Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 88 Phoenix Force Strange, Ashes

Chapter 88 Phoenix Force Strange, Ashes

Another multiple choice question?

Everyone in the live broadcast room scratched their heads helplessly. It is already difficult to answer the question by guessing. You have a multiple-choice question, and you can't even roll the dice.

Are we really lucky if we are fools like Thor?
"However~ Option C should be one of the correct answers. I remember that the answer to the previous question was given to Thor to kill Thanos."

Strange opened his mouth and continued: "Also, the option A can be determined. After all, it is for saving Tony that I will hand over the Time Stone in the future, so there are only two options left."

Tony nodded in agreement, and then asked suspiciously: "Who is this Ant-Man? Does anyone know him?"

Nick in front of the screen moved his expression, quickly turned on the computer to search for information, and then clicked on a confidential document, which showed a photo of a white-haired old man wearing glasses.

"Hank Pym?"

Phil Coulson looked at the name next to the photo on the computer, frowned and read it out: "Isn't this the founder of Pym Technology Company? He turned out to be Ant-Man?"

Nick Fury nodded slowly: "This guy used to be as famous as Howard Stark, but unfortunately..."

"But, is there anything special about him? He can make Doctor Strange give up the time gem he guards in exchange for his survival?" The timeline is 2008, so Braised Egg + Colson will mistake him for it.)
Fury shook his head and asked Coulson to reveal the information about Ant-Man to everyone in the live broadcast room.

When they heard about Ant-Man's identity, everyone felt the same confusion as Coulson.

"OK, since we don't know his identity, let's take a risk and count him as the correct answer! In this case, there is only one option D left." Tony snapped his fingers and started confidently Analysis: "The powers of the gems can't interact, so it's impossible for Vision to use the Mind Stone against Thanos, and can a robot defeat Thanos? I don't think this is realistic."

"After all, according to the previous plot, this guy should be created by me. I can't beat Thanos, so I also have doubts about his combat effectiveness."

Strange turned his head when he heard the words: "So you think ABC is the answer?"

Tony nodded, then raised his chin and said, "Why don't you try to answer the questions first?"

Strange was also not humble, and shouted the answer loudly to the screen: "I choose ABC!"

[Ding~ Stephen Strange finished answering, the system began to judge...]

[Ding~ Stephen Strange answered correctly. 】

[Stephen Strange gets 200 live broadcast points. 】

[Get a random reward... 1/5 of the Phoenix Force. 】

"Wow, the answer is correct, but what is this Phoenix Force... um..."

As soon as Strange's excited voice sounded, a tyrannical pressure erupted from his body. Accompanied by his muffled groan, the entire live broadcast room was filled with the scorching breath of flames.

Immediately afterwards, a phoenix's hooves sounded, and blazing flames erupted from his body in an instant, like a bomb, spreading towards the surroundings.

"Gift Crab..."

Seeing the flames coming, the people in the live broadcast room screamed and took a few steps back, but just when they thought they couldn't escape, a light golden protective shield appeared on everyone's body, blocking all the flames. flame.

"This looks just like when Thor got the power of Odin!"

Tony Stark suddenly opened his mouth and said to Loki who was standing with him: "This power even gives me the feeling that it is stronger than that lightning power!"

Loki narrowed his eyes when he heard the words. He didn't really feel Thor's Odin's power, but from what Stark said, could Strange's power surpass Thor's at the moment?
The point is that this is only one-fifth of the power of the phoenix. Could it be... that the power of the phoenix can completely crush the power of Odin?
Seeing the red flames on the small screens below the big screen, Odin stood up in shock, holding the Eternal Spear tightly: "The power of the Phoenix, this mortal has actually won the favor of the Phoenix!"

Unsealed the long-term memories of millions of years ago, Odin also remembered the fiery red-haired woman he met when he was young, the prehistoric phoenix.

This system can actually bestow the power of the phoenix on a mortal?
After a while, the monstrous flames finally began to retract and returned to Strange's body, which finally opened his eyes wide.


Tony Stark thumped the shoulder of Strange, who opened his eyes, and said enviously: "I knew the reward was so good, I should have answered the question just now."

Strange, who had obtained the Phoenix Force, was so good that he got it cheaply. He laughed and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the future me saved your life, just treat it as a favor from you."

"Then this is really the worst business I've ever done."

Tony shrugged helplessly.

Team Shocking Carol looked Strange up and down curiously, and squeezed his fist: "After I return to Earth, let's have a chance to compete. I'll see how strong your Phoenix Force is."

"it is good!"

Facing Team Shock's appointment, Strange nodded and agreed without hesitation. After all, he was also curious about how strong he was now.

