Spoiler for the Multiverse: The Opening Live Marvel

The first live broadcast at the end of Chapter 32, accidental injury

The first live broadcast at the end of Chapter 32, accidental injury
But while everyone was still discussing, the screen that had gone dark suddenly lit up again.

"Is there anything new?"

Tony yelled suspiciously, attracting everyone's attention again.

[The screen lights up, General Ross with a decadent demeanor is drinking in the bar and smoking a cigar from time to time. 】

[Just as he asked the bartender for a drink again, the door of the bar was pushed open, and a figure in a neat suit walked in with the light behind him. 】

【"Stay beer and the smell of failure... Tsk tsk, I told you a long time ago that the super soldier project was terminated for no reason!"]

A familiar and lazy voice sounded on the big screen, and the man in the suit turned around, and it turned out to be the familiar Tony Stark.

"You won't be behind Ross, will you, arms tycoon?"

Seeing this, Strange raised his eyebrows: "It seems that I have figured out something again!"

"Stop slandering me!" Tony Stark frowned and looked at himself on the screen, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

【"listen to me!"】

[Tony Stark on the screen stared at General Ross in front of him with a serious expression: "We are forming an alliance!"]

【"Who is 'us'?" Ross asked with a frown. 】

【Tony didn't answer his question, but just watched General Ross calmly. 】

"This should be the starting point for us to form the Avengers Alliance in the future?"

Watching the screen gradually dim, Tony rubbed his chin and said slowly: "But I'm curious, when did I get in touch with the Avengers project, you must know that I haven't been in touch with your organization yet!"

At the end, he turned his head to look at Coulson: "Wait, you won't really plant spies around me, and then brainwash me in the future!"

Coulson no longer wanted to have a BB with Stark, and closed his eyes speechlessly.

"Wait, there seems to be more!"

Banner suddenly called out, and everyone looked at the screen in midair again, and a new image appeared on it.

[In the depths of the snow-covered mountains covered in silver, a large truck was driving slowly. After a while, a sturdy man jumped out of the vehicle. In the meaningful eyes of the truck driver, the man was carrying luggage and Skis go towards the snow mountain. 】

[The man trekked along the ridge in the snow-capped mountains. When he was tired, he put down his luggage and continued on foot until he came to a white plain. 】

【Looking at the slowly rotating aurora in the sky, the man took off his sunglasses and hat with a sad face, revealing his face. 】

[It is Bruce Banner. 】

【Banner lay on the ground with a face full of despair, Betty's face covered in blood flashed before his eyes, then he closed his eyes in pain, took out the pistol hidden in his waist, and opened the safety with his steady hand. 】

"God, Dr. Banner, you don't want to commit suicide!" Peter Parker cried out worriedly.

Strange: "The flashback just now, is it reality or fantasy?"

Reed Richards: "It's not like he lost control and killed his girlfriend?"

When Tony saw the news about Reed, he quickly denied it: "How is it possible? Banner has been evading the military's pursuit. It is impossible to go back to see Betty. It must be an illusion."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Banner and said, "Don't worry about it, Banner. This future hasn't happened yet, and you still have a chance to change it."

Listening to Stark's worried words, Banner nodded slowly, squeezed his fist and said, "Don't worry, I'm still rational. I was just thinking, in the first video, I said that I was once desperate From committing suicide to death...does it mean this future."

Coulson and Thor were also taken aback when they heard the words, and they also remembered the episode where Banner confided on the spaceship.

Thor: "It turns out that you really wanted to kill yourself. I thought it was Loki who used magic to control you and make up nonsense. Loki likes to control others and make up nonsense. I remember when I was eight years old..."

Loki: "(_) Shut up, Thor."

Thor: "Hey, brother, why are you still shy, I remember you were so happy when you controlled the guards to lie to his wife."

Loki: "I tell you to shut up..."

