She also had a day when she rolled over

Chapter 42: I'm not a high-ranking concubine (17)

Chapter 42: I'm not a high-ranking concubine (17)

The two of them will wait until their father comes back tomorrow.

An Yiran ignored the guards, and closed the door to sleep on his own.

An Liuse and Aunt Chen, who were in the firewood room, were taking the cloth in their mouths in an extremely funny way.They thought they pushed it out with their tongues, but their tongues were numb and the piece of cloth remained motionless.

Aunt Chen put her head in the hollow of An Liuse's leg, and An Liuse pulled it out for her. Then, Aunt Chen took the cloth from An Liuse's mouth in her mouth, and the two of them searched around for sharp objects to cut the rope.

"An Yiran, you bitch! How dare you treat me like this, you will die when daddy comes back!"

An Yiran forgot to close that window, and the paper window swayed in the strong wind. The wind blew in, and An Yiran had a nightmare.

She whispered softly: "Chengbi, I'm cold."

Someone hugged her tightly, and when she found the heat source, she also burrowed there.

Unexpectedly, the first thing she thought of was Liang Chengbi, hum.

An Yiran finished her dream, and suddenly realized something, isn't this in the palace?Who is that next to him?

She opened her eyes abruptly, and saw Qin Zhi who was leaning beside her staring at her with beautiful eyes.

"Wake up." He smiled dotingly, as if they were supposed to sleep together.

"You dog skin plaster, how did you get in here!"

"How did I come in yesterday? That's how I came in at night."

In the final analysis, An Yiran let him sneak in because she didn't pay attention.

"You are such a hooligan. I was only seven years old ten years ago, and you knew that I was destined to be with you?"

"So do you know how long I've been following you? You've only known me for three months, but I've known you for ten years and three months."

Neither An Yiran nor Yuan Shen had much impression of him, this is really abnormal.But why is it inexplicably emotional?

Seeing that she didn't yell, Qin Zhi continued, "I didn't believe in fate, but at your wedding ceremony, I saw that you were beautiful and beautiful, but Qin Wenchang, that dog thief, got there first."

"Oh." This has nothing to do with her. The original body just fell in love with Qin Wenchang's talent. If he could meet Qin Zhi first, then Qin Wenchang would not be able to catch her eyes anyway. worthy person.

"If it wasn't for the fear of hurting you, I would still have to fight for the position with the dog emperor, or else it would be his turn. Because of my hexagram skills, Qin Wenchang would ask me for divination every day before going. In the court, I stayed in the palace well, and he said that I was having a good time in the brothel, how innocent I am."

If Qin Zhi had a tail behind him, he would be wagging it happily now. He curled his lips and burrowed into An Yiran's arms aggrieved, but she still blocked him.

"Brother and father will be back soon, you go, or you really can't explain clearly."

"Since others hate me so much, then I'll leave. I don't want to put my face on other people's cold butts here." Like a wronged little daughter-in-law, he watched her leave eagerly.

Did she say she hated him?It's just that I don't like it.

"Father, sister has done such a shameless thing, don't tolerate her anymore." An Liuse's voice came from outside the door. Fortunately, she told Qin Zhi to leave quickly, otherwise she would not be able to speak clearly with ten mouths now.

knock knock --

"Then open the door!"

An Yiran pretended to be asleep and was woken up, wrapped her coat and opened the door.

"What's the matter, Daddy?"

"Cough. Your sister said that you went out with a strange man yesterday. Is this true?"

"I went to put up the lanterns by myself yesterday, and there is a problem."

An Qiankun looked at An Liuse beside him and said, "You see, your sister said no."

"But you cut off Aunt Chen's hair, hair is a woman's life! How dare you insult my aunt like this! Could it be the privilege given by my father!" An Liuse was aggressive towards her, but did not mention yesterday Find someone to arrest An Yiran's affairs, and avoid the serious ones.

"I am the daughter of the general's mansion. What are you? I am the emperor's noble concubine. If you want to arrest me, you must ask the emperor for an order. I am leaving the palace this time to visit the meritorious officials according to the emperor's order, and to pick on me? You who is it?"

Her identity was the last thing An Liuse wanted to mention. Although she was born in the general's mansion and had the father of a brave general, even if she was a concubine, she was never treated badly here.

The elder brother took over her father's mantle. Although he is not a real elder brother, he also takes good care of her.

But it can't hide that her mother is a maid, and her body has the blood of a servant girl. Unlike her, her mother is the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and her father also favors her three points because of her dead mother.

She was afraid that her father at the side would see something, so she still kept this hatred in her heart, and she still didn't show it on the surface.

Tears hung on An Liuser's eyelashes, like weeping dew from tea, as if she was trembling with fright at An Yiran's words.

"I knew that my brother and sister really didn't like my background, and I just wanted to find justice for my aunt. Why did my sister hurt me so much?" What is this person talking nonsense?Every time my brother came back from going out, he would bring her gifts back. She was never happy, An Yiran admitted that she didn't like An Liuse very much, but her brother was so kind to her?

"Just talk about my faults, don't get involved with your elder brother, his white money and precious jewelry have all flowed into your pocket, just for fear that you will be bullied and looked down upon by others, now you say this behind your back, you can live with yourself Conscience?"

An Liuser was only concerned about An Yiran, and she really forgot the fact that her brother was very kind to her, so that An Zhenping has just established a mansion now, and all the previous money has been subsidized to her.

An Qiankun didn't bother to care about the intrigue between their little girls, so he let them deal with it by themselves, and just give him a call back.

But if no one answers after three days, don't recognize him as a father in the future.

An Yiran knew that her father was giving her a step down, but she didn't.

It's time for Anyuser to taste the bitter fruit he has brewed.

"Did you hear that? Elder sister, I'll come to see you tomorrow. Elder sister should think about how to solve this matter. Don't let daddy kick you out."

As soon as An Qiankun left, An Liuse showed her true colors. An Yiran really wanted to record her stinky face with her mobile phone.

"No brains." They stood at the door the whole time they were talking, and she didn't bother to talk to An Liuser, so she slammed the door to see off the guests.

The strength gave An Liuser a big jump, "I don't know what to do."

After returning home, An Liuse happily drank tea and ate cakes, but suddenly the cakes were hard to swallow.

She seemed to understand what An Yiran meant, and why she hadn't done anything yet.

If there is no problem, she will not come to apologize tomorrow.

She is a noble concubine and is about to leave for the palace. Even if her father drives her out, she can still eat the royal rations, but she has no power or influence. If she is driven out, she will have nothing.

Auntie can't protect herself for the time being. Without her, Auntie will have no place to stand.

She really hated why her mother didn't have such a good family.

(End of this chapter)

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