Chapter 58 The Real World
Recently, An Yiran always returns to her original world from time to time, but Tao Tao, who can still keep in touch with her, makes her clearly understand that the planes she has been to do exist.

In the space where An Yiran was originally located, the scientists of Blue Star finally cracked the theory of parallel spaces.

For example, you can’t find something no matter how hard you look for it, but after a while it will be where it should be.

Another example is that you always feel that a place is very familiar, but you seem to have never been there.

This is the space they study.

Only three parallel spaces have been discovered so far, but it is the greatest discovery in human history.

People and things in the space are in one-to-one correspondence, but the time progress in the three spaces is different. Let's call them Blue Star, Blue Star α and Blue Star β for now.

For example, if the blue star we live in has existed for 1 minute now, then the blue star α, which is faster than our time, may have existed for 2 minutes, and the blue star β has just been born.

That is to say, we can travel to our own future and past, and we should change history, but no one dares to try it now, because everyone is afraid of the terrible chain reaction that the huge butterfly effect will bring to human beings.

Back to topic.

We say you can't find what you're looking for, but it comes back by itself after a while.

In fact, it is the principle of spatial coexistence.

Blue star and blue star α, β are actually the same blue star, and we are also the same person, but separated by time.

Compared with space, time is more illusory, and there is no theory of time itself.

α, who is a little faster than us, will put it in a convenient place when he runs out of things, but we just need this thing at this time, but we have been looking for it for a long time.

After a while, I found this thing, used it, and then put it in that position.

So people really believe in the theory of fate. Although everyone does not believe in fate, this is the truth.

So now everyone in Blue Star is looking for the alpha space, and the scientists are keeping their mouths shut about the method to get to the alpha space.

An Yiran could only lie on the hospital bed, unable to open her eyes, relying on her soul to leave her body from time to time to observe her current situation.

"Dr. An is still awake?" The man outside the ward looked at An Yiran who was covered in equipment.

"The doctor's will seems to be more active recently, and he should be awakening soon." The other person held a notebook in his hand, densely recording An Yiran's situation.

"Then the person who volunteered to go to Alpha to find the doctor woke up?"


The man nodded and continued to inspect. An Yiran didn't hear their conversation because she had already floated out.

An Yiran can only float in the air like a Piao now, so she wonders who betrayed her.

She looked at the billboards outside, and the banners were printed with those things that discovered parallel time and space. It has been a long time, but the popularity has only increased.

Isn't this the theory I have been researching?But after confirming it with the team, everyone agreed to only announce the strange theory and results of this secret, and not tell people how to go back to the past and travel through the future.

She looked at the passers-by, and found a person who was watching a speech from her team.

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Bo, who has been very popular recently! I am very happy that I and my scientific research team have achieved such great results, and thank you for your support! The technology is not yet mature, and we will wait for the technology to mature. Everyone can also travel through time and space!"

An Yiran swears that this speech is absolutely against the will of most of their team.

How dare Liu Bo?Dare to take your team and achievements as your own.

It's a pity that she can't get up now, and she doesn't even know who attacked her.

She participated in scientific research just to make a contribution to the country, not to attract money.She just wanted to follow the path she thought was right, so she set up a team of like-minded people.

Unexpectedly, everything fell apart after she fainted.

She was floating aimlessly, but she didn't know where to go, and she couldn't return to the ancient plane. Every time she came back, it was random.

She went back to the ward again, but unexpectedly, this group of people set up a VIP ward for her.

(End of this chapter)

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