Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

Chapter 80 Nano Steel Suit, Doctor Strange Behaving Abnormally

Chapter 80 Nano Steel Suit, Doctor Strange Behaving Abnormally
"Of course I'm sure. After the first live broadcast, I went back and checked, and there was nothing..."

Hearing Loki's question, Tony replied subconsciously, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly thought of something and froze on the spot.

That's right... I was not the only one who knew the name Peter Parker in the live broadcast that day. Nick Fury, the old silver coin of S.H.I.E.L.D. It took an hour to prepare to cover up his identity, so it was normal for me not to find out Peter's identity for a while.

Seeing his expression, Loki smiled evilly, took a step back slowly, took out a luxurious chair from the storage space, and sat down leisurely.

The seed has been planted, and it is waiting for it to germinate and break the hard wall called "friendship".

"Hey, by the way, the old man just now is also the guy who appeared several times before!"

At this time, Thor spoke in the chat channel and reminded: "Loki, did you ask the father after you went back, who is this guy?"

Loki raised his eyebrows, sat lazily on the chair, and shook his head under the weird eyes of Tony and others: "You can't use your brain, how could the father know a human in the small atrium."

[Video continues]

【Stark, who put on his glasses, kept giving orders, and Strange, who followed closely after seeing the ring-shaped spaceship in front of him, also cast a spell to eliminate the violent wind it emitted. 】

[Sensing the appearance of the target, the ring-shaped spaceship suddenly cast a beam of blue light, which transported the Ebony Maw and the black dwarf in Obsidian to the ground. 】

【Seeing the enemy appear, Tony, Strange, Banner and Wang all went up to meet them. 】

[Seeing a few of them approaching, the slender Ebony Throat began to speak in his insidious voice: "You should feel happy, because you will die at the hands of the son of Thanos, you should be grateful, Because your ants-like lives can also contribute to the balance of the universe...]

Hearing his familiar words, several people in the live broadcast room clenched their fists, and Banner's wristband in the cabin even issued an angry alarm of "Dididi".

[Tony Stark couldn't help interrupting his chattering speech: "Sorry, the earth is closed today! You'd better pack up your things and get out with your companions!"]

[Ebony Throat narrowed his eyes, and cast his gaze on Strange standing behind Tony: "Guardian of the rough stone, is this nagging animal your spokesperson?"]

【"Of course not!" Strange took two steps forward, stretched out his hands with the king, Raggador's red ring unfolded, and said with a serious expression: "I speak for myself, and at the same time I warn you that you are Illegal invasion of this city and this planet.”]

[Ebony Throat looked disdainfully at the opposite side, who put on a defensive posture, turned his head and spoke an alien language to the huge black dwarf beside him, and then saw the black dwarf raising its huge mechanical ax towards Tony and the others. people go. 】

【Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Tony suddenly asked Banner in a low voice: "Banner, aren't you going to make a move?"]

【Hearing his words, Banner clenched his fists in embarrassment: "Actually, I don't think too much about it, but when has my opinion ever mattered?"]

【Speaking, Banner began to gnash his teeth, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't complete the transformation. 】

【Seeing the black dwarf approaching gradually, Tony could only signal Bruce Banner to back off.Immediately afterwards, he activated the nano armor on his body. 】

[Just after he clicked on the triangular reactor on his chest, a large amount of red metal diffused out of the reactor, like a tights, along Tony's body, wrapping him up. 】

[In just 3 seconds, the red metal completely enveloped Tony, forming a gorgeous battle suit—the blood-rim battle suit. 】

[Facing the black dwarf rushing in front of him, Iron Man raised his right hand, and the armor on his right arm changed into a shield, easily blocking its attack. 】

[Afterwards, Iron Man separated four energy emission devices from behind, and together with his hands, they sent out energy impacts, and easily knocked the black dwarf into the air. 】

Seeing Tony's gorgeous battle suit transformation and handsome attack, many people in the live broadcast room changed their faces.

Extraordinary Peter even applauded excitedly and praised: "My God, Mr. Stark, you are so genius, you can see your new battle suit appearing every time you broadcast live, even if I have your blueprint, I can't make you Where are the parts of the Iron Armor!"

Strange also nodded in agreement: "Indeed, this suit is indeed your most handsome suit, but I'm curious, did you participate in the research of some alien technology? Why are we in the same world, Your technology is so much ahead of ours?"

Tony chuckled, feeling everyone's amazement at him, and raised his fingers contentedly: "That's different, I'm a genius Stark!"

"In addition, I just noticed that I have white hair on my head in this video. It must have happened several years later!"

"Isn't it normal for me to develop such a powerful technology in a few years?"

When everyone listened to his triumphant Versailles speech, they all spat in displeasure.

Bruce Banner: "Although Stark's new armor is indeed very handsome, I'm really curious. In Avengers 1, we were still fighting side by side. Why did we all fall apart here? Tony is How did you break up with Captain America?"

