Chapter 64 Crazy Loki

Bruce Banner also said, "Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Phil Coulson: "If he appeared once, it may be a coincidence, but he has appeared again and again in superhero events. Although he only appeared as a passerby, it also proves that The old man is unusual in itself."

'Boss, do you want to investigate? '

After answering in the live broadcast room, Coulson sent a text message to Nick Fury. This weird old man appeared in three consecutive live broadcast spoilers today. Coulson felt that the identity of this person should not be simple.

Nick nodded, gave Coulson an affirmative reply, and then watched the live broadcast again.

And the next scene also made him widen his one-eyed eyes.

[Just as everyone in the valley was having fun, Coulson in a suit and leather shoes appeared above the valley. He slowly took out his mobile phone, turned around and reported to the person on the other end of the phone: "Sir, we Found it."]

"SHIELD is really pervasive!" Tony Stark looked at Coulson's face on the screen and complained: "Seriously, Nick Fury, since you have been monitoring the world, why did I get attacked in Afghanistan? You didn’t come to eliminate those KB elements when you were in the middle of the war? Don’t tell me that an organization that can launch an aircraft carrier into the sky can’t even solve a nest of KB elements!”

Nick Fury listened to Stark's questioning in the live broadcast room, and slowly replied: "We can help you get rid of the KB members, but it's not necessary. If you Stark died in the hands of those people so easily, then You are not worth saving by us."


Loki laughed mockingly: "But I appreciate your ruthlessness."

Tony pursed his lips, and nodded slowly: "It sounds like the chief agent and you, the god of trickery, are indeed in the same category, and they have similar tastes."

Loki didn't refute, but there was still a look of disdain in his eyes.

A class of people?

[At this time, the screen turned, and the perspective returned to Asgard again. 】

[In a resplendent room, Hogan, one of the three warriors, was applying medicine to Fandral and Vostagg, and the three also chatted about the exiled Thor. 】

【Just as the three were wondering how Odin knew they had gone to Jotunheim, Loki told them frankly that he asked the guards to notify Odin. 】

【Worstagg was very excited when he heard the words, but Loki answered him calmly. If he hadn't notified the guards, they would all have died in Jotunheim today. 】

【Sif stood up immediately after hearing the words, and asked Loki to intercede with Odin to exempt Thor from exile, but this was also rejected by Loki. 】

【"So what if I did that? I love Thor more than you, but you have seen it today. He is arrogant, reckless, and dangerous. Can such a person be the king of Asgard?"】

Looking at Loki's summary of him on the screen, Thor couldn't help opening his mouth.

But facing his younger brother's accusation, he suddenly found that he was really powerless to make an excuse.

Odin also sighed, if Loki could tell Thor's fault earlier... If he could find out earlier, wouldn't he be able to constrain Thor to make changes?

【After saying this, Loki left the room without hesitation, leaving only Sif and the three warriors in place. 】

【"He said it was good for God's Domain, but he has been jealous of Thor." Seeing Loki's back disappear, Sif reprimanded angrily. 】

[Hogan, with a cold expression, turned his head at this time and reminded: "Laufey said that there are traitors around Odin, and a mage can easily bring three Jotun giants into Asgard!" 】

[Fandral shook his head: "Locky may like to play pranks, but your current accusation is another matter entirely!"]

[Not to mention the argument between the four in the room, after Loki left the room, he ran directly to the treasure house and reached out to hold the box of ice. 】

【Taking a deep breath, Loki lifted the box of ice vigorously. 】

[But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from behind him. 】


[Odin didn't know when he came behind him, but even after hearing Odin's figure, Loki still didn't look back, but asked with a trembling voice: "Am I cursed?"]

【"No!" Although Odin didn't see it, he guessed what happened. 】

[Sure enough, when Loki slowly turned around, his skin had turned blue like a frost giant. 】

Thor in front of the screen suddenly opened his mouth wide when he saw this: "Loki, Loki, how did you become like this? Isn't this the appearance of a frost giant? Could it be that you were caught by a frost giant and injured?"

Several people in the live broadcast room were also full of surprises. Looking at the blue-skinned and red-eyed Loki on the screen, they all turned their heads to look at them standing next to them. He still looked like a normal person, but gloomy. face of Loki.

Tony Stark: "It turned out to be a long time. Before you were adopted, you were a frost giant! Hey, that's not right! You are a frost giant, and you followed Thor to kill your original compatriots? Hiss..."

"You are indeed the most dangerous and cruel evil god!"

Tony walked a few steps away with a look of disgust, and shook his head.