Loki covered his face speechlessly. Although he had indeed done something, being stabbed by Thor in public made him feel like he was being executed publicly.

【Banner held the gun and took a few deep breaths. Just as he was about to move, his eyes suddenly turned green. 】

[The next moment, in his field of vision, his hand turned into Hulk's thick arm, and the revolver was held in his palm like a toy. 】

[Amid Hulk's roar, the pistol was crushed by it, and successive gunshots rang out, resounding through the sky together with his roar. 】

[The next moment, Hulk's huge body bounced up, and the violent vibration caused a huge avalanche, which also blew away the snowflakes where Hulk was just now, revealing the solid ice hidden under the snow layer. 】

[In the haze, a round of multicolored star shields appeared on the screen, and in just a split second, the collapsed snow mountain covered the cracked ice again. 】

"That's Captain America's shield!"

Coulson and Nick Fury called out in unison.

So that's the case, no wonder the first question said that the US team was discovered because of Banner, so there is such a story!
"It's quite a coincidence." Tony Stark shook his head with an absurd expression on his face: "Banner, you just ran around and found the US team."

[This dimensional live broadcast has ended, and the next live broadcast will be held in a week. At that time, there will be new changes in the personnel in the live broadcast room. 】

[Next live preview: "Doctor Strange", "The Amazing Spider-Man 1", "Thor 1"]

[Please claim the rewards for this live broadcast as soon as possible. If you do not claim the rewards when you leave the live broadcast room, it will be regarded as giving up the rewards. 】

【Thank you for watching, see you next time. 】

[After 5 minutes, everyone will be forced to leave the space, countdown: 4:59]

Hearing the reminder from the system, everyone present also stopped discussing. Tony Stark moved his hands in the void, as if he was touching something. Coulson did not hesitate anymore and injected the super soldier serum into the At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a deformed Rubik's Cube from the void.

"Then everyone, see you next time!"

After saying this, Coulson waved his hand and disappeared into the live broadcast room first.

Tony and Banner also exchanged contact information, and they exited the live broadcast room together after greeting Thor.

"Ah, there are too few broadcasts of this live broadcast, and I haven't watched it at all!"

Peter Parker just lamented in the chat channel, and before continuing to speak, he received the news that the live broadcast room was closed because all the anchors disappeared.

With a bang, the big screen that was still floating in his room just now disappeared instantly.


On the private plane, Tony appeared again, and landed heavily on the sofa. The wine glass he had brought into the live broadcast room also fell to the ground, making a loud clang.

"Don't move, put up your hands."

Before Tony could recover, he heard a familiar shout and a gun pointed at his forehead.

At this moment of life and death, Tony subconsciously activated his newly acquired ability - SEED.

As if a bright stone exploded in his eyes, Tony's pupils and pupils were instantly dyed the same color. Under the powerful ability of the seed, everything around him became very slow.

In other words, it was his own movements that were so fast that it was outrageous.

I saw him make a leap, touch the ground with his toes, and then covered a distance of more than four meters. The afterimage of his body rushed directly to the side of the pistol holder, snatched his gun with his hands, and blocked the opponent with an elbow. On his face, he directly choked back half of what the other party had said.

"Thank goodness, To..."

James Rhodes only had time to say a few words before he was knocked unconscious by Tony's elbow.

And hearing this familiar voice, Tony Stark reacted...

It seems... I hit the wrong person?


Bruce Banner, who had disappeared for more than four hours, reappeared in the room, and the dog adopted by him jumped up excitedly when he saw the owner who had disappeared for a long time.

After teasing the puppy for a while, Banner lay down on the bed exhaustedly, and suddenly felt something sticky in the pocket of his trousers.

He took it out and saw that it was the business card that Coulson had handed him before, and on the back was the mobile phone number that Tony had scratched with his nails.

"So, what happened just now was not a dream?"

Banner murmured, lying on his back and looking at the dirty ceiling, he showed a relieved smile.

(End of this chapter)

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