Phil Coulson: "Let's not talk about you, we are all curious now, but I helped the captain order his future, I hope it can give us the truth!"

Captain America raised his eyebrows curiously: "Is my future..."

"Huh..." Reed Richards suddenly spoke in the chat channel: "I suddenly noticed one thing. This captain looks like my ex-girlfriend's younger brother. His name is Jonathan."

Captain America pointed to his chest in amazement when he heard the words: "Looks like me?"

Strange came out at this time and explained: "Captain, there is no need to be surprised. This is the magic of the multiverse. In different universes, there will always be people who look almost exactly the same."

Hearing his explanation, the captain also roughly understood the so-called parallel universe, and then shook his head regretfully: "Well, I thought there was another Captain America."

Phil Coulson: "Different, you are the one and only Captain America!"

Everyone had a weird look on their faces when they heard the words. Everyone who watched Avengers 1 naturally knew that Coulson was a fan of the US team, but this was the first time they heard such an explicit compliment.

"Thank you, Coulson!" Captain America blinked in embarrassment, exhaled slowly, and watched the spoiler video again.

【Facing the black dwarf that was repelled and flew back, Ebony Maw pushed it aside with just a wave of his hand. 】

【Afterwards, Ebony Maw raised his hand again, punching Iron Man into the sky, and at the same time began to attack Doctor Strange and others. 】

[Seeing that Banner could not become the Hulk, Doctor Strange could only use the portal to send him to the park. 】

[Iron Man also landed again at this moment, persuading Doctor Strange to throw away the Time Stone. 】

【But Strange said with a serious expression: "The time gem must be with me!"】

[The helpless Iron Man could only rush towards Ebony Maw, but the moment he approached Ebony Maw, the black dwarf who had just been blown up stood up, and directly hit Tony with an axe for several blocks, landing on Banner in the park. 】

[The two have fought in the park so far, but even the advanced steel armor, when faced with the powerful black dwarf battle axe, can only be knocked down by it powerlessly. 】

[Just as the mechanical ax was about to hit Iron Man with the sound of breaking through the air, the extremely fast flying mechanical ax suddenly stopped and was stopped by the thin Spider-Man. 】

[The little spider greeted Black Dwarf, then turned to look at Iron Man: "It's all right, Mr. Stark!"]

【"Child, where did you come from?" Tony was also very surprised at the sudden appearance of the little spider. 】

【"I'm going to the Museum of Modern Art..."】

【The little spider hadn't finished speaking when Black Dwarf violently threw it away. 】

[However, this also gave Tony a chance to breathe. The steel armor fired lasers and joined forces with the little spider to suppress the black dwarf. 】

New Peter (Toby's version) looked at the powerful little spider on the screen, and called the extraordinary Peter in the live broadcast room on the chat channel in surprise: "Wait, you just said that we are all Spider-Man, don't you think we are all Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider?" , shall we all be like him?"

Extraordinary Peter nodded: "That's right, I was a weak chicken before I was bitten by a spider, but after being bitten by a mutant spider, look..."

As he said that, Extraordinary Peter directly performed a backflip in the live broadcast room, and then shot two spider threads towards the ground: "My body has also mutated, and the New Yorkers also gave me a nickname, Spider Hero!"

New Peter was stunned for a moment, and then sighed with longing, "This is... so handsome!"

[The battlefield here is in full swing, but on the other side, the battle between Doctor Strange and Ebony Maw is not going well. 】

【Although Doctor Strange and Wang cooperated very well, when facing the enraged Ebony Maw, they still fell short. He was knocked down by Ebony Maw one after another, and he was trapped in the wall. 】

【But when Ebony Maw tried to take away the Eye of Agamotto from Strange's chest, he was scalded by the magic restriction set above. 】

【"It's just a simple little spell, but it's not so easy to break it!"】

[Even though he was trapped, Doctor Strange still showed a little complacency on his face. 】

【"Then I can kill you first!"】

[Ebony Maw, who became angry from embarrassment, directly threw Doctor Strange to the ground, and then summoned the imprisoning magic to restrain him. 】

[The magic-cast rope tightly strangled Strange's neck, making his breathing even more difficult: "If I die, you will never try to break this magic again!"]

[Ebony Throat had a sneering look on his deathly gray face, he lightly clenched his palms, making the magic rope tighter: "Then I'll make your life worse than death!"]

[As the rope around his neck became tighter and tighter, Doctor Strange soon had difficulty breathing and fell to the ground. 】

【Afterwards, Ebony Maw made a move with one hand and directly dug out the ground where Doctor Strange was lying, intending to bring him back to the spaceship. 】

"Look at this, you still can't do it!"

Loki jokingly watched Doctor Strange being strangled away on the screen, and turned to Strange in the live broadcast room with a teasing look on his face: "Your fighting style is full of flaws, even the power of the Time Stone I didn’t show it, which made me curious, does the next generation of supreme mages on earth only have such strength?”

(End of this chapter)

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