"No wonder, when Mr. Loki launched a suicide attack on Thanos, he claimed to be the orthodox monarch of Jotunheim. It turns out that the blood of the Jotunheim frost giant flows in his body." Peter Parker said with emotion: "Naro Mr. Ki’s identity has been exposed now, how can he survive in Asgard? I think the frost giant and Asgard are in a hostile relationship in this image, right? The king of the ice giant, Laufey, is still thinking about going to war .”

Peter Quill heard the words and continued: "How to survive? Are you still worried about this? If I were Odin, the Frost Giant dared to rebel today, and tomorrow I would kill Loki for the sacrificial flag, just kidding, this is a readily available hostage .”


Hearing Quill's malicious complaints, Loki's gloomy face suddenly shrank his eyes. When Odin confessed his life experience before, because he had just obtained the power of the evil god, Loki didn't have extra thoughts to think, and he didn't think of hostages. Aspects.

As a result, upon hearing Quill's reminder at this moment, Loki suddenly thought of another possibility...

Could it be that Odin really...

【Looking at Odin standing at the door of the treasure house, Loki showed a ferocious and crazy expression on his face, and walked towards him slowly: "That day, you not only took back the treasure box from Jotunheim, did you?" 】

【Odin silently looked at Loki who was getting closer and closer, and squeezed out a word between his teeth after a while: "Yes! (No)"】

【"After the war, I walked into the temple of Jotunheim and found a baby inside. He was so young that he hardly looked like a child of a frost giant. He was abandoned there, suffering, and fending for himself."】

【"That's Laufey's son!"】

【"Lao Fei's son?" Loki muttered hesitantly. 】

【"Yes!" Odin nodded slowly. 】

【But this affirmation caused Loki to collapse immediately. 】

【"Why?" Loki looked up at Odin: "Your hands are covered with the blood of the frost giant, why did you bring me back?"]

【Odin: "You are just an innocent child."】

【But Loki didn't believe his words at all: "No, you definitely have another purpose, what is your purpose?"]

【This question made Odin on the high platform stunned. He didn't understand why the youngest son thought so. 】

[Seeing that Odin didn't answer, Loki suddenly became emotional, and shouted loudly, "Tell me!"]

[Seeing Loki's frantic questioning, Odin could only helplessly tell his plan: "I think that one day, our two kingdoms will unite, and through you, we will form an alliance and form a permanent peace." 】

【Locky looked at Odin in disbelief: "What?"】

【Odin's lips trembled, and he continued to speak: "But those plans are irrelevant."】

【"So I'm just another stolen souvenir, locked here by you until you need me?" Loki's expression was even more broken. 】

【Odin kept shaking his head: "Why did you misinterpret my words?"】

[But Loki didn't feel that he misinterpreted Odin's meaning, he looked at Odin with a paranoid expression and reprimanded: "You could have told me from the beginning, why didn't you?"]

【"You are my son!" Odin muttered, "I just want to protect you from the truth!"】

Hearing the same words as a week ago, Loki in the live broadcast room suddenly sighed slowly, with a slightly confused expression on his face.

His heart suddenly became a little confused.

If Odin hadn't confessed to him that day, and hadn't taken the initiative to tell him his original life experience, what would have happened to him?

Loki has no doubts. With his suspicious nature, if he really lets himself find out his original life experience, he will definitely be crazier than himself in this image.

【Rocky's eyes were filled with tears, his expression twisted: "Just because I'm the monster in the stories parents tell their children at night?"】

【"No, no..." Odin closed his eyes in pain and shook his head. 】

[But Luoji's mind has completely fallen into madness at this moment, and his thinking has completely penetrated into the horns. He didn't notice the pain on Odin's face at all, and he didn't see Odin's posture when he fell down. He just cared about himself. Self snarled: "It all makes sense now why you've favored Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claim to love me, you wouldn't let an ice giant sit on the throne of Asgard. "]

[Loki's roar rang in Odin's ears, and it also caused the old king to fall into both mental and physical pain. Under the stimulation of these two parties, Odin, who had already fallen on the steps, raised his hand feebly , grabbed the corner of Loki's clothes, and then fell powerlessly. 】

[And Loki, who had spit out the long-simmering resentment in his heart, was relieved at this time, and finally saw Odin, the king of the gods who rescued them from Jotunheim with majesty before, at this moment Already lying unconscious at his feet. 】

[Loki squatted down with a dull expression, held Odin's hand, looked at his panting and painful appearance, suddenly raised his head, and shouted in panic: "Guards, guards, come quickly, help help me!"】

(End of this chapter)

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