[Video continues]

[At this moment, the screen changes and switches to Earth. 】

[Thanos standing on the earth slowly inlaid the yellow mind gems on the Infinity Gauntlet, and with the successful inlaying of six gemstones, a majestic force surged into his body, and rainbow-like lines appeared on his body. The arm climbed up, causing Thanos to let out a cry that was not only painful but also joyful. 】

【Raise the left hand wearing the infinity glove and look carefully. Before Thanos had time to make a move, the thick thunder struck his body, directly knocking him back again and again. 】

[Thor, the god of thunder with lightning eyes, descended from the sky, and threw his storm axe at Thanos below in mid-air. 】

[Thanos looked up at the menacing Thor, and quickly clenched his fists, sending out an energy shock. 】

【The rapidly spinning battle ax was engulfed in thunder, and unabatedly split through Thanos' energy ray. Under Thanos' astonished sight, it easily smashed into his chest. 】

"Yeah, it's me, look how handsome I am!"

Thor, who was watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, yelled excitedly, jumping up and down like a gorilla in heat.

Dr. Savig and Jane Foster have just heard Thor introduce the plot in the video, and they also know the horror of the Thanos and the grievances and entanglements between him and Thor.

But I didn't expect that the terrifying and invincible Thanos who was still in Thor's mouth just now was seriously injured by Thor so easily?


How powerful is Thor in Asgard?
Jane eyed the goofy-looking Thor with interest in his eyes.

[The short-haired Thor landed on the ground, looking at Thanos with a cold expression, and while speaking cruel words, he pressed the blade of the battle ax into Thanos' chest forcefully. 】

[After a scream, Thanos raised his left hand tremblingly, and weakly said to Thor with a fierce expression: "You should... aim at my head."]

[Realizing his purpose, Thor yelled in disbelief: "No~"]

[The sound of snapping fingers is heard, and a bright white light appears. 】

[When the white light dissipated, Thanos' body became covered with scars, and the arm of his left hand was scorched black. 】

【Thunder God yelled at him in disbelief: "What did you do?"】

[But Thanos didn't want to talk to him at all, and directly activated the space gem to escape from here. 】

"The last hope, after all, is still a little short..."

In the live broadcast room, seeing Thanos successfully snapped his fingers, someone sighed lightly, his tone full of regret, causing other people in the live broadcast room to nod in agreement.

Tony twisted his neck as if he felt something: "So, there will always be some uncontrollable accidents on the road to success, such as this battle, Star Lord, Thor, they all worked hard, but the difference of one step is The abyss of ten thousand feet, the addition of accidents one after another, finally made us lose this battle."

"How could he...that's billions of lives!" The US team still finds it unbelievable. Is this guy really crazy?
Strange sighed speechlessly: "Billions? Didn't you hear Thanos just said that he wanted to kill half of the entire universe with a snap of his fingers... that would kill hundreds of billions of lives! "

"Next time, I will cut off his head!" Thor yelled vowedly, and then continued: "Loki, when you go back, please help me ask my father, what kind of weapon is the Storm Axe and where is it? After I go back, I will use the storm battle ax to kill the bastard Thanos to avenge you!"

The corners of Loki's eyes twitched, but he still nodded: "Don't worry, I will ask this time."

"This time? What do you mean, you lied to me before?"

Thorton suddenly discovered Hua Dian and screamed strangely in the chat channel.

[Video continues]

[On the dilapidated Titan planet, the few people who suffered a heavy defeat have all woken up and supported each other to get up from the ground, but their faces are full of defeat and loss. 】

[Sister Mantis suddenly turned her head to look at the red sky, and sounded an alarm to everyone: "It seems that something bad has happened!"]

[As soon as the words fell, Tony and the others were shocked to find that flying ash began to float on her body, and then under the astonished eyes of everyone, the entire body of Mantis Sister was completely annihilated by flying ash. 】

【Then, Star Lord and Drax all turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind...】


【Strange's voice sounded from behind, and Tony Stark suddenly turned his head in panic, looking at Doctor Strange who was still lying on the ground. 】

【"We have no other choice!"】

【Strange explained to Iron Man in a calm tone, and then he completely disappeared. 】

【"Mr. Stark..."】

[The voice of the little spider also rang out at this moment, drawing Tony's attention again. 】

【"I feel very uncomfortable..." The little spider trembled, walked towards Tony step by step, and fell into his arms, his voice became trembling, and he confided to Tony with a choked voice: "I don't know what's wrong, I have no idea……"】

【"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, Mr. Steck..."】

【"I really don't want to die..."】

【His body is actually very light, but at this moment the weak Tony can no longer hug him, and can only fall to the ground with him. 】

[The moment he collapsed to the ground, the little spider seemed to be completely relieved, accepted the fact that he was going to die, looked at Tony's face and apologized earnestly: "I'm sorry..."]

[The voice fell, and the body of the little spider was completely reduced to ashes, and it floated away from Tony's arms under the evening wind of Titan. 】

【Tony looked at the ashes mixed with the blood on his palm in astonishment, and couldn't believe that it was a young man who was still alive and kicking just now. 】

[The only two survivors stared blankly at the ground, Xing Yun's voice was also full of despair: "He really did it..."]

(End of this chapter)

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