chen's blood was directly crushed into a thread.

Qiuzi was very proud, Brother Hao was awesome enough, and he rewarded 60 in one go.

Generally, the amount of rewards for ordinary PK has basically been won.

Ye Chen lowered his head, took his mobile phone and continued to prepare a reward for himself.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Jiu finally spoke.

"Brothers, I can't take it anymore! He's shameless, why the hell am I shameless! I'll give a reward first."

"Diwang Xiaojiu rewarded Ye Shen with a super rocket*300!"

This time, Xiao Jiu directly tipped 60, which made Ye Chen lead again in the number of votes.

Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Jiu had been diving just now, and many people thought Xiao Jiu had left.

Unexpectedly, it popped up suddenly.

This is obviously a lack of communication.

Qiuzi was also stunned. He thought Ye Shen's emperor was not there, so he was diving all the time.

Seeing Xiao Jiu who suddenly appeared, for some reason, Qiu Zi felt a little uneasy.

"Brother Feng, reward Qiuzi Super Rocket * 300!"

Qiuzi's other emperor also began to exert his strength.

Users love to watch Ye Shen live in Ye Shen's live broadcast room to open the emperor!

Users love to watch Ye Shen live and renew Super Emperor*5 in Ye Shen's live broadcast room! :"

Users love to watch Ye Shen live and reward Ye Shen super rocket * 300!

Votes for both sides: 7176990VS7176989!

Love to see Ye Shenzhenghuo not only directly opened the Emperor, but also directly rewarded 300 rockets, no more, no less, just one vote ahead of Qiuzi.

Everyone was dumbfounded, why did God Ye suddenly show up with an emperor in the live broadcast!

The third emperor of Ye Chen's live broadcast room was born.

There was a trace of solemnity in Qiuzi's eyes.

She originally thought that this PK could be won easily, but now she realized that she thought Ye Chen was too simple.

User Qiuzi's Super Harvest tipped Qiuzi Super Rocket*150!

Qiuzi's trade union account rewarded 150 rockets.

The black fan of user Ye Shen opened the emperor in Ye Shen's live broadcast room!

User Ai Ye Shen's black fan renews Super Emperor*3 in Ye Shen's live broadcast room! :"

Users love to watch Ye Shen live and reward Ye Shen super rocket * 150!

The amount of PK between the two continued to rise, and Ye Shen was always ahead of Qiu Zi in the number of votes.

Ye Shen and Qiu Zi's PK amount also directly broke tens of millions.

Everyone is stupid, this PK has just begun!

The fans in the live broadcast room are all excited at the moment, this is the passion that a PK battle should have.

And this kind of live broadcast of over ten million can only appear in the annual list competition.

This kind of ordinary PK has never surpassed tens of millions of PK.

However, this is just the beginning.

Qiuzi's cutie tipped Ye Shen Super Rocket*100!

This time, Qiuzi used his own number to start registering tickets.

It's just that the tickets on her side just came up, and the fifth emperor on Ye Shen's side appeared.

The user wants to be like Ye Shen, dreaming that sister Zhou has opened the Emperor in Ye Shen's live broadcast room!

The user wants to dream of Sister Zhou's live broadcast room renewal Super Emperor*5 just like Ye Shen!

The user wants to be like Ye Shen, dreaming that sister Zhou rewards Ye Shen's super rocket*100!

Ye Chen was still one vote ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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